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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.

The armored woman looked disappointed at Celeste's answer, and seemed about to turn away before Celeste offered the aid of her magical skills. "Oh? Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt for you to try, and there's a reward in it for you if you can find anything leading to the arrest of the one that did this. Will you need anything from the body?" Celeste knew that she would need something to link the spell to the head, since she had never actually known the victim and therefore wouldn't be able to form a link to their head based on her own memory as would be normal. After handing her a cloth with some of the woman's blood on it, the guard stepped back and let Celeste work her magic.

The spell was simple and easy with no serious distractions to worry about, and Celeste soon had a trail within her mind pointing her in the direction of the missing head. The spell was leading through the crowd and down a side street, a trail of blue mist forming in the mage's vision that directed her along the proper path. The armored woman didn't seem to recognize that she'd done anything, and was still staring at Celeste and waiting for her to do something.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

When the officer handed her the piece of cloth, Celeste grimaced a bit at the blood, still wet, that seeped onto her hand. 'Well, I suppose sometimes a mage just has to suck it up and do what she needs to,' she thought, reciting a phrase one of her instructors at the Academy had been fond of, and began concentrating on the cloth and focusing her energies into the spell that would hopefully locate the slain woman's head. Closing her eyes, she began to see visions of Acheron in her mind of a woman walking through the city streets. Since she didn't know the woman or the city well, Celeste could only see blurry still images of the woman until finally she lay in the pool of blood where she lay now. At the same time though, Celeste could feel a part of the woman moving away from the scene.

When she opened her eyes, Celeste could make out the faint blue glow of her tracking spell, leading straight through the crowd and off into the unknown city. "Ahha!" the young mage cheered happily, her magical success driving away the disgust she felt at the grim duty she was performing, "I've picked up the trail! Just like a little doggy!" Her beaming smile could barely fit on her face as she looked at the officer innocently. Without even breaking her expression, the young mage handed the cloth back to the officer and quickly cast one of her most used water spells and sent a quick spray of liquid to blast away the blood that was beginning to stain her hands. "Just follow me and we'll have the case solved in no time!" she said excitedly, spinning around to follow the trail.

Unfortunately, the crowd was still in her way, and once again staring at her as she had become something of a focal point in the scene. "Uh, excuse me," she said, meekly trying to find a way through the mass of demons before her. She looked up at the horned demon, still standing behind her, and sheepishly said, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to go back the way I came now." As she finished her sentence, Celeste's hands came down to the hem of dress, lightly pressing the fabric against her thighs.
Cast Cleanse as a fluff action
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 43/47, Status = Fine

The woman raised an eyebrow at Celeste as she took the cloth back, tossing it at one of the other guards as she said; "Lead the way miss." When she tried to pass the large horned man, he smirked at her and simply stepped out of her way, but as she passed by him his hand came down and smacked her on the bottom, producing an audible sound even through her clothing. He didn't do the same to the armored guardswoman, of course, but he did continue to smirk at Celeste until she passed out of sight. The crowd parted for her and her companion, and soon enough they were moving through the streets as Celeste followed her spell.

The condition of the streets and the buildings around them deteriorated rapidly as Celeste went deeper into Acheron, the buildings not around the main streets still in some degree of disrepair. The number of people moving about dropped sharply as well, and those that they did see were generally traveling in groups rather than alone. She received more than one appraising stare, but rather than a lustful or curious gaze like those that she had received along the main streets, many of them seemed to be eying her up like a particularly choice piece of prey. No one bothered her overtly, however, possibly due to her armored escort, and after about ten minutes of walking through Acheron, Celeste's spell led her to a seemingly abandoned building somewhere in the center of the city.

