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Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

As Jesse continued on, she was less than a tenth of a mile away from the columns, when the huntresses sprung forth from their cover of the brushes. Three lithe, strong-looking tigresses landed all around Jesse, nearly taking the woman off guard, each baring their fangs and pointing their staves at the human!

((Enemy Counters, Silth Style:

Xivvix got a 6 on the encounter skill - normal enemies, basically. I rolled a d4 to see how many enemies would be appearing (3, obviously). The enemies are random though, based on the story I'm coming up with as we speak.

Players always get the initiative, unless they just get a horrible roll (what I call a weak 1).))
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Alright! Time for some action!" Jesse exclaims, bouncing up and down at the sight of the enemies. Striking a silly, obviously fake, kung fu pose, she monotonally says, "Your kung fu is not as good as mine!" before running screaming at the first huntress.

(attack huntress 1)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

As Jesse ran forward, she struck out with her fist, startling the tigress. The tiger woman stopped, rubbing her chin where the blow landed, giving Jesse quite the odd look... Until she snapped her staff around, striking the girl's ear, as another tigress slammed her staff against Jesse's back. Groaning, Jesse fell to the ground, another staff just missing her.

(Jesse's FP: 3/5)

((Rolls: 19 vs. 12 (xivvix)
19 vs. 5 (Tigress 1)
17 vs. 3 (Tigress 2)
13 vs. 15 (Tigress 3)

You'll notice the 'infamous' FP from Jumpers has made an appearance. Because the tigress' are attacking using weapons, and not sexual advances, Jesse's AP has been converted to Fatigue Points. Once they hit zero, that's when she'll be open to rape, and give into the tigress' desires.))
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

(wait, they are going to beat me until I want sex?)

"Ow, ow ow!" Jesse yelled as she rubbed the side of her head and her back. "Hey! Hey!" she said, pointing at the first tigress and walking up to her. "That's NOT cool! I'M the player here! You have to let me beat YOU!" With that she launched another attack, a swift kick to the stomach.

(attack tigress 1)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Whatever Jesse said must have triggered something in the game... Or she got really lucky. She clocked the tigress in the face, who fell backwards, almost in slow motion, just barely dodging as another tigress tried to hit her with the staff. As the third huntress tried to jab Jesse in the stomach, she grabbed onto the staff and shoved it back into the woman's chest.

((Let's explain this real fast: There are Weak 1s (critical failures, but I think that sounds stupid D: ) and Natural 20s. Jesse got a natural 20 while defending, which usually means she does damage to her attacker in some way. If an attacker ever hits her (or she hits them) with a Natural 20, double damage is dealt.))
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Buwahaha!" Jesse laughs as the tigresses... tigressi?... as the tiger women fall down around her. "Huuuuoooooo...." Raising up on one leg, she enters the crane stance, and launches a crane kick at the tiger woman.

(attack tigress 1)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Since she had already taken out the first tigress, Jesse instead launched her kick at the second one. The Tigress squealed in pain, dropping her staff as the bow landed, while Jesse dodged out of the way as the third tigress tried to strike her!
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Staff get!" Jesse yelled as she knelt down to pick up the dropped weapon. Doing her best impression of a staff master (but looking like the Star Wars kid), Jesse swings the staff around before aiming it at the remaining tiger woman.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Silth must not have been doing very good descriptions... because there were still two women left. As Jesse went to attack one, the tigress blocked the attack, turning it around on their human enemy as she felt the staff smack her crotch. Another staff cracked down on her head, sending Jesse reeling!

(Jesse's FP: 1/5)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Okay, wow," she said, putting her hands to her crotch after having fell to her knees. "That reaaallllly hurts. Can we stay away from the hoo-hah area please?" She stands up, then charges the tiger woman in front of her, arms swinging wildly.

(attack tiger woman 2)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Jesse's aim was finally true, nailing the tigress in the head. She passed out, as the human used the staff to block another attack, grinning. This wasn't too hard... Except for, of course, the massive pain in her 'hoo-hah'.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"At last, we come to the final chapter," Jesse says seriously, holding the staff in a decidedly non-staff like manner. "One shall stand, one shall fall," she said, before yelling, "Avast, have at thee!" and charging the remaining tiger woman.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

The tigress cocked her head and an ear, staring at Jesse oddly. She wasn't ready for the human's attack, which landed against her jaw - lying her out flat!

(Jesse has gained +1 AP, putting her at 6.)

((GM notes and junk: After any battle, a player gains at least 1 AP or 1 PP. If it was a particularly hard battle, they gain even more Points. It's up to you to decide, however.))
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"OMG, I totally pwned those girls!" Jesse said happily, raising and lowering her staff in the air rhythmically. After a brief rest, she once again began to skip through the oasis towards the smoke.

(how fast does my FP regen?)
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

Jesse arrived as the sun reached the highest point in the sky, looking at the small fire infront of a very, very poorly built hut. She couldn't see anyone around the fire pit, and didn't want to venture into the clearing to be ambushed..

((FP/AP and PP all regen at 1 point per turn. This is only if you're in a fight though; since you'll be traveling, they'll all be reset at your destination.))
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Excuse me, wandering hero passing by," Jesse says loudly as she proceeds straight towards the hut. "i was wondering if anyone knew what to do with these metal pieces I found out in the oasis!" Completely ignoring any chance of being ambushed, she makes no attempt at stealth.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

As Jesse walked up to the hut, a nude woman rolled out of the small abode, brandishing a spear right at the other human.

"Who are you?!" The Brunette demanded, ready to run the girl through it seemed.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"Greetings NPC!" Jesse says, with a wave, taking a slight step backwards from the pointy object. "I am the one known as Jesse, and I come bearing small metal objects with drawings on them!" As she says this she reaches for the bag to pull out the metal pieces she had found.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

The woman just continued to stare at Jesse.

"...You're insane."
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

"No!" Jesse declared with a finger in the air. "I... AM THE PLAYER!!" Whether or not a dumb game character thought she was crazy didn't concern her at all. "So what's your name, and what quest do you have for me?"