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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 43/44, PP = 51/57, EP = 12/47, Status = Fine, Wall of Water, Grappled

Celeste spends a total of 6 EP this turn.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 15 * 3 = 45 damage.
Resistance: Doesn't really matter since he's unconscious
Sadist: 2 + 1 = 3 PP.

Grapple: Enemy wins, Celeste's clothing has been shifted.

Celeste gains 4 experience!

Dropping her invisibility spell caused the curvy wizard to appear before assailants, but the only reaction that Celeste's oddly jovial tone and the words that she said in it was a quirked eyebrow and an irritated growl. Her spell, however, had a much more impressive effect. The ground beneath the man's feet was coated in ice so suddenly that he tripped and fell backwards, smashing his head on a windowsill on the way down and then lying upon the ice slick in a motionless heap. Another thrill of excitement ran up her body as she watched the man collapse, her arousal growing as thoughts of ways in which she could dominate the helpless man or rewards she might take from the warrior she had rescued came unbidden into her thoughts.

The guardswoman, in the meantime, had continued molesting Celeste as the mage dealt with the one controlling her, one hand gliding down her front and between her legs to grab Celeste's panties while the other hooked the upper edge of Celeste's low cut dress. Both garments were tugged downwards, the mage's panties sliding down her legs until they stopped around her knees while her robe was tugged down enough to cause her heavy breasts to pop free. The hands that had disrobed her moved to begin their assault upon Celeste's exposed sensitive parts, but just as one hand cupped one of the curvy sorceress's breasts and the other began to rub against her petals the guardswoman shivered and stopped.

"Uhh..... What's going on here?" she said into Celeste's ear, though she didn't yet remove her hands from the mage's body.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As her spell went off without a hitch, Celeste smiled, extremely pleased at her brilliant plan. The smile suddenly changed to a squeal of pleasure as she once again felt a tingle pass through her body the moment the man she had attacked hit the ground. 'He's out cold,' she though, biting her lip as she looked at the unconscious attacker, 'I could do anything I want with him.' At the same time she was thinking that, the guardswoman slipped Celeste's dress and panties down, exposing her now embarrassingly erect nipples and increasingly wet folds to the attic's drafty air. It wasn't long however before the officer's hands moved to take advantage of her bared assets. She shivered as more sensations passed through her and continued her thoughts, 'Why did I want her to stop?'

Just as quickly as the feelings and thoughts came unbidden into her body and mind, they receded, leaving the naive young mage shivering and embarrassed in the grip of the warrior behind her. A sudden squeeze and poke brought a slight gasp out of Celeste, as she blushed and turned slightly to look back at the woman, worried that perhaps knocking the man out hadn't freed the officer of the spell that had enthralled her. The blush deepened when she realized that the woman had in fact been set free, and seemed to be bewildered at the state the two of them were in. "Uh, well," Celeste began, stammering a little and licking her suddenly dry lips as she struggled to think of what to tell the woman, lest she be too embarrassed by her current state. "I, uh, just got through saving the day," Celeste said with a slight laugh, and a motion of her hand to the unconscious man. "You seemed to be having a little trouble, so I came to help." Celeste offered a slight smile, not wanting to just blurt out the details of what had happened. Despite her discomfort, or perhaps because of it, Celeste made no move to extract herself from the woman's grip, or to move her hands. 'I'll just let her fill in the blanks of what's going on...'
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 43/44, PP = 51/57, EP = 12/47, Status = Fine, Wall of Water, Grappled

"Oh....." the woman said softly, her warm breath passing over Celeste's ear, the guardswoman remaining behind her and pressed up against Celeste's back. She made no effort to pull away, and in addition to the feeling of her breasts pressing against the mage's back, she felt something hard pressing against her bottom. "Well.... Would you like me to...." she whispered breathlessly into Celeste's ear, "Reward you appropriately for your acts, citizen?"

