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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Closing her red eyes shut, the white haired imp Alexia's struggles only positioned her ass even more in the air, as if ready to take the zombie's member within her small pink lips... Or even her ass.

As she called out, Alexia got no response from the witch. Not even a cry for help was heard, almost as if the witch had just vanished... Perhaps having fled from the scene the moment things looked ill for Alexia, before she could even be told to run.

But, there was hardly time to think of that, before Alexia felt the zombie poking her entrance, trying to aim it just right so that it could ram it inside her. And once it found it's aim, for the first time, Alexia experienced what it was like to be so small, and have a large cock slide inside her. It hurt, quite a bit, to be exact. Her vaginal walls had to stretch just to fit the thing inside, causing her to bleed, and coat the monster's cock with her red liquid as it began to rape her...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia lets out a scream as she was penetrating, her hands clutching at the ground for anything to try to take her mind off the pain. She knew in her current form she was too weak to fight off this stupid mindless creature. She lets out a muffled moan as she presses her face against the ground, clenching her teeth as she tries to take in all that was going on.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Despite how much she tried, there was nothing the imp could do to take her mind off the sensations of both the rape of her body, and the rape of her soul. She could almost feel the cold, undead flesh touching the deepest part of her core, violating her mind, and slowly draining her of her life. Sucking out her soul with each thrust inside her small, pink pussy, starting to leak small amounts of surprisingly warm precum inside her.

But, outside of Alexia's supernatural rape, the undead beast was raping her body just as much. The immense pain was steadily losing it's intensity as Alexia got more used to it. And eventually, the zombie cock ramming itself inside of her over and over started to feel more pleasurable, causing her body to release it's lubricative juices, mixing with the blood that was soon running down her legs.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia let out a loud moan as she shifted around a little out of reflex, she hated being so weak, and she remembered tales that told of what happened to those that failed to escape a zombie undead it had drained the soul dry... she briefly questioned her trying to save the witch, she didn't even know if it was worth it, but strangely, she felt she didn't mind too much.

What really mattered to her right now was wishing that someone would come along to save her...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Hope was indeed a hard thing to cling to, especially with the zombie still behind her, still drilling away, undead flesh slamming against her ass while all fight that remained in Alexia ceased, realizing that escape was next to impossible for someone her size, and that after a dreadful, prolonged rape, her soul would no longer be her own, forced to be food for decaying flesh...

Suddenly, Alexia heard a familiar voice cry out, "Bolvo!" before Alexia felt a blast of heat pass dangerously close to her, slamming into the zombie on top of her, and freeing her from it's grasp, so that she could witness her savior, as the witch from before! Apparently having been gone so long because she was in search of her staff, rather than just abandoning Alexia to the zombies.

"Get up!" she shouted at Alexia, "I know a way out! Come on!" she announced, waving at Alexia in a gesture that commanded her to follow.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia quickly scrambles to her feet and lets out a breath of relief before running to the witch, a little annoyed, "What took you so long? I could've been zombie food!" She was secretly glad that she was being saved, however, and looks at the zombies, then at the witch, "Thanks... though, let's get out of here."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The tiny witch put a hand on her hip, and a frown on her face, "'What took me so long?' I could've left you there, you know!" she reminded Alexia of the favor.

Then, with the zombies slowly approaching, the witch put her staff between her legs, as if about to ride it like some children would brooms, in imitation of witches themselves. The next thing, the staff lifted a little off of the ground, completely supporting the small woman's weight. "Hop on, we have to fly out of here!" she called out to Alexia.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia tries her wings a little, then decides it was probably best not to test her own energy and condition after the brutal attack. She runs up to the witch and quickly hops onto the broom, unsure of how to hold on properly, "Hurry up, let's get the hell out of here!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia found something to hold onto very quickly, when they both just barely escaped from the undead reaching for them, only just missing both Alexia and the witch's legs as they suddenly flew off, Alexia wrapping her arms around the witch's body on reflex. The witch didn't seem to mind either.

After flying for a time, any words attempted by either quickly stolen by the passing wind, the witch's destination seemed to be a cliff on a rocky mountain, where various tents were laid out, indicating evidence of a settlement there. She quickly landed there, setting down so that both Alexia and the witch herself stood on her own feet.

"This is a camp my clan made, we should be safe here until we figure out what happened to Alexia." she said as she drew her staff from under her, planting the butt on the ground, before adding, "Alexia was the reason I there at the graveyard..." she explained, "I was waiting for her, before the zombies attacked, but she never showed up when she should have..."

"Anyway~" the witch sighed, looking to the camp as other witches emerged from tents, a good majority of them indecent, suggesting that perverted activity was going on, "You're welcome to stay here. Maybe even return to the demon world if we can open another portal." she told Alexia, while stopping at that point in her words, as if she was extending an invitation.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia bites her lip, she wasn't about to tell these witches what happened, after all, they had no reason to even believe her. She needed to get to Jezebel, and fast. And looks around the camp at the various witches and briefly contemplated gathering a little more energy before requesting, but she figured that she would have much more time to do that later, for now there were more pressing matters,

"I need to talk to Lady Jezebel as soon as possible, something bad happened to Alexia in that tower..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The witch raised an eyebrow at Alexia, putting a hand on her hip, taking a suspicious posture, "You speak as if you know Alexia... Are you responsible for why she didn't show up? Just who the heck are you, anyway? You're suddenly sounding awfully fishy to me."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia shakes her head and looks at the witch, "My name is... Edeni, I just happened to be in the area when I saw what happened. Please, I need to talk to Jezebel as soon as possible."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The witch responded by putting her other hand on her hip as well, taking a powerful posture, as if acting tall over Alexia, even though they both stood about the same, small height. "Just happened to be in the area, huh?" the witch repeated the imp's words, "Well, Edeni, I think you're telling me a fib. But, if you really want to get to Jezebel, then you can help us prepare for another Black Mass."

