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What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Nov 27, 2008
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*points to title* What can I say I'm bored and got curious :p

(also no flame wars plz, these are all just opinions)

for me...

Most Overrated = Halo series, now don't get me wrong I'm not a bias and stupid hater, this game was and still is kinda fun on-line (as long as you can avoid the stoners/12 y/o's that seem to always be on line >_> ) But seriously the hype for this game is just wow... I actually had a friend that said that Halo 3 is the best game ever made and the best game that ever will be made and he's not the only one that shares that opinon... I mean really? The best game that will ever be made? o_O

Most Underrated = Gotcha Force for the Nintendo Game Cube, never heard of it? Exactly, Capcom seemed to just be bored and decide "You know what, we got nothing better to do... let's make a game :D"

The best way to describe this game is... remember back when you were a kid and took random toys and imagined them beating the crap out of each other? Yeah... it's like that. toy sized robots killing each other. With a rather unique idea, decent and easy to pick up and play controls, over 200 different playable robots, and some of the best "Oh god... these voice actors suck so bad I can't stop laughing!" Voice acting, I'd say this never heard of game was overall.. just fun to play and desevered to be a bigger hit then it was, then again... I don't recall a single ad for this game o_O
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I have an underated for you:

Legend of Dragoon (PS1)

Honestly, I would kill for a sequal on the 2 or 3. The battle system followed basic turn-based stratagy, but with a twist via the adition (no pun intended) of the Adition system, where characters, with the right presses of the buttons, could do exponential amounts of damage with a string of character-spefific attacks. Story was good, visuals were excelent, and the puzzles made you think for a bit before you acted. Toss in a limited inventory and 'Dragoon Form' supermagics, and you got a great RPG, maybe not the best when compared to Square's epics, but could give a run for the money in the story and 'ooh, shiny' department, and the Adition system was like the Dressphere system from X-2- good, but maybe needs some more aplication from the rest of the game community to interact and embrace
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: WoW. It's okay, it really is. And though i find myself addicted to MMOs, i still don't see the point >.>
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I agree with Halo being the most over rated... I really do prefer Call of Duty 4, Gears of War and other games whose formula havn't been the same since the first game for the original x-box. I liked the games, but I didn't love em.

underrated... hmmm... Bloodrayne? Only thing I could think of. Never got a good review or anything, but the game was so fun, and the first game I played over and over.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Most MMORPG's like WoW, all you do is go out to kill x monsters, then return to quest giver, do this untill you are at the highest level. Then you can spend hours in a single place, trying to take down one thing, do this for the rest of your playtime.

When bored, make a new character and start everything over. These games are fun at first, but doesn't take long to get tired of. And worse, it lowered the bar for new games and only rewards time spend and luck.


Mount and blade, it's one of the few games out these days that are worth playing, yet I never hear anything about it, and all reviews/ratings of it are bad because the reviewers just didn't play it like they should.

Do not rate a storyline when it's an open ended world(There is no storyline, you make your own story), it's a game for the combat, it's not there for the quests, that also means that you shouldn't judge on first glance, because you need to spend a few moments learning what button you need to swing your sword(Hint, it's actively going to the enemy, blocking his attacks and hitting him, it's not clicking him, selecting attack, and then go afk).

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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: Im kind of tied between Halo and GTA....

Underrated: Xtreme G!!

Wait, no, scratch that.
the Soul Blazer series (Soulblazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, Granstream Saga).
Four utterly amazing games, but I have never seen anything on these or even seen some decent fanart of it. What the fuck?
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Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I would say Halo is both highly overrated and underrated at the same time. It shouldn't be dismissed purely because of it's popularity, and neither should it be worshipped. I highly enjoy it, and it remains one of my favourite games to date. The multiplayer and all it's customisation and creative maps and game modes keep me coming back. But the rabid fanbase does take it too far at times, and the mentioned worse parts of the community can be a really pain. Though that's not to say other games don't have that problem. It has without a doubt changed the way shooters and possibly other games are made. Simple things like the recharging health (shields) system worked so well, and you can see the way developers grabbed onto that idea after the first Halo. Suddenly everyone was doing it. I could list Halos flaws, particularly in the latter games, for ages. But you can't deny the things they did right either.

Halo 2 and 3's hype was ridiculous. But Halo 1 earned that popularity for all the right reasons.

