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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Wha-what? Torture? N-no, not torture!" Celeste said hurriedly after Danikles misinterpretation of her explanation of the psychic's abilities. "She just needs to talk to people, not hurt anyone!" she continued quickly, then bit her lip as she tried to figure out how to explain it better. "I mean, I've heard she has hurt people, but they deserved it" The busty young mage thought for a moment, then finally said, "Just wait till you meet her! She can help you out with... investigations too!"

Thankfully, Danikles seemed much happier about her conciliatory efforts. Celeste smiled at his readiness to forgive her, still bouncing happily on his desk, oblivious to his blatant staring. "Oh, great, I'd love to see more of the city!" With his mention of the tavern, though, the blonde magus quickly realized just how long she had been dallying. Jolting upright, she laughed nervously, then said, "Oh my, you're right! I should get going. I'd love for you to come by and visit, though I hope I won't be too busy. I'll bet waiting tables is hard work!" She winked, then gave him a small wave while heading for the door and called, "See you!" Once out Danikles' office, Celeste headed out the station, nervously smiling at the demoness at the front desk before hurrying down the street towards the tavern.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's explanation about Shiva's talents didn't seem to clear much up, but Danikles simply wanted to let it slide for now. "Ahhh, heheh, well that works! I'm sure meeting her face to face will help me determine where her, ahhh, talents lie!" he said, and from there the conversation drifted to more personal issues. When Celeste, after being dismissed, winked at Danikles and saw herself out, he smiled and waved. "Ehehhh, well for a pretty thing like you, how can I not come and visit? Hopefully you won't be too busy!"

And then, with that, Celeste would be off. The demoness on the ground floor would wave her out in a fairly friendly manner despite the awkwardness the mage had displayed when she had finally realized who the woman was, but wouldn't stop her from heading out the door. The ensuing walk to the Wet Witch was no less interesting than the rest of Acheron, but with the address in mind she would find it easy to be directed where she had to go so long as she stopped to ask a guard or used a bit of magic.

The Wet Witch was a respectably large building, including a sign with a picture of a busty woman in a witch's outfit hanging over the door, and when she stepped inside there was a fairly sizable crowd at the numerous tables, mixed men and women. The tavern maids traveled around in fairly classical serving girl outfits despite the name of the place, and all of them were fairly busy serving people. There were two people behind the bar, a grumpy looking man and a cheerful looking woman, and she would have to jockey for attention a bit harder among the crowd at the bar if she wanted to go to one of them to ask after the job.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite her hurrying, Celeste still managed to get turned around several times on her way to the Wet Witch. Thankfully though, the various guards didn't seem to mind giving the bubbly bouncy blonde directions, especially after her friendly greetings. She stopped to admire the sign above the entrance, feeling that the tavern must be quite a nice place to have such lovely artwork adorning it. The inside, though, was not quite so fancy, and though she was briefly dismayed to see the serving girls in the rather common uniform she had seen in such places on the way to Acheron rather than the cute witch costume on the sign, at least the place seemed lively and warm.

Moving towards the bar, Celeste was surprised to see it so busy as to need two bartenders, but she figured that simply meant the Wet Witch was doing well. "Hello" she said pleasantly as she approached one of the serving girls, though the tavern maids seemed so busy that they only directed her to the bar. The various customers sitting in front of it seemed like the loud and raucous sort, and despite her attempts to greet the man and woman behind the bar, neither seemed to notice her over the crowd between them. Deciding that she couldn't simply sit there and wait for the customers to quiet down, which might be a long time, the young woman decided she needed to try harder to get their attention.

At first, Celeste's attempts to get the bartenders' attention amounted to simply jumping up and down and waving her hands. That didn't seem to do much however, except perhaps give a few of the nearby demons a show of her bouncing in her light dress. After a moment of thought though, she decided that maybe she needed a little extra help to get the attention she needed. With that in mind, she immediately went back to jumping up and down, but now applied some of her magical power to her fingers, sending a shower of bright sparks shooting out around her while also shouting at the bartenders. "Hey!" she yelled, her voice magically amplified as well, loud, but not quit deafening, "I'm Celeste and I'm here for a job! I need to make some money and I'm willing to work hard for it!"

