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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Remember, Mina has a very good charisma stat, so she does appear very attractive to those who care for female shapes.)

Mina giggled at Ashley,

"Hey, so what's the prison like? The food's pretty tasty. Are the people usually nice? It seems like there are women like me here, so do you have a girlfriend? Hey, how come you won't look at me?" she asked, getting close to Ashley, so that she could get a better look at her body...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

('Twas a bit more than five minutes... we showered, got dressed, walked over here, and got food from the lineup first. Fifteen minutes, easy. :D)

Melissa blinks at Jenn's comment. Jenn... given how paranoid you are about Mina... it doesn't surprise me she didn't trust you. But she says nothing in response.

"Hello Ashley, I'm Melissa. I'm afraid I don't know... I'd guess we track down... who was it? Freyda? and David?... and ask them if they're ready to go. And then we just drive on back."

She blinks at Ashley. Lacking any delicate way of asking it, she opts for the direct approach.

"If you wanted to visit, I don't see any reason you couldn't come with us... are you, um, a hermaphrodite?"

While waiting for an answer, Melissa starts stuffing her mouth with salted eggs. Shouldn't waste hot food, after all. "Eat up, Mina, don't let it get cold!"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina jumps when Melissa tells her to eat, and immediately tries making up excuses,

"B-but I wasn't-I mean-I just wanted... N-never mind!" she then immediately stops talking, and starts eating her eggs and sausege like a wild animal, hardly giving herself time to chew before she crams more into her mouth.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Hello Melissa. See! I just wanted to know your friends name, silly! And to answer all of your questions, no I don't have a penis, yes I do have a girlfriend (or three, Ashley thinks to herself,) and the people here are all pretty nice, except for Daisy when she gets in a mood. The Prisons been pleasant, but rather boring besides all of the near-constant sex."

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Not too fast, Mina, don't want to choke yourself..." I KNOW she has better table manners than this...

Melissa chews another bite properly and swallows it before she responds to Ashley.

"Well, it doesn't sound that different from what we do at the Inn. Less sex of course, and our leader - Director Amy - seems to have an idea as to what we need to do to, well, deal with the disaster. But that means we go out and fight the monsters. So if you're not careful outside, you end up giving the monsters what you'd been trying to save."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn does her best to turn a blind eye to the flirting, but can't turn a blind ear or mind.


If Ashley doesn't mind the flirting much, maybe Mina will forget about me for a while?

"Well, I don't know where Freyda is, but David is still in the cell, sleeping. I don't really want to wake him up, but we should probably talk to him fairly soon. I mean, he's not exactly inconspicuous here - I don't think I've seen another man - and, well, there's that other problem..."

Jenn tries to avoid looking at Mina as she says this, but catches herself a moment too late.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that. Why aren't there any men around here? It seems weird that pretty much only women survived the apocalypse."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Oh. You don't know? Well... you remember what I said the monsters want you for? Men aren't much use for that so they... kill them on site. The men who are still alive are mostly the ones who were either really prepared for this kind of thing and the ones who have somehow avoided monsters entirely. There's a couple of them at the inn, but around here... well apparently those women with, ah, enhancements 'like' men even more then they like women. Basically, both the men I've talked to since this started claimed to have been raped by... well, people from here. So you can imagine that there'd be even fewer here then in the population as a whole."

"That probably doesn't account for all of them, though. I mean, you say you've never even seen one of the monsters... don't really know what happened to the rest, maybe men were more likely to either try to fight themselves or were already in the police or military, both of which seemed to disappear instantly when this started. Personally I suspect there was some kind of coordinated attack, right when the power went out, but nobody I've asked really knows what happened that first night outside themselves, so we may never know."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina grabbed the milk carton near her tray, and started gulping it down, trying to lubricate her food down her throat, before she spoke, with another big, goofy smile on,

"David's really cute!" she turned to Ashley, "You'd like him, Ashley! He's kinda mean at times, but he can be really nice to! Like when I was going for a walk during the night, after Melissa went to sleep, because I couldn't sleep, I saw him sleeping on the floor in the cell Jenn and him were in!" she picked up a sausage link, and looked at Jenn, before biting it in half as if it were a live animal, maliciously, "Jenn though-" she said with her mouth full, "-she's really mean."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn doesn't give Mina the dignity of a response aside from a short, derisive exhalation that falls short of an audible laugh.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa gives Mina a glare, in the hopes of settling her down.

"Mi~na... I hope you left him alone so he could sleep."

She looks up at Ashley, uncomfortably aware that they're not giving her the best impression.

"As Jenn said, there're only three men at the Inn... and several dozen women. David's a sniper - really good - but he's kinda antisocial, spends all his time on the Inn rooftop sniping monsters. Jenn's just... a little... on edge around, well, Mina. And Mina doesn't like that - I sometimes think she wants to get the whole world in bed with her."

This, again, with a quelling glare at Mina, trying to get her to eat her food and not blab quite so much.

(Peterson the helicopter pilot, Caliber, and David. Joseph might make 4, but we don't know whether they made it back or not.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina took on a look of guilt.

"I-I didn't!" she claimed, "I just think that Jenn made him sleep on the floor... Cuz she's so mean..." she claimed, looking down at the table for a second, before getting up, feeling unwanted, "I'm gonna... I'm gonna go check on him... See of he's hungry..." she said, and started walking away, towards the courtyard.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina's guilty expression promptly makes Melissa sorry she'd gone so far with her squelching.

"Aw geez..."

She grabs one last sausage, stuffing it in her mouth and hastily getting up, intending to go after Mina and apologize.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Oh don't be like that! You're fine. It's been a while since I've been around anyone with a sense of humor. It's refreshing.
Anyway, only three men? This sounds like some end of the world crap, killing all of the men so we can't reproduce anymore. How long do you think the women that get captured by monsters last? I can't imagine it being for very long, if the way you describe it's accurate."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"You're welcome to come with us if you really want to visit the inn, Ashley..."

Jenn runs a little to catch up to Mina and Melissa.


"What, you think I should have slept on the floor and let him take the bed? I couldn't have gotten out of that bed myself if I'd tried! It's not my fault they only gave us the one bed."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Ashley follows Jenn, Mina, and Melissa, not really having anything better to do at the moment, since she doesn't feel like working out.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina turns to Jenn, appearing a little emotionally hurt,

"I-I don't care!" she shouted, "If all you're going to do is be mean to me... T-then I-I don't wanna talk to you anymore! G-go away!" she stuttered, having the build up from all the times she interacted with Jenn build up emotionally inside her, until she couldn't stand it.

Mina turned, frantic, and ran away from the group, on the verge of tears.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Watching Mina run away on the verge of tears, Ashley just shakes her head, and says; "What was that about?"
She didn't really know any of them well enough to judge yet, but she guessed that there was some friction between Jenn and Mina. Ashley guessed it was over Minas extra equipment, having felt similarly before Regina, but didn't say anything.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa gives Jenn a glare now.

"You. Don't even bother trying to apologize."

Then she takes off after Mina.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

After a time, Melissa managed to catch up to Mina, after the brown haired girl stopped running after she reached the cell block, and seemed to be under the suspicion that no one followed her. At which point, she proceeded to walk down the hall of cells, aiming to check on David, and hopefully get some comfort from the man...