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Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Offering his arm to Natalie, the gentleman leads her away from the dance floor. Perhaps surprisingly, he leads her up to the lower battlements, just a floor up. Leaning on a battlement, he turns to face Natalie. "I don't think I ever heard your name. I'm Arthur." The torches and lamps on the gates shed light upwards, but Arthur stays mostly cloaked in a shadow as he regards Natalie curiously. The night air is cool, and an amazing number of stars is visible overhead despite a few clouds in the horizon that idly threaten rain for days to come.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"It's a pleasure to meet you Arthur," Natalie replied in a friendly tone, "My name is Natalie, and I came with my master as his escort." She opted to reveal her status as a servant rather than a noblewoman, preferring simple openness. That he shifted into the shadows put her suddenly on edge, but Natalie opted to let it pass for the moment as she turned her gaze out into the night sky. "It's quite beautiful out tonight, isn't it?" she offered conversationally, moving onto the balcony to stand never to Arthur.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"It often is, here in the countryside" Arthur says, putting his hands on Natalie's waist and pulling her closer while gazing into the sky.

Several minutes later, Natalie finds herself shivering slightly and Arthur pulls her tighter into his embrace. "Shall we go back in, or would you like to look at the stars for a little more?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie, though perhaps still a little wary of the stranger, opts to relax into his embrace after she found herself shivering. The dress might be comfortable, but warm it was decidedly not, and the frigid night air bit at her more than usual. Her symbiote began to creep along her skin beneath the dress, but it didn't provide much warmth that she didn't already have since the majority of its heat came from her. "I wouldn't mind another moment or two, but I would prefer to go in soon," she replied softly as she leaned against Arthur's chest. If he wanted to play the white knight, she wasn't going to argue the point... Or pass up the warmth. "I'm not exactly dressed for cold weather~"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Arthur's chest feels warm against Natalie's back, and he seems to relax as well. Mere moments later however, he lifts Natalie back to her feet and offers his arm to her before heading back inside, where the dancing is still going on, though the atmosphere is somewhat calmer than before.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Care for another dance, or would you prefer to take a rest or find another partner?" Natalie asked Arthur jovially as they reentered the main hall.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Arthur chuckles softly. "I'll gladly continue to monopolize your time, Natalie." he says, leading Natalie back to the dance floor where a new song - a waltz, or at least something with three quarter beat - is just starting.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Giggling as she is led in, Natalie steps into the waltz easily and with a degree of familiarity, glad for the chance to enjoy such a simple dance.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The dancing continues through the night, with Arthur showing Natalie a few more dances before they finish. Finally the music stops, and as people start heading for the exits or the guestrooms, the count von Svarthein strolls over to Arthur and Natalie.

"Lord Kising, is it? How is your father, these days? I didn't see him here." the count says as he comes close. Arthur gives him a small bow. "Count Svarthein. My father is well. He travelled to the city a short while ago, to conduct some business with the king."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie enjoyed herself thoroughly, though she kept an eye out for her own lord in case she was needed. It turned out that she wasn't, and when the party came to an end some hours later, she was tired but quite happy with how things had turned out. She was about to bid Arthur good night to go and find her ride home, but when the lord of the castle came by to speak to him she gave the man a polite curtsy. Hearing what they had to say, Natalie couldn't help but pause to listen in, curious about her dance partner's rank in the social ladder she'd been building in her head. She marked off the name, Arthur Kising, for future use, though she couldn't help but giggle inwardly at the options for teasing that his last name inspired in her. That his family was important enough for his father to be meeting with the king was surprising, a fact that Natalie allowed to show on her face, and she gazed at the young man with new respect in her eyes for a moment as she listened on.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The count lets a faint smile appear on his lips. "Then your smithies must be doing well indeed. My own projects have been succeeding as well. Do take your time to drop by at my estates on your way home, unless you're in a hurry. Natalie, the hour is getting late and I'm getting too old to spend all my nights dancing, so don't dawdle too long." Nodding at lord Kising again, von Svarthein heads towards the doors, leaving Natalie alone with Arthur again.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Yes sir," Natalie replied quickly to her master's orders. Turning to Arthur, she gave the nobleman a curtsy and said; "I have greatly enjoyed your company, lord Kising. I humbly urge you to accept my master's offer of hospitality... I would greatly enjoy giving you the tour~" With that, Natalie would allow Arthur to say whatever he wished in goodbyes before hurrying after Count von Svarthein.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"You know, I think I will. Even if the estates weren't pleasant, your presence would surely make them so. Until then." Arthur says with a small bow before departing towards the guestrooms.