The curvy mage's breast was squeezed lightly by the hand on top of it, her nipple rubbing against the violet eyed guardswoman's palm. The hand between her legs brushed gently against her petals before settling over her hooded clitoris and beginning a slow, circular motion. Finally, her lips planted a soft kiss upon Celeste's neck, followed by a delicate nibble against the soft flesh. Her motions continued unless Celeste stopped them, though they didn't get past light teasing as she kissed and nibbled her way along the side of her neck, pausing briefly to pay special attention to Celeste's earlobe while she also took Celeste's nipple between her thumb and forefinger and rubbing and tugging on it. Finally, unless Celeste stopped her before now, the hand on her breast would reach up and take her by the chin just as her lips found Celeste's cheek.

Her head was turned aside gently, and the woman's lips sealed over the mage's slowly but passionately, her soft lips sealing over Celeste's and her tongue gently pushing past her parted lips to dance with hers. The hand that had been on her breast returned to its post, once more lightly tugging and squeezing the sensitive tip between her digits.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As the woman breathily whispered in Celeste's ear and began to assault her half-naked form, the naive young mage began to wonder if perhaps she hadn't been fully freed from the man's control after all. The officer had been rather grabby back then too. 'Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to knock him out, then we all could have been grabby together.' The thought came unbidden into her mind and Celeste had to pause for a moment and laugh slightly as she tried to dismiss it as some kind of joke she was playing on herself. "Well, actually..." Celeste began to say, just as the guardswoman pinched the mage's nipple, drawing forth a small yelp. Squirming in the officer's grasp uncomfortably, Celeste cleared her throat and began again, "Actually, I'm not a citizen of Acheron, and I'd be lying if I weren't hopeful for a reward when I agreed to help you." Still giving the barest of struggles, Celeste continued to yelp and moan as the guardswoman persisted in her assault, the girl wanting to take advantage of the officer's offer to reward her, but increasingly unnerved by the woman's overly friendly manner. As the woman's attentions became more intense, Celeste had a harder and harder time speaking her requests calmly, "I-mmm, I'm looking for some frie-eh-nds who came into to-own recently. And... and I need to learn more about s-succubi. I... I want to find someone kn-nn-nowledgable about them-mmm."

The whole time she spoke, Celeste was bewildered by her own actions. The woman's affections were unnerving her, and she wanted to pull away, but at the same time, a part of her was enjoying them. 'Why am I allowing her to do this,' she thought frantically, closing her eyes as the officer began to lick and nibble at her neck and ear, 'This isn't like me.' Her mind began to race with theories, and just as she felt the woman tug at her chin, a clear thought rang out, 'The succubi's essence. I thought it meant some kind of power. But am I becoming a succubi myself?' Just then her mind went blank as the woman pressed their lips together and pushed her tongue into the mage's mouth. Celeste couldn't think, couldn't move. All she could do was respond to the kiss in kind, moaning softly and bringing a hand up to softly touch the back of the woman's head, not pulling her further into the kiss, but not pulling away either.

While the kiss seemed to last forever, it was only mere moments later that Celeste pulled away from the officer. "W-wait," she said while gasping for breath. "Th-this doesn't seem like the proper time to be doing this." Celeste stared at the guardswoman for a second before adding softly, "Or the proper thing to be doing." Despite her protests, Celeste still couldn't pull herself completely away from the naked woman, though her free hand traveled down to cover the officer's hand at her crotch, a soft and weak attempt to stop her attentions. With a quick look, the shivering young mage motioned to the unconscious man and asked, "Shouldn't we do something to- I mean, about him?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 43/44, PP = 51/57, EP = 12/47, Status = Fine, Wall of Water

After Celeste broke the kiss and gasped out her words of reason, the guardswoman blinked several times and seemed to shake before releasing the mage, the hand between her legs staying an extra second or two as it was held by Celeste's own soft grasp. "Yes... You're right," the woman said somewhat frostily as she turned her gaze upon the unconscious man. "Now is not the proper time for this. Though, if you're interested in learning about succubi," she flashed Celeste a smile, "I'd be happy to teach you! I am one after all!"

