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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

After walking up, and asking, Alexia's answer came after a bit of thought, "Well... I wouldn't know how to tell if they were warriors at a glance... But... There was one strange fellow in a black hood who came by here recently, just gave everyone a glance, even after I asked what he wanted, before leaving..." she shrugged, "Looked intimidatin' enough, so I suppose you should look for that odd character, if you're lookin' for a fight." she explained.

"Where might we find this hooded warrior?" Azure inquired.

The barkeep shrugged, "I've been in here almost all day, I only saw him come in, and then leave... Never saw his face..." she said.

Azure turned to Alexia, "Should we go looking, cousin?" she asked.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia grins as she nods at Azure, "Sounds like fun, let's hurry up and get moving before this bastard makes it out of the city!" She quickly heads out of the bar and begins to ask around, trying to find out if anyone had seen this figure.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

After asking around, Alexia and Azure were told that someone saw the mysterious figure mentioned, actually asking about a girl that surprisingly matched Alexia's description. But, all that Alexia got on the actual details were that it was actually a woman, not a man. No one could tell anything else about the figure. And after searching a little more, Alexia suddenly, by some stroke of luck, set her eyes right on a figure dressed in jet-black robes, with white lacing. The supposed woman noticed her as well, and suddenly darted off into the forest, disappearing behind one of the buildings at a very fast speed for someone who looked so human.

Azure was immediately on the run as soon as the figure darted off, chasing after her at full speed.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia looked at the person in black and gave out a yell to Azure, "Don't let her get away!~"

She grins and unfolds her wings, trying to take off into the air after the person...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

"Alexia!" Azure shouts as she opens her wings to take to the sky, and give chase to the mysterious woman. She was concerned that Alexia was going to go as fast as she normally does, and end up leaving her behind. However, Alexia didn't have much choice, as the woman was somehow faster than both of them on foot.

After about a minute of chasing, Alexia eventually caught up with the woman in black, running at high speeds through the forest path. After about a minute more of pointless chasing, the woman seemingly gave up running, and stopped in place, not moving at all, not even to turn to Alexia. She simply stood, with her back to the approaching dragon...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lands a few feet away from the woman, smiling, "How lucky for me, two catches in one day~"

She walks towards the woman, "Well? What'll it be? Will you fight me, or will you just give up, or will we continue this stupid game of cat and mouse~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman let out an amused giggle, lifting a hand to her face in a vein attempt to muffle it, before turning about, facing Alexia, with her hood still casting a dark shadow over her face, rendering it impossible to even tell she was a woman. Still wordless, the woman raised one of her gloved hands, also colored in black, and directed a middle finger in Alexia's direction.
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia grins as she approaches the figure, "How interesting, you're as haughty as my previous victim~ let's see how long you can keep that up!" She suddenly rushes forward, aiming a low punch at the woman's stomach, trying to, like earlier, knock her victim onto the ground.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

As Alexia charged, she felt a strange kind of magic quickly enveloping the woman, and right as she pulled her fist back to attack, suddenly found her arms operating on their own, and folding behind her back, disabling her. The woman laughed, amused over how quickly the tables turned for the little dragon. The woman slowly reached up, and grabbed the hood of her robe, pulling it down, and letting it fall, revealing a face not at all human. Her skin was a tint of dark blue-purple, her eyes were yellow, and cat-like, similar to Azure's, and she had long, pointy ears, like the Elfkin. Her hair was a darker shade of green, long, and straight. And she had a very malicious, hungry smile on her face.

"Ha, ha, ha, I was going to say the same thing about you..." she mocked Alexia, "I've never had the opportunity to capture a Dragonkin before... I wonder what magics I'll absorb from your body?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia tried to pull her arm free from behind her back, grunting and trying to stablize herself, "Ngh... as soon as I get free... I'll kick your ass!" She tries to fight free from the spell,

"You're not going to be defeat me that easily!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman laughed, before directing a finger at Alexia, "Sit!" she commanded, and Alexia lost control of her legs as well, as she fell to her knees, and sat on her own legs. The woman walked over to her, standing over the struggling Alexia, before she kneeled down, and smiled at her as she struggled. "Don't wear yourself out, my little pet. Save that energy, so that I can absorb it from your body..." she told her.