Casting Spark and Megaphone with Quicken Spell (Both are level 1 spells though, so I don't think she can fail.) 4 EP.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Though she wouldn't attract the attention of either of the bartenders besides the occasional odd glance, Celeste's bouncing would certainly earn her a handful of appreciating looks from the crowd, many of whom began to look as if they might like to do more than watch the busty mage after a few moments. They would go ignored for now, however, as her attention was devoted largely towards attracting the attention of the people who could give her a job.

Eventually, her sorcerous answer to the ignorance of the bartenders would become necessary, and after her magically enhanced voice sounded loudly through the crowd's noise the entire bar would be watching her bouncing, including her targets. A few people, particularly those nearby, would look vaguely interested when she mentioned her need for money, and one of them would be fairly direct about their intentions. A hand suddenly clapped against her bouncing rump, one belonging to a slightly brutish but still handsome man with a long scar running across his right cheek and a pair of curved horns curling up over his head, and he grinned lewdly at Celeste from his stool at the bar. "Heh, you lookin to make some money sweetheart? I've got a way you could make a bit 'o coin!"

The male bartender would walk around the bar, taking his sweet time to get through the crowd as they got back to making noise, and eventually came to stand next to Celeste while she made whatever reply she liked to the man who had grabbed her ass. Only when she was finished with him would the bartender speak, assuming she hadn't taken the crass man up on his offer of course, and do so in a slightly impatient manner, "alright, you're here about the waitress job, yeah? Come with me." He would lead her past the bar to a small closed door behind it, and would usher her inside before shutting the door, cutting off the resumed noise produced by the crowd.

In the room was a simple wooden desk with a leather wrapped chair behind it located directly across the room from the door, a slightly beat up black leather couch on the left hand wall, a large rack of clothes including several serving girl outfits in varying sizes and several outfits resembling the stereotypical garb of a fairy-tale sorceress in the left hand corner, and a large hollowed out stone basin clearly meant for bathing on the right side of the room. The man strode over to the desk and sat down, directing a hand to the right corner and causing a simple wooden chair to slide into place in front of the desk while he sat down in the leather chair across from it. "Have you ever worked in the service industry before, here in Acheron or otherwise? Come, sit down."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Completely oblivious to the amount of attention she was receiving, Celeste simply continued to bounce up and down, shooting fireworks and yelling her eagerness to work. It wasn't until she saw one of the bartenders start to make his way out to her that she finally ceased, smiling profusely and clapping her slightly smoking hands. "Yaay~!" she happily exclaimed, though at the sudden feeling of a hand on her bottom it changed to a high pitched, "Yeee!" Celeste's bouncing stopped as she looked over at the demon the hand belonged to, her face turning a bright red as she nervously explained, "S-sorry, I came to apply for a job here. I-I should really talk to them about it. As the man continued to grope and knead her bottom, the young woman squirmed uncomfortably, mentally willing the bartender to get through the crowd faster. "M-maybe after I'm done here I can listen to your offer," Celeste said, hoping to placate the grinning demon. By the time the bartender stepped towards them and spoke, the busty mage was standing on her tip-toes and writhing on top of the hand, and she surged forward to follow him away from the bar.

Once inside the small office, Celeste gave a sigh of relief before taking a quick look around. It was simple, but seemed comfortable. The outfits looked cute, and it even had a kind of bath tub! Before she could think much about the lack of privacy options, a chair slid across the floor, stopping between her and the desk. Again, she didn't have time to contemplate the occurrence with the bartender already starting her interview. "The service industry?" Celeste asked confusedly as she hurried to sit down, "You mean waiting tables? W-well not much." She brought a hand up to self-consciously brush the hair around her face before quickly adding, "But I helped out a lot in the cafeteria at the Academy in Crolia. Cleaning tables and carrying stuff." In a moment of uncharacteristic cleverness, the busty blonde decided it best not to divulge that working in the cafeteria was generally a punishment for simple school infractions. "I'm really good with people though!" she continued, hoping her lack of waitress experience wouldn't cost her the job, "And I kinda need the money so I'll do whatever I have to!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Eheh.... Yeah, sure!" the demon who had grabbed her ass replied to Celeste's reassurance, "I'd pay double what you'd get outta workin a day here, but if that's yer choice it's yer loss!" He sounded quite cheery about her refusal, and simply turned back to the bar to enjoy his drink.

