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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra pushes herself through the thick membrane coming out in an large chamber. The chamber has several unusual features, one of which being there are membranes everywhere some are scattered around the floor, while others populate the walls and dome-like ceiling. Also prevalent are large bulges in the floor which come up to about waist height on Zeyra as well as a few holes from which large reddish tentacles extend. As Zeyra watches a clump of something falls from a membrane in the ceiling only to be moved into a different membrane on the floor by on of the tentacles.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra moves further into the cavern, taking care to stay away from the grasping red tentacles as well as she can.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Underestimating the true size of the tentacles, Zeyra inadvertently moves within range of one. Before Zeyra is able to respond the tentacle has grab one of her feet. Apparently not recognizing what she is, it draws her to itself.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra immediatly starts chanting, calling out to her goddess for help defending herself.

((Divine Favour, and if it's a move action to break free, then that as well :) ))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra casts her spell, the creature pulls her in. Using more of it's length to hold her, it starts trying to inspect her to figure out what she is. To this end, the tentacle starts roaming across her body, feeling her breast, chest and legs in an attempt to learn what she is.

(Escaping is an attack action, also, for some reason the forum wasn't telling me you updated.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((Yeah, thought so, and meh, no biggie :) ))

Zeyra simply swings her morningstar at the base of one of the tentacles holding her, keeping her legs tightly together and her mouth closed, as she is quickly seeing where this is going.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

In its exploration of her body, the creature feels her start to move to swing and moves out of the way. Apparently having decided what she was, it quickly stuffs Zeyra into a nearby membrane to keep her from hurting it. Soon Zeyra finds herself being squeezed down a moist narrow passage before coming out through the ceiling of a large chamber. She then makes a short plumit into a white syrupy fluid.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra fought her way to the surface, gasping for air as she tries to find a foothold or failing that, simply treading water. Her face contorts in disgust as she yells angrily at the cavern.

"By the Goddess, is there no way to stay CLEAN?! Aaahrgh!"
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Treading in the water, Zeyra is able to see the room. The whole room seems to be filled by this white fluid. In a few places, fleshy domes push up through the liquid only to be spewing more of the fluid from a hole in their tops. There are a few partially submerged membranes around the wall and a few around the ceiling, but not as many as the last room. Also, from what she can hopefully tell, nothing seems to have heard Zeyra's shout.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra starts swimming her way awkwardly to one of the membrabes on the wall, reminding herself that she doesn't want to draw any unnessesary attention by shouting more.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Awkwardly swimming through the fluid despite her metal gear, Zeyra occasionally feels small currents as presumably the liquid is sucked elsewhere. However, she also feels something else start to swim against her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra's only response is to swim faster, hoping to get out of the area before whatever it is underneath her takes more than a passing interest.

((sorry for the short posts and crap, my creativity has taken a nosedive of late))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Despite her quickened attempts at swimming, Zeyra soon feels a pair of tentacles secure both her legs and one wrap around her waist. She then feels herself being lifted out of the fluid, long strands of it still holding her slightly before slopping off. Looking down, she finds herself in place over on of the fleshy mounds.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Oh no, not again!" She yells as she takes her mace from her side and swing at one of the tentacles holding her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Getting a solid hit, Zeyra watches as the tentacle around her waist slackens before falling into the fluid. However, as this happens she also sees and feels the tentacles on her legs pry them open before lowering her onto the mound. There she feels the liquid it pumps out start to force itself into her vagina and ass.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Aah!" She yells again as she swings at one of the tendrils arounds her feet, actually seeming more angry then terrified for once.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra again manages to hit a tentacle, but as it slides into the fluid a new tentacle rises to renew the hold on her leg. At the same time, the fluid which was pouring into her was starting to illicit a pleasurable response. Instead of the rough fucking some of the creatures had given her, the fluid simply went into her and started swirling about, massaging her insides. The fact that some of the fluid from the fleshy mound which didn't enter her swirled around her clit before flowing down into the pool also served to heighten the pleasure Zeyra was starting to feel. At the same time, Zeyra's senses shared with the eel inside of her womb started to make her feel the warm fluid start to flow around her body.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Seeing that she wasn't going to get her legs free, zeyra instead started beating on the mound itself. It was hard fighting the sensations though, them being more soothing than anything else for once.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra begins her attack on the mound only to falter as the gentle sensations of the fluid cause her pleasure to peak. She feels herself temporarily carried away on the wave of pleasure she feels from the liquid that is slowly filling her. In response to the wave of pleasure, she also feels the small eel inside of her squirm in its own delight, a sensation that only serves to heighten her pleasure. As she rides the pleasure, she also notices that the large amount of fluid pouring into her is slowly causing her belly to swell, almost as though she were pregnant.

(6 points of non lethal damage)
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra leans back as she loses herself to her climax, putting her hands behind her and onto the mound. This keeps her upright and still gives extra room for her swelling belly. She wants to do something about it, but she can barely manage to hold onto her morningstar in her current state, let alone swing it.
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