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Xivvix Test Thread

Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria looks up at Beatrice, a puzzled expression on her face, as she speaks, still panting from her orgasm. She is about to question the maid when she suddenly feels Beatrice cock penetrate her, sliding easily into her tight, soaking pussy and very nearly making Allyria orgasm again. Her mind once more goes blank with pleasure, and she instinctively bucks her hips up to meet Beatrice thrusts and shifts the angle of her body, allowing the maid to go deeper into her.

When she regains her senses, Allyria clamps her legs around Beatrice as she thrusts in, effectively locking her in place and keeping her cock deep inside Allyrias hungry soaking folds. She leverages the maid over, so that Beatrice is the one lying on her back on the bed with Allyria on top of her, the womans member still clenched within the amazons womanhood. "I'd better make it good for you then. I do owe you a climax, after all." Allyria pants out, the feel of Beatrice hard member inside her driving her wild with lust. The horny amazon immediately starts bucking up and down, her pussy squeezing the womans cock as it slides up and down its length from tip to hilt.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Beatrice gasps as the woman flips her over onto her back, a look of fear in her face. The look passes quickly though as Allyria begins to ride her, and the maid moans, squirming on the bed. Her hands snake up, one returning to playing with Allyria's breasts, while the other seeks out the woman's arm. Beatrice's hand slowly moves down Allyria's arm, before she takes a firm grip of the woman's wrist. "That was..." the maid begins, but pauses to gasp out in arousal, "... unexpected... w-warn me... next time." As she says this however, Beatrice's back begins to arch and her eyes close, her mouth lolling open as she moans.

Allyria bounces up and down on Beatrice's cock, the sensation sending both women into fits of desperate lust. The waves upon waves of pleasure are only matched by the familiar feeling of Allyiria's strength flowing from her body like water from a sieve, though it doesn't slow the lust filled women one bit. The two enjoy each other completely, and it isn't long before Allyria's pussy contracts in orgasm. As she screams out her second of the night, she can hear the melodic voice of Beatrice raise in a scream to match hers. At the same time, a spreading warmth within her lets her know that she has brought the maid to climax, just as she had promised. "Good..." Beatrice says between pants for breath, "... so... good..."

In the wake of her second orgasm, Allyria finds herself gasping for breath, more than she would from her normal nights of pleasure. Her entire body feels sore as her muscles begin to give out, the tingly numb feeling of recovery from sex replaced by the burning agony of exertion. Unable to hold herself up anymore, the amazon falls forward, into Beatrice's arms, her face being cradled into the maids breasts. "Ohhhh, poor thing," the redhead coos softly. "So eager that you gave everything to me, didn't you? Don't worry, you'll be fine after some rest." The amazon slowly succumbs to sleep, being rocked on top of Beatrice like a baby, as she stared into her lover's strangely glowing red eyes.

Allyira awakens some time later, naked and covered in sweat on an empty bed, smelling strongly of sex. Where she remembered Beatrice's lovely body comforting her was only the wet silk that immediately brought her mind back to her sudden tryst with the maid. The room was empty now, completely dark, lighting up only when lightning flashed outside. With no idea of how much time has passed, Allyria pushes herself up off the bed, realizing that her mission was still unfinished.

(Allyria gains 48 corruption)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Jumping up from the bed, Allyrias mind stumbles over the events of earlier in the evening. Her tryst with Beatrice, the maids strange words, the womans sudden penetration of her, and the way she'd tired so quickly from actions that she had, on occasion, performed for hours at a time. As he thoughts coalesce, the tiredness fleeing her limbs and mind swiftly, she realizes that Beatrice had to have been a succubus, and that something very strange was going on here.

Quickly pulling herself out of bed, Allyria tries to clean herself off a bit if possible before donning her clothes. Smiling, she remembered that she still had a party to get to, and had best be presentable for it, even if the party was as Allyria thought that it might be from Beatrice suggestion.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria pushes herself off the bed, already feeling much stronger. She fumbles about in the dark for a moment until a peal of lightning reveals enough of the room that she can find her way to a light switch. With a flick, she turns on the small gas powered lamp, which casts a soft blue glow across the room. Although eerie, the Badarian technology is often useful.

