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The Egg

Re: The Egg

silth, does the choice m/m even apply if your character is female?

Yea, I was kinda wondering that. Also, I thought the character we were making was the one going *into* the egg, and that the avatar used inside it was based off that... not that the forum user went into the egg and their character was just the avatar. (Doesn't really make sense to list a personality for an avatar?)
Re: The Egg

I think I'm going to run it so that the character is the one going into the egg, just because the idea of putting the player into it weirds me out a little. XD (Same reason I backed out of the Tentacle Rancher game... I just don't like using 'myself' for RP! And the player can always model their character on someone just like them, if they want. X3)

Liking the way everything's running so far. 83 *does a jig* Soon! I think I may start something tonight if that's okay.
Re: The Egg

How come I get home late on the day we start this??? lol Hopefully this helps my writing skills as well, so bear with me WP!

Name: Maria Dawson
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Age: 26
Surface Scan: A shorter, athletic woman of mexican decent; she wears her brown shoulder length hair in a pony tail. Not thin by Hollywood's standards she has a fully muscular figure, due mostly to her love of hiking. She has a rather average sized chest and is currently dressed in Khaki pants and a raggy tee-shirt.
Resonance Scan: Fiercely independent she sometimes comes off as a bitch, but will stand by her family and friends to the death. She tries to go with the flow, though the flow often annoys her. She spent some time in the navy and has a sense of pride for her work whatever she does. She always wanted to be an astronaut. Her biggest fear is failure and her greatest love is the outdoors.

Regions of Consent
(To avoid lawsuit/death by player, the makers of the Egg have provided a form to fill out so that one doesn't encounter something that they would prefer to avoid. One person's fantasy is another's nightmare, and all that!)

Situations of Non-Consent: Yes
Situations of Violence: Yes
Situations of Violence during Sex: Not too crazy, but bondage and light violence is fine
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: A tille of both, lean to defense
Transformations: Realistic stuff, pregnancy is ok, not into the sex-changing stuff though
Genre: Sci-fi and/or horror sounds like fun

Humanoid: Whatever
Non-Humanoid: I guess Tentacles is about all I can come up with
Bosses: Sure,why not?

Items: Yes
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Series of small goals
Game End: I like thetwo's idea; something along the likes of a saving grace the first time or two, then the "epic fail," and subsequent game over