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Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Well the idea itself is L4H if you need explanation of what that means then here ya go. Left 4 Hentai, pretty much the setting would be a city ravaged by some disease. And of course there will be four heroins who seek to find their way out, the twist here is that you do not control their actions. The heroins attempt to escape, you are a special case, your one of the masters controlling the monster trying to capture and eventually rape these survivors. This is a rough idea, but I was thinking of the first campaign being pretty much 'Sex Ed' thus the first setting is a school, college campus probably just because then all involved are of proper age and what not. There are plot holes at the moment but those would be filled in as the idea got rolling.

Pretty much here this is a rough idea to see if there is any interest, pretty much I ask you answer two questions if your interested.

1. How do you want to control this?
a) Do you want the choices to be majority vote, or would you prefer a thread per person. If you all vote together I will make a second thread with this which is OOC strategy talk, pretty much letting you talk amongst those voting how exactly you want to attack the heroines.

b) Do you want to select the heroines for this little adventure? Would you like to be able to vote on the heroines bodies, eye color, skin color, breast size, general demeanor. Pretty much do you want to say who it is your trying to rape or do you want me to give you four woman for my tastes and as they are captured and replaced I keep randomizing who they are.

c) This is the final one, and it's probably the easiest question, there will be some rules for how the game works, like how many of each special infected you get and what not. Do you guys want that at all or just infinite spawns and see how long it takes you to down the heroines?
Re: Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D

This sounds pretty awesome and I approve of it.

Thread-per-person, like Dark Gate? That'd be pretty kick ass, but probably way too much of a hassle to maintain and keep updated. Majority vote seems the best way to go. A second thread is probably unneeded, though - you'll keep the writing together, but it'll just be unneeded work by a mod to keep the OOC posts deleted, and while the OOC thread'll stay bumped, the actual story won't.

How about the community creates two girls voting-style, you make one, and we all roll randomly for the last one? ...I don't know how the rolling could be made fair, though... we have a chat, right? Does it have a dice bot?

SInfected would be cool, I guess - don't have much opinion on it. That makes me wonder, though, do we get an avatar in the game, or are we just a disembodied AI like with L4D? Some sort of scary uberzombie housing a hivemind, or one of the Monster Queens (plus maybe some of the Matriarch, cuz' it's just cool) at the bottom of this?
Re: Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D

I'd keep it simple and go majority vote. Thread per person would be fun, but then it would be more like a traditional ero RP but with the roles reversed. Fun, certainly, but also very time consuming.

I'd say let us make up the first four girls by votes, but then you can make the replacements as necessary just to keep things moving at a decent speed.

Infinite spawns. For the horde!
Re: Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D

Some sort of scary uberzombie housing a hivemind, or one of the Monster Queens (plus maybe some of the Matriarch, cuz' it's just cool) at the bottom of this?

You know you're worth something when something gathering dust for years gets linked to O,o

As for this subject, it has my interest. Though here's a thought- why not work as the overlord, watching the heroines from a distance as your minions ravage them?
Re: Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D

a) If you do thread per person and your game takes off, you'll soon be crushed under how many players you get. It's one of the reasons CYOAs are majority vote ;) It's also why most chatRPs have character limits. As per observations, look at how many threads Dark Gate has.

I suggest either multiple CYOA threads with majority vote, perhaps a different setting for each (if you make a system, you could even open this up to others to run their own threads), or deciding ahead of time on a player limit, and letting certain forumgoers team up, focusing on larger groups first (still majority vote), with very finite games. The heroines WILL either win or lose at some point, and the game closes, so the next group on your waiting list gets a shot.

b) Players often like choosing this sort of thing, but being given premade options is a fast and dirty way through it as well. A good mix may be to give vague-ish descriptions of character types based on setting, and let players vote in each one, along with optional player driven description vs. premade.

c) I think some kind of system is a good idea (especially with my suggestion above). Though you could have one ongoing CYOA-Everybody majority vote, with unlimited resources and newly arriving girls as old ones are taken out. The issue, of course, is that rule balancing often takes forever to get it right ;) So good luck on that.

You may want to just open a non-rule CYOA first while working out rules, and use non-rule one to test aspects of your rules to see what works and what doesn't.
Re: Wondering about a CYOA idea, inspired by L4D

well it happened. I had an idea I liked and starting working on but found it was WAY too much work to keep going with it. SO I'm gonna tone it back a bit with a rather standard CYOA, I'll open a new thread with it, I hope to come back to it but at the moment making the monsters and developing the system is just too much work.