The building was three stories tall, and its windows had all been broken in and boarded up. The door was closed and locked, a chain and padlock preventing entry through the door as well, but Celeste's spell was leading her around the back of the building. "Where are you going? This place is abandoned," the woman behind her said, but followed her anyway until they found themselves looking at a chained door set into the wall at an angle, leading down into the basement of the abandoned house.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With the female officer and the guardsmen standing behind her, Celeste began to grow nervous as the large horned man simply looked down at her with a lascivious grin. When he stepped aside for her though, she let out a soft sigh of relief while moving past him. The sigh changed to a yelp as the man's hand slapped her bottom, her cry mixing with the loud sound. Nervously, the young woman looked around at the assembled crowd as they grinned and chuckled, before turning back to the man to offer a shy smile and hurrying off.

The faintly glowing trail proved easy to follow, though the same could not be said of the streets it took Celeste down. She was beginning to regret choosing to wear her high heeled boots as she was soon having to step carefully to avoid stumbling in the rubble strewn paths. "It seems the clean-up crews haven't yet been to this particular street," Celeste said while carefully navigating through the debris, assuming that the demons were hard at work restoring the destroyed city to it's former glory. Each time they passed another group of people, Celeste smiled and waved at them, completely unaware of the intent behind their staring eyes. From time to time, a thought crept into her mind that she was forgetting something, though a wave or a near stumble always broke the young mage from such thoughts before they went too far.

After walking around to the back of the building, Celeste stood triumphantly at the door leading down to the basement. "This is it!," she said happily to the officer behind her, "The trail goes right into this door." She could hear in the woman's voice a measure of uncertainty, however, and so decided to take the initiative. Reaching forward Celeste tugged at the chains covering the door, only slightly surprised that her attempts were ineffectual. Grunting with frustration, she let the chains fall back onto the door before taking a step back and raising her hands forward. "Don't worry, I'll show you this is the spot," she said, turning back to wink at the purple-eyed guards woman before focusing her attention and her magical power on the locked door.

Cast Push at the door, unless the guards stop her. Force, level 3
Push (Cone) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be thrown back to the end of the range of this spell.]
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine

"Alright, but if this is some kind of trick..." The guardswoman trailed off and scowled, holding her weapon at the ready as Celeste turned her potent magic upon the chained door. Though it was chained up, the door didn't hold under the mage's burst of force, and splinters of wood and metal exploded inwards. The basement of the abandoned house was dark, but as soon as it was opened the foul scent of rotting flesh wafted up and out. The guard covered her mouth and nose with her hand as the smell rushed over them, waiting until the initial wave had passed and she had gotten accustomed to the vile odor before removing it, drawing her sword in one smooth motion.

Moving toward the opened doorway, the armored woman said; "Okay, that smell means that something's down there. You don't have to come in with me, and it'd be best if you just stayed out here in case whoever is down there decides to resist arrest. Keep a careful eye out, and if I'm not back up in ten minutes go and get other guards and lead them here." With that, she started down the stairs, her sword held in both hands in front of her. Celeste was free to stay, follow, or even wander off if she so desired.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Completely oblivious to the guardswoman's implied distrust, Celeste shouts happily as the door before her explodes inwards. "Kaboom!" she yelled, bouncing on her toes and giggling in pleasure at her undoubtedly stunning display of magical proficiency. Her excited cries changed to a choke of disgust as the noxious smell wafted from the entranceway. "Ugh, gods that's horrible!" she cried, pulling out a handkerchief laced with one of her sweet smelling perfumes and holding it up to her nose. She backed away from the door unsteadily, tears coming to her eyes as she fought the urge to gag.

Unlike the officer, Celeste was not so quick to be accustomed to the stench of rotting corpses, and so could only cough and choke at the woman as she entered the basement. It took a few minutes before Celeste could approach the entrance. Though the thought of entering the disgusting place was unbearable, Celeste was not about to let the purple-eyed officer get herself into trouble while she still had questions to ask. Inhaling deeply through the handkerchief, Celeste hurries through the entrance, manipulating her energy into a magical light so she wouldn't stumble into anything unpleasant on the way down.

Cast Light. Light, level 1
Light (Utility) [Provides a simple light source, allowing the caster to see up to twenty feet away.]
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine, Light

Perception: Failure.