Moving to the unconscious man who had attacked the two of them, the damp guardswoman knelt over him, grasped him by the head, and quite easily snapped the man's neck. The audible crack was the only indication that anything had happened, but she laid the man's head down softly as she explained, "He confessed to several murders while controlling me, and would likely have killed both of us. As a servant of the law in Acheron, I am authorized to carry out the sentences of the guilty without trial if the proof is strong enough. I believe we'll find the severed heads of several more women downstairs in the kitchen, including the one that we came here for." She rose to her feet and moved to a corner, where her clothing and equipment had been haphazardly tossed aside, and began to redress herself.

Turning toward Celeste once she was fully dressed, an act she'd done in full view of the mage without any hint of shame, the woman nonetheless sounded more official once again as she said, "You have done well in the service of Acheron, outsider. How may I be of assistance to you? My name is Kiva by the way. Kiva Cervantes, Lieutenant of the Acheron Guard and Knight in service to Lady Izibold Flarion Draconis."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

After all the groping, petting, and kissing that had just happened between them, Celeste nearly fell to the ground as the guardswoman left her standing unsupported on weak knees. The young mage let out a sigh of a relief, that sounded surprisingly like a whine of frustration near the end, then straightened up as she watched the officer approach the unconscious man. The woman's abrupt execution caught the mage by surprise, causing her to jump and shriek slightly. "You.. but he... aren't..." she stammered, having only heard stories about how justice was handled outside the Academy. Her mouth continued to open and close as she attempted to voice her surprise until the officer began to explain her reasoning. "I... I suppose, if that's how things are handled here..."

Once again Celeste's words were cut short as she watched the succuban guard dress in front of her. Somehow, the woman's clear lack of embarrassment made the act of putting her clothing and armor on a bewitching sight. It was only when the last bit of armor had been put into place that Celeste realized she had been staring, as well as softly fondling herself. Quickly she straightened out her dress and pulled the top up to cover her large breasts, though her erect nipples were still visible through the thin fabric. A half second later she sheepishly bent down and pulled her panties up from around her ankles and adjusted those as well, avoiding eye contact with the woman as she did. Done with her own modesty, Celeste cleared her throat and stood up straight again while attempting to appear nonchalant as she accepted Kiva's thanks.

"Ah, it was nothing, really," she said with a slight laugh, though she still struck a dramatic pose, pushing her impressive chest out and placing her hands on her hips as if she thought to show off her heroism. "I'm Celeste Seheraszad, magician-in-training, prodigy, ambassador to Acheron on behalf of the Dean of the Croalian Magical Academy, and new research assistant of the Acheron Anomaly Investigation Unit," she continued proudly, allowing a second for her obviously awe inspiring introduction to wash over the obviously awestruck succubus before her, before switching to a much more friendly tone and adding, "but you can just call me Celeste." With their introductions out of the way, Celeste happily began to take up Kiva's offer of assistance by relating more of her intentions. "I'm looking for some friends of mine, the Acheron Anomaly Investigation Unit, who would have just showed up in town recently. I had hired another succubus to take me to where they were staying but she seems to have gotten lost." The last bit was said with a half-worried, half-exasperated tone, though she didn't dwell on the subject. "I've also been instructed to try to meet whomsoever is in charge of the city, in the hopes that we could start up a relationship," she said, smiling cutely, before hastily adding, "b-between Acheron and the Academy."