...on a side note I feel compelled to say my mind on these two over argued points on the game.
- There was nothing wrong with the ending in Halo 2. Did people seriously want them to end the game right there with a rushed second finale of some kind and say "well done, you've won!". The general storyline of H3 on the other hand, sucked monumentally.
- The pistol in Halo 1, was effective, but stupid. H2's pistol was the best. H3's pistol took the worst parts of each, and made a monster.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Most underrated game? Evolution on the Dreamcast. That game was fucking awesome, its a shame I never had a Dreamcast because I'd have loved to get my own copy of it, instead my friend recommended it to me and I played it to death at his house. Where else can you find a butler called Gre Nade? xD And the customisation of your characters equipment, sure it wasnt super indepth, but it was still awesome. Too bad it was so short though. Guess thats what the sequel was there for, too bad I never played it.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Unknown Squid, I'd like to affirm that while I said Halo was in my opinion the most overrated, I would also like to confirm that I did highly enjoy the game, and had looked forward to both the sequels. I agree with most of your points from the games, but I must disagree and say that I enjoyed the storyline for Halo 3. Just a personal opinion on my part.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I have an underated for you:

Legend of Dragoon (PS1)

Honestly, I would kill for a sequal on the 2 or 3. The battle system followed basic turn-based stratagy, but with a twist via the adition (no pun intended) of the Adition system, where characters, with the right presses of the buttons, could do exponential amounts of damage with a string of character-spefific attacks. Story was good, visuals were excelent, and the puzzles made you think for a bit before you acted. Toss in a limited inventory and 'Dragoon Form' supermagics, and you got a great RPG, maybe not the best when compared to Square's epics, but could give a run for the money in the story and 'ooh, shiny' department, and the Adition system was like the Dressphere system from X-2- good, but maybe needs some more aplication from the rest of the game community to interact and embrace

Oh dear god, I still have this game! It was freakin' awesome! Thanks for reminding me of it!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

There Both Square titles And I'm Probably gonna get Lynched fot it but,

Underrated, Parasite Eve - Ps

It was Original! Utilizing Both Real Time Combat AND the Active Time Bar at the same time! Combat was both paired with offense and defense evade till your turn came round then decide whether to Heal or Shoot, Are You within and if you shoot are you within range? With a multitude of bosses each one you get to actually WATCH as theyre cellular structure breaks down and rearranges It makes for My pick for not only on of my Favorite games of all time But really, Alot of people havent even heard of it!

A Game about the Mitochondria... Most people WOULD put it back, Even if it was from Sqaresoft

And the most Overhyped, Overrated Over-Puffed up Grandaddy game of them all!

Final Fantasy VII - Ps

And not before you say "Have you even played it?" Yes, yes I have a few times and I've also played 4,8,10,10.2,12, and minute bits of 1,2,9, and 11 I'm Well versed in Final fantasy Lore as well as Chocobo Breeding, But I have to Tell you I found This One to be the SECOND MOST confusing storyline in any Title I've ever bought (First place goes to silent hill series) Unnessisary plot twists NO sooner does an unanswered question pop up when the next ones take place all with out an answer. They left sooo Many holes its no wonder soo many people want the game to continue. Advent Children Deepened the Wound By adding the Mysterious Disease "Geostigma" to the cauldron. Why did this come Now?

Far too much left uncovered,

Only questions left from VIII (Which is my Favorite) was whether Squall was Lagunas' Illigitamate son with Raine (It was made to sound like she died from complications after childbirth during which Laguna was Negotiating in Esthar) and... HOW THE HELL THAT BLOCKHEAD BECAME PRESIDENT?!?

PS: Legend of Dragoon Completely Rocked! Down with Melbu Frahma!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Oh god, I agree with you whole heartedly that FF7 had unnecessary plot twists and such. The game confused the fuck out of me several times, and it took almost a dozen playthroughs to finally work out that Cloud wasnt an actual clone of Sephiroth.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated: WoW, Halo, GTA, etc.
Underrated: The Bouncer. Fucking hell, I loved that game. I still have it and play it. It was kind of popular when it came out, but it's seriously rare to see anyone still playing it these days. A shame.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I may start my LoD fanfic/sequal here, as we got a bunch of old dragoon salts.

As for 7, the story was confusing a bit, and for Advent Children, the storyline is based off all-new info, post FF7. Keep mind out of 7 as you watch AC, and you should enjoy it...

...red and cait needed more speaking!
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Lol I watched FF7:AC not long after it was released in Japan. Then I bought the special edition DVD when it came out over here.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Overrated games...
WoW: I may play it, but it's still a mindless grind till max level

Fallout 3: It's just The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion with guns and a different storyline. They even have the same mod system, thus you could actually PORT the oblivion mods. Sure, it's fun, but it's really nothing new.

Final Fantasy 7: What everyone else has stated above it entirely true about this game(Please note, I've played EVERY FF game in existance other than 11, which is that online crap)


Xenogears, I never hear about this game, ever, yet it has one of the greatest stories I've seen in a game with an intuitive and amazingly fun combat system. (The Xenosaga games that came after and were supposed to be prequels to Xenogears? Yeah, they suck, they suck HARD.) This game was actually a really fun game, with the difficulty of bosses such that you couldn't easily power level yourself past them, yet it was still possible to kill them even if you avoided most fighting and went straight through the story. I actually managed to hit max level with all the ultimate items, yet the last boss was STILL hard. Your transportation as you continued through the game changed, you'd have a sand sub, then a real sub, and then finally you could fly. The secrets were awesome and they had a bunch of little things that were extremely cool, like in the lighthouse, you could make Emeralda(dunno if that's the right spelling) grow up and become even more powerful than she already was, with an upgraded gear.

