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Yelena (Freeko)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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In the middle of the day, Yelenia arrives at the building of the E.G.G. Corporation.
Two days ago, she received a mail from the research team, inviting you to beta-test their latest VR system.

A young man welcomes the nerdy girl as she enters their building.
"Hello. It is with pleasure that we welcome you to E.G.G. Corporation. Please this way."

You head towards a small office first, where you are briefed on your "job" and allowed to select your simulation settings.


1/ Enemies' gender - please choose a percentage (gender neutral ennemies not influenced by this setting)
* Male - xx%
* Female - xx%
* Herm - xx%

2/ Enemy types - choose Y or N, and between 1 to 5
Human -
Humanoid (orcs, gobelins, catgirls) -
Feral (wolves, felines, etc.) -
Demons -
Mythical creatures (satyrs, centaurs, etc.) -
Tentacles -
Amorphous (slimes) -
Insects and arachnids -
Mechanical -
Alien / Exotic -
Other (please indicate which kind of monsters you wish)

3/ Kinks/Special
Traps (you will encounter traps during your game) -
Oviposition -
Pregnancy -
Light bondage -
Heavy bondage -
Slavery -
Milking -
Other - please indicate which kind of kink you wish

4/ Difficulty - choose one
hard (-2 malus on dice rolls)
nightmare (dice rolls divided by 2)

5/ Roughness - choose one
soft - enemies try to be as gentle as they can; they always care for the player's pleasure
medium - enemies put their own pleasure first, but also care for the player's comfort
rough - enemies do not care about the player's well-being
very rough - the player's pleasure enhancers are deactivated

6/ Starting scenario
* A new colony (sci-fi)
* The Temple (fantasy or modern)
* The lost Jungle (tribal)
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

"This should be interesting.."

Yelena goes straight at it. Screen after screen of options present themselves before Yelena.

1/ Enemies' gender -
*Male - 20%
* Female - 70%
* Herm - 10%

2/ Enemy types -
Human - Y/4
Humanoid (orcs, gobelins, catgirls) - Y/3
Feral (wolves, felines, etc.) - Y/2
Demons - Y/2
Mythical creatures (satyrs, centaurs, etc.) - Y/1
Tentacles - Y/4
Amorphous (slimes) - Y/4
Insects and arachnids - Y/3
Mechanical - Y/3
Alien / Exotic - Y/5

3/ Kinks/Special
Traps - Y/4
Oviposition - N
Pregnancy - N
Light bondage - Y
Heavy bondage - N
Slavery - N
Milking - Y
Sexfight - Y
Double/triple penetration - Y
Clothing Destruction - Y

4/ Difficulty -
hard (-2 malus on dice rolls)

5/ Roughness -

6/ Starting scenario -
* A new colony (sci-fi)

With this, Yelena finishes the selections and awaits the results.
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Re: Yelena (Freeko)

(do you have a physical description for Yelena?)

Yelena was brought to the pod. She sat in it, and the machine closed. After a long moment in the dark, Yelena opens her eyes in a completely new environnement.

She was in a resolutely alien world. The vegetation around her was in shades of red and purple. She looked around her. It seems she was at the site of a crash, and she was a victim. A big metallic futuristic car was upside-down, most probably because it fell down the cliff behind her.

Yelena herself wore a bodysuit that fitted her body and a high-frequency knife. Near the car was a backpack with a bracelet and basic survival items.

Yelena could pick the items, check the vicinity for any sign of life or additional item, or could start walking, either north, east or south, the cliff facing the west.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

(Yes, I do.)

Yelena was brought to a pod after finishing with the console, and was enclosed inside. She no sooner blinked, and was in a completely different place. Finding herself underneath what looked like possibly a vehicle of some kind, she started to get out from underneath the wreckage. The first thing that would have been seen was her Orange hair that went just past her shoulders. As her face started to get free from the wreckage, her Green eyes were next to be revealed. Finally her Blue outfit that was rather form fitting, could be seen in all its splendor. Her trusty knife was at her hip like always.

As she got herself free from the wreckage she was able to spot a backpack. She would look to see what was inside and noticed a bracelet that she would start to examine to see what it may or may not truly be. So long as nothing was far out of the ordinary she would try it on.

After that she would see what else was in the backpack and start to look around the immediate area. Maybe she could find others that were lucky enough to have survived. Yelena was not too sure about remembering if anyone else was in the vehicle before it crashed. In all fairness Yelena remembers almost nothing of what had happened before the crash.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

The bracelet lit up. A small hologram formed from the front-side, showing a general map of the area. A dot glowed on the left of the map, probably to show Yelena's position. A red square, with the word "Colony" written under it, was visible near the center of the map, East of Yelena's position.

After a few moments, the hologram turned into a status screen, and then deactivated. Yelena would find that by touching the bracelet, the hologram would pop back, allowing her to consult the map and her status.