The guardswoman didn't seem like she was going to wait for Celeste to become acclimated to the smell, and vanished from sight down into the darkness. The sounds of her boots striking the stone had vanished before Celeste finally mustered the nerve to go in after her, conjuring a magical light as she started down into the basement of the decrepit house. The smell only intensified as Celeste proceeded into the depths of the house, the woman who'd gone in ahead of her not taking any light source and apparently not conjuring one either.

The dank basement was highly cramped, the walls close together and the ceiling low. The stairs ended in a small chamber in the corner of which lay the corpse of what looked like a dog, rotted halfway to the bone and covered with maggots and flies. That was the source of the smell, apparently. Other than that, on the opposite side of the room a wall ended prematurely, opening up a hallway leading to the right that Celeste couldn't see down from her position by the stairs. A narrow alcove lay on her immediate right, half block off by old, moldy firewood, and something might lay behind the rusty iron rack containing all of it. On the left side of the wall, standing against the wall only a short ways from the dog's corpse was a metal workbench that was covered in relatively fresh blood, some of it still wet and dripping, and also had a number of blood coated tools that looked fairly unwholesome even without their carmine coating.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The farther Celeste walked into the dark stinking basement, the harder she had to hold her handkerchief to her face to counteract said stink. Her eyes began to water as the stench threatened to overtake her again, but she resolutely edged further down into the depths. With one hand trying desperately to shove the sweet smelling cloth into her nose, her other was busy holding onto on of the dusty walls to keep her wobbly knees from giving out and sending her to the floor. It wasn't until she came to the source of the smell that she finally stopped and looked around.

Once again, the sight of a dead body made the naive young girl regret her earlier excitement at the prospect of seeing one. The fact that the corpse belonged to what had probably been a cute and fluffy puppy brought tears of sadness to her eyes to mingle with the tears of disgust. After a moment of mourning, Celeste realized that her handkerchief was simply not able to hold back the wave of stench any longer, and if she couldn't do anything about it, she was likely to contribute to the stink in the room in the most unsavory of ways. She needed air! Fresh air!

A sudden pang of inspiration hit the young mage and she smiled despite the disgusting scene before her, once again impressed at her own brilliance. One of the simpler spells she had learned at the Academy was one that created a funnel of wind in a small area. She had learned this spell because it had been used on her many times in the past, though with a much more naughty intention. The boys used it to cause her skirt to lift up, giving whatever lecherous prankster was around a peek at her undergarments, while others would have a laugh at her sudden squeal and blush. Celeste's use of the spell, though, was far more practical, using it to form a barrier of wind around her to protect her delicate sensibilities as well as direct the stinking air towards the stairs and out of the basement. Perhaps by maintaining the spell's energies she could relieve the atmosphere somewhat. Of course, the magical wind would likely kick up from time to time and send the hemline of her dress sailing upwards, but Celeste was sure there were no lecherous school boys staring at her down here.

Once the stench had been managed, Celeste walked slowly into the room, avoiding the rotting corpse and the terrifying workbench. She looked into the alcove, but gave it only a cursory glance as she continued towards the hallway. 'Obviously the officer went this way,' she thought, eager to catch up with the woman and hopefully find a room that wasn't filled with a cloying stink.

Maintain Light, cast Buffeting Winds. Wind, Level 1.
Buffeting Winds (Utility) [Creatures attempting to attack the caster or their allies while this spell is active take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine, Light, Buffeting Winds

Casting: Success.
Perception: Failure.

The magical winds that Celeste summoned helped to relieve her of some of the foul smell, at least. Her quick glance into the alcove revealed nothing of interest, and she continued on to the route that the guardswoman had seemingly taken. Rounding the corner and looking down the hallway, Celeste found herself looking at a set of rickety wooden stairs. They were narrow and the guard railing on the side facing toward the main room (right) had fallen off, while the other railing was bolted into the wall. Red stains, some new but many old, were present on each step and were also all over the left railing. A doorway was wide open up above, and pale daylight was visible through it even though none of the light made its way onto the stairs, which were lit solely by her magic.