Once sequestered in the office and directed to sit, the bartender would frown initially at her honest admission of her inexperience, and then slowly raise a hand to his face and massaged his temples with his forefinger and thumb when she said she would do anything to get the job. "Let me just... Give you a little piece of advice. Never say something like that in Acheron, especially when you're looking for a job. Anyone else I know who owns a business here would have you bent over their desk within the next minute of you saying that, at minimum. The worse ones - which are not by any means uncommon - would have made you sign a contract that basically made you their slave in everything but name, and probably found ways to enforce it other than your fear of the legal repercussions for breaking it too."

Sighing again, he folded his hands on the desk, "so, you've got no experience.... That's not necessarily a deal killer, but it does mean you'll need training. I don't really have anyone who can do that right now, you saw how busy it is out there, but there should be a slowdown in about an hour. That gives me a bit of time to tell you the rules, your responsibilities, and what you can expect to have to put up with.

"Firstly, you should probably expect to get a lot of people like the one who grabbed your ass out in the bar while you're working here. You're going to get groped, and you're going to get propositioned, and some of them will probably be a little bit more.... Forceful than that guy. It's annoying, and at times a disgusting reminder of what we left back in Hell, but it's to be expected and you'll just have to live with it. Even though we have our waitresses working in the baths sometimes, this isn't a brothel and you aren't getting paid to get laid here. If you take on that kind of work while you're here, it's your prerogative. I don't want to know about it and I expect you to clean up after yourself.

"Now, assuming that all that hasn't scared you off, I can tell you what you'll be responsible for if you want to get paid. Waitresses here are responsible for pretty much everything, but you'll get a position basically told to you by me or Klarise - the other bartender - and you'll mainly be doing that. Taking food and drinks to customers at tables, cleaning up tables, doing dishes, wiping down the bar and the floors if they get too dirty or if you take an early shift, cooking, and maybe eventually tending the bar if you stay long enough. Your other official responsibility is working in the baths, which is.... A little bit more personal. We have a fairly extensive system including the public bath and the private ones, and other than cleaning up the former most of your work in the baths will involve assisting customers. Our waitresses will usually get requested by someone in the bar, and that means they'll be interested, and pretty much every waitress working here gives happy endings in one form or another. Even if you opt not to, you'll still be naked with them for at least half an hour, and helping them get clean will involve a lot of hands on. After they're satisfied, it's your job to clean the place up for the next customer. We've got two large baths and six private ones, and all of the water gets cleaned, heated, and replaced by magic, so you don't need to worry about anything other than keeping the place looking presentable.

"Shifts are six hours long, but you can work extra if you want, and you'll start off working four days a week as needed before you get a regular shift. You'll be compensated 3 denarii an hour plus whatever you make in tips, which are yours to keep and can add up to quite a bit if you end up being.... Popular. I take coworkers stealing from each other very seriously, so don't do it and come to me if anyone tries to do it to you. Also come to me if a customer gets a bit too handsy than you're comfortable with, I'll deal with it and you won't have to worry about being punished. I offer full security against on the job injuries and maladies and equal copays on the same if they happen when you're off, with the implication that you'll continue to work for me for at least a week more as soon as you're recovered.

"Now, before we get on with the practical part of the interview, do you have any questions or concerns?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The bartender's wearied explanation of Celeste's mistake caused the girl to bit her lip in embarrassment. How many times had she used that phrase since she arrived in Acheron? She was too scatterbrained to really remember, but she figured the number had to be high, considering she had used it extensively back at the Academy. Celeste had always wondered why the phrase had always caused the students and teachers to grin so profusely every time she used it to try to get out of some spot of trouble. Thankfully, nothing so lewd as the bartender suggested had ever happened to her, except for some kissing... and petting... and that one teacher that told her to remove her panties and let him spank her for so long she lost count. Though she was fighting back tears from the sting in her rump, the naive mage remembered finding it funny, at the time, how the teacher's face had looked almost as red as she imagined her bottom must be just before he hurriedly excused himself. Celeste made a mental note not to use that phrase anymore.

