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Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie uses riposte, +5 to defence
Sharass: 18 vs 12 hit
Natalie: 9 vs 16 miss
Sharass: 22 vs 5 crit
Natalie: 5/5 AP 0/10 Entangled: -3 to all rolls
Sharass: -1/?

The fog does not seem to bother the naga as much as it does Natalie, as she soon hears hissing from her right. Swift as she moves, the snake is still swifter, and Natalie suddenly stumbles as a bolt of webbing hits her legs, snaring her and sending her stumbling. As she continues towards Sharass, another bolt hits her squarely in the chest, partially binding both of her arms.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

'Shit!' Natalie went down, something sticky coiling around her legs. A second burst came forth, wrapping around her torso and making her almost completely bend. What kind of snake shot webbing!? Gritting her teeth, she tried to channel heat from around herself into the gunk, trying to make the stuff dry out and harden so that she could break her way out. She needed to get back to her feet and start moving if she wanted to defend herself with any chance of success.

(Magic to remove entangled, if possible.)
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie: 18 vs 10
Sharass: 10 vs 22
Natalie: 5/5 AP 0/10 Entangled: -1 to attack and defence
Sharass: -1/? MP 4/5

Natalie manages to shoot enough flames from her hands to burn away the webbing. In the mist, Sharass hisses something strange and for a moment Natalie feels very sleepy before she shakes off the spell.
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Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Freeing her arms, Natalie shakes her head, shutting her eyes and throwing off the sudden onset of drowsiness that washed over her. Rolling onto her back, she sat up and tried to free her legs as well in the same way.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie: 9 vs 8
Sharass: 16 vs 6 | 16 vs 20
Natalie: 4/5 AP 0/10
Sharass: -1/? MP 3/5

As Natalie cleans up the rest of the webs, a pair of of freezing bolts streaks from the mists towards Natalie, first of them hitting her chest and the second barely missing her head.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Aahhck!" Natalie flinched as the ice shards struck her, cutting into her skin, drawing a bit of blood before her symbiote re closed over the aching wounds. Luckily it was only a graze... But that was only the first volley. With her legs now free as well, she rolled to her feet and launched a counter attack, putting her hands together and sending a gout of fire rushing out towards the source of the icy bolts.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie: 8 vs 22
Sharass: 6 vs 16 | 6 vs 21 counter
Natalie: 8 vs 6
Sharass: 11 vs 15 | 11 vs 20
Natalie: 4/5 AP 0/10
Sharass: -3/? MP 2/5

Sharass hisses as the flames burn some of the fog away, failing to hit her but revealing her form. She hurls more ice shards at Natalie, but one of them misses her and she manages to deflect the other back at Sharass, who starts retreating. Another gout of fire actually hits the naga, who responds by hurling more ice but in vain.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Shoulda thought harder about this," Natalie said, scowling darkly as she burned away the ice shards. "What's the matter? I thought you liked the warmth! Hmph... You'd make a better specimen live, but my master will have to make do... With your corpse!" She lunged forward, strength and speed enhanced by her symbiote, and launched a kick at the wounded naga's head.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie 16 vs 12
Sharass 12 vs 6
Natalie 12 vs 12
Sharass 22 vs 13
Natalie: 2/5 AP 0/10
Sharass: -5/? MP 2/5

As Natalie kicks Sharass, missing the naga's head, the naga slams her backwards with her tail. Another attack brings the same result, wearing both combatants down even as Sharass keeps retreating.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Getting tired yet?" Natalie grunted, huffing. She feinted going for another kick before turning it into a jump instead and sending streams of electricity down into the ground around the nage's coiled body.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie: 6 vs 8 | 13 vs 17
Sharass: 12 vs 12 miss
Natalie: 24 vs 9 crit

The wide streams of electricity bounce off the ground, missing Sharass entirely as she hurls more ice at Natalie. Another attempt hits her directly on the head, slaying the beast.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Down yah go," Natalie said, panting heavily after avoiding another of the naga's attacks and sending a bolt of electricity shocking through her head. She let herself recover for a moment before going over to Sharass' body and checking to see if she was still alive. Whether or not she was, the mage would grab her by her head and drag her body back to camp. If she was dead, she would make the soldiers pack her into a preservative crate so that her master could harvest what he liked from her. If she was alive, she would have to think of something else to keep her contained, including a way to keep her from using magic.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The naga appears dead, or at least cold and not breathing. Without a wagon or beasts of burden at hand, though, getting it back to the castle intact would be quite tricky. The count would likely be just as satisfied with the head and a few tissue samples, though.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Frowning at their apparent lack of preparations, Natalie sighed and went about making sure that Sharass was dead before taking the most valuable parts from it and storing them in the sample containers they had.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

When Natalie comes back, Mat has the fire burning happily, and she can smell porridge and coffee on the fire. "What did you find?" he asks quietly.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Snake monster."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Mat whistles softly. "Haven't heard of one of those showing up in a long time. Probably something weird going on."

Soon enough the coffee is ready, and the other men get up and get dressed as Mat finishes making the porridge and serves the breakfast.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie simply shrugged, sitting in silence while the soldiers did their morning preparation. She helped herself to some coffee, and then some breakfast, but let the men eat rather than rush them to get ready to move. They would be on their way soon enough regardless, and she already had some interesting specimens to bring back.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The breakfast doesn't take too long, and once done, the men break the camp, packing their things and pouring water on the remains of the campfire. Around midday the road passes between two hills, revealing the village of Helmsdale. It turns out to be a rather homely place, with two dozen small but well kept houses on one side of the road, and a patch of farmland on the other. The hills continue running on either side of the village, and the rest of the valley seems to be filled with woods. The largest and finest of the houses - and the only one with slate roof - turns out to be an inn, and it's where tales of such spider monsters would most likely be found.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

So, this was Helmsdale? It was little more than a tiny farm hamlet, but Natalie mused that that probably wasn't too terribly surprising. Well, they had arrived in a timely manner, so she might as well get to her task quickly. "You lot, reconnoiter. I don't know if we're going to be put up for clearing out the spiders, but I'll find out."

Natalie would enter the inn and take a look around, trying to see if she could spot anyone who was obviously important. The innkeeper would do if it was the best she could spot, but the well-to-do members of even small communities tended to dress better than most.