Nothing moved before her, and any preparations that Celeste wished to make weren't interrupted, but this seemed to be the only path available to her if she wished to follow the guardswoman.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As her magically induced breeze whipped the foul stagnant air in the room away from her nose, Celeste breathed in deeply to test the power of her spell. "Blech, still nasty," she whined, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she realized the smell is simply too strong to completely clear from the basement. 'Still, at least it's better than before and much better than anyone else could have done,' she thought, greatly consoling herself in a fleeting moment of doubt. With her faith in herself restored, the egocentric young mage strides quickly over to the hallway, still hopeful that it will smell better than this one.

Upon seeing the blood-stained, rickety staircase, Celeste stopped short. 'What kind of disgusting, slovenly creature could live in a place like this?' she thought to herself, her mouth twisting in revulsion. With the guardswoman still out of sight and nowhere else she could have gone, Celeste clears her throat and straightens herself up, intending to make fully clear to any one that might be watching how above a situation like this she was. Rather than descend the staircase though, she decided to try a less direct method of finding the woman. "Hello?" she called down the stairs, waiting a moment before trying again. "Hello? Is anyone down there?" Celeste was starting to think that maybe she should have taken the officer's advice after all and stayed outside.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine, Light, Buffeting Winds

(Probably should have said this explicitly, but the stairs lead up.)

There was no answer to Celeste's shouts, either the first or the second. The house above was completely silent for a few moments, but then there was a loud thump from somewhere upstairs, followed immediately afterwards by a dragging sound. Both were very muffled and distant, suggesting that they weren't coming from directly ahead of or above Celeste.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

(woops! *stops staring at feet and looks up the stairs ;) )

"Up! I mean up there?" Celeste corrected herself as she realized her nervousness was causing her to mistake the words 'up' and 'down'. The sudden sounds from above caused the girl to jump in shock and forget her expression malfunction, though, and a series of scenarios explaining them quickly ran through her head, none good. Fearful of what may be waiting in the house above, but also fearful of losing her only, albeit incidental, lead to the mystery of her ailments, Celeste bounced nervously on her heels as she pondered what she should do.

After a few moments of contemplation, Celeste decided that if the purple-eyed guardswoman was in danger, the only way to keep her from ending up like the corpses she had seen already was to act. With a huff of determination, Celeste drew on her experience at the magical Academy and began to refocus her magical energies. Letting both her magical light source and the whipping winds fade away, she instead focused on redirecting the light around her to make herself disappear from sight. Once the spell was complete, she cautiously began to make her way up the stairs.

Drop Light, Buffeting winds. Cast Invisibility. Light, level 3.
Invisibility (Utility) [Makes the caster invisible, giving them a +20 bonus to Stealth and the ability to blend in to their surroundings, effectively hiding even when in plain sight. Creatures failing to perceive them are open to sneak attacks. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine, Invisibility

Casting: Success.
Celeste is now invisible.

Perception: Failure.
Stealth: ???

Again, there was no answer to Celeste's call up the stairs, and she was forced to enact her magics. The loss of her light plunged her immediate surroundings into near total darkness while the lack of magical winds made the smell of decay all the more intense, but she quickly headed up the steps into natural light and away from the dead dog. Though she was invisible, the stairs creaked noisily with every step upwards. When she finally arrived upstairs, Celeste found herself in a very short and fairly narrow hallway that opened up no less than five feet to either side.