With her more mundane concerns out of the way though, Celeste moved on to the questions she had been truly wanting to ask since the moment she met Kiva. "You said you're a succubus, yes?" Without waiting for an answer she continued, "I've actually come into contact with one of your kind before. We made a deal... The experience... changed me." She began to blush as she continued, "People react differently to me now than they did before. They become... very friendly in my presence. Like you did just a few moments ago. I'm very interested to learn if there is some way to control this... feature. Some way to turn it off." Celeste paused for a bit, and began staring at Kiva, then looked down shyly and added, "She had pretty purple eyes like you. Is that common among succubi?"

dropped Wall of Water a few posts back, unless that just stays for a certain time
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The violet eyed knight quirked an eyebrow as Celeste puffed out her chest. "If you wanted to give me a proper show first, you need only have said as much, she remarked dryly, but then let her smirk show that she was joking as she went on, "That's quite the title! I'd be happy to simply call you Celeste, however. I can probably find the group you're looking for, particularly if they've attempted to establish diplomatic relations with the Queen. But first, a word of advice, if I may: if you hire a guide in Acheron, I'd advise not letting them, ahhh, get lost. Though some lead travelers into trouble, as you can see by the situation that developed here there's a lot more trouble to get into by wandering about on your own."

She glanced at the now dead man and frowned for a moment before turning back to Celeste as she went on to her more personal troubles. "It's not common, no. Most demons have red eyes, and the color of our eyes is just about the only thing that we can't change about ourselves. It is common, on the other hand, for encounters with my kind to... Change people, particularly if a deal is struck. Do you remember how many times and for how long she fed on you? It would give an indication as to how much corruption you suffered. Such things can be managed of course, but I'm afraid that you're stuck with any changes she left in you. I had wondered about the scent you carry. It isn't an uncommon mutation you see."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste only stared at Kiva quizzically at her mention of giving a show, but smiled proudly at the woman's mention of the impressiveness of her titles. She waved off the mention of finding her friends, "I'm sure they'll be easy enough to find. How many human wizards do you have in a city full of demons after all?" She asked the question jokingly, and added, "Sevilla seemed to know who I was talking about right away and right where they were. And I'll bet the only reason she got lost is because she saw something that looked tasty while I wasn't looking. She had been asking me about a meal before I insisted on paying her for her services." Celeste didn't seem too worried about her succubus guide's intentions, or even about the dangers of walking around the city unattended. "Sure there might be dangers in this city, but there's nothing a trained Croalian mage can't handle. I took care of this guy didn't I?"

Kiva's comment about the colors of demons' eyes gave Celeste just the tiniest surge of hope that her lead might bear some results. She balked a bit before responding to the succubus' question, "I'm not sure how many times. It seemed to go on forever. She would 'feed' on me and then let me rest a bit and then 'feed' again. It was hours before I managed to use my magic to return her, and still more before anyone found me and the others." Even though she wanted to know as much about her condition as possible, Celeste still found speaking about it embarrassing. That feeling, combined with some disappointment that she wouldn't be able to do anything permanent about the changes she had gone through, caused her shoulders to droop slightly. Still, her thirst for knowledge continued to drive her to question the woman. "Scent? What do you mean, I don't smell anything," she said while surreptitiously attempting to smell her breath. "Mutation. Is that what she meant by giving me 'her essence'?"

Despite wanting to know more, Celeste was beginning to grow uncomfortable in the presence of the fresh corpse, not to mention the not-so-fresh corpses downstairs. "Can we talk more someplace else?" she asked with a slight laugh, "The first thing I'm supposed to do is find my friends. Maybe we could talk on the way? Sevilla was leading me to them before we got sidetracked." Celeste gave a smirk of embarrassment before continuing, "I was really looking forward to taking a bath when I got to an inn or something. After stumbling through this place, I definitely need one."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

".....More than you'd expect really," Kiva replied evenly as Celeste wondered aloud how many human mages might be present in Acheron. To her comment regarding her guide seeking out food, the other woman smirked knowingly but allowed it to pass, though she frowned when Celeste passed off the dangers of the city.

