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Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

As Natalie receives her cards, the two men next to her each get three more and the dealer takes one. The dealer grimaces slightly, the other two don't seem to react.

(New hand: Qh 8d 4c 2c 2s)
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie stares at her hand, having not gotten anything, but doesn't show any reaction besides a slight scowl. It wasn't a very strong hand, so she didn't raise, instead waiting for the men to do something.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The man to Natalie's right bids two pennies and the scar-faced man next to the dealer calls while the dealer folds.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie shrugs and folds as well.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The first man shows two pairs, aces and threes, and the scar-face folds. The dealer passes the deck to Natalie and gulps down more of the ale. Apart from an occasional dry comment about their hands, the men at the table are pretty quiet. After about ten hands, a lieutenant comes in and calls out: "The next shift ready in ten." The scar-face collects the cards and the men leave, nodding at Natalie in passing as they start getting into their uniforms. Natalie finds herself a few pennies ahead and sitting at an empty table as most of the men start getting into armor while a couple head to beds from their looks, leaving the room mostly empty.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Since the room was emptying, Natalie got out of her seat and walked out as well. Having nothing better to do, she went off to get something to eat, and then went down to the lab, looking for the doctor, ready to see if he needed any assistance with anything.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The same blonde as earlier gives Natalie some bread and cheese to eat and sitting down with her. "What's it like, working in the lab?" she asks while nibbling at a piece of cheese herself.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Hrm? Oh, it's... Well it's kinda weird, really. Stressful at times sure, but it keeps me busy, and it's fulfilling work. Most of the time, at least. Mostly, I just help the count by grabbing things for him, going out to get specimens, taking care of them. That sort of stuff. He usually doesn't tell me much about what he's doing, at least not yet, but I guess I've learned a good bit from it already." Natalie said, and then began munching on her lunch. "How about you? How do you like working in the kitchens? I'm Natalie, by the way. I guess you already knew that.... What's your name?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The maid leans slightly towards Natalie, giving her a good view at her cleavage. "Oh, it's not too bad. I mostly help the cook, which is nice since I like baking and cooking. It's not very interesting job, though, not at all like yours. Oh, I'm Anni."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie eyes up the maid and smirks as she leans in closer, no doubt purposefully showing off her cleavage. Without even thinking about it, her symbiote slowly parted below her neck and then constricted slightly around her chest, doing much the same to provide Anni with a similar view. "It's good to like what you do! I imagine I've had some of your cooking before too. I swear I must have gained twenty pounds since I started working here! I've never eaten so well." She replied, smiling and still kept her eyes perhaps a little south of the other girl's face, idly comparing to see who had the bigger bust.

"Oh, it's usually not this exciting. Occasionally there are little incidents like what happened today, but usually it's just carrying junk around and watching the count make it squirm or explode or something." Natalie said, handwaving at the idea of her job being that interesting. "I guess the explosions are kinda fun sometimes, but then I have to clean up the mess. Anyway, what do you like to do for fun Anni? Surely you get time off from your duties. I actually have the day off today, after... Well, after what happened, so I'm looking for ways to keep occupied."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Anni has quite large bust indeed, despite her lithe figure, which the maid's uniform fails to do justice. The smile on her face widens as she quite openly admires the tricks the symbiote is doing. "Why, thank you very much." With a sigh she continues: "Oh, but there's so little to do here. Watching the soldiers spar is only fun for so long and the other maids are so prude, despite spending all their time gossiping with each other or sighing after some man or another. I visit the village when I can, but it's not very often I get all day off. If there's anything you'd like to do, I'm free at the moment."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Heh, from your tone, I take it that you aren't a prude yourself then?" Natalie says suggestively, quirking her eyebrows and smirking. "I haven't seen the soldiers spar yet, but I've never been one to enjoy violence much so I probably wouldn't enjoy it too much myself either. Do you live here in the castle then? I got my own tower when I took up my position as the count's assistant, which was pretty neat. Do you have private quarters, or do the servants live in a bunkhouse like the guards do?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Raising her eyebrows slightly Anni answers in a purring voice: "Oh, I'm definitely not prude when it comes to the more beautiful sex. Did you really have a slimegirl in your room last night? I have my own room in the second floor, but it's nothing as spacious as what you get.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie giggled and winked at Anni's purred response, and then nodded. "Yeah, her name was Indigo. I wonder what ever happened to her.... She just left after she was, ahhh, done with me and I'm not sure where exactly she might have gone to." She quirked an eyebrow and smirked, and her tone was a little bit lower as the words came out, "Why do you ask?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Oh, just curious." As she speaks, Anni gets up and around the table. "I've had some fun with a slimegirl myself. Apparently they don't like to stick around humans." Moving behind Natalie, Anni starts to slowly massage her shoulders. "Of course, it wasn't so much fun that I'd like to do it again. Humans are even more fun, though."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Oh? Interesting, I'd never heard that. I suppose that must be why they don't live with us." Natalie replies as Anni comes around the table. As the blond maid begins to massage her shoulders, Natalie murmured happily and relaxed, letting her arms rest on the table as she sighed and let the tension ease out of her. "Mmm..... You prefer humans then? Do you lean in either direction, or do you have an, ahhh... Preference, when it comes to the gender of those you have your fun with?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Anni's gentle massage slowly turns more forceful, digging tension out of Natalie's muscles."Humans are more fun than most. I care more about the person than his or her gender. What about you?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Mmmmm... I'm with you there." Natalie murmured, smiling as she relaxed into Anni's touch. "You're really good at this! I wonder..." Natalie turned her head around to smirk at the maid over her shoulder, "What else you could do with those hands?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The maid is smiling widely. "Why don't we get somewhere more private and I'll show you."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Your quarters, or mine?"