The assassin is able to find enough hand towels in the nearby drawer that she is quickly able to clean herself of the evidence of her escapade with Beatrice. Her bags remain at the foot of the bed, just as the servant had left them. Though Allyria had not known about the party before she came, she is always prepared for whatever circumstances her missions put her in. Her bags contain a variety of styles of clothing, ranging from simple riding clothes like she had come in with, to brightly colored dresses that various townsfolk across the world wore, to a very elegant dress that would be suitable for any high class party.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Opting for function over formality, Allyria quickly dons her red and green combat uniform, pinning the stole containing her military honors in the form of small magically inscribed runes on it in its proper place on her right shoulder. It was sufficiently formal that she wouldn't appear under-dressed, but sufficiently comfortable that she could fight effectively in it without worrying about tripping herself up.

Once she finishes dressing, she heads out the door of her room. She glances about before trying to remember Beatrice instructions to the party, setting out as soon as she has her bearings.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria dresses quickly, her military uniform fitting her perfectly, and the ritual for donning it second nature. She stretches a bit, feeling much better now, and hurries to leave the room.

On her way to the door, however, she notices something odd. A wooden chair has been propped up against the knob of the door, as if someone wanted to make sure no one entered. Allyria slides the chair away easily, and opens the door, wondering who had placed the chair, and how they had left the room with it in place.

The hallway is completely empty, but thankfully still well lit. Thinking back to the directions Beatrice had given her, Allyria knows that the main dining hall is on the first floor, on the opposite end of the mansion from the guest rooms. The mansion itself had a fairly simple layout, and she would only have to take one turn before she reached the main lobby and the dual staircases she had climbed when she had entered.

Perception: Success

Looking back at the door, she notices something she had missed on her way in. Next to the door was a small label holder, though it was empty. A quick glance around would show her that each of the other doors to the guest rooms had the label holders as well, but they all seemed filled. Each one had what seemed like a name, likely the person or persons who the rooms were reserved for.

Everyone in the mansion was likely in the main dining hall right now. Schmoozing with the guests would likely lead her to her target. On the other hand, if she could find his room, she might be able to simply wait for him in hiding.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Examining the empty label hold for a moment, Allyria eventually shrugs, figuring that perhaps she'd understand later. The chair Allyria figures was Beatrice trying to ensure that she wasn't disturbed, though how she'd gotten it there and still left the room is beyond her.

Proceeding down to the main room in which the guests were gathered, Allyria decides that it would be better to make a showing at this party than try to ambush her target in his room. She could always take him upstairs for some harmless fun, after all, and apprehend him there. As she walked, Allyria quickly changed her gait, slowing her walk while lengthening her stride and putting a certain alluring strut into her manner. She began swaying her hips, ensuring that her nice round ass was on perfect display as she walked. She also pulled her shoulders back slightly, causing her breasts to jut forward provocatively.

Allyria also put her guard up, however. She stretched out her spiritual senses once more, feeling for anything strange. She likewise began gather energies for a strike, a blast of pure power in her left hand while her right prepared to summon a blade of energy. She didn't activate either power completely yet, but she'd be sure to keep herself well prepared in case she walked into some kind of ambush.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Success

Though the woman had grown accustomed to the lingering dark presence that seemed to flow through the mansion, she is still unable to place it. She is, however, able to tell that there are no spiritual presences in the guest wing, and that all of the auras she can feel seem to emanate from one large room, probably the dining hall. Many of the auras feel dark or dirty, but she is too far away to learn learn anything concrete about them.

Allyiria leisurely but alluringly walks down the hallway back to the main lobby, still encountering no one on her way there. No servants, no guests. A bit strange, considering so many rooms had been prepared, and from previous experience with this kind of party it would be fairly common for guests to be returning to their rooms all through the night, often with company. Still, the amazon reaches the main lobby without incident, despite any worry she may have about walking into an ambush.