Of course, Celeste's mind wasn't very kind of notes, acting much like a room with multiple open windows on a windy day. Besides which, the bartender was still considering her application, rather than just rejecting her outright and forcing her to look for something else. Celeste didn't have time to ponder on the ramifications of her words, and she intently turned her attention back to the grumpy man, though a dark part of her mind sent an almost imperceptible shiver down her spine when he used the word 'slave.'

"Oh, I can handle a little groping," Celeste said with a nervous laugh as the man mentioned the dangers of working in the tavern, "I'm getting a bit used to it by now." She chose not to comment on his speech about not running a brothel, as despite her quite embarrassing number of indiscretions in the city so far, she had no intention of earning money in such a manner. She merely blushed and cleared her throat, nodding that she understood. The descriptions of the job's actual responsibilities sounded much better to the young woman though, and she happily nodded at each of the cleaning and serving duties that were expected. She was quite taken aback at the mention of the baths though. The bulletin board had mentioned being comfortable with nudity, but she thought it meant only the customers rather than her and them together! Still if such a job were an accepted part of life among the demons, then she, as ambassador, should at least be willing to try. "D-don't worry, I actually know a few things about giving massages, so g-giving baths shouldn't be that hard," she said, gulping at the idea of having to wash another person, an act far more intimate than any massage she had given. Well, besides the goblins... She smiled again and continued, "And everyone is always happy at the end of my massages!"

Nodding along at the information about the bartender's rules and offers of insurance, Celeste found herself finding the man much more likable than his gruff countenance suggested him to be. She smiled and fidgeted at his question, having always found this part of interviews rather nerve wracking. She had to ask something, or she'd appear naive and foolish, but she had to make sure she didn't ask anything too foolish. "I suppose I'd like to know... How busy are the baths? How often do people request a waitress?" She paused a moment, then added, "I actually have some skill with water magic, maybe that could be of use?" Bringing a hand to her lip, she thought a bit more, then asked, "The bulletin board mentioned time being kept by a city finance official? How often do they come here?" Perhaps if Celeste met a city official she could learn something about the Queen of Acheron.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The bartender gave a noncommittal grunt when Celeste assured him that she could handle any groping she might get on the job, not otherwise interrupting the long winded explanation he offered on the opportunity that she was there to acquire. Her comment about being good at massages in turn earned her a slightly raised brow, but again he chose not to interrupt himself. When given an opportunity to ask questions, the ones she opted to ask would be answered one at a time, "fairly busy and fairly often. They're one of our main attractions for people choosing to lodge here."

He tilted his head curiously when she mentioned that she was a water mage, "really? Well, maybe I can teach you how to upkeep the spells that keep that water clean, and you can do that for me every once in a while." He nodded at her mention of the city finance official, "yeah, they're in every pay day. Fridays, at four o'clock in the afternoon. They make sure our books are in order, collect our taxes, and generally make sure that we don't mistreat our employees. It's how we keep our accreditation, which helps attract a lot of business with caravan workers. Why do you ask?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Ah, well actually, I'm in Acheron on official business from the Crolian Academy of Magic!" Celeste replied to the gruff man's inquiry excitedly. Her smile widened as she straightened her posture proudly before she continued, "I'm here to talk to the Queen! I'm the Academy's official ambassador, and I'm here to work out some kind of agreement with the Queen so we can learn more about demonkind!" As proud as she was of her official position as ambassador, Celeste had not had much chance to speak of it since arriving in the city. Of course, it never occurred to the naive young woman that it wasn't really something that needed to be discussed with just anyone who asked, even tangentially. "I was hoping that if I could speak to an official of her administration, then I might learn more about the Queen, or her court, or anything that might help me." She laughed a little self consciously, then added, "Of course, before I can go talk to her, I needed to find a job so I could pay rent."

