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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The orcs looked each other for a moment, regarding what Edeni told them, before the leader formed a huddle with them, whispering among themselves, discussing what they should do. When they were finished, they spread apart, looking to Edeni with neutral expressions, "Well, ya see, the problem 'ere is that we've all still got us a good time wiv our name on it. Were fuckin' dat bitch over 'ere" she gestured at the knight, "But, if you'd be willin' to let us get a noice poke in yah, we'll toss the bitch your way. What'chu got to say?" she asked Edeni.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia grits her teeth as she smiles and nods, "Alright, sounds like a done deal, you orcs better not try to pull anything on me though, if my master finds me missing, he'll sure be mad as hell and trying to figure out who kidnapped his favourite servent~." She walks over to the orcs after her bluff, leaving the sword behind and tucking it under a nearby bush as she smiles, "In case any interlopers try to take the weapon~"

She planned on using the bluff as an extra layer of defense, sure that her innate draining would be more than enough to stop these orcs in case they got too rowdy anyway...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The orcs grin as Edeni approaches them, the one who had been staring at her before now 'entertaining' herself before she would get to enjoy Edeni's petite body fully. Once Edeni stood in front of them, the apparent 'lead' orc sat down on the ground, with her phallus pointed up in the air. She patted her lap as she grinned a toothy grin at her, "Sit right 'ere..." she chuckled.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia hid a look of disgust as she approached the orc, smiling brightly as she sits on the orc's lap, squirming around a little as she looks at the creature in the eye, "How's this?"

She briefly turns to the one that was stroking herself and laughs slightly, maintaining her facade, "Hm, not bad, I've seen larger, but not bad~"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The orc grinned, grabbing Edeni's waist, and lifting her up a little, before pushing her down, piercing her tiny slit with her thick length, giving a grunt as she penetrated the tight imp. She then laid back, as if telling Edeni to do all the work, before the other two orcs stepped forward, getting on their knees so that the imp could reach their cocks.

The orc that had been pleasuring herself gripped Edeni's head, before pulling her down, pressing her lips against the orc's foul smelling member, "Open wide! Else I'll jus' see if it's too 'small' fer yer back end." she chuckled.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia blinks as she looks at the cock in front of her and slowly closes her eyes, moving forward to take it. She didn't want it at all, it was putrid, disgusting, but she knew she had to do it to seal the deal, as well as of course, having a bargaining chip if the orcs decided to do something stupid...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The last orc, wanting to have her own fun, grabbed Edeni's hand, placing it on her length, expecting the imp to jerk her off. Meanwhile, as the orc under her was making rapid thrusts inside Edeni's tight folds, threatening to fill the imp's womb with her hot seed, the orc inside her mouth gripped the back of her head, pushing her down further, until her small mouth couldn't hold anymore of the orc's length inside, forcing Edeni to get a full taste of her cock.

As this was the first time Edeni fed on the souls of others in her new form, the feeling of leeching off of all three orc's souls brought about it's own pleasure. Edeni felt her power growing rapidly, every thrust between her legs, inside her mouth, and stroke of her hand draining another shard of essence from the repulsive orcs.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia grunts and moans as she continues to stimulate all three orcs at once, both smiling and being angry at the same time. On the one hand, this was getting things done, and it wouldn't be much longer before the orcs were completely drained, on the other hand, this wasn't something she was particularly enjoying. Still, she knew what she had to do to get her old body back...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

After some time longer, Alexia's efforts to endure the repulsive treatment from the orcs finally began to pay off. The trio of brutes looked increasingly worn as Alexia drew more of the essence from their souls, not to mention more excited as their climax drew near. Following an intense rush of spiritual energy flowing into her being, the orcs on each side of Alexia reached their peak. The orc under her filled the imp's small womb with her seed, a feeling of warmth coming from the gooey liquid inside of her as she was injected with cum. Meanwhile, the two other orcs who Alexia was pleasuring with her mouth and hand respectively soon came as well. Alexia's mouth was filled with the salty cum, while her hand and body became drenched in the orc's thick seed.