She let it pass by without comment as well, however, and instead focused on Celeste's answer to her question regarding her time with the succubus she'd summoned, and then her admission of discomfort in this place. "Sure, we can leave. I'll send someone by to clean this up when I get back to a guard station," she said casually and then immediately started down the hall leading back to the stairs, preceding Celeste whether she liked it or not. Over her shoulder she remarked, "I'll answer your questions while we walk."

Kiva led Celeste downstairs, back into the entrance hallway, where the armored woman casually kicked down the door and walked out of the abandoned house. She paused in the yard to glance at the front of it for a moment before turning back, and only when they were a block away did she begin to speak, "To address some of your earlier issues, the scent would be undetectable to you. It always is. And mutations are what mortals call the aftereffects of mortals being changed by exposure to beings like me. You know, supernatural creatures. They got the negative connotation because they're generally associated with my kind, so some of my kind like to sugar coat it like the demoness you summoned must have."

The trip back took a bit longer than the trip there, though they weren't bothered by anyone they passed, and it took Celeste a while to realize that she wasn't being led back to where she'd started. If asked about this, Kiva would respond, "I'm going to a guard post to alert my superiors that the matter you were just involved in has been resolved. It won't take long, and I'll take you to find your associates immediately once I've given my report, and get you your reward for the services you've rendered to the city." If Celeste didn't decide to go off on her own again, Kiva led her to a small wooden tower, which she instructed Celeste to wait outside of while she stepped inside and closed the door behind herself. The street outside was fairly barren, with none present save for a trio of goblins, two male and one female, who were all glaring at her from the front of a large building nearby.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Although she had suggested leaving, Celeste was still caught off guard as Kiva hurried out of the room and down the stairwell without a second glance. The young mage stared at the demoness' retreating form for a second before haphazardly walking at a near run to catch up, nearly stumbling on the stairs in her heeled boots. She gave only a self conscious laugh before righting herself and following the succubus more closely. "Ah, yes, this place is definitely in need of a good cleaning. The smell is intolerable!" she said, bringing a hand to cover her nose as they made their way to the first floor. Kiva's unexpectedly direct way of opening the door caused Celeste to stop and stare in amazement, before she once again hurried to keep up with the steadily advancing guardswoman. The steady pace caused Celeste to awkwardly walk past and then stumble to stop by Kiva as the succubus turned to look at the house. Once again she smiled shyly, as the demoness managed to get a good lead on her as she attempted to follow.

As they walked, Celeste took in Kiva's explanations with the calm and analytical demeanor of a scholar hearing long suspected information confirmed. When she spoke, however, her voice contained equal parts of dismay, fear, and intrigue. "I see, so this condition is quite common when dealing with your kind," she said uneasily. "I suppose I'll just have to get used to being the center of attention," she added with a slight laugh and smirk. "The other humans who live here must have adapted to the changes that exposure to demonkind has given them," she continued, switching back into her logical even toned voice. "Continued exposure must increase the 'mutations' effects. Do mortals who remain in demonkinds presence for long become demons themselves?" As she asked the question, a hint of nervousness entered Celeste's voice. "Will I become a succubus like you if I stay here?"

The longer they walked, the more Celeste began to feel better about what Kiva had told her, after all, if it was common occurrence then there must be many who live and deal with the changes she had experienced. If a normal person could handle being stared at and occasionally groped, then a trained Croalian mage could handle much more. She was feeling so much better that it wasn't until the wooden tower came into view that she realized that the guardswoman hadn't led her back to the main street as she had been expecting. "Take your time," Celeste called to Kiva as the latter entered the guard tower, knowing that the woman's duties must come before her own needs. When she saw the trio of goblins nearby, Celeste smiled and waved at them, ignoring the glares they directed at her. Obviously they didn't know her, as if they did, they would look much more happy to see her. "Hello there!" she called to the goblins happily, hoping to put the trio at ease and maybe open up a dialogue. After all, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet, and if Celeste would be staying in Acheron, she might need all the friends she could get.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The guardswoman's responses to Celeste's questions came quickly and in a polite tone; "Enough exposure to our kind will make you more like us, and yes, eventually you might become a demon. There are rituals that can speed up this process, and potions that you can take to slow or even prevent it completely, though taking them regularly can be fairly expensive. You won't become a succubus. That is simply impossible, as far as I know, but it is possible to become something similar through exposure to magic. A certain mutation can cause the soul to generate energy through pleasure, and those that acquire such mutations are generally treated as favorable by my kind, but it is difficult if not impossible for one to direct the way in which they change."

