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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Some at the table noticed Celeste's attentions to Daniel. She caught Annita subtly glaring at her intermittently, but she never acknowledged it if confronted, offering a sweet smile and reassuring everyone rather forcefully that she'd just been thinking about the work that she would need to do on the next day. Shiva would occasionally give her a knowing smirk when she was particularly energetic in her responses to the young male, but would always pass off her looks in some other fashion if confronted about it. At one point it looked as if Katy might have noticed her interest in Daniel as well, but she made no mention of it. Gravus just frowned at her from time to time, though that could easily be because of the noise that it created. Through it all Daniel was playful and charming and funny, displaying with wit of a man possessed of both ample schooling and worldly experience, though whether or not he really had one or the other was possibly still up in the air given his seemingly lax attitudes.

When it came down for Gravus to settle the last decision for the day with her, however, had more than one eyebrow raised at the mention of that particular teacher's hair. Most first-years had McMackelry's class at one point or another, and it was a fairly effective tool of acquiring attention it seemed. Gravus was one such person, but his eyebrow lowered after a moment, and he promptly said; "Well, yes... If you're willing to take the place, I'd be happy to help you cl-" Gravus was cut off as Daniel, merry as ever, jovially interjected by saying; "Take it easy for the night Gravus, I'd be happy to lend the lady a hand cleaning the place up!"

That caused Gravus and Katy to frown, while Shiva rolled her eyes knowingly, and the former replied; "That is quite unnecessary Daniel! Celeste and I are quite capable of doing so on our own." Daniel waved a hand dismissively while offering the other mage a good-natured grin, saying; "Of course yah are, but you've been stressed to the bone since we got here and now you've finally got a chance to take a night off. So, do it! Robert and I will see to the lady's room, won't we Rob?" He glanced at his companion, who hadn't been paying too terribly much attention but quickly turned and mustered up a stuttered reply; "Uhhh... Yeah! Of course!" Daniel quickly glanced back at Gravus and grinned broadly, "See? We'll have it done in no time! And we won't destroy the flavor of the room like you would either!"

Gravus looked uncertain for a moment, but after a second or two he glanced at Celeste and said; "Well... If you don't mind putting up with those two, I certainly wouldn't mind retiring early for the night. It's up to you though, I would still be happy to help!"

(Celeste gets 6 exp for the day's assorted activities!)
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Each time Celeste noticed one of the looks she was getting, her attentions towards Daniel faltered. After the scare she had received from Shiva walking in on them in the store room, the young woman was worried the others might discover her and Daniel's... relationship. There was also the fact that she had just brought the group together to work towards supporting each other in this city, and she didn't want to break that apart due to fighting over the playboy mage. She laughed a little less each time she noticed someone looking at her disapprovingly, and leaned away from Daniel, though his witty and charming nature made such efforts short-lived.

When Gravus and Daniel began to argue over who would help her with her cleaning, Celeste became immediately nervous. Again, she didn't want anything to happen to the groups good spirit, especially her, as well Celeste could guess why Shiva had rolled her eyes. Being alone in a small room with Daniel had led to her rather... awkward predicament, and the young mage was wary of putting herself into another such position. She held her hands up placatingly as the two men spoke, though she did not intervene herself. Truthfully, a small part of her was glad that a fuss, even a small one, was being made over her. Finally though, Gravus left the decision to her. Celeste gulped, then looked around the room before replying.

"W-well Gravus, I wouldn't want to overwork you, especially since I know you work so hard already trying to run things here," Celeste said, smiling nervously at the man. She cast a quick glance at Daniel, blushing, then over at Rob, before finally turning to Shiva before turning her eyes down and twiddling her thumbs. 'Well,' she thought, trying to quickly come to a decision as she felt all eyes at the table on her, 'I suppose if Robert is there too, then Daniel and I won't be alone. We... I should be able to control myself." Turning back to Gravus with her normal bubbly smile, she responded, "Don't worry Gravus, I can handle Daniel and Robert by myself! I'll make sure they work hard!" Once done, she turned to look at Daniel and then Robert, smiling sweetly, before turning back to Gravus. "Thanks so much for the offer, but you should get some rest!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Gravus nodded hesitantly after Celeste's acceptance of Robert and Daniel's offer, and replied; "Alright, if you're sure. Try not to make too much noise, we'll all be trying to sleep, and loud noises carry through the entire house." Daniel, smirking mischievously, beat Celeste to replying; "Oh don't worry, it's only a bit of cleaning! I'm sure that we won't even make a peep~" Gravus looked a bit uncertain despite his reassurances, but made no effort to argue the point further despite his misgivings. By that point Katy was looking at Daniel quite suspiciously, and talked noticeably less to everyone for the rest of the meal. Daniel noticed this and made an effort to engage with her, but she only seemed to find that more suspicious.

After a time their meal was done, the dishes portioned such that there were few enough leftovers that they could be gobbled up by whoever still had room. After that most everyone opted to go to their separate rooms for the night, bidding good night to one another before turning in. Daniel and Robert, the latter of whom looked more than a little hesitant, followed Celeste up to the room she'd chosen. No creature came sprinting out from under the bed when the boys came in, so either it was too frightened to come out or it hadn't returned to its previous lair. "So!" Daniel said as he turned toward her, his usual cocky grin on his face, "Where would you like us to start?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With the matter settled, Celeste smiled and nodded in agreement with Daniel's assurance. The rest of the dinner proceeded on much like it did prior to the debate, though Celeste noticed Katy's change of mood. She attempted to speak to Katy herself a few times, though for some reason the only words she managed were awkward pieces of chit-chat. Once the dinner was finished, Celeste thanked everyone before wishing them goodnight. Turning to Daniel and Robert, she blushed before motioning them to follow her upstairs.

Before entering the room, Celeste asked the two men to wait just a moment. Opening the door just enough to allow her to lean in, she looked around. The creature was nowhere in sight, though at least it wasn't waiting for her. She sighed, then opened the door and ushered Daniel and Robert in, closing the door behind them to make sure the group's cleaning didn't bother anyone else in the house. Once inside, Celeste realized that the trio hadn't brought any cleaning supplies, though as they were all mages, that shouldn't be much of a problem. Another thing she realized was that the enclosed room was concentrating the pheromones that had caused her unladylike behavior earlier.