The bartender's reply to her initial questions seemed to meet what Celeste expected, and she was pleased to hear his appreciation of her magical talent. So far the job sounded quite rewarding considering what she would have to do, though it was obvious the scatterbrained young woman didn't fully understand what that entailed. Still, she was quite satisfied with everything she had heard so far. "I have to say this job seems much better than I was expecting. Is there anything else I need to know or that you would like to know about me?" she asked, eagerly sitting forward in her chair. "Haha, you know, I'm sorry, but I never asked your name!" Celeste blushed at her admission, bringing a hand to rub at the back of her head as her blunder dawned on her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The bartender kept a perfectly neutral expression on his face at Celeste's proud announcement of her official position, hiding his skepticism well enough that the bubbly blonde mage would never manage to notice it. "Well.... I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask, though I doubt an accountant could do much to get you a meeting with the Queen. Have you maybe thought about.... Trying to go to the palace? I don't really want to tell you how to do your job, but that seems like the fastest way to get something official going on."

Scratching his head, he grimaced and nodded at Celeste as she expressed her opinion of the prospective job and then asked if there was anything else that she needed to know. "Yes.... The nature of the job means that I need to demand a minimum term of service. I have to ask you to sign a guarantee that you'll stay for at least a month, barring any accidents that prevent you from working, prior commitments, or legal troubles. Training is kind of an intensive process, and I don't want to have to replace you immediately just because you find a better job."

Frowning slightly and rubbing his neck, the bartender let out a mirthless chuckle, "well, I'm Albetorix, Al in full. I own the joint." He held out a hand across the dusk for her to shake while rifling through his desk with the other, eventually producing a contract of employment for her to read. It went over everything he had said up until that point, and required an address of contact and a full name on her part as well as the same from the owner which were already filled out in neatly printed letters. "If you're ready to sign, we can get to the practical evaluation. I need to make sure that you can do the job before I can officially hire you. After you sign, you'll have to take off your clothes and find a uniform that will fit you. The bath part is first, but don't worry too much about it. It's something you'll get used to eventually, it probably won't be the last time I'll see you naked while you work here."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Uh... r-right," Celeste stammered, stunned by the bartender's rather simple suggestion of how she should talk to the Queen. "O-of course, g-going to the p-palace," she repeated, summoning up a nervous laugh to cover up her loss for words, "I was like, totally, going to do that!" She actually hadn't thought of doing that. For the naive, inexperienced young mage who had lived most of her life within the confines of the stringently run Crolian Academy, any official kind of talk with any kind of authority required prior approval, scheduled appointments, strict rules of etiquette, and much planning. Walking up to a Queen's palace and requesting an audience? Unheard of. "I-I was just going to do that after finding some employment today," She continued, trying to bluff her way out of looking foolish, though probably failing considerably.

Thankfully, the conversation returned to the aforementioned employment, and Celeste was eager to continue that discussion. She gleefully reached across the desk to take Albetorix's hand, though her handhsake was much more dainty and polite than the bartender might have expected. "Celeste! Celeste Seheraszade!" the young woman happily exclaimed while swiftly bending forward to begin signing the contract, not even bothering to read it or wait to hear what Albetorix was expecting, humming happily all the while. By the time he mentioned her having to get undressed, she had already finished her signature, her proper calligraphy clear in the pronounced swirls and elegant lines of her perfectly formed letters. "T-take off my clothes? Here? Right now?" she asked, nervously, "I-in front of you?"

Being seen naked was not particularly new Celeste. Even before her multiple embarrassing incidents in Acheron, she had been the victim of any number of naughty tricks meant to leave in her less than full dress back at the Academy. Pranks that left her clothing soaked, torn, or pulled off her body; spells that caused her clothes to turn invisible, disintegrate, or become sentient and fly away; even the odd note about today being "see-through underwear day". They all seemed to find their way to Celeste, and she always seemed to fall for them. And even so, she still remained nervous about others seeing her in states of undress, even when she had been explicitly told it would happen. "W-wouldn't it be better for me to find a uniform in a changing room... of some kind?" She asked nervously, then added, "Or maybe we could just call the whole thing off?"

