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ACT [Xi Company] Viocide (RJ070541)


Formerly Havokor
Sep 6, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

NO! I blanked out and killed the second boss before getting her movie! Oh, and I got the ice gun before I fought her. I made a leap of faith and fell down a pit into the room with the powerup.
Just go back into her boss room or wait until you get to the bonus dungeon.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

Forgive me for asking this, especially if there has already been one, but I need the full version (non-trial) of the game. It may be why I can't find any bosses :eek: Thank you.


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

The full version is posted here =P


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

All in one file. Without having to join or upgrade to mediafire pro or anything? Forgive if I'm asking too much.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 21, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

All in one file. Without having to join or upgrade to mediafire pro or anything? Forgive if I'm asking too much.
Considering that mediafire allows multiple parallel downloads for free users, and that the file 'joining' can be handled by basic file compressors/decompressors like WinRar and 7zip, yes, that is asking for too much.


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

I'm guessing that by teleport, you mean the blue shiny places? How Do I teleport between them? I can teleport back to my ship, but not back.


Sep 29, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

What is this bonus dungeon I hear people talking about?

there's a ladder leading down at the end of the fire/lava area just before you get to the area with the creepy pink/blue effect, a crapton of jellyfish monsters, and the final boss.

I'm guessing that by teleport, you mean the blue shiny places? How Do I teleport between them? I can teleport back to my ship, but not back.
The teleporters are after the first and second boss. They lead back to the first room you come to after starting the game (the big area with no monsters and several locked doors). To use them, press Up while standing in them.
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Sep 1, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

there's a ladder leading down at the end of the fire/lava area just before you get to the area with the creepy pink/blue effect, a crapton of jellyfish monsters, and the final boss.
You mean the way to the third boss, the heart looking thing?
Or do you mean a ladder down right before said area.... do I have to complete the game or something to be able to get there?



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 21, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

You mean the way to the third boss, the heart looking thing?
Or do you mean a ladder down right before said area.... do I have to complete the game or something to be able to get there?

The ladder down right before said area. You don't necessarily have to complete the game before going down there, but the bonus dungeon is harder than the final boss.


Sep 1, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

The ladder down right before said area. You don't necessarily have to complete the game before going down there, but the bonus dungeon is harder than the final boss.
Whats the benefit of the bonus dungeon, new scenes to see, or items to get?
or just 'cause I can' kinda fun?



Mar 21, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

Whats the benefit of the bonus dungeon, new scenes to see, or items to get?
or just 'cause I can' kinda fun?

You get the EX ice sword there I think. The bonus dungeon is damn hard. You basically have 1 room where there is two of the 1st bosses there (and with in 20x the HP), then theres a room with a super-buffed 2nd boss (tail-vore) and she also has a lot of HP and friends. Once you can sorta kill the room with the two 1st bosses, you get very good exp and money there. I pretty much level up there and farmed money to buy all the gear there.

I found the room to be real hard and the only way i was able to beat them was using a fully charged sword attack over and over hoping for crits.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 21, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

You get the EX ice sword there I think. The bonus dungeon is damn hard. You basically have 1 room where there is two of the 1st bosses there (and with in 20x the HP), then theres a room with a super-buffed 2nd boss (tail-vore) and she also has a lot of HP and friends. Once you can sorta kill the room with the two 1st bosses, you get very good exp and money there. I pretty much level up there and farmed money to buy all the gear there.

I found the room to be real hard and the only way i was able to beat them was using a fully charged sword attack over and over hoping for crits.
Starting from the room with a recharge point/equipment dispenser right before the final boss area...

1) Head down the ladder.

2) Head right through the Security 3 Door (magenta door.)

3) You'll encounter a couple enemies straight from the first area, but with severely enhanced stats, with HP starting from about 1.5k. Head right through the Sec 2 Door (it's blue.)

4) You are now in the bonus dungeon building proper. (実験動物研究棟, Experimental Animal Research Building, AKA Area 93.). There are no enemies though, so just head right through the Sec 3 Door. Switch to the fire blaster first though.

5) You'll get ambushed by a blue slime. Torch it to death. There are a couple more blue slimes with buffed up stats hanging around, so keep the fire blaster around and use its charged spread attack liberally. The door to the right side of the room only opens once all monsters are defeated.

6) Empty room. Switch back to your ice blaster and then climb the ladder.

7) This room has two doors. Both doors only open after all enemies are defeated. The left one leads to a Power Booster Ex (or possibly Energy Booster Ex instead, I may have misremembered.), while the right leads to the next area. Defeat all enemies. There's also a beefed-up Alraune on the very right side of the map, but like all Alraunes she's a sitting duck for ranged or charged melee attacks since she can't move. Head through the left door once you're done.

8) Grab the powerup and head back to the previous room. Kill all enemies again, and then head right once the doors are unlocked.

9) Another empty room with a ladder. Climb it.

