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Wicked Age

Re: Wicked Age

Shoot I can't think of a second interest right now. Any suggestions?
Re: Wicked Age

I'll throw it out to the other players as well. Anyone got a fun second interest for Akashka the reclusive Enchantress and Daughter of Lilith, returning to her home?

My only suggestion would be sure to include another specific character in your interest.

We all love sex creeping into the story, maybe it should be something that encourages that.

(Maybe other people's interests could have included sex stuff as well. I'm considering having RJ and Cross redo their best interests to be more in line with something they'll have fun with.)
Re: Wicked Age

I'll redo mine, if you're willing. My thoughts have changed as I write for Arwia's post.
Re: Wicked Age

Okay, you can redo yours, RJ.
Re: Wicked Age

#1: It's in Arwia's best interest to earn the friendship, or affections of Zakiri, and to ensure she doesn't succumb to dark desires. (Killing the Slavemaster, becoming a daughter of Lilith)

#2: It's in Arwia's best interest to end the suffering of the slaves, and prevent any more from being sacrificed to the tower's master.

Sort of like my previous Best Interests, but a little more closer to what I had in mind to start my post with.
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Re: Wicked Age

For Tenta, maybe something to do with Kiana? I notice she's not been mentioned in any of the stories yet.
Re: Wicked Age

That could be good. I was saving Kiana for Tenta's introduction, so an interest tying those two together would work.
Re: Wicked Age

Maybe, if TentanariX wants to keep going the "world domination" route, Akashka's second best interest is that she needs to somehow gain the loyalty of Khanna, since her golems can't be corrupted and controlled, but would be a powerful force to have control of. How Akashka manages to do that would be up to Tenta, of course ;)
Re: Wicked Age

That would be very interesting, considering Khanna is the NPC determined to eradicate the daughters of lilith - of which Tenta is one.
Re: Wicked Age

I can go with Khanna or Kiana. But I don't know who Kiana is as I have not seen anything posted for her. If I could get some info on her it would help in chooisng one of the two, or I could go for both >:3
Re: Wicked Age

Well, she's been dubbed the "Firebrand Rebel" and is very charismatic. Who or what she's rebelling against, what makes her so charismatic (I can think of a couple things that might :p), these have yet to be decided.
Re: Wicked Age

Akashka's second interest is to somehow allure and persuade The Firebrand Rebel and Khanna the Conjurer of the Alabaster Guards into becoming fellow Daughters of Lilith and gain valuable tools in her quest to warp the land for Lilith's interests.
Re: Wicked Age

Sigh... I had some trouble trying to think of something that'd fit the character I wish to play, and in the end I came up with this. I hope that I'll get those approved.


- his best interest is to ensure that both the mages and daughters of Lilith destroy each other;

- it's his best interest to ensure that the Raiders are no longer a menace;
Re: Wicked Age

Approved! (That goes for Tenta and Cross)

Tenta, I can write up an intro for you, or if you've been reading what's going on so far in other character's stories, you can introduce yourself in context with one of the things happening. The reason I'm giving you this option is because 1) I've already put enough setting out there to give you an idea of what's going on and 2) since you introduced the concept of "Lilith" to this game, I wanted to give you some creative authority to suggest what Lilith is.

I have my own ideas and I'll PM them to you privately, but I figured you being the mysterious Enchantress, you might want to own this.

Cross, you can do as RJ did and post a little backstory and weave it into the current events. Feel free to link yourself to other characters in the narrative if you want.
Re: Wicked Age

Sorry to say this, but... I found myself in a bit of a pinch. I have much more work in front of me - both in real life and on the net - that I anticipated, and I still can't get my character's story right. I've tried to find some way, but I don't think I can find time for everything and I'm afraid I just can't make something that'd work well with this character, and I think the pressure is starting to get to me. Would it be a major problem if I dropped?
Re: Wicked Age

It would not. Your character will be NPC'd and any NPCs whose best interest included you (such as Kiana and Shamash-Andulli) will alter their goals to be contesting with those who are playing.

Shamash Andulli's goal concerning Rakdos and Arwia will change to focus on Arwia (he may not want to sacrifice her any more, perhaps instead wishing to corrupt her).

Kiana will now have aspirations concerning Nadia and possibly Zakiri or Akashka, should the Enchantress be joining us soon.
Re: Wicked Age

I will try to later when it's not so late at night before too long, possibly tomorrow or monday since I don't have to work. But now it's really too late for my creative juices to be working properly :p .
Re: Wicked Age

@Xivvix: I'm going to roll a conflict for you before posting in reply (and if Zakiri rolls well, you may end up writing the next post.)

You must state her goal clearly. Is Zakiri attempting to find Baherah and Vinah deeper within the strange environs, or is she most intent upon trying for the exit as swiftly as possible? One should be a priority, for it is likely that Jahangir would not place his slaves next to the exit. You must decide her priority.

Once you have, assign the two most appropriate forms. (probably covertly, and either for myself or for others, depending on which priority Zakiri took).

Your opponent is Jahangir with his maneuvering score (d12, d8), representing his exceptionally heightened senses and limited command over the dwellers within his domain, whose goal is to find and capture Zakiri.
Re: Wicked Age

It would not. Your character will be NPC'd and any NPCs whose best interest included you (such as Kiana and Shamash-Andulli) will alter their goals to be contesting with those who are playing.

Shamash Andulli's goal concerning Rakdos and Arwia will change to focus on Arwia (he may not want to sacrifice her any more, perhaps instead wishing to corrupt her).

Kiana will now have aspirations concerning Nadia and possibly Zakiri or Akashka, should the Enchantress be joining us soon.

I see. Sorry for the trouble, but I really don't think I can handle this RP.