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Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Speaking of Romans, they viewed men on men sex as love, and sex with women as a necessity to bear children.

Sooo, since that was most obviously a society based view, how can people then put that (and ancient Greece) into the 'homosexuality is hereditary' argument?

But, studies did find that if a woman has increased estrogen levels when she carries a boy in the womb, the boy will come out with more feminine features and and increased estrogen level too.

So that could contribute to why some men don't feel like men. But I do believe that it is a conscious (or unconscious depending upon how aware of their own body / feelings the person is) choice that they make who to date. I know a guy who is flaming as a bonfire in December. But he only dates women, because he decided he liked them better then men. *shrug*

Edit: But then you have the other side of the coin, I know some gay/lesbians who are only so because something happened to them in their past to force them explore their sexuality with the only option left to them, their same sex. More then a few lesbians I know are psychologically scarred in some way, so they can no longer think of men in that way, or respect them. There are some men that are that way too, talk about a vagina or show them a pic of it and they scream bloody murder. That's not natural. Psychologically they are taking out whatever mental scars they received at a young age and are projecting it upon sex organs of the sex that caused them whatever pain they felt when they were young. (Often it is rape or physical abuse, so that is indeed, to them, what caused their pain. It's easier to blame that then the person who did it.)

... I'm don't know where I am going with this ...

But it's not healthy. I really feel sorry for those types of people and really wish that they would get the help that they deserve. (And decide for themselves what they want, not have it forced upon them from a wrong that was done to them when they were young.)
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Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Well there are a lot of correlational studies and it's surprising that they are connected and homosexuals almost always have an enlarged piece of hypothalamus. However, with twin studies and everything, only a few studies suggest that there may be a correlational, not causational link.

But yeah, when it comes to traumatic experience, that still falls under nurture, and it's fixable with some conditioning and therapy. It's kind of hard to convince people of that though, cuz then it sounds to PC people like you're trying to change them just cuz they're gay. It's unethical sure, but I would I always tell people, "You can condition anything. You think homosexuality is genetic? Give me a straight or a gay guy, a few months, and no ethical guidelines, and I can bring em back changed"
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

This is impossible. If it were strictly genetic it would have bred itself out of the gene pool ages ago. That is not a sustainable trait. Some aspect of it has to be environmental. Maybe it has to do with overpopulation, and a natural inclination to maintain a survivable population? There ought to be a study where they survey orientation in overcrowded areas vs open spaces, and see what happens.

Not necessarily. I remember reading about a study(quite a long time ago, so I don't remember a lot of details) where a certain gene correlated in men's homosexuality. The thing is, the same gene made females more fertile. So as long as there isn't a single gene that makes everyone of both sexes homosexual, there isn't a reason why it couldn't be completely genetic. There just are multiple mechanism in genes that can cause homosexuality, which are normally beneficial.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Hey, now, I don't see anything detrimental with being gay in the first place -- the way that you're writing assumes that producing offspring is the highest requirement of a person... but that isn't necessarily the highest value for any given person (and isn't necessarily beneficial given how many people there are and the way that we're living, in the first place)
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

I was talking from evolutionary viewpoint. If you look it that way, being exclusively gay is detrimental. Personally, I just don't give a fuck(pun intended).
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Damnit, Susan Boyle, you've caused a wave of apathy to spread throughout my strongest values! *fist shakes at the near anonymous country star wannabe* XD
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

, but still funny.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Never heard of her, only read the first three replies, raises hand.

I generally don't care for any "celebrity", end of. When I see these magazine covers with "over paid fool's" secret shame, or "wife of fool" has had a baby... I really couldn't care less.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

The irony here is that this thread actually makes people care about that woman now.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

They do? Should I read the thread? I was about to go home...

Or do you mean in the way that we're at least discussing her?
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Ya know people, google does wonders.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

The irony here is that this thread actually makes people care about that woman now.

well, its feeding her fame, but i still dont care.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

I saw her sng, thought she was a brilliant singer. She could win.

Does that mean I care about her?
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

The irony here is that this thread actually makes people care about that woman now.

I thought the irony would be that this thread had been derailed almost instantly, proving that no one gives a shit about her.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

I thought the irony would be that this thread had been derailed almost instantly, proving that no one gives a shit about her.

Perhaps I am just not good at staying on topic? :)
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

I saw her sng, thought she was a brilliant singer. She could win.

Does that mean I care about her?
I was going to say the same thing. I hadn't heard of her until I saw this thread. I sing myself and she's breathtaking.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Ah ha ha ha.

I just watched her singing 'I Dreamed a Dream' and I changed my mind. XD She's pretty damned good! And she's not so much 'ugly' as 'a normal 47-year-old woman'. So I guess that means I do give two shits about her? XDD
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Like I said
Ya know people, google does wonders.

I never hated her, just the attention that surrounded her. A lot of other people seemed to chime in like "Well I don't know a thing about the situation but here's my two cents"
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?


But Googles too far!