Of course, since she had already signed the contract, and comfort with nudity was a vital part of working at the Wet Witch, Celeste knew she wouldn't really be able to skip this test. "Ah-ha, just joking, Al, wouldn't want to break that contract already, haha," she said quickly with a nervous laugh, suddenly worrying what the contract she had signed had said would happen if the month of work wasn't met. Standing up from the chair, her body stiff, she turned awkwardly to look back at the door to make sure it was shut, then turned back to Albetorix with an apprehensive grin, her face rapidly flushing red. "I-I guess I should get it over with..." she said softly, her stiff body shaking as her hands came up to the straps on her shoulders. Celeste gave on quick shy look at Albetorix before turning her gaze down and shifting the straps of her light dress off her shoulders. The thin fabric clung to her curves, forcing Celeste to consciously push the dress down her body, first past her large breasts, then her curvy hips and down to the floor. She quickly bent over and scooped up the dress before folding it and placing it down on the chair in front of the owner's desk. Looking back up at him, the young woman instinctively made to bring her hands up to cover her nudity before remembering that such was the point of the test. She stiffly forced her hands to rest at her sides, though her pose shifted unconsciously to try to provide her some modesty. "S-so... which uniform should I wear?" she asked softly, her eyes flicking up every so often to look at the bartender, but not meeting his gaze evenly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The bartender wouldn't offer any obvious judgement for Celeste's somewhat absurd error in not going to the palace earlier, and would simply let her fumble over her recovery before moving their conversation along. Her reaction to his demand that she disrobe earned a very slight frown and a quick nod, "you'll need to get used to it. I know it's probably not something you're going to be immediately comfortable with, but both myself and my clients will have the understanding that it's a "look but don't touch" arrangement." He outright scowled when she suggested they call the whole thing off, and his expression only shifted into a frown when she tried to recover from that as well.

"Whether that was a joke or not, it's not something I'd suggest you go around casually doing here in Acheron. Some people can be..... Upset... When they think someone is wasting their time," the demon intoned carefully. The door was indeed shut, as no one had opened it since they'd entered, and after Celeste awkwardly got out of her clothes she found the demon eying her with no apparent interest, his entire appraisal completely professional. "We'll start with the regular outfit, take one off of the third rack," he replied simply, gesturing with his head and watching her as she picked out the outfit and clothed herself anew. The outfit was a little bit tight around the chest, but Al rose to his feet and walked a circle around her before adjusting a few things, lessening the pressure that seemed to encase her considerably and leaving the outfit passably comfortable.

"Alright... That's a pretty standard size, so I've got extras. The uniforms are on loan unless you want to buy your own," Al explained calmly, "do try to take care of it. I clean some of them daily, so you should be able to come in here for replacements if you need them. Now, how's your memory? The lion's share of your duties will involve serving people, and you'll have to remember who orders what at which table. You can use a pad and pen if you don't think you'll be able to remember it, but you'll have to have fast handwriting." Once Celeste had chosen one or the other, Al would sit down again and say; "Alright, time for a trial or two then. I'll pretend to be a customer, and you'll have to remember what I order and get it for me. Ready?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The displeased look on the bartender's face brought Celeste's nervous laugh to a quick end. She coughed and apologetically said, "Y-yeah, I'll try not to waste anyone's time." Doing exactly that, she proceeded to remove her clothing, expecting the bartender to have a similar reaction to what many of Acheron's residents had so far given to her body. Surprisingly though, Albetorix seemed uninterested in her nudity beyond making sure she was capable of revealing it. Awkwardly she made her way past the bartender towards the uniforms, looking at the various pieces available. She grinned nervously at the rather sexy barmaid dress with it's low cut top and very short skirt, and picked out the one that looked most likely to fit before doing her best to slip into it quickly, her back to Al until she was fully dressed. Turning around, Celeste grimaced slightly at the ill fit, picking gingerly at it until the bartender moved forward to make his own adjustments. She jumped as his fingers slipped between the dress and her fingers, though once he was finished she stood much more comfortably, nodding as he explained taking care of it.

"Ah! I have a great memory!" Celeste replied proudly, sticking her chest out and bringing a hand up to gesture to herself importantly. "You don't get to be a certified magician without one!" While her statement was technically true, the busty young mage was quite well known for being easily distracted, and thus only tended to remember things if nothing surprising happened. Of course, Celeste herself was oblivious that, having never suffered much for any lapses in the past. Albetorix's suggestion of a trial brought a quick smile to Celeste's face. She clapped happily and said, "Oh! You want to roleplay? Yay! I love roleplaying!"