When she reaches the main lobby, she notices that the front doors are closed and locked, and even seem to have four guards stationed in front of them. Another oddity, as it wasn't common practice to lock party guests inside. As she descends the stairway, the guards look up at her, eying her hungrily, thanks to her seductive gait. "Evening ma'am," One of the guards calls to her, "Running a bit late? Or looking for some fun?" At the question, all of the guards chuckle, continuing to leer at her. Allyria's spiritual senses reveal these guards as having a much darker aura than the ones she encountered at the gate. They make no move towards her, but she notices they all seem to have weapons nearby.

Just as Allyria reaches the bottom of the stairs, a large unseen bell begins to ring several times. The tolling of the hour: midnight. She must have slept for several hours after her encounter with Beatrice. At the sound, the guards all turn and smile to each other, before standing up and strapping their weapons on. The one who had spoken to her before says to her cheerily, "You're just in time for the main event ma'am. Let's hurry and get into the dining hall." The other guards move to station themselves behind Allyria, so that she has nowhere to go but the dining hall. Their auras all seem to darken heavily, and their faces take on menacingly excited expressions. None of them have reached for their weapons though yet, or made any move towards the woman.
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Shrugging, figuring that the people here were all simply so foul and decadent that it had left mars upon their souls, rather than something outright sinister, Allyria nods to the guard. "It took me a bit longer than I thought it would to prepare. Good thing I didn't miss the main event. May we proceed?" Allyria says, keeping her own voice cheerful and friendly as well.

Inwardly, she muses that perhaps something more than just a bad party was going on here, and secretly prepares. Figuring that, if they were going to try something, this would be it, Allyria keeps on her guard. She keeps her power ready, and goes along with the guards. She keeps up with her suggestive walk however, not wanting any of them to know that she's on to them.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

The talkative guard grunts and replies, "Yeah, real good thing." Though she faces away from him, she can feel his eyes travelling up and down her back, taking in her curves as she continues her seductive walk. "Real good thing," he repeats, just before Allyria steps through the door and into the dining hall, followed by the guards.

As she enters the room, Allyria is stunned by how large it is. The walls from end to end were so wide, and the ceiling so high, a farmer's barn could easily fit inside it. To her left was the outer wall, pocked with huge glass windows at regular intervals, raising from floor to ceiling with intricate woodwork creating interesting designs for the light of the sun to display. The opposite wall features small inlets, above which was a long balcony that connected to the second floor. The far wall was dominated by a grand mural, a masterwork painting of a fey knight locked in combat with an enormous demon, behind which was a landscape, half verdant and green behind the knight, and half twisted and charred behind the demon.

Just as impressive as the room, however, is the number the of people inside it. More than a hundred men and women, of various races and body types, but all having an air of nobility, stand around the room, idly grouped together in small clusters. Moving in between the groups are many servants, both men and women. On the second floor balcony, Allyria can spot more people standing around, though most of them appear to be servants and guards, with only a few people who look like guests among them. The guests close to the door turn to look at Allyria and the guards as they enter, but turn their attention back to a man that is speaking from a small stage positioned at the far end of the room, beneath the mural.

"-which is why I'm glad you've all joined me here tonight," The man speaks, his bellowing voice carrying throughout the hall. The man is large, with huge shoulders and arms, and a strong set jaw and thin gray hair, not yet balding, appearing distinguished more than simply old. Next to him was a younger man, handsome, and standing with a cocksure arrogance that marked him as a playboy. Braithwait. "I apologize for holding off on the main event until so late," the large man continues, "but it was quite necessary, as I'm sure you'll understood very soon."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Taking note of the impressiveness of the large room and the vast collection of nobles in the room, Allyria nonetheless ignores all the other guests as the man next to Braithwait, apparently the host, began to talk. She keeps half of her attention on him while the other is focused on her target, though she does her best to keep her concentration on the latter hidden. She wonders what this "main event" he was talking about might be, but doesn't let her idle curiosity distract her from her mission.

(Sorry for the short post.)
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(no problem, not a whole lot for you to do right then anyway. prepare for huge post!)

