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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The mound continues to pump fluid into both Zeyra's ass and vagina. The slow, gentle massaging still pleasurable as she swells. The eel inside her actually seems to find some of this to be a good thing since it has more room to move in now, a fact which it shows by swirling about and rubbing the inside of Zeyra. However, Zeyra also starts to feel the odd sensation of fluid entering her stomach from her lower body as the fluid flows up from her ass.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Having had quite enough of this and finally regaining control of her limbs, Zeyra starts attacking the tentacles around her feet again with renewed vigor, trying to get loose before she pops.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra swings her mace, but it is unfortunately deflected from the copious amounts of fluid emitted by the mound which aren't entering Zeyra. The fluid from the mound keeps flooding into Zeyra. Her womb starting to reach its limits and a small bit of pain starting to set in. At the same time, Zeyra starts feeling the fluid completely fill her stomach to the brim, stretching it slightly as well.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Groaning a little from the pain, Zeyra swings her mace at the tentacles binding her feet once again. She had to get loose quickly, or she didn't know what was going to happen...
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Having more luck, Zeyra lands a blow on the tentacle binding her left leg which then loosens and slides into the liquid below. In response to the other tentacle falling back, the last tentacle slides father up Zeyra's right leg until it can loosely hold her waist to keep her against the mound. As for the fluid pouring into her, the constant massaging of the liquid in her insides as well as on her clit starts to push her close to orgasm, although Zeyra is able to use the pain of the stretching to hold it at bay. Also, Zeyra notices that the liquid that had filled her stomach now has only one way to go. and starts flowing up her throat and out of her mouth. Accompanying it it a somewhat salty taste salty taste.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Choking and gasping for breath through the fluid, Zeyra keeps swinging at the one remaining tendril holding her down.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra manages to hit the tentacle despite her lack of breath, and it soon slips into the fluid. Now that she is now longer held against the mound, Zeyra is able to stop more fluid from entering her and cough enough out that she is able to breathe. Still, as long as she is on the upwelling of fluid, it presses with enough pleasure to stop the fluid in her from leaking out.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Finally calming down, zeyra looks around the white lake around her while she did her best to clear her throat of the sticky substance. She needed to get away from the fountsin of fluid, but going back in would probably get her dragged back again. She couldn't continue sitting here, and laying on her back or stomach would probably end with it coming out her mouth again.

So she stood, a little shakily at first until she managed to get her footing, and took another look around for the nearest exit while she let herself drain.

((If the fountain is still a problem at leg height, she'll block it with her shield, 'kay? :) ))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra stands, she feels large amounts of the fluid start to pour out of her, illiciting a somewhat pleasureable sensation once again, however she is still left with a large amount in both her holes as well as her digestive traces and stomach because. However, Zeyra does notice that the closest membrane at the level of the fluid is on a near wall, although that wall is several yards away.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra thought for a moment before she did anything. She was pretty much out of luck with the gunk in her digestive track, but for the other half, maybe...

Zeyra starts trying to connect with her little friend again, getting it to try and push more of the liquid out of her womb, and combined that with her own hands pressing at her belly, trying to force what she could out.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Although she is unable to squeeze out all of the liquid, Zeyra is able to convince the eel to help her move at least most of what remained from her vagina.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Feeling somewhat satisfied about the current state of affairs, Zeyra moved as if to jump in before stopping. Those tendrils were still in there. Experimentally, she took a torch out of her backpack and flung it as far as she could towards the center of the cavern, waiting to see what will happen.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The torch flies out before hitting the fluid at which point it is extinguished and sinks below the surface.

(Also, since that portion of the encounter is now resolved: 4 points of Corruption damage)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((The torch wasn't lit, she just wanted to see if she could draw attention away from herself if she made a break for it. Also, no XP? I haven't gotten a single point since I killed the plant bulb... :( ))

Zeyra watched the wave from her torch resolve itself, the odd white liquid returning to perfect stillness much quicker than normal water would. Taking a deep breath as she resolved herself to her course of action, she jumped as far as she could towards the nearest gap and swam for it as fast as she could.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

After the initial plunge, Zeyra soon reaches back to the surface and begins swimming through the stringy liquid. Swimming swiftly and trying to avoid the fleshy mound, Zeyra manages to reach one of the partially submerged membranes. where the fluid becomes shallow enough to stand chest deep in.

(You haven't killed anything since the bulb: you ran away from the eels and the mud and lost to the floating thing. You also didn't kill what you were just fighting. Many of the tentacled-creatures I use will have it so that a direct hit on the body will deal full damage, while a hit on a tentacle will deal up to a certain amount before crippling the tentacle. You can't kill something just by crippling the tentacles.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((*facepalms* oh crap, you're one of those DM's that wants deaths for XP. This may take a while, my character doesn't want to kill anything...))

Zeyra starts forcing her way through the membrane, hoping that maybe it was dryer on the other side.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As an indicator that the passage might not be as dry as she would like, Zeyra has to mostly submerge herself to push through. The other side seems to be, for at least a little ways, flooded with the white fluid. However, as Zeyra begins to follow the passage, it begins to slope upward and the fluid slowly drops to merely ankle depth. Strangely though, Zeyra begins to feel a slight breeze up ahead and the fluid seems to have started flowing through the passage and past her. The area also seems to brighten up ahead.

(A great deal of xp will be restricted to combat, yes: it's easier to deal with it that way. However, there are a few other ways to get xp, most just involve reaching certain points or completing tasks gotten from a certain place.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((*sigh*, guess I'm the fool for following the Goddess of compassion then...))

Zeyra quickened her pace, anxious to get out of wherever she was and see if there was somewhere else she could clean herself off.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Soon Zeyra begins to here a series of sounds. The first two the familiar sounds of wind and water falling off of something. The other is a slowly repeating thudding sound. When she reaches the end of the passage, the source of some of these becomes quite evident. The ankle deep fluid she has been walking through and that has been slowly drying on her skin seems to be flowing out of the tunnel and down a drop before lossing itself in what appears to be several brown columns that extend out from the walls and bend downward as they go. Some of these collumns also appear to be anchored somewhere above Zeyra as they hang down from farther out. In many places, the combination of the dried fluid and the columns seems to make a series of webs that likely could hold Zeyra's weight. Also, and more disturbingly, the columns seem to sway slightly the farther out from the fleshy walls they get. Also of note is the fact that the walls seem to be a darker almost black color as opposed to the redish color they were inside. Zeyra is unable to tell the source of the thumping, however, as the columns block her view from extending very far.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Looking around carefully for another way to go, but not finding one, Zeyra carefully steps out onto the webbing of columns and dried fluid, deciding to stay fairly close to the wall to avoid most of the swaying from further out.
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