Blushing slightly as her mind took a strange turn after Daniel's question, Celeste quickly moved over to the desk and wiped a finger across the top, before turning to show it to the two men. "Well, I think dusting would be a good start!" she said, laughing softly, before bending over to blow on the collected dust. It exploded a big plume that quickly filled the room. Startled, Celeste jumped back away from it, gasping in surprise before erupting into a coughing fit. For a few moments she simply stood, waving her hand back and forth to try to clear the dust before remembering that she had closed the door. She rushed over to the window and opened it, breathing in deeply of the fresh night air to clear her lungs. Once the air was cleared, Celeste turned around and apologized. "Maybe we should try to find some rags," she said with an embarrassed giggle.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste could practically feel Daniel and Robert watching her as she bent over, the initial whiff of the pheromones she'd gotten from Daniel enough to start inspiring lewd thoughts in the bubbly mage. Robert, though not sharing in their mutation, was just as affected by Celeste's pheromones as Daniel was, and both men enjoyed the sight of her plump backside as it strained against the fabric of her borrowed robes as she bent to blow the dust off of the desk. Both were also equally torn from the pleasure of staring at her by the coughing fit inspired by the storm of dust that exploded out when she filled the room with a dust cloud. Of course, once the window was opened and the brunt of it was sent out the window (aided by a magically created gust of wind from Robert,) Celeste also got at least a little bit of relief from Daniel's pheromones as well, though the enclosed space and prolonged proximity would still cause their own issues.

"Rags... Ackchoo! Would probably be good... Lets see what's in here before we go tromping about and keeping everyone awake though, eh?" Daniel said, and then he and Robert moved over to the drawers of the desk and started rifling through. "Oi, look at this!" Daniel said with a note of laughter in his voice as he pulled something out of the drawers, and a glance at the stretched bit of fabric that he held between his hands would allow her to realize that he was holding woman's underwear. "Well isn't that something! These should do just fine, eh Bob?" he said, turning and grinning at Robert who hadn't even looked up from rifling through the other drawers. The other young man continued just that, pulling out a few old, moth-eaten shirts that looked fairly unfit to be worn at that point, and while doing so he calmly deadpanned; "Oh, yeah.... Great. This is exactly what I wanted to do tonight, spend all of it cleaning up another one of these big rooms using some dead woman's unmentionables!"

Daniel let out a bark of laughter before replacing the panties and closing the drawer, and then picking up a rag and saying; That's the spirit Bob! These ought to do a bit better though!" With a flick of his wrist Daniel summoned a spout of water that drenched one of the makeshift rags, and then offered it to Celeste before grabbing another and doing the same. "Might as well get on with this then," Robert sighed as he began scrubbing the surface of the desk with a rag he'd dampened himself, and Daniel nodded with a grin and shot Celeste a mischievous smirk before setting about cleaning up the dust himself. "We can probably wring the rags out the window and use another bit of magic to clean 'em up for reuse," Daniel suggested as he started cleaning the bedstand. He seemed to adopt a much more professional demeanor as he actually got to work though, as he moved with brusque efficiency and calmly said; "We ought to do the floors and the bedding too. I can help you with the latter whenever you like, but for now why don't you go check out that armoire and then start on the floors while Bob and I get everything else cleaned up?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As she leaned out the window, coughing out the last of the dust, Celeste felt a rush of air blow over her. Instinctively, the young woman brought her hands down to hold onto her robe, the earlier incident immediately springing to mind. Of course, the heavy robe was in no danger of being blow about like the skimpy dress had, so she turned around to look at the men with yet another embarrassed laugh before thanking Robert for the magical help. Breathing the air in the small room, even with the ventilation from the open window, treated the mage to the sweet scent of Daniel's pheromones once again, and Celeste found herself wishing that she HAD been wearing the skimpy dress after all.

The thought passed quickly, though, when Celeste found herself gasping at what Daniel had found. She stared a moment before giggling lightly at the absurdity of cleaning the room with a pair of panties. Robert's reaction, though brought a smirk to the young woman's face, before she replied, "Aww, c'mon Robert, it won't take that long." Her comforting tone turned to a friendly chide as she continued, "Besides, I thought guys loved women's panties." She laughed sweetly at her joke, though it faltered when she remembered that she hadn't replaced the underwear she had lost earlier. Shifting her legs nervously under her robe, Celeste gingerly walked up and took the wet rag from Daniel, blushing as she looked up at him.

As Daniel and Robert began cleaning, Celeste smiled and moved over to the armoire, glad that they both seemed to be eager to finish the task. Celeste certainly didn't like cleaning, so she understood Robert's unhappiness with the task. Thankfully though, Daniel seemed rather to already know what to do. She nodded with a smile at his suggestions, and said, "Right, we can get all this done in no time, and have plenty of time for the bed!"

Celeste turned to begin wiping the dust from the sides of the armoire, a sweet and innocent smile on her face. As she worked, though, she had trouble keeping herself from peeking at Daniel and Robert as they cleaned. Being in such a small room with them, with the same sweet scent from before hanging in the air, had the young woman staring at them. The heavy robe seemed even heavier and hotter than normal, and she found herself frequently pulling on the neck of her robe, fanning herself lightly in between cleaning the armoire and washing off the rag. At one point she looked over to see Daniel smiling at her, and with a blush she quickly looked away. She cleared her throat and tried to get back to work, only to notice that she had finally finished cleaning the wardrobe. Feeling a sudden need to hide, as well as having a bit of curiosity after Daniel's earlier find, she opened the armoire, wondering what kind of clothes might be inside.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Daniel quirked an eyebrow at Celeste while Robert just stared at her incredulously after Celeste's remark about panties, and a moment later both men glanced at one another and promptly burst out into raucous laughter. "You've got a good sense of humor ma'am!" Daniel said brightly, and Robert added; "Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought!"