The large man continues his speech as the various guests listen politely, though they seem slightly annoyed. "As you all know, my associate, Lord Braithwait," the man bellows, with a wave to the man next to him, "just recently arrived from an extended visit to the royal family of Amazonia." A short round of polite applause sounds from the audience, after which the man continues, "As I'm sure many of you have come to learn about Duncan, he is something of a ladies man." Allyria's target affects an apologetic gesture as some of the women in the crowd laugh, and some of the men grumble. "He has a gift, one which many of us would like to have. And I've recently learned where that gift came from."

"Then you must share the knowledge with us immediately, Cornwall, it would be a great help to every man here" one of the men in the audience yells, to great laughter.

"Don't worry," Braithwait says, stepping forward with a smile lighting his face. "Not only are you about find out, everyone here is absolutely essential to my friend receiving that gift." Even if Allyria weren't already watching the man, she would find her vision drawn to him now. The man was handsome, and had a presence about him that immediately brought Allyria to thinking about what he had done with the princess of the Royal Family.

"You see," Braithwait continues, "it has to do with energy. And all of you are brimming with it." Allyria is suddenly broken from her daydream by her spiritual senses overloading from a massive release of dark power. As she stares at her target, she notices his eyes change from an unassuming brown, into a bright, glowing red. As she watches him, his skin begins to change, becoming redder and more leathery. Allyria is dimly aware of gasps from the crowd of nobles, their attention on the man changing in front of them as well.

In mere moments, Braithwait's entire form has changed to resemble the demonic figure depicted in the mural. He has grown to a massive ten feet tall, with dark red almost scaly skin, with spikes emerging from various points of his body. Long black leathery wings erupt from his back, and a long barbed tail uncoils behind him, while his fingers grow vicious black talons. His face elongates to grow a lizard-like snout, razor sharp teeth baring into a gleeful snarl. "And that energy will soon belong to us," the massive demon intones in a voice that sounds like gravel tumbling down a mountainside.

As the mans form finishes it's dreadful alteration, Allyria notices that the many servants and guards lining the walls, standing in the balcony, and moving about the crowd have changed as well. As the guests erupt into panicked screams, the demons leap for them, bearing some to the ground while others suffer a more immediate end. "How about now ma'am?" Allyria hears another deep, gravelly voice ask behind her, "Ready for some fun now?"
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

The amazon watches, enthralled, as the handsome lord makes his speech. She didn't doubt the claims of her superiors anymore, as she knew that she'd have likely gladly gone to bed with this man had she been given the chance. This perspective slowly changes as his body shifts, her own friendly demeanor and casual smile dropping away even as Braithwait shifts into his true demonic form. Her alluring strut disappears as well, and she takes fully into her role as a royal assassin.

'Demons.' Allyria thinks, as chaos erupts all around her. She immediately gathers her energies, knowing that she was in dire straits despite her powers. She doesn't even turn to acknowledge the voice behind her, a cruel smile forming on her lips. "Oh, I'm going to have fun alright. It will, unfortunately, be very brief. You being about to die and all that."

Only then does she turn, her spiritual powers fully manifested, to glare upon the foul demon. Her golden hair floats around her head, as though she were underwater, but not a strand of it blocks her blue glowing eyes as she stares down whatever monstrosity is waiting for her. She readies herself for a fight, prepared to dodge an attack from any angle or range, using her well-honed instincts, along with the power of her very soul, to ensure that nothing in the room could touch her.

(Activate Battle Aura 6.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 25/41, P = 38, EP = 64/73; Battle Aura 6

Allyria's spiritual energies surge through her body, her inner power supplementing her body's natural abilities. She can hear the demons behind her grunt as the wave of energy passes over the woman. Obviously they had been unprepared for such a development. As her natural combat instincts take over, the din of the mass chaos of the dining hall fades to a dull roar, the assassin's training changing her from a sultry seductress to a cold-blooded killer.

Allyria turns to face the four demons who had taken shape behind her. They look nothing like the men she faced before, their faces contorted into beings of rage and destruction. Dark leathery skin covers rippling muscles, their pronounced jaws sporting long needle like teeth in a mouth so large it took up the majority of their face. A long thin tail swung behind them, tufted with coarse black hair. Each of the demons wields the weapon they had held in human form, but their hands also sport long sharp claws on the end of each finger.

