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1stSGT Bernie Henderson


Nov 10, 2008
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He lay flat on his cot, trying to relax before nightly patrol through the streets of Basra. Hopefully it would be a good night, and his marines would do their job without any problems.
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Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Bernie, AKA Rock Salt, lay on his cot, his Marine standard issue combat knife clenched in his hands as he looks at the handle, a small set of notches at the base of the handle to record how many enemies he had killed with the knife. He sat there looking up at it, before sitting up and sliding it into his right boot, stepping out of his cot and flexing his shoulder muscles to get comfortable, before hauling on his bulletproof body armor and knee pads, forgoing the standard elbow pads which would restrict his movements. He sat back down on the cot, pulling out a picture from his back pocket, looking at it and sighing, then putting it away, standing and grasping his rifle, prepared for his watch.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Leaving his tent he feels the usual blast of heat from outside, and sees his platoon getting the LAV's ready for the nightly patrol through Basra. However it looks like they'll be having some company as he notices a HMMWV with a few officers milling about it. Probably some danged officers from the rear hoping to see what it's really like out there. One of them a young lieutenant probably fresh out of the academy comes walking towards you as you emerge.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Bernie sighs as he sees the officers milling about, then notices the lieutenant, snapping a crisp salute and standing perfectly still, trying to pull his underbite back to look semi-presentable for the officer. He had always had a hatred for officers, but that had never shown when he was in the presence of one.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

(Sniper check)

Definately a REMF he thought as the LT returned the salute without hesitation. "1SGT I understand you're about to be leaving for patrol, but we have to talk about something at HQ. Do you need to go or can someone else take the patrol for you?"
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

"My marines are well-trained, sir. They can handle this without me." Bernie says, lowering his arm back to his assault rifle "Why does HQ need me, of all people? I'm just a jar-head."
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

"You have orders that came down from higher up. If all goes well, we should have you on your way by tonight. Judging from your record this should be right up your alley. Grab what you need and hop in the HMMWV. That is all, first sergeant."
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Bernie nods, then heads back into the tent, grabbing a rucksack with what little effects he had, then exits the tent and heads for the HMMWV, hopping into the back and sitting there, waiting to be escorted to the HQ. His mind wandered about what was going on, and why he was needed away from the frontlines.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Getting in you notice your commander in the front seat with the driver. The lieutenant is in the back across from Rocksalt in the HMMWV. "Heres your orders, First Sergeant." He says as he hands them over.

Reading you see there isn't much to them really other than they are for some place called CFB Petawawa, and they're signed by a Major Bowie.

Your Captain looks over his shoulder, "Been nice working with you, First Sergeant. Theres a shithook at the HQ helipad waiting to take you to BIAP where further transport awaits. Good luck."

Arriving at HQ you all get out and move to the helipad where a chinook is waiting.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

"It's been an honor serving you, sir." Bernie says in response to the captain. When they arrived at the HQ, he immediately heads for the chinook waiting there, unsure of whether he should be leaving the fight to the rooks.
Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

The captain waves as he boards the chopper, "Good luck first sergeant."

Before long the chinook is airborne. An uneventful flight later and you arrive at BIAP, to board you're flight home.

(All right now to catch the others up.)
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Re: 1stSGT Bernie Henderson

Arriving at BIAP an SP is waiting for you at the helipad in a CUCV. He waves you over as you get off the Chinook. "1SGT I'm supposed to take you over to your flight, it just touched down and you'll have an hour before it leaves."

As you get in the SP drives you over to a C-130 fueling up.

(You can move to Roy's thread now, with the others. Shouldn't be too much longer)