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WIP - List of Transformations.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Let me get straight to the point, I'm making a chat-based role-playing game inspired both by one of XSI's old character customization systems, and the sudden uproar of erotic transformation flash text games.

And right NOW , I'm focusing on making a list of possible transformations.
The idea is that when I'm done with this big bad list, potential players can add/subtract points to the transformations to affect how possible any one transformation can be, or if some can even BE possible.

In-Game, if a characters corruption level peaks, they'll get a random transformation. (With modifiers depending on how they peaked. If you're getting fucked by tentacle monsters, you have a bonus to your chances of growing a random tentacle. Or err, maybe bonus isn't the best word. Depends on your outlook) SO, I'll take my online dice-roller, enter in 100/200/Whatever many the number ends up being, and come up with which one the player gets.

The more points put into a particular transformation in character creation, the more dice sides they'll have. (For example, you've put in 15 points to the first transformation possibility, so if the 100 side die lands on 1-15, she gets effected by a particular transformation.) Sometimes 1 or 2 more dice rolls is needed to determine HOW this transformation effects the player. Like just where that tentacle is coming from, whether it's out of your back, shoulders, or just above your hind-quarters.

But back to the point, I need help coming up with transformations, so I'll list all of the ones I've decided to use already:

1: Breast Growth/Shrinking
2: Dick Growth/Shrinking
3: Vaginal Depth Alteration
4: Vaginal Moistness Alteration
5: Random Tentacle Growth* **
6: Growth of sexual nerves in the mouth
7: Anthropromorphic Transformation *
8: Semen Production
9: Semen Potency/Taste/Fertility
10: Libido
11: Sensitivity
12: Hair Colour
13: Skin Colour
14: Fur Colour (If you have any, if not rebounds to skin colour)
15: Girth
16: Pheromones
17: Egglaying
19: Ass Fertility
20: Ethereal Transformation
21: Taur Trans
22: Wings
23: Eye Colour
24: Sustenance Alteration
25: Lactation
26: Over-All Growth
27: Over-All Shrinkage
28: Bioluminesence
29: Functional Gills
30: Additional Phallus
31: Aggression
32: Intelligence
33: More Feminine
34: More Manly

If you wish for an explanation of what any of the transformations mean, feel free to ask. Also, the asterisks (*) signify additional dice rolls for various things, such as location, potency, or size.

Edit: Added additional dice roll details

General Rule (To all that have different levels of Potency) :* "1-8: Small Change" "9-13: medium change" "14-15: Big Change"


#5 :* "1-4: Back" "5-6: sides" "7-9: Stomach" "10-12: Shoulders" "13-15 Tail-End" **

**"1-5:Non-Retractable" "6-15: Retractable"


#7 If you have any previous infections from Anthropromorphs, unless you received corruption from another one and that's what peaked your corruption level, you'll probably become more like the furry that made you transform in the first place.
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Re: WIP - List of Transformations.

It looks good so far cappy, I don't know how available if at all I might be to play on chat; bit I like what I've seen so far. Is girth, growing fat/ter?
Re: WIP - List of Transformations.

It looks good so far cappy, I don't know how available if at all I might be to play on chat; bit I like what I've seen so far. Is girth, growing fat/ter?

Girth is how chubby you are yes. There's a second roll from 1-15. 15 being very Chubby (Not fat, as this is trying to be sexy mind you) and 1 being rather slender (But not to the point that you look ill).
Re: WIP - List of Transformations.

What are taur trans and substenance alteration? Is substanence alteration like becoming a goo girl?
Re: WIP - List of Transformations.

What are taur trans and substenance alteration? Is substanence alteration like becoming a goo girl?

Taur transformation is becoming a four legged mammal, sort of like a centaur. Some people like that sort of thing, but it is optional.

Also, Sustenance* Alteration changes what foods you're capable of eating, or what you can use as a means of "Sustenance". There are five possibilities which are determined by an additional roll, they all have different chances of being used, the most consequential being the rarest. Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore, Cum Drinker(Means you can ONLY drink cum as a means of survival, and that it will be a much healthier source of food than it used to be...), and Foocubus (AKA Succubus or Incubus, meaning you need souls aquired through sexual interaction to survive)