The demons growl as Allyria faces them and begin to spread out around her, forming a semi-circle to keep her boxed in and flanked. Behind her she can feel the guests nearest her struggling with their attackers, forming a wall of flesh that would be as solid as any of stone. Without warning, the demons burst forward and attack, each one swinging their weapon.

To-hit: 14 + 30 +10 + 4 = 58 vs 59 (Miss)
To-hit: 15 + 30 +10 + 4 = 59 vs 59 (Miss)
To-hit: 18 + 30 +10 + 4 = 62 vs 59 (Hit)
Damage: 8 + 10 - 2 = 16. Armor takes 18/2 = 9 durability damage. 16/25.
To-hit: 12 + 30 +10 + 4 = 56 vs 59 (Miss)

Allyira quickly dodges three of the attacks, a sword swing and two maces, but as she attempts to dodge another sword, she is bumped from behind by one of the struggling nobles. She stumbles slightly, putting her in the path of the swinging blade. The blade bites deep into her arm, and tears a gash in her uniform. One of the demons that she assumes is the one who has been taunting her already quips, "You're right, this is fun."
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(What do you have me fighting, knights!? Also, the 59 should have hit. The to-hit has to equal the dodge to make a hit, not exceed it.)

"Enough!" Allyria shouts, having had enough of this trash demon mouthing off to her. She concentrated her power inward, her golden glow growing brighter by the second as her power concentrated into a burst within her. She looks directly at the demon that had landed a blow on her, her rage turning her expression from a sadistic smile into a scowl. As she feels her inner power reach the breaking point, she stops holding it in. She drops to a more stable position, and a blinding flash erupts form her body. A wave of destruction erupts from her body, destroying every demon within range of the powerful blast while sparing all those who were not hostile. She allows her spiritual senses to pick and choose, destroying anything she recognizes as evil or simply can't identify.

(Energy Blast, all enemies within 50 feet, using 12 energy. No, it doesn't require any to-hit rolls.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Not knights, these are demons I rolled up because I wanted something a little stronger than stalkers. I'll let the miss stand, since I already made the post, but correction noted.)

Allyria's Status: HP = 25/41, P = 38, EP = 46/73; Battle Aura 6

Damage: 6 + 48 = 54 = more dead demons than I care to keep track of.

The demons in front of her, smiling evilly as the sword bites into the woman, suddenly open their eyes in shock as they feel the gathering of spiritual energy inside her. They know exactly what a surge of energy like that means, but before they can attempt to leap out of the way, they are already engulfed in a wave of pure spiritual power. Their bodies fly backwards, disintegrating to ash that crashes against the wall and falls to the floor like black sand. Behind her, Allyria can hear many more inhuman howls of pain as countless more demons perish from her assault. Unfortunately though, she knows that the blast did not rid the room of the attackers. The hall is far to large for the blast to encompass, and choosing to limit the effectiveness of the spell causes the power to weaken quickly as it radiates out between the various humans close to the woman.

With the nearby demons disposed of, the nobles around Allyria quickly begin to shove their way to the doors she had entered from. The girl is pushed around, but her spiritually improved abilities allow her to easily keep her balance. From behind her, she can hear the massive demon yell, "What was that power? Find and destroy the human who dares interrupt our plan!" Even without turning to look behind her, Allyria's spiritual senses allow her to feel several demons advancing towards her, though she doesn't think they know to look for her specifically. The crowd pushing for the exit still engulfs her, giving her a measure of cover for now.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Those do need an upgrade, don't they?)

Rather than try to push her way through the crowd, which she likely could have done with her powers giving her strength, Allyria slowly pulls back with them. Knowing that the aura would make her stick out like a sore thumb, Allyria nonetheless keeps her battle aura up, enjoying the protection it grants. As she retreats slightly, she forms her power into a glowing blue blade held in her right hand, pouring more of her energy into it. Though she feels the weakness caused by the use of her powers starting, Allyria also knows that she has much more to give before she needs to rest.

As the blade forms in her hand and the crowd begins to thin around her, Allyria bounds quickly toward the nearest demon, her blade ready. She slashes her energy blade at the foul creature as soon as she gets close, hoping to surprise it but not really caring if she didn't, more than ready to rely on her spiritual powers and natural agility to keep her safe.

