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Your last purchase

Crankshaft sensor for my car and the installation.
Hyundai Accent. The Subaru died a few years back so I've had to make do without a station wagon.
I bought a banana and some fruit juice
This definitely isn't anything important
Hyundai Accent. The Subaru died a few years back so I've had to make do without a station wagon.
Oh.. I wanted to take it but I in the result I chose Kia Optima because as I wrote in the previous message I've spent a lot of money for tools, and in the result I didn't have enough mpney to take Accent so I took Kia and kept some amount for additional tools for work. One of them is pole saw. I've already checked some reviews but still can't choose the right one for me. Don't want to make a mistake after all...
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, and i'm not ashame of it! Lol joke a side, bunch of shit game from steam.
, and i'm not ashame of it! Lol joke a side, bunch of shit game from steam.
yeahh.. it's common thing to spend all the money for cs go or immortal icon in dota2 :D
yeahh.. it's common thing to spend all the money for cs go or immortal icon in dota2 :D

Well that's not what i'm doing, i was litteraly buying shitty game (like a realy not because of glitch etc just bad game in general) on steam.
A good quality pillow is not a bad investment
Just bought Baldur's Gate 2. Gonna take a trip down nostalgia lane, wheee
My last purchase was a bag of Cheez-It from a vending machine.
bought a pack in Epic Seven, not sure when the regret will kick in but it'll get here shortly