To her left was what looked like a kitchen, the windows cracked open and extensive damage on all of the accoutrements. Shattered dishes were lying about in the small part of it that she could see, and flies were buzzing around everywhere while a powerful rotting smell came from that direction. To her right was a sitting room, a rotted, ratty looking old couch covered in an equally rotted blanket, while the rest of the furniture had seemingly been torn apart. The windows were also damaged, and Celeste remembered the thumping sound coming from that general direction earlier.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Hurriedly ascending the stairs to escape the returning stench, Celeste gritted her teeth at each creaking board. 'So much for being sneaky,' she thought, though she kept her magical camouflage active just in case. The sight of the kitchen at the top of the stairs almost made the proper young mage gag aloud, but she managed to keep herself silent. Thankfully the broken windows provided for some ventilation, but she still moved away from the disgusting room and towards the opposite door.

'Those sounds came from in here,' she thought, looking into the room from the hall. Just as she was about to step into the room to begin looking for the missing guardswoman, the young but incredibly talented mage had a flash of insight. With a quick smile, she began to focus her energies on another light bending spell, but with a different intent than her last one. With an image of her former succubus guide firmly in mind, Celeste fashioned her magical energy into the shape of Sevilla, an illusion that would look convincing but without substance. Her illusory companion stood in the hallway, away from the doors, posing and preening just as the violet skinned seductress had when the mage had first met her. With a thought Celeste willed the illusion to enter the room ahead of her and followed in it's footsteps. To the unobservant, any sounds Celeste made would seem to come from the illusion, and if any creepy kidnappers attempted to attack the illusion, the mage would be able to get the drop on them.

With her illusion leading the way, Celeste entered the sitting room and began to search for what might have made the sounds she had heard earlier as well as any signs of the officer. She approached the windows and slyly stuck her head through them while her illusory succubus was busy inspecting the rotting couch inside the room.

Maintain Invisibility. Cast Illusion. Light, level 3.
Illusions (Utility) [Allows the caster to create minor illusions, such as making duplicates of themselves that stand close together, creating a soundless image of a single creature, or hiding something from view. Creatures get a Resistance check against the caster to disbelieve an illusion that they try to interact with. If you are unsure if what you intend to do falls under the limits of this spell, PM your GM.]
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 30/47, Status = Fine, Invisibility, Illusion

Casting: Success.
Celeste now has an illusion!

Perception: ???
Stealth: ???

The image of the succubus she'd encountered appeared before Celeste, every curve and surface perfectly as she remembered them being. It was easily enough to fool the average person, and the illusionary double of Sevilla led the way into the sitting room. No traps sprang on either the illusion or Celeste as she followed after it invisibly, the sounds that she occasionally made on the floor easily attributable to the illusionary person by any observers, and if there were any present watching they didn't make themselves known.

The windows all led outside, unsurprisingly, and the street beyond was as deserted as it had been before. The smell wasn't so foul in here, but besides the furniture there didn't seem to be anything that stood out specifically. There was a doorway on the right side of the room that led up the stairs, and Celeste noted that the dust seemed to have been disturbed more than usual around this particular room, a trail of dust leading up the stairs as if something had been dragged in that direction.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With still no sign of the guardswoman, Celeste was beginning to wonder if this was all just some elaborate trick. She pursed her lips as she looked around the disheveled room, while her illusory succubus mimicked her frustration by sighing and idly swishing her tail. She was beginning to wonder if maybe she should just hop out the window and try to find the real Sevilla again and hopefully the other mages waiting for her. Upon noticing the disturbed dust on the staircase, though, her natural curiosity was piqued again, and all notions of leaving were banished as she quickly made her way towards the stairs. No longer feeling cautious, the young mage ascended the stairs quickly, though she did make sure to send her bait ahead of her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 29/47, Status = Fine, Invisibility, Illusion

Perception: ???
Stealth: ???

Resistance: Enemy wins, and knows that Celestia's illusion is an illusion.

Climbing up the stairs with her illusion leading the way, Celeste was treated to a pleasant view of Sevilla's buttocks as she climbed up the stairs. Even though it was only an illusion, it was still a very pleasant sight to say the least! Abandoning caution proves to not be too harmful as Celeste reaches the landing of the second floor and glances around, finding a very dusty and very empty room with a single open door directly ahead and a smashed and boarded up window directly behind her. She didn't find anything of interest in the room, so she continued on through the doorway only to watch the violet eyed guardswoman, as naked as the day she was born, hurtle through her illusion with a glassy looked in her eyes.