Waving at the goblins turned out to have been a less wise decision on Celeste's part, as their glares became furious after she called out to them. The three lesser demons rose as one and stalked toward her, and when they stood in a half circle around her, barely coming up tall enough that they might have been able to suckle at the tall mage's impressive bosom, the middle one grunted, "Your friend the guardswoman, is she gonna be long?"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Even as optimistic and naive as she was, Celeste could tell that her attempt at friendly conversation with the small demons had failed. She watched as they stalked towards her and took up positions around her, her smile changing from happy and inviting to nervous. Her head swung back and forth between the demons until the one in front of her spoke, and she began to focus on him. 'Maybe conversation alone isn't enough for these three,' she thought to herself as she took in the speaker's tone and attitude. 'It might take more than being nice to make friends of them.'

"Uh, well," Celeste replied hesitantly, "She's filing a report right now, so I suppose she will be busy for a while." She shrugged slightly, then added sweetly, "If there's something you need though, maybe I can help." As she spoke she began to focus her will on the goblin before her, looking intently at him. She leaned forward slightly and brought her arms together under her large chest, causing her already visible cleavage to become even more pronounced. "Just tell me what you want, and I'll see what I can do," she continued, her voice becoming soothing and slightly sultry.

Use Charm on middle goblin.
Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 41/47, Status = Fine

Resistance: Enemy wins. Celeste has bad luck on rolls.

"Oh yeah?" the goblin said with feigned innocence in his voice, and then was hit by Celeste's magic while she assumed her seductive pose. For a moment, his gaze joined that of his comrades on Celeste's very impressive bosom, which even the female goblin was staring at rather intently, but then he looked back up at her face and smirked. "Oh we could use some help with something. Something pretty personal, and you seem like just the woman to help us out. Why don't you come on over to our flat? It's right over there, I've got a couple of friends there that'd love to meet you~" he said with that same wicked grin on his face, and then added, "We've all got the same problem, you see, and it'll be easier if you can take care of us all at once!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste smiled haughtily at the goblin as he stared at her chest, her succubus-granted magic working over him. When he looked back up at her though with the same wicked grin, her expression took on a hint of bewilderment. 'Why isn't he answering me plainly? Did it not work?' she thought, confused, 'Whenever I batted my eyelashes and flashed some skin at the teachers at the Academy, they were always jumping out of their chairs to give me the answers to tests.' As she wondered, the goblin continued his requests. 'Do demons have some kind of resistance? Or is he just friendlier than he looks?' she mused inwardly, standing straight again while shuffling back and forth.

"Uh, well," Celeste started, unsure how to take the goblin and his request for assistance, "I really should wait for Kiva, she was going to take me to find my friends." She gave a slight wave back at the guard tower as she mentioned the woman, then tilted her head and smiled at the goblin with an apologetic look. After a second, she began to focus on him again with her powers, curious to see if it would work if she tried again. "Maybe if you told me more about your problem, I would know if I could help or not."

Try again!
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

Resistance: Celeste wins!

