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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Well, I'll bet it's been beaten to Death, but after having finally beating Halo 3 on Legendary after getting it just this past Christmas along with a 360, I must vent.


... any of those phrases ring a bell?

In general, it feels as though ALL the weapons have had their damage lowered, save for maybe the Battle Rifle, Plasma Pistol/Rifle (YES I MEAN RIFLE, NOT CARBINE), and the Sniper/Beam Rifles.
I.E., Shotgun on Normal didn't one-shot unshielded/non-brute flood; hell, butting them with ANY gun did more damage, which is a shame, because the Shotgun FROM DAY ONE seems as though it was made SPECIFICALLY to combat the Flood at close quarters. Sure, it worked on other things, but that was just an enjoyable side effect :p
Pistol: Yeah, the Pistol in 3 is the weakest out of all 3 iterations.
Energy Sword: W.T.F. ..... seems a bit more difficult to use, and a bit weaker. See my 'Shotgun' complaints, and you basically have my grievances about this as well.
Fuel Rod: Okay, what the hell happened. It went from "OMG-YAY-AS-CLOSE-TO-HUNTER-GUN-AS-I'LL-GET-GUN" to 'poof'. I think they killed the splash or something, 'cause you have to hit something DIRECTLY to do damage now, splash seems to do shit for damage. AND YES I'M LETTING IT TRAVEL FAR ENOUGH TO 'Charge' - or w/e it does when it flares bigger after a sec or two in the air.
Needler: two handed now, but they say it's because of a damage buff.
..... I could do more damage with TWO Needlers from 2 than I can with this one. No need to make it un-dual-wieldable imo.
Hammer: ..... Did we REALLY need this OP thing? o wait, I guess we did, since this is now the 'Flood Killer' weapon.
*roasts Flood/Brutes*
*Gets owned by Flaming flood/brutes because that's about all it does - light something on fire and make it deadly to YOU at CQC*
Well, okay, it does do DOT, and it DOES kill the thing you lit the fuck up, but the consumption is horrid, and the thing dies AFTER it owns YOU.
Now, onto vehicles.
Tank/Wraith: I like that the Wraith now has the Plasma gun as a usable feature, so now the player doesn't hop on and go 'wtf, I can only use the cannon???', but I don't like the fact that to compensate for making it a turret seat, they made the Scorpion's machine gun a turret seat as well.
Not to mention that on Multi-player, it's now harder to just snipe the Scorpion driver. Kinda have to blast it 'till it breaks - or until they die, if you get the people who want to play with 'invincible' vehicles.
But, back to Single Player - I WANT MY BANSHEE. FUCK THIS HORNET SHIT. It's possible to grab a Banshee, yes, I know, but it's HARD. Fuckers stay in the air, -just- out of jacking distance. If they dive at you, consider yourself lucky as shit to get even the ONE opportunity.

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I agree with everything you just said, with a handful of complaints with halo 2 as well. In my opinion, Halo 1 earned its presale rep a thousand times over once I started playing it, and everything since has just been riding the initial tsunami of absolute coolness that has been sweeping the planet ever since. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm not first in line for ODST or Halo Wars when those come out, but I'm a fan, I've just started liking the stories more than the games
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

No matter what they do, nothing in the FPS HALO world is going to top the first game.

At least in 2 they added the Fuel Rod and Energy sword, as well as the 'board enemy vehicle' function and the ability to destroy a vehicle - though it kinda lamezored my near-suicide-run-to-grab-flag-in-blood-gulch thing..... kinda can't get back if my hog is blown to shit..... unless it's, like, 3v3 or lower >p

While Halo 2 kinda hurt it's fans by killing the pistol and replacing the AR, the BR was nice and the dual-wieldable SMG made up for the AR's spray.
All-in-all, while Halo is nice for multi-player, I liked Halo 2's Single Player a bit more than Halo's. The difficulty was just right, Friendlies actually seemed to DO something, and, most importantly... I COULD JACK A BANSHEE WITH EASE AHAHAHAHAHA!!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Let's see here, the fual rod and energy sword were sweet, but to me it kinda killed the 'SHIT!! Sword Guy!' moments. The vehicle boarding is absolutely awesome, gives me something better to do when I run out of bullets and am forced to melee the warthog chasing me down repeatedly until I manage to flip it and knock the guy out. While I do miss the original pistol, three or four shots to down a spartan was past ridiculous, it was retarded. The second pistol seemed right to me, and I loved the humiliation factor to downing someone with a pair of them as they tell me how much they sucked. The thing I missed most when I played 2 was indestructable warthogs, just cause warthog jousting was so much fun in the first one. I missed the AR, mostly cause all my friends swapped it out as fast as they could, so there was ammo for it everywhere. My current biggest annoyance right now, however, is with the players complaining about the rocket's lack of lock-on. Welcome back to the world of learning how to aim, folks!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Sephie has a shirtless variant

I read "Selphie", then re-read and was severely disappointed.