The Witch's left hand left her hip, directing itself at Edeni, pointing a single finger upwards, "The one thing we need to make any portal that goes anywhere, is sexual spirit energy. You know, the stuff you guys eat when you fuck humans, or elves, or whatever," she told Edeni, "If you fetch at least one prisoner for the Mass, then I'll put in a good word for you, and you can hop through the portal when it opens, okay?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia sighs then nods, mumbling something incoherent under her breath as she spreads her tiny wings and flies away, starting to scout around, looking for anything that might be easy to capture, a much easier task said then done, after all, without her strength or her magics, this was going to be quite annoying...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Perhaps as a stroke of luck, not long after Edeni left the witches in search of a victim, a wave of flowing white hair caught her eye, which could only belong to one person... Upon closer inspection, Edeni's old acquaintance didn't seem to have had much luck after she left her.

The fallen white knight was just as naked as Edeni had left her, except now she had a collar around her neck, attached to a chain, which in turn was attached to a hand, holding the chain. The knight's arms were bound behind her back by rope, and she was surrounded by a trio of hermaphroditic who seemed to have come upon the knight after Alexia left her weak, and vulnerable in the forest. She seemed to have been made into the Orc's slave, where they seemed to have intent on selling her perhaps sometime in the future, since the white haired knight was not alone among the Orcs.

There were also many other women, and Orcs about, all of the captives either Elven women, or Human men and women. Each was completely nude, however, and like the knight herself, some were in the process of a gangbang by the Orcs, and some were quite favorites among the Orcs, noted by the mass amount of cum covering their bodies.

Edeni might be able to bargain for one of the captives, perhaps the white haired girl herself, with the sword still in her possession, having been yanked from the zombie after the witch freed her. Although, Edeni might have to play on the Orc's stupidity, by convincing them that the blade is not just a simple, worthless piece of steel, else they might refuse her request, or even decide to try and make a slave out of her to!
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni watches for awhile, then slowly descends, a small smile on her face as she approaches. She had wondered what had happened to that stupid knight, and here she was, being used like a common whore. She carefully looks around and lands where she hopes would be a spot that ambush is impossible and yells over to the orcs,

"Hey! You three! Are you willing trade that slave to me?" She takes out the sword, holding it in a way to present the sword rather than to threaten with it, "I got this really nice weapon that came from a human settlement, forged by a pretty good blacksmith... and I can offer you some more things to sweeten the deal if you would like~"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The three orcs ceased, halting their fleshy slaps against the captured knight's naked flesh when Alexia shouted her offer at them. Each orc in turn pulled their cocks out of each of the white haired slave's orifices, their thick, pig meat coated in her saliva, ass, and pussy juices respectively.

One of the heavy chested orcs snorted, the one who was fucking the knight in the ass, to be specific, "Oi! You want this slave, do ya?" she shouted in question, her accent that of an English street urchin, "Then wut's so special 'bout that piece you got? It magic or somm'in?"

Without making any loud declarations like her cohort, but still loud enough to hear, one of the two by standing orcs snorted a chuckle as she leered at Edeni, "Heh, heh, heh! That little sod's lookin' to be a tight fit! Wut say we just take 'er and throw 'er into tha' cage like tha' rest?"

The other orc, for Edeni's benefit, scolded her, "The boss is talkin'! Shut yer trap!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni looks at the sword briefly, to be truthful, it was worth probably less than anything other piece of equipment the orcs owned. On the other hand, she really wanted that knight, she would have to be a little creative with this... if only she had her normal magic, then she would have no problems creating a good enough argument... on the other hand, she wouldn't even need to do this most likely.

She grins at the orcs and holds the sword up, "This sword is made of a very fine and powerful stone, it'll protect the wielder from any magic that is directed at them! You'll no longer have to fear any of those magic casting humans, you can just walk up to them and take them away as you wish!" She taps the sword against the ground as she continues her spiel, "Of course, I would let you try it out, but then your subordinate over there has shown me that I should keep my guard up during our... transaction, don't you agree?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The orc grinned, chuckling at Edeni's claims. "Protects ya from magic, does it? That sound right?" she asked, turning to look at her two cohorts.

The one that was leering at Edeni with perverted intent snorted loudly, "If that sword's so great, then why won't she jus' capture a magic folk like she said we could? 'Stead of wantin' to toss it for this piece~?" she said, as she planted her foot against the white haired knight, kicking her off of her hands and knees to her side, who gave a cry as she was abused.

The chubby orcs were stupid, but even one as dull as they were would question why Edeni would give away something so supposedly powerful...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni sighs and shrugs, smiling as she looks at the orcs, "Can't really fool you guys, can I? No, you're too smart for that. She looks around, giving the pretense of secrecy, "I have... a few reasons for wanting her. She raises a hand, lifting one finger, "First of all, she's weak, beaten, and probably too tired to fight me as I take her back to my master. As you can probably see, fighting is not something I like doing; plus finding another suitable girl is going to take too long." She looks around as she raises a second finger, "Second of all, master REALLY likes girls that have white hair, some kind of weird fetish really if you ask me. And lastly, why the hell would I want this sword? I only need my magic, and my master is powerful enough of a sorcerer that he doesn't really need toys like this."

She shifts one foot back a little, ready to take off in case things got ugly, finding herself briefly wondering what her escape plan would be.