"Oh I'm sure we won't be long," the goblin said suggestively just before his eyes momentarily glazed over, her use of her succubus-granted gifts working their magic on him. When he blinked back to full attention, he continued on as if nothing had happened even though Celeste noticed a marked change in his voice, "Oh it wouldn't be anything strenuous or stressful, we'd just like you to help us... Alleviate some tension, if you know what I mean!" The other two goblins, still staring lewdly at her tits, grinned a bit wider and nodded in agreement at their spokesman's statement.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celleste smirked as she saw the goblin's eyes lose focus for a second. 'It worked!' she thought happily, but gave no outward indication of her realization that her succubus gifts would indeed work in the demon city. As she considered his words and glanced at the leering goblins to either side of her, all thoughts of danger left her mind. 'They must not mean any harm, or he would have told me just now!' she mused, standing on her tip-toes and stretching her arms behind her back to work out a bit of the fatigue she felt from using her spiritual energy to affect the small demon. The pose pushed her large breasts out a bit further, as well as caused the hem of her skirt to ride up slightly, but she didn't mind if she was showing off a bit, as it seemed to be working to her advantage so far.

After taking a moment to stretch, Celleste fell back down to a normal pose and stepped towards the charmed goblin. "Well, I suppose if you're sure we won't be long, I'll see what I can do to help," she said, all thoughts towards how she could help the goblin and his friends with their problem. "I have some experience alleviating stress," she added with a smile and a wink, "I took some massage classes back at the Academy!" Celleste left out the fact that the courses were, in fact, a trick by a group of naughty boys to try to get her to test out some of the illustrations they had found in a rather strange book that detailed more than just massages. Stepping forward confidently, she motioned for the goblin to lead her to wherever his friends needed her help. 'I love making new friends' she thought while walking alongside him.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

The goblins all watched Celeste hungrily as she stretched, their eyes flitting between her breasts and the brief view that they got of her panties when she reached the apex of her stretch. They seemed to like what they'd seen, judging by the lumps growing in the pants of the two males at least, and after she stepped towards the charmed goblin and announced that she was willing to "help" them relieve their tension, he grinned and beckoned over to the building they'd been sitting at, "Right this way! We could all use a good massage, eh? And then we can all give you one for your troubles~"

Celeste was led by the cackling trio into the dilapidated building, one of the goblins pausing to shut the door behind them. It was a boarding house, as it turned out, and entrance hall had another three male goblins loitering around inside, two of them sleeping, but that was seemingly where they were going to stay as they led Celeste over towards a dirty mattress that had been placed on the floor. Turning to face her squarely while his companions awoke the other three goblins, the one that Celeste had charmed said; "So.... I've got this one muscle that's really tense, and I've been dyin to get someone like you to help me relax it!"

With that, he tugged down his trousers, and out of it flopped the lesser demon's almost ridiculously long member. Though he wasn't much above three feet tall, the goblin had a cock that was almost ten inches long, and possessed of similarly impressive girth. The other four males in the room were grinning lewdly at her and doing much the same, the type of massage that they wanted rather clear, and unlike the one she'd charmed, Celeste would have to worry about them being much more forceful about getting what they wanted if she didn't comply. The lone other female in the room was already stripped, and had sprung up onto a seat, her legs spread so that she could play with herself while watching her. The chair she was in had a gun leaning against it, Celeste might have noticed, but whether that was an intentional choice on the female goblin's part was up for debate.

(This post is far more vaguely menacing than I intended it to be. >.> )
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

(You seem to have a knack for writing menacing encounters/characters ;))

"Oh that might be nice," Celeste replied to the charmed goblin's offer to return the favor, "I haven't had a proper massage in a long time." She smiled and giggled along as the three goblins laughed, not knowing what the joke was, but wanting to be friendly anyway. As they stepped into the decrepit building, Celeste looked around and noted that it appeared to be where the goblins were living, her nose turning up slightly at the conditions. 'The city's cleaning crew really must do something about this. It simply isn't right for people...demons, to be living in a place like this.' She was so intent on the buildings conditions that she only looked to see what the charmed goblin was doing after he had finished with his innuendo.