The trip back to the estates is uneventful, and the count seems pleased and somewhat amused that Natalie had picked Arthur for company. As they arrive back at the castle, the guard at the walls is just changing, and the count heads towards the master bedroom, leaving a lone groom to take care of the horses and the wagon.
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Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

(I'm not playing Helena :p )

Once they arrived back at the estates, Natalie stepped out of the carriage and headed out to hunt down Anni, starting her search for the maid in the kitchens.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The hallways of the castle are silent and abandoned, save for a few servants scurrying about in their tasks and cleaning the area. Soon Natalie arrives at the kitchen, finding it dark and abandoned. There are stairs at the back of the kitchen leading to servants' quarters, but she'd have to find Anni's room by herself.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

It was later than she'd thought, apparently, and Natalie found the kitchens deserted. She wasn't particularly hungry - at least not in the traditional sense - so she opted to simply take the stairs up to the servant's quarters in search of her friend's room. If she didn't hear Anni's voice, run into someone that she could ask, or find her in some other manner, Natalie would opt to pick a random door and knock on it in the hopes of finding someone to ask for her lover's whereabouts.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The upstairs hallway is dark, only lit by a pair of torches at each end. It seems that most servants are either asleep or away, but Natalie can hear the faint but familiar sound of Anni moaning from pleasure behind one of the nearby doors.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The sound of Anni's lewd moans came as something of a surprise to Natalie, though in hindsight she realized that they probably shouldn't have. For a second she stood there in the hall, suddenly irrationally jealous, but then frowned and forced the feeling back. It was only a game, after all, and the other woman had even admitted to her habits. Still, it was a little disappointing that she'd started the fun without her when Natalie had been planning on introducing her to Indigo for just that. She briefly considered trying to join in on whatever fun the maid was having, but then opted against it and simply headed back up to her own room.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Someone has lit candles in Natalie's room and thoughtfully left her washing basin full of warm water. Whether or not she washed up, Natalie finds herself falling asleep almost as soon as her head touches the pillow, and she sleeps peacefully through the entire night.

Natalie wakes up covered on a blueish blanket shortly after dawn as her door opens to let Anni inside, carrying a tray with delicious smelling pastries and a tankard of freshly curled milk on it. "Good morning sunshine. How was the party?" The blonde serving girl sets the tray on the nightstand and sits down next to Natalie, causing the blanket to shift.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Finding a bath already prepared for her, Natalie adopted a soft smile and decided to postpone bed time for a while. It would be terrible to waste such a gift, after all, and so she undressed and cleansed herself in the warm water before drying herself and going to bed fully naked.

When she awoke to find Anni entering her door, she smiled at the maid with half-open eyes for a moment before slowly shifting to a sitting position. "Good morning!" she murmured sleepily, and then yawned and stretched, unconcerned about her exposed breasts as she did so. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Natalie pulled her breakfast toward her and answered her lover's question; "It was about how I expected really... Not so much boring as uneventful. I spent most of it dancing."

Eying the maid with a sly grin, Natalie grabbed a pastry and said; "Who were you with last night, hrm? I came to find you, but you sounded pretty busy already!" She kept her tone light and mirthful, trying to portray that she wasn't upset with the maid's sexual habits, but merely curious. Anni had been quite up front with her regarding such after all, and Natalie was conscious enough of the "game" aspect of her situation that she didn't feel any jealousy anyway.