Once the orcs had 'finished,' Alexia had drained the last bit of essence left that they had to offer, resulting in all three of the husky orcs collapsing to the ground, unconscious, leaving Alexia filled with the essence of the orcs, as well as their cum...

However, on the bright side, with a small fraction of Alexia's vast power restored, she could feel that she had just enough power to use her age old technique of fire breathing once more, but only once or twice before she'd exhaust her limited power...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia grunts as she goes to poke the white haired woman, looking around quickly and trying to access whether or not it was possible to get more of them, "Hey, c'mon, wake up, we need to get going~!" She adds a good kick to the girl, hoping to get her to at least some of her senses quickly.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Looking about, it did not seem that Alexia would be able to steal another slave. The only ones that were not locked in cages, were occupied with various amounts of perverted orcs. It would be nearly impossible to steal another unnoticed.

The white haired girl grunted as Alexia kicked her. Groggily, she looked up at the imp with glazed eyes. But, she gave no response. A closer look revealed bruises on her skin, and various other marks that suggested psychical abuse. Her mind seemed broken from the orc's treatment, no doubt blanking out during the course of her rape, and confinement.

Her eyes slowly turned to look at Alexia, before she silently stared at the imp, looking at her with a blank expression...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni sighs and grabs the white haired girl, pulling her to try to get her to stand up, "C'mon, let's get moving before those stupid orcs get up again. That was too disgusting for me to go through again." She looks around as she does so, trying to get away as quickly as possible, and of course, to take the sword with her.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The woman slouches in Alexia's grip, hanging her head as if lifeless. Until, when Alexia's struggles adjust her enough to have the sun's light reflect off of the sword the imp had tucked away under the bushes, and into her eyes, the woman turned her head, the worn look her face was giving vanishing as she immediately recognized the blade. Realizing as well that Alexia was in possession of it.

She suddenly sprang forth with a surge of energy the imp could never have predicted. She turned about, and violently rushed the small imp, knocking the tan skinned demon to the ground on her back as her hands go to Alexia's throat, strangling her enough so that Alexia might barely be able to breathe, and speak.

"Where did you get that sword!?" she demanded, "If you lie to me, I swear to the gods that I will use that blade to end your existence in this world!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia blinks briefly as the woman recovered, starting to say something snarky before she was suddenly taken down, causing her to cough as she squirms and struggles violently against the hands around her throat, she takes one look at the orcs that were still milling around and tries to cough out her message to the best of her ability, "I... I found it... stuck in a wall..." she coughs again, "L..looked like someone jammed it into there, looked valuable enough I was going to trade it away..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

"For what! A slave like me?" the woman shouted accusingly, "Hoping to use my soul as food, weren't you?"

(Small post, but it's all I got. :\)
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She groans as she squirms around even more, looking desperate as she coughs out pleadingly, "Y..ye... I mean... n..no! I... I was just... just trying to save you!... Don't killl... me... I'll do anything...! Even become your.. servant..." She closed her eyes tightly, not believing what had just come out of her mouth....
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia suddenly found her neck freed of the white haired woman's hands, as the albino woman suddenly drew away, standing on her feet. "What need would I have of such a small creature?" she inquired, before walking over to her sword that was tucked under the bush, and picking it up.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She quickly gets to her feet and starts to follow the woman, "A small creature that just saved your life! Where do you think you're going?!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

"I'm going back to my kingdom. I've spent too much time as a whore to creatures like you out in this nightmarish forest." she explained. "And I suppose you did free me from those vile hermaphrodites... Although, I obviously can't repay you, unless silver crowns interest you." she told Alexia.

(A single silver crown is nearly the equivalent of 100$)
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni looks around, then at the woman, knowing full well she had probably just lost her only way home, she starts to follow the woman, shaking her head as she smiles a little, "No, you are right, silver doesn't really appeal to me... but how about this, you take me out of this hell hole? I mean... this isn't even where I live... I promise I'll be good... for the most part anyway."