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What the hell are you listening to?

Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Sara Noxx

- Super hot vampires omg o.o
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

I can't. I don't even. Just all of the feels.
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Re: What the hell are you listening to?

It's hard for me to choose only a couple songs from Leaves' Eyes because I love them all so much! So... I tried to keep in mind what my friends might like. :)

Re: What the hell are you listening to?

A decent cover of a good song with forum appropriate imagery.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Now this is how you end your musical career... as soon as I stopped crying...
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

can't believe I haven't posted this yet. Each song on the album is in some way related to an anime, or possibly manga or game. If you can identify the inspiration for Dream&Reality, Cassandra, System;Start, or any of the parts of Bosozoku Symphonic, I'll give you an internet full of cookies.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Camille and Kennerly: The Harp Twins

Pretty girls playing cool songs on beautiful instruments. My inner harp lover squees with delight!
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Continuing Ranger's post I am.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Those harp girls are pretty damn good.

On the note of covers: . Me likey likey.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Ascension and Descension full albums by Coheed and Cambria. Fun note the Amory war Comics the albums are based off of are being made into a full length film.

Those who are fans of Coheed and Cambria Might like to know these the the precursors of year of the black rainbow and follow Sirius Amory.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

can't believe I haven't posted this yet. Each song on the album is in some way related to an anime, or possibly manga or game. If you can identify the inspiration for Dream&Reality, Cassandra, System;Start, or any of the parts of Bosozoku Symphonic, I'll give you an internet full of cookies.

Oh, you're a fan of Area 11 as well?
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Oh, you're a fan of Area 11 as well?

Yes, though not until the album. Minecraft Christmas was pretty terrible, and the only other thing I'd heard until then was the outro jingle, which isn't much to judge on.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Minecraft Christmas wasn't too bad, and they did have their Blackline EP on their Bandcamp page for quite some time with some of the stuff from All The Lights in the Sky on it. Though yeah, other than that I don't think they've put anything else out. Well, aside from a Dota 2 song.
Re: What the hell are you listening to?

Minecraft Christmas wasn't too bad, and they did have their Blackline EP on their Bandcamp page for quite some time with some of the stuff from All The Lights in the Sky on it. Though yeah, other than that I don't think they've put anything else out. Well, aside from a Dota 2 song.

Oh right, forgot about DotA2 Beta Key. Minecraft Christmas wasn't abysmal, but the fact that Fairytail of Sipsco was better than it makes it seem worse, given that the former was just Sips and Sjin, rather than a band.