10) This room has two giant frogs (first boss enemy, but beefed up.) with obscene amounts of HP. (approx 11k) Like in (7), this room also has two doors that only open after all enemies have been defeated, and the left door leads to a powerup. (Ice Blaster Ex) Note the way the platforms are arranged. Hit the first with charged melee attacks from your blaster while avoiding its ranged attacks. (which slow you down.) Once the boss is stopped by the higher platform on the left, jump over its head to get to the other side before it manages to climb up. Note the raised platform on the right. Continue hitting the boss with charged melee attacks, jumping over its head when you run out of room behind you. Try not to attract the attention of the second giant frog on the right. Once the first frog is dead, kill the second one by using the same method. After both are dead, head through the left door.

If jumping over the bosses is too hard to do, climb down the ladder instead to avoid their attacks, and pop up to hit them in the back with charged melee attacks when they turn around.

Also, if you are ranged-specced, you may want to use the fire blaster charged spread shot instead, as it's more powerful than the ice blaster's equivalent.

11) Pick up the Ice Blaster Ex. Head right back where you came from, and then kill the two frog bosses again. Head right again to the next area.

12) Another empty room with a ladder. You know what to do.

13) This room has tough enemies, and a severely beefed up Ice Area boss (the succubus with the tail attack.) with nearly 25k HP. Unless you're defenced-specced (which is a bad idea anyway), you'll probably die in one hit (okay, 'attack sequence') from its tail vore attack even if you have full HP.

There is a single locked door to the left which only opens after all enemies are dead.

There are two other types of monsters -- the floating jellyfish (approx 2k HP) and the stunted salamander (approx 3k HP) from the fire area. You are likely to be rushed by the salamander the moment you climb up the ladder. Kill it ASAP, preferably with charged melee attacks from your brand new Ice Blaster Ex. Ranged-specced characters have it tough here, though the fire blaster is still a better choice if you're using charged ranged attacks. (you probably don't have time for a second charged attack, so switch to the Ice Blaster Ex instead as it has a stronger normal attack, a higher crit rate, and faster attack speed.)

If you're cornered by the boss and the lesser enemies, choose to be vored (or ideally, knocked back, but that is hard to pull off) by the jellyfish instead, or the salamander if a jellyfish isn't nearby. Break out ASAP (Tap Z or melee attack) and take advantage of the temporary invincibility to get away quickly.

If this is too hard to pull off, go back to the frog bosses' area (or the previous room with the Alraune, if killing the frog boss takes too long.) and kill it repeatedly for gems and xp. Go back to an equipment dispenser to buy the best quality equipment when you can afford it.

My speed-specced Lvl 24 Mina with end-game gear can consistently kill the salamander in two hits, thanks to a critical rate around 60% and a very fast charge rate. (due to high Agility) Having a high luck also makes farming for gems significantly easier.

Once the salamander is dead, you'll get more room to manoeuvre under the succubus. Kill the jellyfish on the right ASAP, and jump over its head to the right if it's necessary, try to avoid drawing the attention of more enemies on the right side of the map. With both the salamander and the jellyfish dead you'll get lots of room to move around the boss. Avoid its swooping attacks, ducking if it's necessary (if you're cornered, for example.) and hit it with charged ice blaster melee hits or charged fire blaster spread shots. Run under the succubus to get to its other side if you run out of manoeuvring space, and only do so AFTER it has just finished swooping. Do not get too close unless it's absolutely necessary, and take care not to aggro more enemies from the right.

Once the succubus is dead, mop up any surviving enemies, and then enter the door to the left.

14) They may be a powerup in this room, but only if you haven't picked it up before. Otherwise, you'll get nothing, bragging rights aside.
(it's a Fire Blaster Ex, and you may want to pick it up beforehand f you rely on the Fire Blaster's charged spread.)

15) Congratulations, you've just finished the game!
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Apr 19, 2009
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

where's the second boss? :(


Grim Reaper
Dec 7, 2010
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Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

I don't know why, but the sound isn't working for me. It's the music and sound effects that aren't working, to be precise. Everything else works fine. The gameplay, the levels, and the CGs. When I play the game, the voice is the only thing I hear. Also, when I try to unrar the files, the only file that doesn't work is the se.dat file. It keeps saying it's corrupted, but no matter how many times I redownload it, the file still won't work. Can someone help me? Or upload the se.dat file if possible?


Jungle Girl
Jun 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

I do like this game :D

But there is one thing which annoys me, every time i get vored and take digestive damage,
after the 4th or 5th damage i take i get to the game over screen ( despite still having 50% of my Hp left )
which i think it kinda boring for some reason.

So because of this I've been trying to open the .dat files in order to mod the game so i can remove that timer or whatever is activated once vored.
So I'm wondering if anyone actually know how to open those .dat files, since it's hell trying to figure out how to open .dat files :S

For me the game would be perfect if that "game over" timer was removed,
I just think it's boring that you cannot "sit back and enjoy" the vore when it
goes over to the game over screen within 5-8 sec >_> Game over screen should come once your HP drops to 0 :p


Jun 14, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

As far as I know, .dat files can be encrypted in a number of ways, making it very hard to hack one (based on the fact that numerous game engines use the file extension). Your best bet would be a hex editor, or if you've never done that before, something that helps you do it like Cheat Engine.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Viocide (Xi Company )

kay, I've finally dowloaded whole game from mediafire :p And again pardon if this has been posted already, but where do you get the 3rd keycard for the pink doors at?