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Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Just shorts. I'll wear an oversized flannel shirt too in the winter though.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

I generally sleep fully clothed. I'll take off my shoes and socks, and go to bed. I have an irrational fear of zombies, and have long since decided that this would be ideal. It has come in handy before, but not for that reason. Yet.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

I'm with Copper on this... most of the time. When sleeping with a lover, I'll be naked, if I have to share a piece of poo dirt in the desert, then I'm clothed except for socks, boots and tunic. If on my own... I'll sleep naked in my own bed, but with panties and bra on if in a hotel, or guest bedroom, and generally whatever I happen to be wearing should I crash on a couch.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

I have to be pretty tired to sleep soundly without any clothes on. Not sure why. If I try, I'll wake up just about every hour until I rectify the situation. Even with only near-nudity I require a sheet over me if I'm not fully clothed.

I do pajamas in the winter, but not spring, summer, or fall, and I'll sleep fully clothed if I'm staying overnight somewhere strange.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?


Although I don't care if I sleep with clothes on, I just prefer being naked.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Only ever slept naked if I'm with my girlfriend. Otherwise I sleep in boxers. I've never understood people who sleep in full clothes, all that body heat gets trapped in and I start sweating like a pig, and then I'm completely disgusting in the morning. Even when I don't sweat, that oily, greasy shit that accumulates on you all day when you're awake gets all over the inside of your clothes for the six-ten hours you're asleep and makes you disgusting.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Whenever I sleep with my gf, it's my leopard thong
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

And then the nude Copper hops in with us cuz she can only sleep nekkid with other people.

Although I suppose that bit counts as fanfiction. "Copper snuggles naked with Raptor and Nony-kun."

Working title.

Fiction is right. And apparently, since Nony is non-existant, not gonna happen. Plus, I'm kind of adverse to reptiles, so...

And to comment about Toxic's thong or not...hmmm...nah.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Go ahead, it just means I never sleep in a thong...
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Y'know, I'm not going to over-think this one. If that's what floats your boat, you go right ahead. I just don't want any backlash from Toxic, even though I probably would happily provide him with pictures. Or something.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Psh, you expect me to fight for this guy?

Whatever floats the little man in your boat.
that's the phrase, right
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Toxic can't even fight for himself. He's as helpless as a kitten.

Moans like one too.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

I'm pacifist
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

That too. Look, is this happening or not? Cuz Im in my boxers and ready for bed at this point.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Copper's promise of pictures, or my promise of Copper+me fan-fiction?

Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Nice to see you two have a very open relationship.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

I bow to whoever slaps me the hardest.
Re: Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

Go ahead, slap him.

He'll do anything you want.

And while you're at it, slap me to!

I'll do anything you want.