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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia easily caught up with the woman running in her casual clothing, her long white hair flowing behind her, and knocked the beautiful woman to the ground, quickly getting on top of her, and using her claws to tear apart her clothing. The woman screamed, "NOOO-" as Alexia did this, and soon, Alexia had torn off all of the shamed knight's clothes. The woman's figure was magnificent, a perfect hourglass shape, a round rump, and double D breasts... Fitting, for such a body to be used for dark purposes...

The woman tried covering herself with her hands, and arms. One arm covered her breasts, but only really managed to cover the nipples, as the rest of her round globes happily stuck out. The other went to cover her nether, as she cowered beneath Alexia, "You monster...! What do you plan to do!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia pulls the knight closer to her and kisses her a few times freverently, smiling as she does so and admiring the beauty of her catch, "I'm going to teach you a little lesson in humility..."

With that, Alexia's tail snaked it's way behind the girl and prodded at her rear entrance as Alexia begins to brush her flower against her victims, "We're going to have a lot of fun~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The knight's eyes go wide as she feels Alexia's tail poke her rear entrance, and as she feels Alexia's already excited flower brush against her own. She looks up, with a pleading expression on her face as she begs Alexia, "N-no! Please no! I beg you!" she shouts, "I-I'll leave! I'll leave, and never come back! Just please, anything but that!" she pleaded.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia laughs at the knight as she starts to mash up against the girl, her tail happily entering her victim's rear, she shakes her head and whispers, "If I really cared about you leaving, then I would've just burnt you to a crisp~ I'm going to defile your pretty body over and over again until I bore of you~" She runs a hand along the woman's hair and then moves the hand to hold gently but forcifully against the woman's shoulder, as if to accentuate the fact that she was not going to escape.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman howled as Alexia began humping her, and sliding her tail into her anus. She made a helpless yelp every time Alexia thrusted, and even began to cry a little as she was violated. The knight's pussy soon became dripping wet, allowing Alexia to slide her lips along her victim's to her heart's content, and even her ass started to become lubricated... And based on how she was howling from the way Alexia was fucking her, echoing into the sky as she came so fast from Alexia's pussy rubbing her, their pink lips touching, rubbing, sliding along each other, and the tail in her ass, pushing deep in, and then pulling back out, the knight's hips moving in rhythm with Alexia's humps as she was raped right on the road. Alexia might have thought this woman a little whore now, howling like that from being violated this way.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia simply looks at the knight with amusement, mostly at the fact that the once haughty knight was reduced to this miserable little moaning pile. She continues her assault, driving all her pent up fustrations onto the poor girl, nodding in approval as the girl cums, "Mm~ and that's the first of many to come~..." She pauses for a few moments, as if giving the girl some reprieve, then suddenly continues, raping her with even more force as she laughs.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The girl moans, and whimpers as Alexia humps her hard, and drives her tail deep into her ass. Drool begins trail down her mouth, and onto the ground beneath her. Her eyes roll back into her head as she tenses up, and cums once more. Her screams of passion somehow resonate with Alexia, turning her on sexually, and entices her so much, that Alexia feels herself reach the very tip of a powerful orgasm herself, the urge to cum quickly becoming too much to resist...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia lets out a loud roar as her body begins to shake, "H..here I come~!" Her juices along with all the pent up feelings she'd been having since the encounter with the artifact came rushing out of her body violently as she held onto the knight tightly, her body rocking as she rode out the wave.

She smiles and gets off the knight, "Heh~ can you even stand up~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman trembles on the ground, giving no response to Alexia as she lays on the ground, seemingly looking at nothing as small tears rolled down her face. She made small whimpering noises, weeping pathetically on the ground.

Then, as if her timing couldn't be better, Alexia heard, and smelled Azure approaching at a quick pace. She quickly appeared out of the woods, looking quickly about the area. "Cousin!" she called out to Alexia, "What's going on? I heard noises and..." her gaze drifted to the broken human on the ground, "Cousin... What did you do?" she asked slowly.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia stretches and points at the woman, "She was the warrior that was with the group. She was dishonrable and haughty so I decided to teach her a lesson~"

She walks over to the sword and picks it up, "I think I'll be keeping this as a souvenier~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The girl shot up when she noted Alexia taking her sword, and shakily got back up to her feet, "No!" she shouted, seeming to want the seemingly simple sword. She reached out, and grabbed the part of the hilt Alexia's hand was not holding, and desperately tried pulling it away.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia pulls the sword firmly a few times, growling at the knight, "You don't even deserve to hold a weapon like this!" She holds onto the weapon, toying with the knight for a little longer then yanks it back as hard as she could. She turns and smiles at Azure, "I think I've gotten my exercise for today, let's go home~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

With the yank, the white haired knight fell down on her hands and knees, letting out a yelp as she landed. But, before Azure could answer her, the knight growled at Alexia, "You'll pay for this!" she swore, reaching a hand up to wipe away some of her tears, "You'll pay..."

Azure stepped forward, and looked down at the fallen knight, "Get stronger, human. Once you feel your strength is great enough to defeat my cousin, you are welcome to come back, and challenge her again. Until then, live with your shame." she said, before turning around, and walking back to the Great Hollow, which was the name for their cave that Azure and her people resided in.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia laughs and holds the sword out as she walks back to the cave with her 'cousin', "See? I can still fight... kinda..." She looks back at the direction of the knight, "She wasn't even much of an opponent... all show and no substance~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The knight stayed on all fours when she looked back, pouting, and slamming her fist against the ground angrily, shouting angry words Alexia could not perceive as she walked with Azure back towards the Great Hollow. Azure shrugged, "It's a good thing, cousin, if she defeated you, it would be strange to have to marry a human woman... I mean... I'm not against the idea... But..." she blushed.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia shrugs as she flips the sword through the air, not really caring how she caught it, "That human was nothing but talk, her armor shows me that she's inexperienced and probably only got it as part of some kind of formality..."

She cringes at the idea of what she had done to the knight, but at the same time she enjoyed it greatly. She smiles as she looks up at the sky, "Either way, if she comes at me again, I'll gladly defeat her again."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

"Never underestimate your opponent, cousin." Azure instructed Alexia, "It may be weak now, but I'm sure that human plans on getting stronger, strong enough to defeat you... And when that happens..." she giggled, "I will happily be at your wedding, cousin."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia shakes her head at Azure, "You're crazy. There's no way she would ever be strong enough to defeat me..." She continues to walk slowly, thinking, "At least I don't think she will~ do we have any reason to visit the towns? I don't feel like returning to the caves just yet."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure suddenly stopped, and turned to Alexia, "Well... I did hear one of my sisters conversing about humans arriving on a boat... Perhaps there were warriors among them?" she wondered, "They'll likely be at the trading village along the coast, would you like to go there with me, cousin?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia stops and smiles, then nods as she turns towards the towns, "Yeah, let's go then~ might be something interesting there. Something that's more challenging than that stupid knight~"