A few moments later they were starting their work, and while Robert wasn't looking and when Celeste was taking the damp towel, Daniel's grin broadened just before he ran two fingers just over the busty mage's waist, running them from just to the right of her mound to just over her plump backside. His teasing touches weren't to end there either, as he was working fairly close to her and thus opted to sneak in light fondles and caresses whenever he got the chance. He managed to hold himself off from touching her in more inappropriate ways for a surprisingly long while, but eventually Celeste would feel a soft pinch on her bottom when she bent to start cleaning the lower portions of the armoire. Unless reprimanded in some way, that wouldn't be the last time she was groped in such a manner, and when both of them went clear their rags at the same time Daniel would place his hand on her buttocks and hold it there until Celeste moved, kneading her soft backside in a way that sent shivers down her spine, particularly since the added proximity ensured that he was breathing in the man's pheromones constantly. Unless she deliberately pulled it away, that hand would shift up along her side, across her belly, and up her chest to briefly cup one of her breasts before he parted away, and her chest started to receive an equal amount of attention compared to her butt as their task went on.

Robert never seemed to notice any of this, or if he did he never commented on it. He merely banged away at his given task without complaint, until the desk was fairly clear of dust by the time Celeste was done with her own task and was debating on opening the armoire. When the handle proved to be jammed, he came over to her and said; "Allow me." Gently nudging her aside, he grabbed it and pulled, eventually managing to yank the door open with a loud crack and a plume of dust. The contents of the armoire, while coated in dust, were also in fairly good condition. An entire wardrobe of women's clothing was contained within, and the first piece on display was a fairly thin and extremely revealing purple nightgown. All of it looked like it would fit her quite nicely too, and Daniel, who had by that point started on cleaning the floor, came by and quipped; "Hooo man, that's a risque little piece isn't it? I'll bet somebody enjoyed coming home to get that off whoever was wearing it and onto the floor, eh Bob?" Robert, blushing and glancing momentarily at Celeste, replied; "I'll bet. Looks like it would fit you too! Want us to clean this too, or throw it out with the rags?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The first time Daniel's fingers ran against her body, Celeste jumped, unsure what the touch was. For a second she froze, afraid that the six legged creature from before had found her and started crawling around her. When he realized it was only Daniel, though, she sighed with relief, smiling weakly at him and shaking her head. She chose not to say anything for fear of attracting attention, and looking over her shoulder was simply relieved that Robert seemed not to have noticed. Daniel, of course, took that as a sign to continue. At first, she simply jumped at the touches, quickly checking behind her before blushing at Daniel and attempting to ignore them as best as possible.

As they continued though, the light touches and soft caresses became longer and more thorough, and Celeste found herself having a harder time acting as though nothing was happening. When Daniel pinched her bottom, Celeste let a soft gasp, jumping in surprise. She immediately turned to look at the offending hand, then at Robert. He still hadn't noticed. She sighed then looked pleadingly up at Daniel before casting her eyes at Robert, once again trying to keep quiet. At the window, she smiled at Daniel as they both approached, then gasped as she felt his hand squeezing her rear. From where they were standing she couldn't look back at Robert, but she decided to keep as quiet as possible, focusing on wringing out her towel as she felt Daniel's hands roaming across her body. The more he groped and squeezed, the more she breathed in the tantalizing sweet scent, the more Celeste began to squirm in the playboy mage's grip. She began to let out soft sighs as her sensitive skin was toyed with, her back arching as ripples of enjoyment spread through her. She tried her best to hold herself back, pursing her lips and trying to focus on her task, though it took longer than she meant with Daniel's attentions. By the time she was done, Celeste felt warmer than ever, and she pointedly ignored both Daniel and Robert as she felt her face flushing brightly.

When Robert approached to open the armoire, Celeste was still a little sensitive from all of Daniel's touches. She cringed and gasped when Robert nudged her to get at the wardrobe, but quickly fell silent. Once again, a plume of dust blew through the room, though magical winds quickly cleared the air again. Celeste had a brief moment of relief from the pheromones, blushing once again as she thought about how she was acting before the sweet scent returned in full force. She oohed as the full collection in the armoire was revealed, excited to see so many pieces of fine clothing. When she noticed that the first selection was a piece of thin lingerie though, her eyes widened in amazement. 'How can someone where something like that?' she thought to herself, though her pheromone addled mind quickly began to imagine herself in the revealing nightgown. Daniel's appreciation of the nightie drew a blush of embarrassment to the girl's face as she immediately began to imagine herself in just the situation he described. Robert's comment broke her from her reverie. "F-fit me?' she asked incredulously, inspecting the lingerie even closer before adding, "M-maybe." She knew she should tell him to throw out the nightgown, but a part of her really wanted to try it on. Of course, she couldn't say that. "W-well, Robert," she started, hesitating as she looked between the nightie and the two men, "I suppose... since it's a rather nice piece of... clothing, we shouldn't just throw it away. That would be... disrespectful! We should definitely clean it!" She smiled as she finished her excuse, before laughing nervously. She looked at the two, awkwardly squirming under their gaze before swiftly turning away. Moving to a different part of the room she quickly knelt down and began cleaning the floor, her face beet red as she tried desperately to ignore the two men. "W-we're almost done," she called, holding her head down so that her blonde hair covered her face. "I'll take care of the floor! Let me know when you're done!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Your wish is my command!" Robert replied brightly, and took the whole contents of the wardrobe in one armful and proceeded to place them aside on the bed, allowing him to clean the assortment of garments one by one. "Bah, a true gentleman never lets a lady work alone on her knees! Not when he can lend a hand! Besides, Bob here can clean the clothes just fine. I'll help yah with the floor, and then we can all do the bed together!" Daniel protested good naturedly after Celeste told them to clean those while she finished the floor, though his choice of words in the end was more than enough of an innuendo to keep his perverted nature out in the open.

"I can handle this just fine, the sooner we finish the floor the sooner we can all get to sleep!" Robert stated plainly, and unless Celeste opted to protest further Daniel would move to the opposite side of the bed and return to cleaning the floors, putting him far enough away from her that she wouldn't have to worry too much about his pheromones, though she still detect light traces of them on the air. And then, for a time, Celeste was left in relative peace. The two men occasionally joked as they worked, and often tried to invite her in on them, but she wasn't required to respond and got nothing more than an odd look if she didn't. Daniel's presence was a constant distraction, but he wasn't groping her every ten seconds anymore and was far enough away that her head could grow a tiny bit clearer....