Taking a moment to clear her throat, Celeste took a neutral expression as she smoothed out her dress before walking smoothly up to the seated bartender. Once before him, her smile returned, and she eagerly said, "Hello, sir! I'm Celeste and I'll be your waitress!" She brought her hands together and leaned forward and then said, "Is there anything I can do for you, today? We have a wonderful selection that's sure to make you happy!" Pleased with her 'performance', Celeste tilted her head sweetly, her smile growing even larger as she waited for Albetorix's response.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Settling into his role as Celeste seemingly did the same, the bartender would settle back, assuming a different posture, and reply; "Oh.... Hello, I'll just have an ale and some whiskey on ice.... Gentry if you have it, but anything cheap will do. Oh, and a sandwich with...." He proceeded to go on a somewhat long and winding order including several different things, one that would naturally leave it easy for Celeste to forget things if she didn't keep it all. After that, she was told to go ahead and recite the order. Whether or not she got it right, Al would repeat the exercise three more times, each time seemingly adopting a different persona and at one point speaking in an accent involving a lot of emphasis on vowels that was extremely difficult to understand. Then, he would demand that she recite the first order without repeating it to her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As the bartender began his 'order,' complete with a different personality and temperament, Celeste momentarily broke into a slight giggle at the gruff mans easy adoption of a more friendly demeanor. Her titter only lasted a second, though, before she remembered the reason they were even doing this. She listened intently, nodding her head at each of Albetorix's requests, which she was able to recite perfectly when asked. The second and third orders Celeste also managed to repeat without problem, though she had a bit of difficulty with the bartender's faked accents. With three out of three tests completed successfully, Celeste bounced happily on her heels and smiled widely... until Albetorix asked her to repeat the first order.

"Ah! The first..." Celeste asked, her eyebrows furrowing up in confusion, though she maintained her beaming smile. She said nothing for a moment, her body frozen as she worked to remember what the first order had been. When she finally began, it was hesitantly and nervously, and she paused in between words. After the first two items though, she picked up confidence and began calling out the rest more happily. Unfortunately, her memory failed her a bit, as she began to mix and match items from all three orders in her recitation, though she seemed not to realize at all. Once finished, she stood proudly in front of Albetorix, her chest puffed out, and asked, "Well? How did I do?
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Not bad," Al replied coolly after Celeste's first test was finished, "you messed up the last order though.... So I think starting you off with a pad and pencil might be best. Try matching an order to faces, and don't be afraid to ask who ordered what at a given table. You'll be responsible for a couple groups at a time every once in a while, so if you can figure out any way to help yourself remember that'd be great. I know one of the other waitresses draws little pictures, and another one worked out a code system for the seats, but you can come up with what you like."

Rising to his feet, Al strode around the table and started undoing his shirt button by button, casually strolling past Celeste and heading towards the bath. "Now it's time for the hard part," he said casually, "you'll have to get naked again, but leave the dress folded on the table. You'll be putting it back on when we're done, I'll have you work a half shift with one of the other girls and see how you do. For now though.... It's time you learn how the baths work."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste smiled and nodded knowingly at Al's initial praise, but her expression changed to one of shocked confusion as he informed her of her mistake. "Ah, ha ha, I suppose you're right," she replied softly to his advice, bringing a hand up to scratch her head while looking down at the floor apologetically. When Celeste raised her head to offer assurance she would not make the same mistake again, though, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Albetorix undressing and heading for the bath and instructing her to do the same. The young woman's face flushed beet red at the thought of both of them being naked at the same time, but she bit her lip and nodded, knowing that since she had signed that contract, this is exactly what would be expected of her in the future.

