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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

A sudden movements of the tendrils placing her back into position for the next bulge causes Zeyra to barely miss her target and experience another jolt of pain as the second bulge forces its way into her womb. The plant does seem to be weakening, however, due to its earlier wounds, although this seems to be a case of too little, too late.

(1 more point of non-lethal damage)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

She let's out another pleasured groan as the second bulge passes into her, but regains her wits quickly, aiming for the bulb itself once more, merely hoping to finish it off quickly now.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Straining against impending exhaustion, Zeyra once tries to attack the plant. This time, her fatigue and the soreness caused by the plants abuse of her draining her of her strength causes Zeyra's strike to barely tap the bulb before a third bulge pushes up through her cervix with a fourth already starting up the tube. Now it seems as though it is a race to see if Zeyra could finish the thing off before she completely collapsed.

(1 more point, and yes the dice do seem to hate you.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((Oh I know the dice hate me, but don't worry, I kinda made this character to be rape bait anyway ;) ))

Zeyra gasps again and bites her tongue to keep from passing out. She swings again, her breathing getting laboured as she swoons with exhaustion.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra swings once more to almost know effect, she actually seems to do more damage when she drops her morning star in exhaustion than when she swung it. Still, this is enough and the tendrils holding her up go limp. Unfortunately, as Zeyra is still pierced by the plant's tube she simply drops onto it forcing the forth bulge which was nearing the tip into her womb as the tube is forced all the way to the back of her womb as her weight collapses on it. Perched in that position for a moment, Rhyst falls to the ground as the tube snaps off near the base leaving her lying in the open remains of the bulb with most of the tube still sticking out of her as she begins to lose consciousness.

Later she wakes up, barely any more rested than before and still feeling sore. The first thing Zeyra does notice as she wakes is that her belly has swollen up to a point much resembling a woman in her third trimester as the bulges the plant put inside of her seem to be growing. The next thing she would notice is the tube still sticking out of her and causing her some great discomfort whenver she moved much.

(Zeyra takes 1 point of non-lethal damage and falls unconcious, some time later she awakes with having only recovered four which leaves her currently at 5 points total. She also recieves 4 points of corruption damage and 150xp.)

(Also, that's it for the night for me. I need to get some sleep now)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra wakes up feeling dirty and sore. Pulling herself up to a sitting position, she leans back against the remains of the bulb as she slowly extracts the remnants of it's tube from her pussy, her own mostly-dried juices making it hard for her, sticking it to her inside walls. That done, she pulls up her pants from around her ankles, says a small prayer to her goddess and casts a light healing spell on herself. That all done, she looks down at her swollen belly, runs a hand over it as if to convince herself that yes, it is there, and starts to cry. She cries for a good long time, simply unable to find the willpower to do anything else just yet.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The swamp around her seems to stay still and silent as Zeyra cries, nothing apparently moving out among the reeds and mud. Her healing spell if seems to not cause much change, while it does sooth the soreness in her vagina it doesn't seem to relieve much of the fatigue cause by carrying the things inside of her, or the dull ache of her swollen belly. The only thing of note that she does notice is another bulge at the base of where the plant's tube had been. Likely, if she hadn't have finally killed the thing, that too would have been inside of her.

(4 points of non-lethal damage remain)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Something akin to morbid curiosity flashes through her mind, and she leans over into the bulb to break open the remnants of the tube and remove the last bulge, examining it to try and discover anything that might help her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Pulling apart the remnants of the tube, Zeyra finds a round brown ball. Its rather rough in texture and about three inches wide. It is probably a seed of some sort.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra drops the seed down and squashes it upder her foot, half out of malice and half out of curiosity for it's contents.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Venting her frustration on the seed reveals a dry green pulp inside and a small blue bead. Given that the pulp is often their to feed the living core of the seed, pulp is likely nutritious while the bead is likely the baby plant itself.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra picks up some of the pulp, brushing it off as best she could, and nibbles on it as she decides on her next course of action. She had trail rations in her pack, but she had no idea how long she would be here, so it is probably best to save them. The way she saw it, she could sit around and wait, hoping nothing else pops up and... Attacks her. Or she could start walking through the mire, but she had no way of knowing when she might have... Complications arise, and if there wasn't any dry ground around, she's be in trouble.

She looked back down at her distended belly as she thought, running a hand over it again. She might have felt something move under her hand, but it was probably her imagination.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Nothing much seems to change in Zeyra's surroundings as she eats the pulp, although she does feel a slight tingling from the pulp as it slides down her throat. All she can really see through the fog are 2 other clumps of grass like the one she is one, both with large plant bulbs, as well as a few thin lines of reeds probably denoting slightly drier land than the swamp itself. The only thing that really breaks the monotony of the brown mud and brownish green plants are the mushrooms that seem to grown on the grassy clumps, and even the mushrooms only offer yellow and purple to the landscape.

(1 point of corruption from eating the pulp)
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra finishes the pulp as she thinks, finally deciding to move on anyways. She conjures another ball of light, this one hovering about a foot above her head, and drops back into the muck. She makes sure to stay plenty far away from the bulb islands this time, diciding instead to head towards the reeds in the hopes of staying somewhat higher.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The reeds, while damp, keep Zeyra out of the mud and water once she reaches them. She walks for a while, without much direction, occasionally wading to another row of reeds when the one she is on ends, but all the while she still avoids the bulb islands, not wanting an encounter similar to her past one. After about an hour or so, she starts to notice the reeds getting sparser and the bulb islands getting fewer. In fact, the only feature that is becoming more common as she walks in this direction are strange lumps of mud which rise slightly above the water's surface.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra looks at the mounds from her perch on the reeds, but seeing as said reeds haven't done anything to her yet, she stays on them for the time being. She sighs inwardly, already having noted the fact that there are becoming fewer and fewer patches of reeds, but resolves to go as far as they'll take her before doing anything else.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra continues to walk as the reeds thin further, soon it has reached a point where instead of lengthy pathways, all there are are a few scattered ones. Now the only thing that happens with any regularity are the mounds of muck that seem to fill the landscape here. Fortunately, the fog seems to be thinner the farther she goes. If she gets far enough it may even break completely.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra rejoices at the thinning of the fog, until she realizes that the reeds are thinning as well. She keeps going as far as she can, but eventually she just runs out of reeds. She considers just slogging through the marsh without going near the mounds, but she knew she has no idea how long it would be until she found her way out, and would probably tire long before that. She tries it anyway, forcing her way through the muck, trying to keep as straight a line as possible without getting too close to the mounds.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra begins to wade through the muck, she finds it has become somewhat deeper. Where once the mud simply covered her legs with the water being the only thing above her waist, now she finds that the mud covers a good bit of her distended belly while the water covers most of her breasts. Combine this with the difficulty caused by said belly and she has trouble moving with any speed. Still Zeyra does manage to move and eventually leaves the reads behind. However, the mud mounds are becoming more frequent the farther she goes, much to her dismay. She does get a bit of hope though, as the fog thins further allowing her to see new reeds a ways off in front of her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra looks ahead to the thin line of reeds, knowing she couldn't make it that far without a break. She sighs in apprehension and starts to make her way to the nearest mound, readying herself to cast a spell of safety should anything jump out at her.

((Sanctuary, in case you didn't already figure that))
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