It had been obvious that she was trying to tackle the illusionary succubus, but she'd come from the side and thus didn't bump into Celeste, instead disappearing on the other side of the doorway. A deep male voice spoke from somewhere within the room, "It's an illusion! I knew someone followed you.... Find them!" The naked woman promptly reappeared, the same vacant, glassy expression on her face that Celeste had briefly glimpsed as she tried to tackle the illusion. If she didn't move out of the way quickly, the guardswoman would probably find her and deliver her to whoever seemed to be giving the orders.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As she walked up the staircase behind her illusory succubus, Celeste just had to admire how perfectly she had captured the Sevilla's form, especially the form of her rear. The distinctive curved shape, the smooth, flawless skin, the way both sides swayed and jiggled with each step. It looked so soft and pliable, yet firm. 'I just want to grab it, squeeze it, caress it, bite it' the young mage thought to herself as she felt her cheeks heat up. Celeste's eyes shot wide open as she realized just the kinds of thoughts that were sneaking into her mind. 'Those thoughts aren't like me. Was that the succubi's essence?' she thought, embarrassed, yet still aroused. Bringing a hand to her mouth she tried desperately to bring her mind back to the task before her, while unseen to the young mage, the image of Sevilla chuckled silently.

By the time the young mage and her immaterial companion reached the room at the top of the stairs, Celeste had regained her composure. Just in time to gasp in shock as the nude form of the guardswoman pounced at, then through, the image of Sevilla. She stared as the woman went tumbling out of sight, then jumped when the male voice called out. Though she was no warrior, Celeste had indeed taken (or at least attended) some courses in combat at the Academy, and knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to make use of the slight advantage her illusion had afforded her.

With a wink, a blown kiss, and a smile, the illusory Sevilla winked out of existence while the still invisible Celeste padded forward into the room and away from the glassy eyed guardswoman. 'The officer must be controlled, somehow. If I can find the person controlling her, I can set her free, but I can't do that if she's all naked and grabby,' Celeste thought, as a plan came to mind. Working quickly, she brought to mind two spells that should help her figure out how to get out of this predicament.

Channeling spiritual energy for one spell can be taxing for a mage, but two at the same time was considered impossible, except for those of incredible talent. Celeste, of course, was incredibly talented. With a smile, she holds one hand palm out towards the feet of the glassy eyed guardswoman, tracing a line in the floor between them, willing a rush of water to spring up and prevent the woman from continuing to attack the mage. With her other hand held forward into the room, fingers splayed wide, Celeste summoned a wave of light to erupt forth from them and engulf the area opposite the door she had entered from, hoping to both blind the mysterious man giving the officer orders, as well as reveal him to the mage. If everything went correctly, she'd have this whole mystery wrapped up before lunch.

Drop Illusion, maintain Invisibility. Use Quicken Spell (-4 EP, -10 casting) to cast Wall of Water and Searing Light
Wall of Water (Utility) [Creates a small barrier of water that blocks a creature from passage. Moving through the wall takes a turn unless the creature(s) making the attempt wins a Resistance check against the caster.]
{HF} Searing Light (Cone) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded. The caster gets a +4 bonus to this check.]
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste: HP = 43/44, PP = 54/57, EP = 18/47, Status = Fine, Invisibility, Wall of Water, Grappled

4 + 2 + 4 = 10 total EP, Celeste has 9 Spirit Ceiling, so 11 EP and 1 HP.
Casting: Both spells succeed.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 5 = 12 * 3 = 36 - 5 = 31 damage.
Resistance (Searing Light) : Enemy wins (Barely)
Resistance (Wall of Water) : Enemy wins.
Celeste just can't catch a break today, can she?
Sadist Pleasure: 2 + 1 = 3 PP.