/me goes off to try and find a FF8 nude patch
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

under-rated game: supreme commander.

what i find really strange though is that sup com 2 is being published by squenix... that just doesn't make sense
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Square Enix bought the company that produces Supreme Commander, I believe. Part of their strategy to expand into the western market.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: WoW. N'uff said.

Underrated: Phantasy Star Universe, Champions of Norrath

First, PSU.
Phantasy Star Universe was a game which...lacked the massive amounts of crap the other games had, but it had an offline storyline mode which was suprisingly fun, and has one of my favorite video game romances ever.

Champions of Norrath, and it's sequel, Return to arms, were insanely good fun with 2-4 friends offline, all gathered round the TV laughing your ass off when one person does something dumb.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

ah Champions of Norrath... i have a barbarian in return to arms that can solo the first 60+ levels of the multiplayer arena
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I've got all three of those. Norrath and Return to Arms are fun. I like that you can customize your characters a little more than in the Baldur's Gate games (which I also like.) I'm not a big fan of online play, so I'm a bit limited on the content (mostly on RtA) but yeah, they are fun.

PSU is pretty good, too. Takes me a bit to get the controls again. I started it, stopped, and now have to learn how to play it again *laughs* I'm so looking forward to kicking what's-his-name's ass. The evil winged robot guy. Hehehehe. (And don't say anything spoilerish about the plot, please. Not like I didn't see the Karen thing coming, though.)
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

ah Champions of Norrath... i have a barbarian in return to arms that can solo the first 60+ levels of the multiplayer arena

Same. And arrows bounce right off for the first little bit too, it's fun to watch.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated games...
Fallout 3: It's just The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion with guns



Star Ocean

Sorry for the late quote but...At first I thought you were a /v/ frequenter, but then you said Star Ocean was under-rated and /v/ almost always has a thread about Star Ocean on the front page so idk...And also, Xenogears is widely considered one of the best PS games of all time. Personally I just played through it (most of it, stuck at that falling rocks room puzzle part) and I do agree it has a very elaborate storyline. Probably the first time I actually liked all the characters., and I came very close to crying when Maria was in Seibzehn...etc

but yesterday I beat The World Ends With You and I'm afraid that for the rest of my life no game's gameplay will ever compare--I'm trying to play through FF8 but compared to newer games it's just painfully slow and the gameplay is painfully easy.

Anyways, back on topic..


Maplestory. Everyone immediately dismisses it as 2-D and childish, but other popular MMOs like D2 are pretty much 2-D. You can only move in 4 directions, just like MS, and MS fully incorporates jumping so w/e.

Kingdom of Paradise. A pretty unique skill system in a basic run around and kill things style.

Megaman: Maverick Hunter X. Fun, I love jumping.

And the best for last--Valkyria Chronicles. If you own a PS3 and have not played this game, you should buy it on ebay soon. Very soon.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Star Ocean, sigh I miss that game. Anyway

Overrated Games : Diablo 2. It can't compare to the original. Also I am kinda biased against it, on the account of playing the game straight for 2 years and nothing else.

Underrated Games: Diablo, ridicously hard but so worth to play.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I'm actually not sure if this is underrated, since I think it did fairly well in sales, but I almost never hear anybody talk about it (and there's like, 1 picture on the Rule 34 website), so...

Underrated: Overlord/Overlord:Raising Hell.

There are way too few games where you play as the embodiment of EVIL and are able to sic a horde of minions onto your enemies, or where a paladin is seduced by a succubus queen that seems to spread Undeath like a veneral disease.
Overlord is this game. You can pillage and murder peasants, or you can ensure yourself of their gratitude by defeating the fallen heroes that reign over them now. Truth be told the second variant is not all that rewarding though (a factor that will be changed in Overlord II). I don't want to spoiler too much, but there's plenty more where that came from. One of the funniest parts is equipping your minions with the weapons/helmets/heads of your fallen enemies. An example? I remember a few of them wearing sheep heads as helmets (this game hates sheep). Others sport pumpkins, animal skulls, bug heads... I could go on for a while.

