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Jul 5, 2010
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So far almost every person I've met here seems to be a self righteous asshole.

Getting back on the actual topic: I hate getting up in the morning feeling slightly sick, thinking "It should be okay, I'll be fine", and then three hours at work I'm burning up and have to go home again. 🤒


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Jesus christ bob, it's on the first page and darkfire's reply should give away which post it is.

Also, the other guy: Yes, leave.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Account deletion is not necessary nor possible. I suggest this solution:

for those who cannot prevent themselves from logging in to the forum.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
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Okay look, I'm not about to sit here and get lectured by someone who feels my edge is too sharp. So far almost every person I've met here seems to be a self righteous asshole. Who want to overanalyze another person's argument so they can feel better about themselves.
First and foremost, don't depart before I rip your asshole open. It robs us both of something. Honestly, what we both stand to gain is pretty important, and it's really something you can only understand through experience.

So, first point. Nobody is lecturing you. I'm simply pointing out your bullshit and telling you what's what. You want to whine and bitch about lectures, go to university and take a gender studies course. I guarantee you'll have plenty to bitch about in the first semester alone, and not from the self-awareness of realizing how trite and meaningless the course itself is. No, I suspect someone of your limited intelligence will buy the bullshit and run with it, forever preventing your legacy from further continuation down the line.

Second, we're not self-righteous assholes. We're assholes, but we're hardly self-righteous about it. Hell, I'm on the lower-end of asshole-ish behavior on here. I'm also not as subtle or clever as I pretend to be. In actuality, this place is so utterly self-aware and savvy to its own retardation that it becomes self-indulgent and in-comprehensively competent at how stupid it is. In terms of "assholes", yeah, we have a surplus. We're all assholes because every single one of us is aware of how utterly dumb the porn games community is, how dumb fetish communities are, how hugbox both are, and we revel in the mockery of both those communities and our own. "Self-righteous" is the incorrect term. It's more like "self-deprecating."

Third, nobody over-analyzed your argument. The secret to winning any argument is, don't. The other secret is, if someone can tear your argument apart and make you regret uttering it in the first place, then it's likely it was a bad one to begin with. The rebuttal of "over-analyzing" is for those who cannot produce a compelling opposition and who refuse to admit their own defeat.

I didn't expect people to still get so hurt by one person saying they hate Humans.
Nobody is hurt by your trite nonsense about hate, bud. Most members on this forum have their own reasons for lacking faith in others. Hell, I can guarantee 90% of our h-games section has more reason to hate Humanity, and they still don't wish a Thanos'ing upon half the population. In terms of "hurt", you're the only one experiencing it.

And then hitting said person with the "you think people are bad and not worth anything? Congrats, you might be one of them" statement. To me, that's kinda retarded and backwards, cause you don't even know why that person feels that way. You're just guessing. I know you and your lackeys are going to respond with some more self righteous bullshit. So I'll just make it easier for everyone, and leave.
The funny part about xxxHolic is how utterly stupid all of it is. Time-travel shenanigans interwoven with mysticism and fucking reincarnation. The character from that page is also a "witch" who provides what someone needs when they request her services, but not in a direct fashion. It's all subtle, which makes that statement more poignant. "If you think only stupid and worthless people inhabit the world, it's likely you're one of them." The meaning even went over your head. Like, damn, son. Even fucking Slicer gets it. So, let me spell this shit out for you.

"If you think only stupid and worthless people inhabit the world," = Supposition indicating a procession of thought precluding one's own view of the world. The intent of this part is to indicate that the individual with these thoughts has already precluded without any degree of confidence that others are less-than they are.

"then you might be one of them." = Conclusion based upon the supposition which indicates similarity of the person with the aforementioned thoughts to those they consider less-than.

Basically, it's a statement with a double-meaning. First and foremost, it presupposes your lack of self-awareness in that situation. Why would someone underestimate others, including those they never met? What basis do you form that conclusion? Based on your limited experience? There are over 7 billion people in the world. I doubt you have spent enough time on this plane of existence to engage every single person. The second meaning is the conclusion drawn through redirection. If only stupid and worthless people inhabit this world, then it's precluded that, as one of them, you are among kin. Even if not an exact quote and there is the "everyone except you" line, then it still applies. If everyone else is stupid and worthless, how are you able to measure yourself accordingly? By the logic of your own statement, you have no reasonable method with which to measure such things.

Your thinking is retarded and ass-backwards. You're making an emotional argument against one that is not interested in playing the "feels" card. It's hard facts to defeat emotional reactivity, something you're clearly ill-equipped to deal with. When your argument is torn apart, it's not from malice, but impassive disregard. To rebut, you must put aside the emotion and bias and oppose with overwhelming facts. If you cannot do that, then I suggest you shelter yourself further and never attempt either contact with others, or attempting to express yourself for the rest of your life. The only outcome for someone like you as you are is utter humiliation on a constant basis and suffering that will inevitably conclude with tragedy.

I've already tackled the point about self-righteousness on this forum. I conclude with inviting you to stick around and further engage others. Believe it or not, this is the worst place to be challenged, and probably even worse to challenge others. If it's not me or someone equally as indifferent to your trite childishness, then it is someone who will invite you to their hugbox. At that point, you can do the smart thing and reject them, or find shelter among like-minded persons until you ultimately fuck up (as people are want to do) and find yourself without. Rejection starts you on the path to greater understanding of why people aren't as shit as you think they are, but still have a ways to go and you're also part of that camp. Accepting that invitation stunts your growth and sets you back a dozen years.

Really, the choice is yours.


