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Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The prologue will be finalized. Battles added, etc. I've also slightly tweaked a few things, and may do a bit more to it. But, for the most part, the prologue will be as you remember it. Of course, now getting items, etc. will actually matter.

The demo I release will be the prologue + chapter 1. You will have to play through the prologue again, but with text skip, it does not take overly long. Of course, now enemies roam the caves and hills. On that note, I am playing a battle right now, and it is actually kind of fun. If you enjoy Bogwort's banter, he has an advice skill in battle that should make you smile once or twice. It is even enemy specific! How cool is that?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As a timeline question, are you part way through working on all the chapters? Or is it going to be another few months before chapter 2 comes along, etc.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As a timeline question, are you part way through working on all the chapters? Or is it going to be another few months before chapter 2 comes along, etc.
I have much of the entire game planned out, and a good portion of the script for the main quest lines ready to go (not input in RPG Maker, but that does not take a long time). I do believe that when I have everything how I want it system wise, and the database finalized, things would progress fairly quickly (art will still take time). Even so, I believe chapter 2 will take some time. Of course, given the immense support I have received (thank you all so much), I may start working on this full time. If that happens, things would progress much, much quicker. I put in about 1-3 hours a day right now. I will also add, I really want to get the final product out this summer (June, July or August). That would be all 5 chapters.

@Ericridge: Thanks! I think people will enjoy chapter 1 far more than the prologue. So much more to do, and real honest to goodness choices to make! I've laughed out loud multiple times in writing some of these scenes, it should be fun. The bandits that were created by some of my Patreon supporters have some good banter, and they will be in later chapters as well.


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hm, so I read through this thread but I didn't notice anyone talking about this. (unless I missed it, if so I'm sorry)

So will corruption be also affected by the Battle-H's or will it only be affected by the choices you make throughout the story? Assuming there is some kind of "Lust Counter" or anything like that.

Y'know what would be cool? A new Game +, with Aylia retaining her knowledge of the first play through, knowing what happens, and from there could change what she decided on the first time, you know? of course, this may not be possible, but I dunno, seems like a cool idea.
That would be awesome. Especially if she had her corruption level the same so she could be a total sexling.

Thought that might be hard and would probably take too much time I wonder if atleast we will be able to go back in previous towns (like the one in the prologue) and depending on the corruption level we would get more interactions with the npc's. I recently found out (and played) Parallel Fantasy. I liked the fact that you could go back to previous towns and unlock more scenes.

Anyway, really excited for this simply based on the corruption fetish (glad to hear YummyTiger loves corruption as well) and the fact that it's in english. The chore of having to go through wall texts of walkthroughs because you have no idea what's going is getting tiresome sometimes. (Although depending on the game it can be very well worth it)


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

So will corruption be also affected by the Battle-H's or will it only be affected by the choices you make throughout the story? Assuming there is some kind of "Lust Counter" or anything like that.
First, thanks for the comment. I love feedback and appreciate it. There is a "pride" stat that will reflect Aylia's willingness to engage in certain actions. This stat will also influence how she performs (or if she will even perform them at all) certain sex appeal skills. That said, performing sex appeal skills and engaging in battle H will not adjust the pride stat, only in-game decisions. I did it this way because otherwise it is too easy to grind her pride down to zero, and that is not my intent.

Thought that might be hard and would probably take too much time I wonder if atleast we will be able to go back in previous towns (like the one in the prologue) and depending on the corruption level we would get more interactions with the npc's. I recently found out (and played) Parallel Fantasy. I liked the fact that you could go back to previous towns and unlock more scenes.
Players will be able to visit locations and those locations will change to reflect their earlier decisions in major quests. You will see some of this in Chapter 1, but you will see it to a greater extent in Chapter 3-5. Zalran itself will be a major location that you will be questing in throughout the game, and your decisions will influence how Zalran develops between chapters.