Yelena starts to search the area for clues. The vehicule had the words "Colony Militia" painted on the sides. She was probably part of some kind of military patrol that got awry. This hypothesis was confirmed by a lost datapad on the ground.

Sergeant Tiber,
An unusual indigenous activity has been spotted by our sattelites several miles West of the colony. You and private Yelena are to investigate this unusual report.
Good luck.

The moment Yelena finished reading the mission briefing, a woman's scream could be heard north of here.
"N... No! Get off me, you... Beast!"

Will Yelena head Borth towards the scream, or will she not take any risk and start walking East, towards the Colony?

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Weapon: HF knife
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)

Items: repari kit x2, spare bodysuit x1
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena had a few memories return to her, maybe it was just the crash that she was still trying to get her bearings. She gets ahold of the datapad that she had seen containing her orders. Having just recently joining the local militia after finishing college, Yelena started to gather up a few things and try to head back toward their base in the east.

Soon after Yelena started to gather what she could, she heard a scream coming from the North. Could it have been the sergeant? No matter who it was, it was Yelena's duty to protect and serve. Yelena would head to the north and investigate the screams.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena enters a wooden area. The screams get louder and louder, until the orange-haired woman arrives on the scene and witnesses what is going on.

A dark-skinned woman, with pony-tailed black hair and green eyes, was wrestling with half-a-dozen tentacles coming from a pod-like organism a few meters away. The aggresors already managed to rip her suit, letting her C-sized breasts and her neatly-trimmed nether regions to the air, and they began to pull her towards the pod.

The woman notices Yelena and shouts at her.
"Help me, private! Quick!" she orders, visibly panicked.

Objective: defeat the pod before Sgt Tiber is captured
Tentacle pod: 4/4 FP
Sgt Tiber's resistance: 4/4
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena almost instantly recognized her commanding officer, though the compromised position that she was in almost made her not want to get involved. She probably deserved it for all the crap Yelena went through in her training. However that was not Yelena's way. She would never back down from a fight.

Yelena simply nods her head, draws her knife and charges in. Were she to be overmatched here, then she would share the same fate as her commanding officer being nothing more than a sex toy for this monster.

(Feel free to go a few rounds in since Yelena wont do anything but attack until she gets to 2 FP or something relevant happens)
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

(Well, a shitty dice roll at the start, but you got better and avoided the nasty surprise if Tibus was trapped in)

Dice rolls said:
The pod tries to reel Sgt Tibus in: 10 vs 2 - critical
Sgt Tibus tries to retaliate: 6 vs 8 - miss
Yelena attacks the pod: 3 vs 6 - miss

The pod tries to pull Sgt Tibus in: 8 vs 6 - success
Sgt Tibus tries to realiate: 4 vs 8 - miss
Yelena attacks the pod: 10 vs 6 - hit

The pod tries to close on Tibus: 5 vs 7 - miss
Tibus retaliates: 8 vs 8 - hit
Yelena attacks the pod: 5 vs 5 - victory

As Yelena charged in, the pod used the small moment of inattention of the Sergeant to attack. More tentacles circled and squeezed around her body. The appendages gave a good pull, and Tibus was lifted off her feet, ready to be put inside the pod. Yelena and Tibus try to fight the best they can, but they are not able to do any damae before the strong-looking woman is thrown inside the pod.

Immediately, tentacles start fondling her body and pressing against her erogenous zones.
"Gnn... Fuck..."
Slowly, the pod started to close. In desperation, Yelena and Sgt Tibus combine their effort and, eventually, Yelena's knife seems to have struck a weak point. With small twiches, the pod went limp, allowing Yelena's superior to escape the montruosity.

The slime-covered, dark-skinned woman looked at her clothes in tatters around her. She picks up a piece of shirt with the name Sgt. Mary Tiber embroided on it, then threw it away in disgust. She then goes to pick a gun that landed a few meters from the scene.
"Damned xeno-fauna. Thanks for the help, Private. Albeit, in our situation, I guess it's best you just call me Mary."

She extends her hand after having wiped the pod's slime from it.

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)

Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: none

Items: repair kit x2, spare bodysuit x1
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena was, much to her own surprise, successful in stopping that thing from defiling her commanding officer. It would be an adjustment to simply call her Mary as she requested. Though given the situation that she saw her shirt and simply cast it aside, she may have her reasons.

Offering her hand to "Mary", Yelena starts to pull her up. For now, she was still her commanding officer, although her current state would not outwardly show it as such. Yelena would wait a few moments to see if she had an order for Yelena to follow.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Mary looked at Yelena's bracelet.
"Oh, you recovered your GPS? Good." said the soldier.

"Let's plan our next action. Directly East of here is the colony, but there's a big lake on our way and we do not have any hovercar, so we'll need to find a boat or something equivalent to cross."
"The satellite's recon rapported that we can go around the lake by the north, by walking through this forest, or by the plains to the south."
"To me, every option is just as shitty as the others so... It's your call, Yelena."