"Oh, really? And what muscle is tha-HA-" Celeste began curiously, only to end with a shriek. "PENIS!' she cried, staring at the goblins surprisingly large member with wide eyes. Though the young woman had been tricked into seeing, and sometimes touching, the members of the Academy's boy students a rather stunning number of times before, she was still quite shocked by the sight before her. Even more shocking to her, though, was the small part of her that enjoyed seeing it. 'I've never seen one that big before,' she thought to herself, her jaw opening and closing nervously as the goblin leered at her, 'It's looks so long, and thick, and... delicious'. Surprised and embarrassed by her own thoughts, Celeste spun around to look away from the goblin and his member, only to see four more of them behind her. She cracked a nervous smile at the sight, then laughed slightly as she saw the female goblin in a rather lascivious position herself.

Suddenly recognizing the position she had landed herself in, Celeste slowly backed away from the four goblins, moving towards the charmed goblin. He might have been the first to reveal his lewd intentions, but he was still her 'friend.' "Uh, I think there may have been a slight miscommunication here," she said nervously, raising one hand towards the group before her, while her other stretched out and down to grab at the goblin behind her. 'I'm sure he'll help me explain this to his friends,' she thought, still ignoring his lecherous actions. "I-I-I met a succubus in town, Sevilla! I'm sure she'd enjoy your... company," she offered nervously. Despite her protests, the embarrassing part of Celeste's mind returned to tease her, making her stare at the goblins' members and wonder if she really wanted to share them with the demoness. Trying her best to maintain her proper upbringing, Celeste continued shakily, "I'm sure Kiva, the guardswoman I was with, can help us find her? Or another succubus to tend to your... needs?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

Celeste's reaction to the sight of the goblin's cock brought a chorus of laughter from the diminutive demons surrounding her, and her approach of the one that she had charmed was met by his hands, which lifted her skirt and began to grope and squeeze her smooth, rounded bottom. "Heh, didn't catch on until it was right in front of you, did yah?" he said while the other four slowly closing in towards her. "We don't need anyone else's help, just yours! You wouldn't want to ruin our new friendship would yah?"

He grinned up at her, and unless she did something to stop him, the goblin that Celeste had charmed slowly reached up and tugged down her panties, after which his gropings became much more aggressive. The other four were almost within arms reach by then, each of them just as well endowed as their comrades, and the charmed goblin went on; "C'mon, friend! I'll make sure you enjoy it just as much as we do! We won't hurt ya even a bit!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste's nervous retreat continued shakily up until she felt the charmed goblin's hands slide up her skirt and onto her bottom. The young mage tensed up, her eyes widening and body paralyzed while the four other goblins advanced towards her and the one behind her enjoyed her tender rump. Even with her fear of the situation and aversion to debasing herself in such a lewd way, Celeste had to admit to herself that the goblin's strong hands felt good as they sank into her soft flesh. Her body began to warm up, and her face reddened as she realized she was beginning to enjoy the attention. "I.. do like having friends," she responded shyly.

As the goblin's fingers hooked around the side straps of her panties, Celeste began to grow nervous once more. She could feel her knees shaking as the soft fabric of her underwear slid past them, and she jumped slightly as the wad of cloth landed around her ankles. A soft whimper escaped her lips as the goblin resumed his groping, and she shifted her weight as he became more adventurous. "Hurt?" she asked fearfully at his latest entreaty, "No, I don't want it to... Massages don't hurt!"

All of a sudden the young mage whirled around, her skirt flying up slightly as she stepped out of her fallen panties and faced the charmed goblin. "H-here, I'll show you," she offered as she quickly dropped down to a kneeling position, her bare bottom resting on her heels. Her shaking hands reached forward, slowly heading towards the goblins member. Finally she gulped and grabbed his large pole in both hands, one over the other. Slowly she began to pull her hands towards her, sliding along the goblin's length as it pointed towards her large breasts. 'What am I doing?!' she nearly screamed at herself. Her only answer, though, was to smile at the goblin in front of her as she continued to pull and squeeze at his manhood.