Anyway, really excited for this simply based on the corruption fetish (glad to hear YummyTiger loves corruption as well) and the fact that it's in english. The chore of having to go through wall texts of walkthroughs because you have no idea what's going is getting tiresome sometimes. (Although depending on the game it can be very well worth it)
I'm really excited to get this next chunk out to you guys. It is so much better in my opinion than the prologue. The prologue did what it needed to do, but this is actual gameplay! I'm trying my damnedest to get it done in the next 2 weeks, but I won't sacrifice quality to simply release the chapter. As I have the systems I want in place, there is no excuse for an early release. Anyways, back to work for me ;)


Demon Girl
Jun 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Excuse me, Might I Ask How Do I Find Dirk And Drake ?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@AngelBoi: Everything is just fine, it had only been 5 days since I posted last :D. I try to avoid simply bumping this topic unless I have a legit update or someone asks a question that is not answered.

On that note, I do have an update. Things are still progressing. Based on my itemized list of things to do, this is my current progress estimate:

Battle system: 98% done - All but one enemy sprite is finished, drafts of all the common events and skills are created, but unbalanced.
Main Quests: 100% done!
Side Quests: 60% done
Maps: 90% done (2 more to parallax)
Writing: 80% done
Music and sound: 80% from where I want it for the demo. I will improve this down the line.
Minor animation work: 50%
Day/night system: 10%

My focus has been on getting the battle system going after I got the scripts from an awesome supporter. Most of the system is in place and working, and I think it is quite fun to play. Below is a teaser shot of the battle system in action. Aylia should probably protect her dress a bit more, eh? :D



Jungle Girl
Sep 8, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I like the way you do it, with cross-scene fade. But I think the red is a rather aggressive background. Its drawing my attention away from the goodies, so to speak. Have you tried deep blue or purple-ish instead? Something to compliment her hair and bring it out?

I've done a *very* simple example with the image you provided, and I'm throwing it up here for a comparison. Take it as a suggestion, nothing more. Ultimately its your game, and you need to go with what you like best. :)



Demon Girl
Sep 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I like the way you do it, with cross-scene fade. But I think the red is a rather aggressive background. Its drawing my attention away from the goodies, so to speak. Have you tried deep blue or purple-ish instead? Something to compliment her hair and bring it out?

I've done a *very* simple example with the image you provided, and I'm throwing it up here for a comparison. Take it as a suggestion, nothing more. Ultimately its your game, and you need to go with what you like best. :)

I kind of feel that with a red background it adds urgency to the action thats happening. And colors like purple blue and green kind of make you calmer at whats going on.


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The red is fine. It's mid battle and red is a battle color.

Also YT, out of your list, which items are chapter one need-to-do's and which ones are just developments you're building toward in general? Or are those all chapter one?


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@SoaringSpirit: Thanks for the suggestion. I do agree that the red can be a little distracting, but I also wanted to keep with the "attack" idea, and blue is more of a calm color. My thought process was a red cross-scene fade for H attacks, a blue one for her sex appeal skills. Either way, the background is definitely a WIP, but I doubt I will mess with it too much prior to the release of chapter 1. Getting that out the door is priority #1, tweaking and improving minor aspects will follow afterwards.

@Krisslanza: Yes, but without the pull-ness, where is the fun! :D In all seriousness, there will be other outfits with less "pull-ness," yet, those outfits will have weaknesses of their own.

@PM21: This is a list of chapter 1 to-do's. The full development list is much, much more overwhelming ;)


Jungle Girl
May 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

just a idea, but why not keep this "split screen"? if its possible.^^
maybe if u entered a fight were this sort of scene can happen u fight in a split screen so we will know that this enemy "could" trigger a ecchi scene?


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Played the demo a while ago and found it very interesting and the CGs are great.

I have been meaning to ask for a while now if are you planning any sprite sex/animated CG because static CGs have never done the job for me. For this reason I was never fond of playing HRPGs.

So.. will it have any? That'd be great, I'm planning on playing the game either way but it'd be great to have a bit of animated hentai.

Anyways, I loved the first demo and looking forward to the next one!
Thanks for the comment. There may be limited animation in this game, but it will be very limited. Think along the lines of Sangeki of Gear type stuff.