Attack (Man using Binding) : Miss.
Attack (Knight) : Hit. Celeste has been grappled!

Celeste easily cast the two simple spells at once, suffering only a minor headache for her working with so much energy at once. Both spells were quickly unleashed as Celeste stepped into the room, tracing a line that summoned up a wall of rushing water, cornering the dominated knight. The source of the voice turned out to be fairly easy to find, as it was a man standing in the corner. He was completely nude, and his member showed signs of recent attention judging by the wet marks on it. "Who the hell.... Who's there?" the man said quickly, and as he didn't seem to be able to see Celeste she was free to blast him with her second spell. A burst of blinding, searing light filled the room, causing the man to recoil in pain as his skin blistered and burned.

Snarling as the light faded and rubbing tears from his eyes, the man stretched out his hand. Celeste had just enough time to jump aside as she felt power gathering, instinctively moving out of the way. Chains of white light formed and grabbed at where she'd been standing a moment ago, but they vanished as they found no purchase. Unfortunately, something that did find plenty of purchase were the hands that suddenly clapped over her large breasts. Celeste felt another pair pressing against her back, a form that was soaking wet coliding with her and grabbing hold, the arms that had coiled around her groping for purchase and eventually finding the low collar of her dress, which they were about to pull down if Celeste didn't do something.

Seeing the naked guardswoman grabbing her, the man could figure out easily enough where Celeste was, negating the advantage of her invisibility. "There you are!" he said exuberantly and started moving toward her. If she could knock him unconscious the hold he had on the woman grappling Celeste would vanish, but she would have to act quickly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The smirk on Celeste's face faded as she realized she had forgotten one of the first rules her Academy's teachers had taught her and her classmates: never use more of your energy at one time than you can handle. Though she successfully cast both spells, the young mage grimaced as a slight tingle of pain from overextending herself spiked through her brain. When the blinding, searing light illuminated the room in front of her, she gasped as she saw her opponent, the man controlling the guardswoman, standing nude with his member erect and obviously having just been in use. Just as she saw it and began to gasp in surprise, a quick wave of intense pleasure coursed through her body, causing her to freeze in place and shiver slightly. 'What?" she thought to herself, a blush rising to her cheeks, 'What was that? Why did I feel so good so suddenly?"

Before she could work out the answer for herself, she could feel the powerful energies being marshaled against her and jumped away instinctively. Still slightly stunned by her thoughts, Celeste didn't have time to avoid the attack coming from behind. "He was wet down there. I wonder what it tastes like," was the last thought she had before the guardswoman wrapped her arms around the young mage and began pawing at her chest. "Ah, no!" she yelled as the woman's wet form pressed against her body, making the thin fabric cling to her. Just as she yelled she realized that her spell of invisibility had just been rendered useless, and grit her teeth as she let the spell dissipate.

As the man excitedly advanced towards her, Celeste realized she was in quite the predicament and had only moments to act before it got worse. "Yep, I'm here!" she called out happily, forcing a smile to her face as she looked at the man. "I guess I interrupted you while you were having fun with your playmate here!," she said, still sounding quite jovial while she began to focus her energies on a new spell, giving only the barest of struggles against the woman clinging to her. "I'm really sorry about that. I could make it up to you if you want," she said, her blush from earlier intensifying as she heard the rather indecent things she was saying, 'but only if you don't get cold feet!"

Just as she finished her taunt, Celeste let her spiritual energies out once again. This time she kept the spell simple so as not to overexert herself, but decided on a more direct approach. With one hand pointed out towards the advancing man, the mage unleashed a sudden sphere of ice at him, directed at his feet. If it worked, ice would splash across the floor around and hopefully keep him from getting any closer. 'Oooohhh, I hope this works!'

Drop Invisibility and Wall of Water. Cast Ice Slick, with Mazimize Spell.
{C} Ice Slick (Ball) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by this spell and any who enter its area of effect up to 3 rounds later must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone.]
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