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)

Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: none

Items: repair kit x2, spare bodysuit x1
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Not having any real knowledge of the area, maybe it was best for the pair to travel through the wooded area to the north. This way at least they would be less likely to directly run into anyone that would see Mary in the state she was in.

"I would offer you a spare suit that I have if you would like. Not sure how well it would fit, but it has to be better than.. that?

Yelena felt guilty for not at least offering her commander her spare set of clothing, so she would do so before making the decision to head off into the jungle.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Error 201: memfault x1a0c (buffer overrun)
Migrating Server... ...
Migration Complete.
Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: Repair Kit (2), Data Pad(Logged in: Sergeant Tiber)

Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: -

Difficulty: Hard

"Thanks." It doesn't fit very well, but doesn't seem to restrict movement too badly.

At Yelena's suggestion, the two began their march headed northeast, finding a walkable trail shortly into their trek. The trail comes to an abrupt end, however, half an hour into the journey.

Directly ahead, seeming to swallow the trail, is undeniably murky land with mud and water in abundance. To your left, the forest grows still thicker, and vines hang from the branches. If the rest of the wildlife is any indication...

Heading right looks to be clear of anything that would be particularly ominous, but in that direction lies the lake. You could end up pressed up against it if you head that way.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

As the trail comes to an end, Yelena looks over to Mary. Who does not seem to want to offer any input on which direction to proceed. As Yelena starts to identify the area ahead of her as a swampland, she looks around to see what options there were to avoid this bog like area. The lake looked like it could be the best option as going into the woods further would take them in the opposite direction from where they would want to go.

After a short hesitation to consider her options, she would choose to try to stay as close to the lake as possible.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: Repair Kit (2), Data Pad(Logged in: Sergeant Tiber)

Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 1/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: -

Difficulty: Hard
Selecting encounter... ... selected.
Turning off the path towards the lake, you find the forest thinning, if anything growing just a little brighter and more cheerful, the flora a little more familiar. Mary seems content to follow behind, keeping a close watch on the surroundings and letting you forge a path.
Something smells a little weird...
All too soon, the sun begins sinking below the horizon. It would be wise to prepare yourselves for the coming night.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

At least Yelena's training was good for something. Almost instinctually both Yelena and Mary would start to gather a few neccesary things to start a fire. The setting would be almost romantic if it were not so dangerous, a nice campfire out by the lake.

Given the inherent danger of the location, they would decide that while one rested the other would keep watch for anything that might try to visit them. With an odor that they were not familiar with permeating the area, Yelena drew the first watch while Mary prepared herself to get a few hours worth of rest.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 1/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: Repair Kit (2), Data Pad(Logged in: Sergeant Tiber)

Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 2/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: -

Difficulty: Hard

By the time the camp is set up, an activity that takes rather little time considering, Mary looks like she's about to fall asleep standing. She insists she could push through it, but doesn't protest too badly as you take first watch.
The odd smell from before begins to fade...
The forest around you seems very peaceful, almost like it's promising a peaceful spot to rest. Mary seems to be enjoying it, simply resting by the fire. At least an hour passes like this, before a snap can be heard in the forest.
Yelena: 10 vs 1
Your eyes, fortunately, are not blinded by looking at the fire, and you fairly easily see an indistinct form moving quickly away from where you heard the cracking of a twig. Something seemed off about the figure; it didn't seem to move properly. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be coming towards you.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena hears a twig snapping, and swivels her head around instinctively. Were she alone, she would likely have tried to investigate this further. Whatever it was, did not seem to be a threat. Hopefully the rest of her watch would be as uneventful.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena - female - human
5/5 FP, 4/10 AP, 3/9 XP
Weapon: HF knife (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 1/1 FP)
Inventory: Repair Kit (2), Data Pad(Logged in: Sergeant Tiber)
2d6-2 vs 2d6+3: 6 vs 7
Mary - female - human
5/5 FP, 4/10 AP
Weapon: pistol (lvl 0)
Armor: bodysuit (top 1/1 FP, bottom 0/1 FP)
Inventory: -
2d6-2 vs 2d6+3: 5 vs 13
Difficulty: Hard

After settling back down, seeing whatever it was that broke the twig leaving, you find that the forest remains peaceful.

Then you hear a moan from behind you, where Mary was resting. A quick glance would see the lower half of her bodysuit pushed down, fingers busy.
Re: Yelena (Freeko)

Yelena started to feel something was not right.. she was getting aroused. By who or by what, Yelena could not tell. However Mary did not seem too intent on sleeping as Yelena started to get distracted by some moaning coming from her direction. Low and behold, Mary was quite busy on herself.

What was going on? Was it the strange smell from before? Did someone try to gas the two girls? Yelena was almost frantic now trying to figure out what was going on.. but damn Mary looked hot. If it would go on much longer, Yelena might just join her and just forget about everything else.