And then, suddenly, when they were working far apart while Robert was just barely finishing the last of the clothes that he needed to clean, something touch Celeste right between her legs. The busty blonde's back (or more accurately, her ass) had been facing both Daniel and Robert, the fabric of her simple robe once again made to strain against her finely sculpted backside, but if she looked behind she would find nothing there that was close enough to touch. Both men were sneakily watching her, obviously admiring the view, but after a moment Celeste would realize that it was a spell, a simple force spell to be precise.... And she would realize this just as the touch returned with a great deal more power, pushing against the back of her robes at her pussy, pressing the course fabric against her petals and sending pleasure shivering across her body from even that slight stimulation thanks to Daniel's pheromones.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste laughed and thanked Daniel for helping with the floor, once again missing the innuendo. She also thanked Robert, since she knew cleaning clothes, even lingerie, could be a hassle. As she cleaned, the young woman found her mind was able to clear quite a bit. She sighed and smiled as she scrubbed the floors, thankful for the first time for chores. Her mood improved much, and she tried her best to join in with Daniel and Robert's joking, though despite their earlier compliment, the naive young woman wasn't much of a comedian. Still, the friendly atmosphere was welcome after Celeste had been so worried about Robert catching her succumbing to Daniel's touches. Of course, the lingering scent of pheromones kept her mind from clearing completely.

Eventually, the joking quieted and each of the three mages began to focus on their task. During this moment of silence, Celeste began to wonder if Daniel's 'problem' was worse than he had let on. It hadn't been very long since their passionate encounter in the storage closet. How would she help him control his urges if they were so frequent that he had already begun thinking lewdly and groping her. The thought of his playful touches brought a blush to Celeste's face, a small part of her starting to miss them as she worked alone while constantly catching faint whiffs of his scent. Just then, she felt a touch on her back. Shocked, she jumped and let out a soft whine involuntarily. Catching herself, she quickly looked back, sure the playboy mage would be right behind her. But he wasn't. He was still on the other side of the room, a mischievous smile across his face. Turning, she saw Robert at the bed, his eyes darting to look at her between his cleaning. She turned to look at her own rear, but there was nothing there. But if they were so far away, what was it that she...

Just then, the feeling returned, stronger than ever. Celeste shivered as she felt her thick robe press against her completely unprotected sex. She gasped, eyes half closing as what felt like a pair of fingers rubbed the coarse fabric back and forth along her petals. Too late, she realized she had turned to look at the men while she was panting in excitement. Daniel's grin had grown wider and more lewd, and Celeste immediately realized he had used a spell on her. 'No, Daniel!" she thought, desperately attempting to fight the sensations between her legs, "Robert will definitely notice this!' She squirmed, twisting her body back and forth as she tried to toss the magical fingers away from her sex, but it was no use, and her movements only served to create more of a show for her onlookers. She wanted to tell Daniel to stop, but then she would have to explain to Robert just what was happening. She realized if she wanted to escape from Daniel's lewd prank and not let Robert notice her duress, she would have to do something a bit more sneaky.

Of course, thinking of a plan while also attempting to ignore the constant arousal from Daniel's teases was difficult, especially so for Celeste. With each rub, she shivered, her body shaking and her petals becoming moist with anticipation. Writhing in pleasure, the young woman finally figured out how to hide her predicament from Robert. She threw her bottom down against the balls of her feet, settling into a kneeling position that didn't let her clean the floor too well, but at least kept the growing telltale wet spot from being visible on the bottom of her robe. That didn't prevent the spell from sending constant stimulation racing up her spine, and the young mage continued to flouder back and forth, her back arching slightly while she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning when a sudden strong wave hit her. Sighing raggedly, Celeste did her best to keep cleaning, hoping that if she could finish with the floor quickly, she could get close to Daniel and stop him from working his magic. She glanced at Robert, a deep blush on her face, and tried something else to keep her mind from the torment between her legs. "S-so boys," she began, her voice quivering as she fought her arousal, "W-what brought the t-two of you to Ahhh-acheron? I c-can't imagine you t-two being iiii-interested in living in a p-place like thisss." She had to finish the floor quickly, and maybe if she could distract Daniel, his concentration would falter, as would his spell.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The soft whine at the initial feeling of something pressing against her petals diverted Robert's full attention her way, and he very nearly dropped a sundress that he'd been drying out the window as he momentarily stared at Celeste with a deep blush. Her thick robes had bunched up while she was working on her knees, leaving parts of it taught against her and ensuring that her plentiful assets were readily on display, her heavy breasts hanging beneath her and the defined curve of her backside plainly visible. The sight of the buxom blond mage looking back at him with her face flushed with arousal would likely have been a potent draw for attention to any man, and Robert was seemingly no exception to that rule. Daniel certainly wasn't either, though it was likely less surprising from the lecherous young man, and neither seemed able to tear their gaze away as she squirmed and panted while making futile efforts to dislodge the pressure being made against her sex. The growing damp spot was indeed impossible to miss, and Robert kept on staring at her even as he fumbled with the nearly lost garment until Celeste dropped her bottom down onto her knees and opted to try and break the tension by speaking, at which point he quickly looked back to his task with a noticeable blush and a small bulge growing between his legs.

Her motion had momentarily disrupted Daniel's spell, resulting in a brief pressure against her lower back before Daniel reoriented the magic for the new location and angle, the invisible force slowly parting her petals just after she'd asked her question. "Oh, us?" Daniel asked innocently, glancing at his companion with a smirk. "Well, truth be told Bob here is a bit of a hanger-on!" the young mage added, and Robert turned to scowl at him for a moment and replied; "I am not! I wanted to come on this trip to get away from home for a while, that's all! It's boring in Buttersville, and opportunities to get away without also going to war to get killed by some orc taking a pot shot with some Anudorian toy is one worth taking in my book!" He said those words somewhat bitterly, and perhaps to Celeste's surprise Daniel would cease his teasing of her to smile apologetically at him.

"Sorry bud," he said, "I sometimes forget about that little bit.... Well, I guess you'd want to get away from home any way you can these days." Daniel promptly turned back to his task, but Robert, adopting a mischeivous smile of his own and glancing at Celeste conspiratorially, turned fully towards Daniel and said; "Well?" Daniel glanced back, a confused look on his face, and asked; "Well? Well what?" Smirking, Robert said; "Don't give me that "well, what" nonsense! Answer the lady's question! Tell her why you're all the way out here, away from your fortune and the majority of your friends and your harem of paramours!" Daniel, frowning in a manner that was a bit more upset than he might ought to have been under the circumstances, replied; Oi! I don't have a harem! And it's my parent's fortune, not mine! And I brought my best friend along with me, so I hardly need the rest now do I?" That brought a grin back to both boy's faces, and on that note Daniel turned back toward Celeste and said; "It's not like he said, I swear! I came out here because I figured it would be a valuable learning experience and because I thought it might be a good bit of fun, that's all. Plus, I put forth a good bit of the money to fund it myself, so I had a bit of a personal stake in it."

