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Would you survive?

Re: Would you survive?

Five? Five what?
EDIT: Oh crap, sorry for double post.
Re: Would you survive?

Hardware? Given enough time, possibly. Although he'd be far more likely to construct Omnimechs.
Re: Would you survive?

...We don't want to know. Trust me on that one. I'm not even going to ask him.
Re: Would you survive?

That, my friend, was your island nextdoor. Surrender if you survived, I got a whole wharehouse of these
Re: Would you survive?

Yeah Wolf's right Hardware's not the human I would choose to mess with, of course he could probably figure out how to cure the zombies before anything got out of hand. So this would all be a moot point.
Re: Would you survive?

*Fires one atomic bomb towards your warehouse*
*Prep's anti-air missles*
*readies AA guns*
*Sets auto defense turrents on the beaches*
*Munches on cookie*
Re: Would you survive?

of course he could probably figure out how to cure the zombies before anything got out of hand. So this would all be a moot point.

Hadn't thought of that, but you're right. At the least, he'd fully contain the outbreak, immunize those uninfected, then surgically remove those beyond saving.
Re: Would you survive?

*Creates zombie spy, who saps sentries, uses orbital lazer on nuke*
Re: Would you survive?

Lazing the nuke doesn't really matter. The warehouse was taken out by a full bombardment from the Resolute, anyway.
Re: Would you survive?

*Kills spy*
*Hacks your lazer and attacks you with it*
Re: Would you survive?

Spy not sapping your sentry?

*ish ashpile*
Re: Would you survive?

*remodels Lazer into SHOOT DA WHOOP!*
I'mmA FirINg mA Laz0rz! BWAH!
*Lazers kills zombies*
Re: Would you survive?

Hells Yeah, Zero!

*Is prepping his Lazor cannon, conveniently shaped like a giant red mouth with two big-ass eyes*

Fire when ready, men!

*Lazor fires and flies at Lurker's hidden stockpile of Zombie Serum* (Cus god knows he has one hidden)
Re: Would you survive?

It buried very deeps, you really need a gud lazor.
Re: Would you survive?

Well how about TWO LAZORZ THEN?
I'mmA fiRinGZ Ma lAZ0rz! BwaH!
Re: Would you survive?

OKay, this is getting crazy out of hand. People start to use logic, and it falls to shambles (which is originally why I proclaimed myself queen of the dead in the first place)...

In all seriousness this is a question that has to be asked. Who here can actually hit a person in the head at 100m, or more. Not just on a target range in perfect conditions either. Could you actually pull the trigger when it came down to it? And don't just yammer off a yes because you can (though I can't really stop you either).

Also, in melee, do you have the endurance to punch something through a human skull to destroy the brain, pull the weapon out, and continue to do so in a closed space.

Thirdly, do you have ready access to anything that will allow the above two to occur.

Do you have any survival skills? Can you cook your own food? Know how to take care of yourself? Treat wounds? Build shelters? Keep warm?

I also find it amusing that I'm the one bringing up the serious aspect of this thread.
Re: Would you survive?

Honestly I'm not a great marksman, probably due to a lack of experience. I've had some martial arts training and I'm proficient (though certainly not a trained master) with swords to an extent. That's why I said I'd need people who were good with guns and other weapons.

I've got survival skills though; I used to teach backpacking and survival to high-schoolers for a living. I'm fairly sure I could survive indefinitely in the woods with minimal equipment, especially if I wasn't worried about low-impact camping. It wouldn't be a FUN life (anyone who's tried to start a fire with one match can tell you that) but I would live.