(Activate Energy Blade 5 and attack the nearest enemy.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(These demons actually aren't that much stronger than the stalkers, they are just more geared to combat. The +10 is from them having the dueling advantage, and the +4 is a situational bonus from surrounding Allyria)

Allyria's Status: HP = 25/41, P = 38, EP = 35/73; Battle Aura 6, Energy Blade 5

Allowing the crowd to slowly push ahead of her, Allyria waits until one of the demons approaches them to strike. As the nobles scream at the sight of both the demons advancing on them, and the incredible blade of energy that erupts from the amazons arm, she leaps, swinging the blade in a wide arc at the demon's chest.

To-Hit = 12 + 58 = 70 vs 37. Hit
Damage = 1 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 18 = 42 - 5 = 37. Drain 5 Energy.

Though the demon was expecting an attack, the assassin's spiritually charged body is simply too fast for it to react to. The blade sweeps over the creature, leaving a glowing huge glowing gash across it. Allyria can feel some of the creatures energy flowing into her after the attack, it's dark energy seeping into her, feeling strange but also empowering. The injured demon stumbles back, snarling before swinging a heavy mace at the amazon.

To-Hit = 6 + 30 + 10 = 46 vs 59. Miss.

The wounded creature's swing is clumsy and easily misses the supernaturally nimble woman. The creature growls after it's failed attack, and stands breathing heavily, as one clawed hands comes up to feel the gash. Allyria can tell, despite the monster's foreign nature, that it is critically wounded and won't survive another attack from her blade. Of course, she also notices that two more of the demons are advancing on her, and will be on her shortly. Through the rest of the crowd, she can see other demons turning their attention towards her, though they have their hands full with the struggling humans.

(Allyria gains 5 corruption. Oh, and go ahead and gain 4 XP from killing the earlier group)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria keeps her focus on her one opponent for now, but makes sure that she keeps the demons from pushing her into a corner and surrounding her. She puts the strange feeling accompanying the empowerment from taking part of the demons soul out of her mind as well, eliminating the distractions from her thoughts as she prepares to strike at the wounded demon once more. She had never faced demons before, but so far they seemed to fight mostly like mortal warriors.

Allyria feints another slash at the demon after she dodges its clumsy swing with its mace, but then pulls her arm back and jabs the blade into the demons belly instead. Once the creature has fallen, she retreats toward the door.

(Stab and run. Sheet updated.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 25/41, P = 38, EP = 30/73; Battle Aura 6, Energy Blade 5

To-Hit: 18+58 = 76 vs 37. Hit
Damage = Much more than enough to kill it. Gain 2 Energy.

Allyria's feint throws the demon off guard enough that she meets no resistance as she plunges the energy blade up into it's belly. The demon sinks down the blade, snarling as it stares into her eyes, only for it to disintegrate before her eyes. Before the creatures ashes have even cleared, the assassin turns to run for the door. The two demons advancing on her, however, are quick to react, each one lunging for her.

Grapple: 14 + 30 = 44 vs 59. Miss
Grapple: 8 + 30 = 38 vs 59. Miss

The demons claw desperately at her, but Allyria's incredible speed allows her to keep ahead of them. The two demons fall to the ground as they reach for her, roaring in anger. "You can't run, girl!" one yells as she disappears through the crowd and out the door to the lobby. "She's heading for the front door!"

Entering the lobby amidst the panicked crowd, Allyria realizes that what the demon had yelled is true. With the doors barred and locked as she had seen on her descent of the stairs, the group of nobles could only bang on the door, screaming for help uselessly. From behind her, Allyria can hear the demons she had escaped from making their way through the human crowd, looking for her. Above her, the sound of clawed feet on carpet signaled the approach of more demons from the second floor balcony. Some of the humans seem to have to opened a large set of double doors opposite the dining hall and are fleeing into a set of rooms behind, likely looking for another way out of the mansion. Others have run up to the second floor and into the guest wing, perhaps hoping to barricade themselves in the rooms.

(Gain 2 XP, 2 Corruption)