By that point the floor was almost clean, and Robert was nearly done with the clothes. All that was left to clean was the bed after that, and then Celeste might be free of Daniel's molestations and pheromones long enough to clear her head of it. Of course, she wasn't to be left entirely alone in that time, as Daniel would, a few moments after giving his own answer, ask of Celeste; "So, what about you miss? What brought you so far from home?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste's quick motion had given her a temporary reprieve from Daniel's naughty spell, and she sighed softly before asking her question. The feeling returned all too quickly, though, but at least the two men had been distracted enough that they were no longer staring at her, squirming and mewling on the ground. She blushed at the thought, the image of Robert staring at her wide eyed and a bulge growing in his pants while Daniel grinned lewdly stuck in her mind. With those thoughts flashing in her mind, the magical fingers rubbing between her petals constantly, and her own attempts at continuing to clean the floor, Celeste was having a hard time paying attention to the two men as they gave their explanations. Still, she had asked the question, and it would be rude to ignore them.

As the men spoke, Celeste jerkily scrubbed the floor, lunging forward with the towel, then scooting along on her knees. Each time she did, Daniel's magical teasing drove another spike of sensation through her body, drawing a silent shudder from her as she slowly returned to her kneeling posture. Every so often she would glance back towards the men, smiling as the two obvious friends teased each other. Robert's grin brought a smirk from Celeste, and her eyes opened wide at the mention of Daniel's harem, and she giggled as the normally confident man seemed to scramble to counter the accusation. Halfway through the giggle, another teasing rub caused her to jump slightly, turning the laugh into a high pitched squeal that the young woman desperately silenced by turning back to her cleaning. When she noticed that she was almost done and was inching closer to Daniel with each swab, Celeste nearly laughed in relief, though she knew what would have come out of her mouth wouldn't have been a laugh.

Daniel's question of her should have been expected, but Celeste hadn't been thinking clearly when she asked it. As such, when it came, the young woman suddenly froze as she felt the attention of both men turn to her. She shuddered as the fingers between her leg brought another, stronger sensation racing through her. After having to suffer the arousal for so long, she was becoming extremely sensitive, each teasing rub causing her toes to curl as she could feel herself building up to the inevitable. She squeaked uncontrollably, before gulping and turning to face the two as she considered the question. Despite having told several of the group members already, Celeste still felt the need to keep her true intentions for coming to Acheron a secret. "W-well," she started, blushing as the two stared at her, "I was d-doing rather well... at the Academy... but I was a little bored... like Robert. I felt I needed something a little more... stimulating." Daniel's teasings didn't stop as she spoke, and just as she said the last word, she jumped as they became slightly more insistent. She shuddered, breathing heavily, silent for just a moment as she regained her composure. "I-I-I thought it would be best to go somewhere where I could... experience magic... in a natural setting." As she continued speaking, she moved towards the bed, trying to fight off her building arousal. "S-so, I spoke t-to some teachers... and the Dean... and I persuaded them to send me here." Finally, Celeste managed to reach the bed. Kneeling next to it, her body at least was hidden from Robert's sight, though her chest, heaving as she breathed heavily from the pleasurable sensations, and her blushing face was right before him. Nearer to Daniel now, she reached with one hand out toward him, below the line of the bed, and tried to lightly touch him, in an effort to silently plead with him to stop his magical torment. "S-so here I am! Looking to experience n-new things while... earning credits... f-for gradu-ation."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Daniel seemed to realize that his spell was still going as Celeste drew nearer, and when she reached out to the other mage she would quickly find herself released from the stimulative magics. "Oh! Heh... Well, that's all it was.... Though, I guess that's a good enough reason," Daniel said lightly, blushing in embarrassment for a moment as he looked down at her. Their proximity to one another ensured that they were both breathing a fairly steady stream of one another's arousing pheromones, but the man at least seemed to have a bit of control over himself now, and didn't do any more teasing.... For the moment.

The brief break in stimulation might give Celeste a moment to gather herself, but before she had that moment Robert turned and said; "The clothes are all done, they just need to be put back wherever you'd like to store 'em. Lets get the bedding cleaned up so we can get some sleep." He came around the corner and found Celeste on her knees, her face still flushed and her hand still possibly stretched out towards Daniel. Eying her in confusion, he said; "Are you alright miss? No offense, but you've been acting.... Strangely.... For the last while. Daniel here hasn't been casting some mischief out you while I've not been paying attention, has he?" He turned his gaze to glare suspiciously at Daniel, who gave him an excellent innocent look in return.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Sorry I took so long, IRL plus writer's block. I decided to go a little silly with this one, but hopefully it's not too bad ;)

With each passing second, the teasing and rubbing between her lower lips was driving Celeste closer to a peak. She began to shiver in anticipation, her toes curling even as she slowly crept closer to Daniel, eyelids half-closed, mouth hanging open, her arm stretching out towards him. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt her arousal climbing further and further until... it all stopped. The magic that had been tormenting her disappeared, leaving Celeste kneeling on the floor, her pulse racing and her nerves flaring at the sudden absence of stimulation. Her eyes shot open as she stared up at Daniel, almost confused, and just then, she slumped down. Her desperate attempts at resisting the teasing magic had left her body so tense that with the sensations gone, she crumpled like a sack of potatoes, exhausted from holding back for so long. Kneeling there, she shivered as the arousal remained, warmth pulsing deep within her, and yet with no stimulation it felt like a spring slowly being unwound rather than the violent explosion she had been expecting. Celeste took several gasping breaths as her body thrummed with excitement, both from the sudden lack of stimulation, and a certain amount of anticipation form it returning.