Star Ocean(The first and second games. The third one was some kind of weird spin off and although the combat was nice, the story just made the other games worthless). A great story that keeps you hooked with a fun combat system and one of the most in depth customization systems I've seen in a long time in a game. You could literally make your ultimate weapon early game if you knew what you were doing(It would still be hard to get the required items, and it'd take like 20 save/loads to get it.) and you could literally make items that gave some of the characters you can get skills.

Legend of Mana: Another game I don't hear about, this is one of the ultimate games in terms of replayability, especially since you could actually take different stories to their ends while you recreate the world. Once you finished the game, it's entirely possible to keep EVERYTHING you had and then use the unlocked book you get in your house's library to turn all the enemies in the game up to an extreme difficulty. The battle system is real time with some amazingly cool animations. It also includes a pet system, golem building(ANOTHER pet, if you like)), 2 players, magic creation, a garden where you can grow foods for your pets/self. With every different weapon type, there's different special abilities. It also includes a learning system for different skills that you can use, all you need to do is use two of them together in different combinations to learn things like backflip, spin attack, and multitudes of other skills. With the art and the systems, this is one of my favorite games of all time, next to Xenogears.

P.S. Parasite Eve was FUCKING AWESOME too. I played the shit out of that and got the rocket launcher upgraded to 99 shots, that took FOREVER and lots and lots of grinding for junk! Parasite Eve 2 was sort of Meh after the first one.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?


Xenogears, I never hear about this game, ever, yet it has one of the greatest stories I've seen in a game with an intuitive and amazingly fun combat system. (The Xenosaga games that came after and were supposed to be prequels to Xenogears? Yeah, they suck, they suck HARD.) This game was actually a really fun game, with the difficulty of bosses such that you couldn't easily power level yourself past them, yet it was still possible to kill them even if you avoided most fighting and went straight through the story. I actually managed to hit max level with all the ultimate items, yet the last boss was STILL hard. Your transportation as you continued through the game changed, you'd have a sand sub, then a real sub, and then finally you could fly. The secrets were awesome and they had a bunch of little things that were extremely cool, like in the lighthouse, you could make Emeralda(dunno if that's the right spelling) grow up and become even more powerful than she already was, with an upgraded gear.

Star Ocean(The first and second games. The third one was some kind of weird spin off and although the combat was nice, the story just made the other games worthless). A great story that keeps you hooked with a fun combat system and one of the most in depth customization systems I've seen in a long time in a game. You could literally make your ultimate weapon early game if you knew what you were doing(It would still be hard to get the required items, and it'd take like 20 save/loads to get it.) and you could literally make items that gave some of the characters you can get skills.

Legend of Mana: Another game I don't hear about, this is one of the ultimate games in terms of replayability, especially since you could actually take different stories to their ends while you recreate the world. Once you finished the game, it's entirely possible to keep EVERYTHING you had and then use the unlocked book you get in your house's library to turn all the enemies in the game up to an extreme difficulty. The battle system is real time with some amazingly cool animations. It also includes a pet system, golem building(ANOTHER pet, if you like)), 2 players, magic creation, a garden where you can grow foods for your pets/self. With every different weapon type, there's different special abilities. It also includes a learning system for different skills that you can use, all you need to do is use two of them together in different combinations to learn things like backflip, spin attack, and multitudes of other skills. With the art and the systems, this is one of my favorite games of all time, next to Xenogears.

P.S. Parasite Eve was FUCKING AWESOME too. I played the shit out of that and got the rocket launcher upgraded to 99 shots, that took FOREVER and lots and lots of grinding for junk! Parasite Eve 2 was sort of Meh after the first one.

Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

overrated: Any game where you have to grind to complete the game. Even if they have a good storyline the grinding ruins it for me.

underrated: The Jagged Alliance games and Fallout Tactics, they aren't huge on graphics and they have some bugs. However I really like the way they handled the tactical aspects of both of them. For some reason I've never heard people talk about them much though.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

Unknown Squid, I'd like to affirm that while I said Halo was in my opinion the most overrated, I would also like to confirm that I did highly enjoy the game, and had looked forward to both the sequels. I agree with most of your points from the games, but I must disagree and say that I enjoyed the storyline for Halo 3. Just a personal opinion on my part.

i like the halo story to. i mean there is one rally stand out part of it that no one else has done for a while. That is of course the concept that when you build a genetically enhanced super soldier and deck them out with the most powerful armour you can, they just occasionally don't turn on you and have to be put down.
Re: What's your most over-rated game? Most underrated?

I know it'll probably sound strange, but I actually enjoy grinding in video games. It gives me something to do to fill in the time I'm bored, and I get to max out stats and increase the amount of abilities I have on a character.