Then there's the add-on/Deluxe Edition Raising Hell, which really pumped up the dark humor. Using an extremely fat halfling like a flipper ball to smash through barriers? An elf forced to watch a DREADFUL stage play over and over again for all eternity (or until you scorch him with a flamethrower)? AWESOME!
Aside from the fun factor, the game is actually strategically challenging. Finding the right mix of minions (there are four: Brawlers, Fireballers, Assassins and Healers) for a boss fight can be tough, and if you don't get it right on the later stages your minions get slaughtered. Actually they may get slaughtered anyway (fucking Sandworms).
Sure, there a few minor bugs, but nothing so glaring it would ruin the gameplay. Your mouse buttons get stuck now and then, for example.
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I'm actually not sure if this is underrated, since I think it did fairly well in sales, but I almost never hear anybody talk about it (and there's like, 1 picture on the Rule 34 website), so...

Underrated: Overlord/Overlord:Raising Hell.

There are way too few games where you play as the embodiment of EVIL and are able to sic a horde of minions onto your enemies, or where a paladin is seduced by a succubus queen that seems to spread Undeath like a veneral disease.
Overlord is this game. You can pillage and murder peasants, or you can ensure yourself of their gratitude by defeating the fallen heroes that reign over them now. Truth be told the second variant is not all that rewarding though (a factor that will be changed in Overlord II). I don't want to spoiler too much, but there's plenty more where that came from. One of the funniest parts is equipping your minions with the weapons/helmets/heads of your fallen enemies. An example? I remember a few of them wearing sheep heads as helmets (this game hates sheep). Others sport pumpkins, animal skulls, bug heads... I could go on for a while.

Then there's the add-on/Deluxe Edition Raising Hell, which really pumped up the dark humor. Using an extremely fat halfling like a flipper ball to smash through barriers? An elf forced to watch a DREADFUL stage play over and over again for all eternity (or until you scorch him with a flamethrower)? AWESOME!
Aside from the fun factor, the game is actually strategically challenging. Finding the right mix of minions (there are four: Brawlers, Fireballers, Assassins and Healers) for a boss fight can be tough, and if you don't get it right on the later stages your minions get slaughtered. Actually they may get slaughtered anyway (fucking Sandworms).
Sure, there a few minor bugs, but nothing so glaring it would ruin the gameplay. Your mouse buttons get stuck now and then, for example.
I second this. I have the game.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Yeah I heard that weird news about Sup Com 2 and Squenix. As long as they don't stray from their role as a publisher and pull an "EA" or mess with the developers too much, then I'm fine with it. I just hate it when publishers start giving developers a hard time. Pushing for unrealistic deadlines, forcing changes, putting in advertising, etc. I mean when I saw Sam Fisher taking a stick of over highlighted neon gum before a mission, it didn't make me want to buy it, whatever brand it was I forget anyway. I laughed. When I see adverts in RainbowSix, I shoot them. Can EA cut the crap please and let them use the time spent programming the updating ingame advertising to actually finish the damn games instead? I don't see Sup Com getting this treatment luckily.

I'll say that MapleStory is underrated in respect of the 2D graphics. I actually quite liked those simple graphics. Unlike other games where people spend most of the time zoomed out, in maple story it's much closer and more personal. When you can see someone, you know they are mostly seeing same thing as you. The expressions and simply the way you can move is often makes much better communication than the strange set of waves and dances offered in 3D games.
On the other hand, I can't say much for MapleStory in general. It's little different than any of the other free MMOs. But the graphic style and the way the game works has made it my favourite MMO game to mess around with. I liked to set silly little challenges and make themed characters. Such as my "Pro Beggar", who made over a mil and got to level 7 purely by begging and leaching. Never killed a single critter. Unequipped her weapon at the start and never used one again.

I never played Overlord, but I did read some mediocre reviews. Then again I've read similar about other games I've enjoyed none the less.
There are way too few games where you play as the embodiment of EVIL and are able to sic a horde of minions onto your enemies,
I just had to check this Rule. Have you played Dungeon Keeper? The original, not DK2 which was a real disappointment. Overlord wouldn't exist without this game. This is the original "your the bad guy" game. It's like Theme Park, but rather than coconut-shys, handymen, entertainers and roller coasters, you have trap workshops, trolls, mistresses, and torture chambers. And rather than looking after customers, your fending off foolish heroes, battling other wannabe overlords, slaying lords, and pulling the wings off faeries for fun. But you know all this right?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

And I know that Overlord didn't get top reviews, but I enjoyed it very much none the less.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Dungeon keeper has got to be in my top 3 games of all time, and i liked the second one almost as much, mostly for the sandbox mode, i had the most sprawling dungeon ever. I actually used it a couple times to make dungeons for dnd, it worked quite well i found. Epic disappointment that they never got around to the third one though...
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Who knows...If it was the same group of people (Maybe not the same company...) that did Overlord...Then perhaps the first Overlord game could be considered a pseudo-sequel?
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Dungeon keeper has got to be in my top 3 games of all time

I think I've played the second one for about 20 minutes. Many many years ago. I remember it being quite fun, but I can't really remember what it's about.