Before she could fully recover, however, Robert rounded the bed to speak to her. Her head spun around, her eyes wild and fearful as she wondered just how she must look, kneeling at the foot of the bed, her body heaving and shivering as her hand still hung suspended in air reaching out towards Daniel's leg. She sheepishly shifted her body around to face Robert, though she remained kneeling, still conscious of the wet spot that by now must be terribly noticeable on her robe. "I-I'm fine, just fine!" she responded quickly to Robert's question, the hand that had been reaching toward Daniel quickly coming to wave reassuringly to the man. Of course, his speculation about mischief caused Celeste to suddenly shift her gaze down and blush, a look of guilty amusement on her face, like the one a child caught with it's hand in a cookie jar would have. "N-no, no... There's been no mischief... I-I'm just a little tired from all the... activities I engaged in today," she said, her voice soft but audible, hoping she could simply lie her way out of having to explain herself. "I-I just get a little breathless and... squirmy when I'm tired, you know?" she asked, her voice raising as she tried harder to sell her lie, looking up at Robert with a shy grin, her face turning redder by the second as she laughed nervously. "T-thank you for your concern, Robert, I appreciate it so much! It's nice to know I have a handsome man like you looking out for me!" she finished, her gaze casting off to the side to avoid having to see just how Robert was reacting to her increasingly ridiculous and blatant evasions.

Of course, the bed still had to be taken care of. Celeste knew she couldn't simply sit there on the floor while the two men handled the bed. At the same time, though, she couldn't just jump up and work beside them while the evidence of Daniel's teasing was so conspicuous. She had to find some way to make sure that even if Robert was thoroughly convinced something had been going on, there wouldn't be anything blatantly obvious to confirm the idea. Thinking quickly, the water mage came up with a plan, but winced in embarrassment even as she realized it might be the only solution. Quietly she gathered a small bit of magical power, then slowly started to stand up, saying "J-just let me clean this rag and we can proceed to the bed." As she stood, she channeled a cleansing spell into the rag, though slightly stronger than normal, causing water to erupt from the cloth. She let the water splash all over the front of her robe, letting out a surprised gasp just before she dropped it, letting the water pool on the ground as she stared at it in mock embarrassment. "Oh, dearest me!" she exclaimed ludicrously, just before she suddenly fell straight down into the puddle of water. She sat for a second, letting the water soak into the back of her robe before finally standing again. "Oh! I'm so clumsy!" she said, softly patting her now rather wet robe, the fabric clinging to her body even more as she twisted around to look at her rear and make sure the wet spot from before was now thoroughly concealed. Satisfied with her deception, she turned back to Robert and apologized profusely before stooping to pick up the rag. "Don't worry, I'll clean this water up! You two take care of the bed, I don't want to keep you any later after you've done so much to help me so far!" She quickly used her magic once again to draw the water from the floor into the now sopping wet rag before rushing over to the window to wring the cloth clean. She looked over her shoulder back at the two, hoping her overacting had worked, or at least distracted them enough so that she could avoid any unwanted questions.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

(It's fine, happens to everybody now and then.)

Robert paused, visibly taken aback by the fearful look in Celeste's eyes as she rounded onto him, and his question about her well-being was delivered with a good bit of concern. Still, he seemed to accept her excuse, albeit reluctantly, and said; "Uhhhh... Alright then, if you say so!" He was blushing slightly at being called handsome, though his voice didn't sound particularly convinced. Despite that, however, he stepped away from her and started pulling the dusty covers off of the bed carefully so as to keep the grime from billowing out.

As such, only Daniel was really looking at her, grinning as he examined his handiwork, when Celeste made her ploy to keep her arousal from being discovered. Water collected from the air around them splashed over her, wetting the entire front of her robes and hiding the wet spot created by her arousal. Robert gave a startled jump as some of the spilled water splashed against his ankle, but then gazed at her soaked front with wide eyes and began to stutter; "Uhhh... Nnn.. No! It's, uhhh... Quite alright! Yeah... Just... Just an accident... We'll, uhhh, take care of things on the bed... I mean! We'll take care of the bed... Daniel and I, you just... Uhhh... Yeah."

The reason for his embarrassment was undoubtedly the way that the simple brown robe thinned so when wet, clinging to her body like a damp second skin such that she might as well have been naked above the waist. When she dropped down he quickly turned away and started haphazardly gathering the blankets up, a task that Daniel helped him with quickly while still managing to stare at Celeste as she got the back of her robes firmly wetted as well. After a moment the wet spot was quite thoroughly covered, as there was more of her robe that was wet than dry, and as Daniel and Robert cleaned the bedding out the window she would easily be able to clean up the wet spot on the floor and wring it out beside them. Soon enough only the mattress would need cleaning, which would be done via the same spell she had used to soak herself and then a fire spell to dry it out.

"Looks like we're all done here. You'd best change out of those before you catch a cold, wouldn't want that!" Daniel remarked once the cleaned bedding was once more affixed to the mattress. The room was far cleaner, its musty stuffiness almost entirely gone, and Robert quickly started heading for the door as he said; "Yup. I'm, uhhhh, pretty tired! I'll be going to my room now." A grinning Daniel glanced at her mischievously, but only gave her bottom one last light grope before heading for the door as well, both men bidding Celeste good night unless she opted to stop one or both of them.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With her over the top performance seeming to work, Celeste relaxed, smiling slightly at Robert's embarrassment. Of course, when she realized the source of his embarrassment, she developed some of her own. Throwing her arms over the portions of her now almost skin tight robe that were proving to be more than a mere distraction, she hurried about finishing up what was left of the cleaning. When they were finally done, the blushing mage followed the men to the door, desperately trying to cover up her still clingy robe.

"Haha, yes, I can't wait to take this silly thing off," Celeste replied to Daniel, her characteristic obliviousness once again showing itself as she smiled innocently. She squeeked quietly at Daniel's grope, but did her best to ignore it, as she had with all the others. Once the two had reached the door, Celeste felt a sudden pang of obligation towards them, and called out, "W-wait!" The men stopped and turned to look at her, Robert one step into the hall while Daniel held the door open. She squirmed again as they stared at her, silent for a moment before taking a few small steps forward. "I... I really appreciate you two taking the time to help me out cleaning the room," she said, looking back and forth between the two with a genuine smile. "I guess it's only fair that if either of you have a favor to ask, I'll certainly do what I can for you!" Her smile widened, certain this was the start of a good friendship with the two boys. "So if you want me to do anything for you, just ask!" With that, she skipped forward a step and leaned up to plant a small kiss on Daniel's cheek, then Robert's. Stepping back, she waited patiently, to see the men out.

