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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra slowly pushes her way through the muck, wary of something lurking beneath it which might attack her. Fortunately, she reaches one of the muddy mounds without much hassle and begins to climb up onto it. At this the mound seems to shift causing a panicked Zeyra to thrust her hands into it and cast one of her protection spells. However, all the mound seems to do in response is slouch over to one side and bubble slightly.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Silently berating herself for being so twitchy, Zeyra finishes pulling herself up onto the apparently floating mound, laying on her back in the center to distribute her weight. She sits there panting for a bit, not caring that she is covered in filth from the ribcage down.

((How long does sanctuary last again? Between this and my IRL equivalent, this is my first foray into divine casting, and I don't have my books with me at work.))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra rests for a moment on the mound. It isn't perfect as the mound is still mostly damp mud, but she still only sinks about half a foot in as the mound bubbles and shifts with her weight. Unfortunately, she does realize just how she wasted her precious spell as the barrier cast by the sanctuary spell only lasts a short time and she could already feel it fading.

(It lasts 1 round per level. Also, technically it is cast on the creature you want to protect as opposed to what you want to stop, but I only noticed that now, after I had made that post.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((Yeah I knew it had a short duration, didn't realize how short though. And can't you cast it on youself? I thought it was effectively a temporary cease-fire, no attacking or getting attacked for the duration... Ah well))

Zeyra sits back up on the mound, shifting again to keep balanced, and experimentally uses her shield to push some water around the edge, trying to figure out it it really was free fkoating. Maybe she could use it as a boat, and drift around for a bit.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The mound seems to shift some, but either it's only a large mound sticking out of the muck or it's bogged down in it and has difficulty moving with just the small bit of paddling is hard to tell. It mostly just seems to want to shift and bubble. However, as the last tendrils of magic start to fade away, the bulges in Zeyra's belly seem somewhat upset and move about slightly, a fact which seems to cause the mound to bubble a bit more due to the movement.

(Generally I will allow any touch spell to target the user as well, don't worry you can use the spell on yourself.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra gasps and grabs at her belly with both hands, more surprised than anything else. Her shield gets stuck on the side of the mound, likely eliciting another group of bubbles.

Okay, that wasn't my imagination.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

It seems that plunging her shield into the mound had finally provoked something that had been blocked by her magic. Almost immediately the mound moves. Zeyra starts sinking quickly into the muck as a few large loops of the muck of the mound reach across her and start drawing her in.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra immediatly panics, letting out a shriek as she tries to pull herself out and over the edge, using her shield as leverage.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra starts to pull herself out of the mound, and partialy succeeds, however, the muck seems to have a firm grip on both her shoes and pants causing her to loses the first and have the second slide down to her knees as she tries to pull herself free.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Thoughts of her last encounter flash through her mind, as she tries to throw herself free with one hand, trying to roll over her shoulder while reaching down to grab her pants with the other hand.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra tries to break free from the creatures grasp she encounters difficulty in bringing her pants with her. Namely, in order to grab her pants she would have to release her grip on her shield and bend slightly towards the mounds middle to reach them. A feat that would be made even more difficult by the condition imposed on her by the plan from earlier. All the while she attempts this, more of the mounds muck tries to trace its way up her legs to reestablish a firm hold on her body.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Pants, or escape? Zeyra makes a split second decision, finding it a rather simple choice, and returns her other hand to the shield, hauling with all her strength to get free.
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Pulling herself and her shield free, Zeyra manages to free herself from the mound. Although she is now pantsless, when it came to keeping her lower body clean, they weren't doing much anyway. Looking at the mound, she notices that it simply resumes its previous shape and stops moving. Possibly it couldn't move far from that spot. If that was so, Zeyra might be able to avoid the many mounds that seem to now surround her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra watched as the mound reformed, covering up any hope she had of retreiving her pants or shoes. She briefly considered attacking it, but it didn't seem to pose a threat anymore, so she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Eventually her shoulder slumped, and she started towards the patch of reeds she could still make out, shoeless and pantsless.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Eventually, Zeyra reaches the nearby reeds. Resting for a moment, she realizes that given how far she has walked in her state and with all the wading, she would have to push herself to the point of exhaustion to go any further. Given that she can't see any change in light through the fog, she has no idea how much time has passed either. Hopefully there is nothing in the swamp that moved on its own and might attack her if she rests, but she can't be sure.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Eyelids drooping from exhaustion, Zeyra cast the last of the day's healing spells on herself, taking away most, if not all of her pains and sores from the day. Pulling out her bedroll from her soggy backpack, she makes herself as comfortable as she could on the patch of reeds. She takes a final look around her impromptu campsite, then rests her head in the crook of her arm and is quickly asleep.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Over the night, Zeyra sleeps fitfully. Her dreams tinged with pain. When she wakes in the morning she finds that her belly is no longer distended, but she is bleeding some from her vagina. Also, although she may be distracted by her new condition, four of the nearest muddy mounds seem to be covered in grass and have small bulbs on top, much like the plant from earlier.

(Zeyra takes 1 point of lethal damage and her non-lethal damage falls to 2)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((That's all new damage after she used up the rest of her 1st level spells healing, right?))

Zeyra spends the first hour awake tidying herself up as best she can in prayer to her Goddess, feeling the divine energy she had spent the day before filtering back into her as she does so. That done, the first thing she does is cast another healing spell on herself to fix the apparent hurt she had taken while she slept. She pieces together what had happened easily enough, and was at least glad to be unburdened again as she set off, following the pathways of reeds again as she had the day before.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

For a while, Zeyra simply walks much like she did the previous day, only without pants. She occasionally moves between reed patches which grow increasingly frequent and avoids the plant islands which increase in number as the muddy mounds decrease. Eventually, though, she notices something new. Somewhere, off to her right, is a faint glow of green.

(Yes, it was caused by the plant seeds when they left)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra notices the glow, and chooses reed paths that will take her in that general direction. If she was going to wander these marshes, it might as well be in a direction leading to something discernably different.
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