Getting back on the actual topic: I hate getting up in the morning feeling slightly sick, thinking "It should be okay, I'll be fine", and then three hours at work I'm burning up and have to go home again. 🤒
I hate how catchy Jojo theme songs are and all the music references, which are actually just Jojo references from this point in time, sent back in order to ensure the cycle continues. FFFFUUUU-

Jesus christ bob, it's on the first page and darkfire's reply should give away which post it is.

Also, the other guy: Yes, leave.
Oh, okay. So, the part I never read, is where that shit is located. I'm too fucking lazy, so I'll just assume it was Darkfire and leave it at that. Bad Darkfire. Being all edgy and shit all that time ago.

"If someone threatens to leave, do not indulge that threat. Encourage them to remain, but do not beg. When confronted with kindness, it is only the fool who throws their bag over their shoulder and says "so long!" A wise man will remain and endure hardship and ridicule in the presence of others, so that they may grow from it and find something of value to be shared among others."


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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I'd rather they leave than continue their bullshit in the translation sub. Every entitled shit that stops harassing translators is a victory.


Dec 2, 2008
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I hate how cheap Jump Force is online. I know it's not meant to be competitive, but I want to show off my sexy created waifus to players around the world. Then they get butt raped by cheap Aizens.

I hate how long it's taking Zone to complete virtually anything. Patreon money, taking it slow and letting out a shitty -Yes... that Peridot thing he did was SHITTY- animation every six months is enough for him to make nearly $2400 a month? It's bullshit, and it keeps creators lazy with a promised paycheck for doing the bare minimums.

Which brings me to my next point.

I hate Patreon. It's being used incorrectly and it's to the point where we have to pay a monthly fee for meh content. Patreon can suck my balls. I only support Dives on patreon and I'm about to stop that shit because even he releases only a few good pieces a month. Fuck that shit.


No I'm not, I hate that shit.



Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Yeah, patreon seems like it's offering some creators a reason to take things as slow as possible, after that every excuse to delay seems to happen to every one of them
I've seen patreons where the creator posted "I'm no longer working on this" and there were still patrons paying a combined 120 a month. Literally for doing nothing as he already stopped work


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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I imagine patreon's problems stem from the same issue as steam's. They both refuse to regulate unless they are compelled to.


Dec 2, 2008
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I hate when games get over hyped and when they release everyone considers them a disappointment because of high expectations.

I also hate that Camilla is not in Smash.

I also hate people who abuse defenseless people.

Oh and the Gummi Ship. I HATE THE GUMMI SHIP.


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
I've seen patreons where the creator posted "I'm no longer working on this" and there were still patrons paying a combined 120 a month. Literally for doing nothing as he already stopped work
Well, I think the patreons are a bit to blame too on this matter. If you're stuffing someone's project with your hard-earned dosh, you better keep an eye on it and react appropriately.
If they state "project is abandoned", there's silence/no updates for too long or progress is slow, you pull the plug. That' how I do it, though after learning it the hard way, I admit.

On a side note, I hate the birds singing early in the morning. -.-


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
The patreon issue is two-fold. Lack of moderation from the primary owners, whom are currently focused on stamping out "hate speech" like Sargon, and not enough on making sure that 10k "developers" aren't just exploiting an easily-exploitable market. I mean, yeah, it defers to the steam issue as Slicer pointed out, but those at least have individual community moderators to ensure that at least someone is managing members. No, it doesn't discourage bullshit like "early access" games that never get finished, but what can you do?

The other issue is the consumer-base has too many retards with too much money jumping on every bandwagon like it's going to somehow fold if they don't offer every dime possible. It's why I hate the adult games community as a whole. Too many idiots with too much money investing in too many projects with too little pay-off, and then rushing to defend other patreons like "Hurr durr, not all are bad!" Nobody is saying that, you cactus-fucker! We're saying you don't need to invest in an alpha release and it's not unfair to call out a lazy fucker who thinks a bare-bones alpha is enough to ask for money over!

@Stuffie I actually don't mind that. My family used to do a lot of camping, so the combination of fresh air and singing birds was a welcome alarm. Now, what I did hate was when the tent was so hot that you might as well have been sleeping in a furnace.


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
Now, what I did hate was when the tent was so hot that you might as well have been sleeping in a furnace.
Camp somewhere colder

Well my father did some camping during summer. I liked it, but due to work he only had the time to go twice or thrice. It's not that I hate the singing of birds in itself, it's the fact that they sing when I might be trying to fall asleep.

I hate the short- and long-time absence of some of the countdown crew members. :(


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
Ooooh Earthworm Jim, I remember the games! Crazy but fun. :D


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Camp somewhere colder
I grew up in Fort McMurray, with a campground about an hour away. Believe me, "colder" was hitting the far north. It's that no fire-break was ever put in place for the main highway/city, all the "camping stalls" were segregated by dense foliage (you could only ever see into the sites from the front, where cars and campers blocked a majority of the view), and the only "upkeep" was a park ranger going around maybe once every couple nights to make sure things were fine or inform people of things.

That said, I miss the shit out of it.

Well my father did some camping during summer. I liked it, but due to work he only had the time to go twice or thrice. It's not that I hate the singing of birds in itself, it's the fact that they sing when I might be trying to fall asleep.
Are you me? But, seriously, yeah, it sucked that summer only lasted two months out of the year when I was in school. Camping at the local campground was the height of summer vacation. We'd have people from all over the province come up to our little spot of Hell to enjoy the rural air. The downside was, because the lake was a historical dumping site for the oil companies our city was focused around, it was also terribly polluted. Couple that with the surplus of muskeg in the surrounding region...


Dec 2, 2008
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I hate centipedes. Just killed one. Or so I thought. Fucker up and ran away after I, a large human male, STEPPED ON HIM. Now his entire family is going to torment me.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I hate change. Especially when things felt so easy and then for one reason or another, the new things add steps where they dont need to be. That just multiplies the frustration for me