Daniel's sudden mischievous smile, though, made Celeste realized that offering the lewd young man 'anything' may have been a mistake. "Well, miss," he said conspiratorially with a quick glance at Robert, then motioned over to the armoire with a lewd grin and continued, "since your so eager to take that robe off... it would be rather nice if you could, perhaps, try on that nightgown we found, and show us how it fits. You said it would be disrespectful to just throw it out, so why not model it a bit, too?" The man waited patiently, a salacious smirk on his face while his eyes twinkled with sly mirth.

Celeste mind reeled. While she had been expecting something much worse than simply changing into lingerie when Daniel first opened his mouth, simply changing into lingerie was much worse than what she had been thinking of when she made her offer. Still, since she had just made her offer, she couldn't just back down. And really, the offer was implied to be one favor, right? So Daniel couldn't just ask for anything more right away. She hoped. Celeste gulped, before nodding with a tremulous laugh. "S-sure, that would be alright... I suppose" she said, turning and slowly making her way back to the armoire. It was only once her hands contacted the handles that she remembered the two men were still in the room, with the door open. She turned back towards them, and softly said, "N-no peeking while I get changed! Okay boys? Turn around and close the door!" She waited until the two complied, then turned back to the cabinet.

Opening the doors, Celeste reached out towards the now cleaned night gown. As her fingers brushed against the thin silky material, she squeaked softly. 'I can't believe I agreed to this!' she thought, her face flushing as she imagined the two ogling her in the almost see through dress. She bit her lip, envisioning herself sauntering towards the two, showing off the lingerie, their eyes tracing over every inch of her body. Seeing everything. With a start she realized that it wasn't only nervous embarrassment she was feeling about Daniel's request, she was also excited. She wanted to show off her body to the men, wanted them to enjoy the sight of her, maybe more. A small part of her wondered if it was truly her that wanted this, though, or the strange voice that sometimes took over. At the moment though, she was too excited to care. With a slight smile spreading, she began to pull off the tight robe still clinging to her flesh, before tossing it down in a heap at her feet. Gingerly she took the nightgown and slipped it over her head, letting it settle on her body.

Celeste took a moment to look down at herself, twisting and posing to make sure the fabric was laying just right. After a few seconds though, she turned around to face the two, a nervous but enthusiastic smile on her face, while softly saying, "Alright, you can look." Holding her body in an open pose, she stood across the room for a moment before mincing out towards them. Despite her smile and undisguised strutting, she still hung her head slightly, blushing nervously. When she reached the center of the room, she stopped and began to pose, turning and twisting to let them see the nightie, and her body. Her poses were flirty, but restrained, strategically positioning herself so as not to be too daring. She was enjoying showing off her body, though she managed to keep herself from showing too much. After a few minutes, she reached a hand up to her head to pull her hair back and asked, "How does it look?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Robert began to blush again as soon as Celeste made her offer of recompense for helping her clean the room in which she was to sleep, her poor choice of wording perhaps not lost on Robert given the look he sent Daniel's way. In turn, the request that the perverted young man made of her only caused him to blush harder, and when Celeste actually agreed to Daniel's desire to see her in the skimpy nightwear she saw him gape openly at her, flabbergasted and so bright red that he might have turned into a tomato. If she opted to look too carefully at him, she might notice the slight bulge developing in his pants and the antsy movements of his legs.

Both men turned around at her command, and Daniel reached out and shut the door. When she last turned toward the wardrobe to retrieve the skimpy outfit, both had kept their backs to her without much fidgeting, but when she slipped out of her robe and retrieved the sheer piece of pink clothing she felt the ghostly sensation of a hand planted firmly on her ass, cupping it and groping it in a very familiar manner. If she looked back, however, the source would be left a mystery, as both of the men in the room were still looking away from her, and neither displayed any signs that they were casting a spell. The phantom groping would continue intermittently even though nobody was behind her, the sensations too subtle to be real but seemingly too obvious to be completely imagined, and after peeling off the soaked robe and left in only her slightly damp skin it briefly became more intense before she was clad instead in the pink nightie.

Spinning about, she would find Daniel and Robert still looking stalwartly at the wall, showing no signs that either had attempted to peak at her despite being in the room with the buxom blond as she changed. Turning around on command and openly gawking at Celeste as she sauntered over to them, Celeste's fantasy would quickly be made into reality, the invisible groping ending promptly, Robert looked utterly flabbergasted once again as his eyes roamed her just barely covered body, while Daniel opted to gaze at her with a wolfish grin. Both young men seemed utterly hypnotized by her as she adopted her flirtatious poses, their eyes wandering with hunger undisguised in Daniel and very poorly so in Robert.

Daniel was first to answer her question, and did so immediately; "It looks amazing! I knew it would, it fits you perfectly!" Robert didn't seem to realize she'd spoken immediately, too busy staring at the tips of her breasts through the transparent material that matched them nearly perfectly in color, but when he did he quickly dragged his eyes up to her face and began to stutter. "Uhh.... Uhh... Eheh... Well.. Yeah... Uhm... It looks... You look great! Or, err... It looks great... The outfit... On you, I mean.... Yeah," he said awkwardly, blushing once again. The scent of Daniel's pheromones mixing with her own was filling the room by that point, leaving all of them to inhale the alluring mixture of scents, and if Celeste had hoped to avoid further arousal she would be sorely mistaken. After Daniel's extended presence and his near-constant molestations, the busty mage's body was primed for a repeat performance of their encounter in the storage room, while both Daniel and Robert sported bulges in their pants from looking at her posing in the skimpy outfit and breathing in the sweet scent that she emitted.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Between Daniel's sweet smelling pheromones, the invisible hand cupping her bottom, and her own growing excitement at putting on a show for the boys, Celeste could feel her body almost glowing with arousal by the time she turned around in the naughty night gown. She could feel her nipples pressing against the thin silk, a slight wetness between her thighs, and a thrumming warmth inside her. And the feelings only grew stronger as she pranced about before the obviously leering young men. She smiled at their reactions, enjoying being the center of their attention, even though she still felt like this was not how the leader of the expedition should be acting.