I would like to tackle some animation down the line, and will experiment with stuff in Aylia's Story, but it is my first real game. The game's concept is already pretty massive, so taking on something like animation is just too much at this point. As for future games? Possibly, I do find animations to be quite sexy. Of course, I also find good CG sequences to be just as sexy. To each their own I guess :D

@Shakara: Thanks for the suggestion. Split screen is not possible with the scripts I am using, but it is something I will consider down the line. I may do something like that for rival battles, as those will be a completely separate thing in future chapters.


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It pleases me that you brought up Sangeki of Gear, which also brings up a question about the battle system. Will Aylia's feature a similar type, and I don't mean the mechanics of it, but rather the images changing with attack, dodges, and getting attacked? It was a simple thing in Sangeki, but it was great. Especially with the ability to remove clothes and then performing the attacks. Something about a bottomless or half naked woman in battle just hits the right notes. And I know it won't necessarily be the same with Aylia, but little flashes here and there were great in Sangeki.
You said there isn't any animation now, so I don't expect to see anything bouncing, but a simple change in image to communicate an attack or dodge is a good thing.

Oh and in regards to the red background, I'm going to hop on Team Transparent and agree with the suggestions I've seen to make the red background during attacks semi-transparent.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It pleases me that you brought up Sangeki of Gear, which also brings up a question about the battle system. Will Aylia's feature a similar type, and I don't mean the mechanics of it, but rather the images changing with attack, dodges, and getting attacked? It was a simple thing in Sangeki, but it was great. Especially with the ability to remove clothes and then performing the attacks. Something about a bottomless or half naked woman in battle just hits the right notes. And I know it won't necessarily be the same with Aylia, but little flashes here and there were great in Sangeki.
You said there isn't any animation now, so I don't expect to see anything bouncing, but a simple change in image to communicate an attack or dodge is a good thing.

Oh and in regards to the red background, I'm going to hop on Team Transparent and agree with the suggestions I've seen to make the red background during attacks semi-transparent.
I agree, I was also a fan of Sangeki's way of doing the attack/defend/dodge pictures, but that will not be in Aylia's Story. Like animations, it is something I want to do and will experiment with. It took me quite a while to get the battle system to where it is currently, so I am going to run with it. For future games, I will spend time developing it further. Remember, this is my first game. I know that it can be improved in many ways, but if I want to release the game this summer, I have to push forward.

I will say, give it a try. It may not have the full set of CGs for attack/defend, but it does have some cool new features. Additionally, I do plan on having her special attacks that have CG counterparts change to reflect her current outfit status. Meaning, if her dress is pulled down, and she performs a "mighty slash" then the graphic would show her doing it with her tits out. So, that something at least :D

I really hope that this is just the first of many games. But, I have to get this one done before I start adding too many additional features.
Last edited:


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Oh don't worry, not having anything like that isn't a deal breaker. Was just wondering if you were considering it. Sangeki was also one of the few games I enjoyed playing even in spite of it being somewhat lite on H content that appealed to me, and it sounds like Aylia's is going to be even more of that.

I hope this one is successful so we can see more from you down the line.


Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

On combat, a trick I've seen be fairly effective is doing a horizontal colored/patterned strip,
and panning that side-to-side behind the special-attack CGs.
That gets you an anime-style "things are happening" background,
with the advantage that because it's moving against the foreground, it shouldn't distract from CG details the way a static non-flat background would.

That said, it's no big deal, the example looks reasonable enough.


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I really hope that this is just the first of many games. But, I have to get this one done before I start adding too many additional features.
I really hope so too. This all looks very good.

By the way, I really don't mean to rush you with this question but, which one do you think you will release first? Chapter I of Aylia's Story or the Hunter Quest translation?

Thanks in advance.


Dec 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hey, I've been learning Ruby for a bit, and I thought helping out with this project would be a fun way to learn (if I'm not too late).

I know all the ins and outs of working with RMXP (and I assume VX isn't too different).

I am very familiar making and balancing game mechanics.

I am familiar with photoshop and with using it to edit sprites and create battlers and such.

I am currently learning Ruby, the most complex thing I've made with it was a little text rpg game where you fought a rat, sanic hadgheg, and Gaben. Learning to use it with RPG maker may take me some learning and getting used to.

Let me know if you want to let me take a shot at the ruby or help with whatever.