With another smile, the woman parted her lips open, and what appeared to be a very long tongue emerged from her mouth, moving about like a snake. The tongue licked over Alexia's cheek, teasing her, as if to show just how powerless she is under the woman's magic. The woman then looked into Alexia's eyes in an evil stare, as her tongue seemed to go low, very low to the ground, before Alexia felt the saliva covered tongue brush along her pussy, quickly going inside her pussy, acting like a tentacle as it began to fuck the inside of her draconic, pink folds.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lets out a grunt as she efels her legs give way at the woman's command, growling as she looks at her, "I'm not done yet... and I'm no one's pet!" She continues to put as much strength as she could against struggling, despite how futile it was starting to feel.

She winces as the tongue brushes against her face, "You cheeky little... w..wha...?" She stares at the tongue elongates and then suddenly lets out a cry, "A....a..h! W..what are you trying to do?!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman giggled, letting her tongue slide out of Alexia's pussy, and trailed it along the middle of her body, the wet tongue slid upwards, along her belly, between her breasts, before licking her chin, and returning to the woman's mouth. "I'm going to absorb your sexual energy." she told her with a malicious grin, "And based on that little taste I got from you, you have quite a bit of magical energy in that soul of yours... Just as I thought you would, my little dragon." she chuckled.

Powerless under the strange woman's control, as well as helpless since all her magical fire was somehow sealed away by the woman, Alexia found that the woman was not in fact running away. She was instead searching for a secluded spot to rape her, and drain her of her soul's energy.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia growled at the woman, she was mostly helpless to do anything but watch, but she needed some way to get free. She struggles again, hoping to break out of the spell with sheer force of will.

"Y..you try that again and I'll bite off your tongue!" An empty threat, mostly, Alexia wasn't about to give up without trying...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman gave Alexia a very wide, and very malicious grin. "I love it when they fight! Makes the soul taste so much more delicious!" she exclaimed. And Alexia suddenly found the woman rushing at her, and knocking her down on her back, with her arms still bound behind her. The woman worked her way between Alexia's legs. One hand went to Alexia's breast, fondling her, while the other went to the lower part of her robe, parting it open just enough so that her crotch was visible. She was not wearing panties at all, leaving her lower bare, mind for black stockings that went up her legs, and the shoes she was wearing. And where Alexia saw her pussy, she also noticed what she thought was her clitoris, growing larger, and larger, until it was a large cock, seeming to have been transformed from the woman's magic.

Her tongue snaked out of her mouth, traveling down to Alexia's slit, and giving it another good dip inside her, before pulling out quickly, and wrapping around her own cock, and stroking it, while grinning down at her...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lets out a cry as she gets knocked over, looking up at her enemy with seething rage, still, she was still sane enough to know that she had to wait carefully for her chance to fight back lest she misses it,

She briefly shows surprise as she sees the cock but tries to keep herself from saying anything, she would not show fear, not to this woman... she makes a few more attempts to escape, "Oh, what are you going to try to do now? Mastrubate on me?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman laughed, amused with Alexia's behavior. Once her tongue had gotten her cock nice and soaked with saliva, it returned to her mouth, before she leaned in slowly, so that her mouth was so close the the side of Alexia's face, that the dragon woman could feel her breath rolling along her skin. "No... I was lubricating it-" she giggled, suddenly grabbing Alexia by her hips, and lifting her ass up, before ramming her purple skin toned cock hard into Alexia's anus, causing Alexia's whole body to convulse with the sensation of having something so large suddenly thrust into her ass.

Alexia's rapist smiled, summoning her tongue to leave her mouth once more, and return to it's favorite spot, the dragon woman's pussy, as it snaked down, and dipped past Alexia's folds, and began fucking her in unison with the woman's thrusts into her ass, stuffing both of Alexia's holes, and feeding off of the sexual energy Alexia quickly found herself releasing as she was fucked this way...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia tries to heatbutt the woman as she gets close, trashing around a little more to the best extent she could as the woman moves out of range again, "Lubricate it..."

Before she could get out another snarky response, she felt herself being lifted, and her body suddenly being fucked, "A..AGH!" She closes her eyes tightly as she feels the perversion of nature entering her body, she looks up for a moment, about to say something else but is interrupted as she feels the familiar feeling entering her pussy, "D..Don't think I'll give up so easily!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman laughed once more at Alexia's claim, and gave her ass a powerful thrust as a response, slamming her large cock all the way inside, the sound of smacking filling the air as the woman's crotch smacks against her ass.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lets out another loud cry at the sudden deep intrusion, her body starting to shudder from the rape as she grits her teeth, "I won't... let you defeat me..." Her struggles started to get weaker as she realized that was getting her nowhere fast, she knew she couldn't just give up... if she did, she would have to follow the stupid lizardwomen rule of having to marry this person!