Daniel's cooly worded reply brought a quick grin from Celeste, but Robert's sheepish approval was especially endearing to the normally proper young woman. Celeste smiled at Robert, taking a few steps towards him and turning slightly to give him an ever better view in response. "I'm glad you like it," she said, slowly turning around while looking down at herself. "I'm glad you suggested keeping it, it really is quite nice." She brought her hands up to her breasts and softly began to smooth the material out before sliding her hands down her sides to her waist. Although she was enjoying the attention, she shyly kept her gaze down and away from their faces. Her arousal flashed even more when she could see theirs bulging in their pants.

After a minute more of letting the men ogle her, Celeste blushed and turned away from them. She stepped slowly towards the bed, then turned around and leaned against it, looking at them. The window, still open near the bed, gave the young woman a swift reprieve from the almost overwhelming pheromones swirling about the room. A small part of her knew she should stop this, that there was still time before it went too far. She was the leader after all. But her body screamed for release. "This was fun," she said, her face flushed and her hands gripping the freshly cleaned covers of the bed, "But I think it might be time for bed now." Celeste bit her lip as she realized just how the young men might take her words, suddenly unsure how exactly she had meant them herself.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

As she drew nearer to him following his response to her posing, Celeste found Robert's wide eyes trailing over her all the more intensely, the bulge in his pants twitching noticeably as he swept his gaze up and down her body. "Uhhh... Eheh... Of... Of course...." When the blond magus slowly trailed her hands down herself, it was obvious that both men desired nothing more than to repeat the motion, and likely not only with their hands too, but neither Daniel nor Robert made any move to make good on that desire before she strolled back to the bed and leaned against it. Again, it would be clear as day even to Celeste how her words were taken, both men catching on to the subconscious suggestion she had made and holding to it in their own way. Daniel barely kept himself from moving to take the offer and join her on the bed, his mind and body both obviously ready and willing for a second round, but restraining himself to see what Robert would do. The other young man, in turn, would blush a shade brighter, his going fully beet red as he obviously imagined her implied meaning.

For a moment it seemed as if the two were going to act on their lusts, and despite the breeze shielding her from Daniel's pheromones Celeste could feel her body crying out for them to do so. But then.... Robert nodded awkwardly and looked away from her, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath. He had been freed of her pheromones just as surely as she was from Daniel's when she had moved away from him, and though he had hardly shaken off his arousal, it was clear enough that Robert had a much stronger sense of propriety than Daniel did. "Errr... Right.... Right! Yes, that... I am, uhhh, very tired!" he stuttered awkwardly, causing Daniel to frown momentarily, obviously seeing where his companion's words were taking him and disliking the idea of passing up a chance to slake his lusts. "I, uhhh.... Yeah, we ought to go," he continued a moment later, glancing at Daniel just after the other man's grin had returned, "its been a long day, and I'm sure that... That you're all just as tired as I am!"

For a moment Daniel glanced hopefully at Celeste, offering the woman an opportunity to offer some further bait for the duo to join her in her own bed, or perhaps merely to offer Daniel an opportunity to end up alone with her. If she didn't offer as much, however, the young man would seemingly find no phrasing that might not be obvious, and so surrendered to the grim prospect of going to bed without getting laid by saying; "Aye, it is pretty late. Sleep well ma'am! If you've got any other problems that might need some seeing to, you know who to call!" With that the man would make a dramatic bow, and after bidding her good night the two would hastily depart, leaving the busty blond magus alone in her bedroom, clad only in the practically see-through nightgown, with her craving completely unsated.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

All the while, as the two men fought to contain their rampant urges, Celeste had her own struggle. With the open window and it's refreshing breeze before her, the part of her that wished to maintain an air of dignity and propriety despite the show she had been giving the men all night was slowly overcoming the pheromones that had inflicted. Her body, though, remained caught in a perpetual heat that wanted nothing more than the exhilarating relief Daniel and Robert were no doubt eager to give. As Robert hesitantly stuttered out his gentlemanly response, Celeste's hands, gripping the bedsheets on either side of her, shook with apprehension. She nodded dumbly, but smiled before looking to Daniel. The lascivious young man, apparently not willing to break propriety with others around, reluctantly agreed to Robert's sentiment. As the two turned to leave, Celeste could feel every muscle in her body tense up, torn between wanting to throw herself at them, and cling dearly to the silken bedsheets. "T-thank you so much, you two! Good night!" she called out softly, her voice shaking ever so slightly as she watched them leave.

Almost as soon as the door closed, Celeste collapsed in on herself. Her body demanded relief, and waiting for the two men to leave was all the self control she could muster. Falling backwards onto the bed, Celeste's hands nearly flung the nearly transparent nightgown from her body in her haste to soothe the maddening warmth inside her. She mewled softly as her fingers slipped between her thighs, already slick from all the teasing she had endured tonight. There was no tenderness in her own touch, as she was overcome with a need for release, and a slow, soft touch would only prolong her agony. With a gasp she plunged her fingers between her lips, curling up into a ball as she quickly began to stimulate herself. At the same time, her other hand clutched and pinched at her sensitive orbs and nipples. The hem of the nightie had somehow made it's way to her mouth, and she sucked on it every time her frantic ministrations sent a wave of pleasure racing through her body. Before long, she was moaning and panting, her body quivering atop the sheets as she raced towards release.

Perhaps it was how desperately she wanted relief, perhaps it was the pheromones lingering in her system, of perhaps Celeste's fingers were more skilled than realized, but her lust fueled body hit it's peak faster than she had anticipated. As her orgasm crested, she pursed her lips, humming as she shivered and shook. As she caught her breath to recover, she realized that despite her fervent attention, her needs had not yet been met. The body was still warm, still sensitive, and she couldn't help but respond to it. Her hands slowly went back to their task, bringing about all new moans from the blonde as she writhed and contorted on the bed, her skimpy nightgown gathering up around her shoulders. This time lasted longer, and her orgasm was far stronger than then the first, and yet her urges still had not been assuaged. And so she saw to herself again. And again. And again. Finally, Celeste lay panting and gasping on the bed. She had no idea how long she had spend attending to herself, though from the way her muscles felt like jelly and a dull ache settled into nether, she could only guess it had been quite a while. The warmth in her body had abated, though, and she grinned numbly as she drifted off to sleep, exhausted.

Sleep, and use 4XP to buy Superior Succubus with Enthrall