Turning away from the bartender, Celeste once again began disrobing. She was a little faster this time, but she made sure to keep the waitress outfit nice and neat as she lay it folded down on Al's desk. She took a moment to steel herself, then turned around to face her boss, her hands clenched tight at her sides as she stepped timidly toward the stone basin. At first, she kept her eyes on the ground, but slowly raised them to look over Albetorix, knowing she had to be able to look at the naked man in order to bath him. "O-okay, h-how should I s-start?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

After undressing, Celeste would turn around to find Al gazing at her, his own clothes neatly stacked on a chair next to the bath, with two towels placed on top. The man was sizing her up, likely noting her discomfort but also taking in the details both of her mood and of her features. She would, in turn, be able to examine him, in all of his well defined muscle and with his fairly impressive endowment even if he wasn't seemingly aroused at the moment. "Normally, the client will still be dressed when you arrive," he explained, "you'll have to prep the bath, which is as simple as turning a few cranks. Some will ask for hot water, some for cool, but the taps are labeled. Red for hot, blue for cold. Simple. Occasionally you'll get people who ask you to help them undress, which you're supposed to do, and then you'll have to undress yourself.

"Some people will start the groping immediately, some will wait until you're actually in the bath, but if anything happens that goes beyond what you want, you just have to remind them of the rules. It might hurt your tip, but like I said, this isn't a brothel, and I don't appreciate people raping my employees. Most people get and respect that, but occasionally someone will try something funny. Now, in the bath itself, all you really need to do is help people wash up, but there can be a lot to that. Some people will want their hair washed, some people want a thorough scrub... Just do what they ask, and you'll do fine. There are brushes, cloths, and soaps at your disposal, and the set up in here is more or less what you'd find in any of the private baths. Come on."

Al stepped into the water and beckoned Celeste to follow, and when she did the water mage would find the bath to be relatively cool but not cold enough to be entirely uncomfortable. Al would direct her to a small cabinet set next to the bath, which contained all manner of things for washing, and as he settled onto a stone bench he would guide her through their use. The man who would be her employer was entirely professional in his basic training. When he touched her, it was only to guide her in washing him properly, and though he was always gentle he was never suggestive in his guidance. It would take about twenty minutes to go over everything, by which point Celeste learned the proper techniques for cleaning another person from head to toe, what was appropriate and what was not, and all the other minutia of her task.

When they were finished, he would casually climbing out of the bath, grabbing a towel and then handing her the second as he dried himself off. "You'll be put on training for three clients who request you or the girl you're shadowing," he explained, "your first time you only have to watch, your second time you'll be helping, and the third time you'll be doing it on your own with supervision. Any questions?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

For a moment, all Celeste could do was squirm under Albetorix's inspecting gaze. Despite her embarrassment, the young woman forced herself to stare at the bartender's body in response. Focused entirely on not looking away, Celeste jumped when the man began his explanation of the bathing procedure, then sheepishly looked up at his face. She nodded along as he spoke, her attention so thoroughly on his words that she even began to forget their nudity. When Al motioned towards the bath, she stepped towards it without thinking, and quickly began following his instructions, only realizing what she was doing when the two were fully in the water.

With her mind so focused on Al's training, Celeste managed to work through her embarrassment and absorb everything he taught her. In fact, she even began to find the process rather relaxing, and even enjoyable. With her skill with water magic, she even suggested using her ability to help with the bath, causing the cool water to swirl and bubble up around the area she was washing. After they were finished, Celeste casually stepped out of the bath and began drying herself with the towel Al handed her. Unlike so many other men she had interacted with lately, her pheromones seemed to have no effect on him, which really helped put her ease. Perhaps when it was time for the real thing, it wouldn't be so bad, she thought, if she could just remain calm and professional. She smiled as he explained how her training would go, then asked, "I guess the only question is when do I get started?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The initiative shown when she made use of her magical skills seemed to impress Al, as he nodded at her suggestion and then seemed impressed when she started causing the water around them to bubble pleasantly. After they were done and had dried off, Al would go and start getting dressed again while replying; "Well, once you get dressed again you'll be shadowing another worker for a half shift. You'll be paid, and if you do alright you'll get the job. Hold on, lemme grab you a pad and pencil for taking orders, you'll have to do a bit of order taking."

After pulling up his pants, the demonic bartender would produce exactly what he'd said he would from his desk, and then put it on the desk for her to take while putting his shirt back on. Once Celeste had dressed herself up again, he would motion to the door, directing her to precede him outside.