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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Girlfriend had 5, count them, 5 orgasms while I had 2. I felt like quite the macho man after that :p

EDIT: I actually don't get why I was negatively repp'd b/c of this comment.

I answered in truthfulness in what made me "giggity" today.

It's a humor based thread and I interjected with something that I was actually quite proud of.

Someone mentioned that I was trying to bring my post-count up so that I could post links? That's true, b/c I wanted to post a user-guide for a DMM game - just wanted to contribute.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Today I gave 47 people orgasms by just winking seductively at them. It's this thing i'm practicing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Last night or this morning however you prefer to look at it spent time with some friends haven't seen in a good bit and we drank and I got to hear them spit some amazing rhymes. It made me quite giddy in their presence, like I felt my heart racing out of my chest just one of those things that don't happen enough
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Link's dead, MAF :/

Third Christmas, which is getting together with my best girlfriend (finally) to exchange Christmas presents. I got a Pop Vinyl She-Ra figure, special made ornaments with Supernatural and Dynasty Warriors on 'em, a Supernatural book, a make your own bouncy ball kit (I may have a wee obsession with them.), ponies, lego figures, and just funstuffs! Plus, she really liked the stuff I got for her, too, so that's always a bonus. Made a crappy day a lot better.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

About four months ago, one of my portable hard drives stopped working. Unfortunately, it happened to be the hard drive upon which all of my pornography, both animated and live, was stored. I would plug it into the USB port and it would make a whirring sound, but neither of my computers would recognize it as a drive.

I tested it for about a week after that, hoping that somehow the problem would resolve itself long enough for me to copy all the files off of the drive. No such luck. I resolved to destroy the drive as soon as possible, and I began hunting down some of my favorite pornographic works to replenish my collection. I ended up forgetting to destroy the hard drive, however.

Tonight, I chanced upon the hard drive and decided to give it one last chance. It worked! As we speak, I'm completing a 413 GB transfer from the old portable hard drive to the new one I've replaced it with.

I'm rather pleased because a lot of the stuff I had before was proving difficult to find (especially as searches found increasing quantities of defunct "rapidshare" and "megaupload" and "oron" files). Also, there's something really wonderful about looking at relatively old porn for the first time in months.

So it's a happy [fappy?] night.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got word today that my crunched drive went through a full recovery, data-wise, anyway. They're sending it back on something else, since, well, the original USB went crunch. Costing me a bit, but looking at the list of stuff that they recovered, I'm glad to have it all back. Sending the check out today, so hopefully I should have it by the end of the week, if not just slightly later.

Also, was debating putting this here or in "funny/awesome." Settled here because THE CUTE MAKES YOU FEEL WARM AND FUZZY!

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got word today that my crunched drive went through a full recovery, data-wise, anyway. They're sending it back on something else, since, well, the original USB went crunch. Costing me a bit, but looking at the list of stuff that they recovered, I'm glad to have it all back. Sending the check out today, so hopefully I should have it by the end of the week, if not just slightly later.

Also, was debating putting this here or in "funny/awesome." Settled here because THE CUTE MAKES YOU FEEL WARM AND FUZZY!

Good for you. I have a broken external hard drive lying around (has been for years now) that I kind of want to have repaired. On the other hand I am reluctant to bring it to a technician since I don't know what's on it *cough* ...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I've got the feeling that these guys have pretty much seen it all, but I can understand reluctance, that's for sure. The place I sent mine to was an actual forensic recovery lab and it wasn't a cheap date and I just had a USB drive. They do email you a list of everything that they've managed to recover from the drive/piece of equipment, so there's a good chance that they will, at the very least, see file names. Guess you have to make the decision based on how professional (and discrete) they are about what they recover.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Okay, been a week and the last one wasn't even a giddy, so...fixing that.

Anime Boston has just released more of the VA guests that they're going to have this year. The first is Patrick Seitz, who doesn't really do much for me, but he's only Prince Arthas from Wrath of the Lich King, so I'll be getting his autograph for a friend.

Then they're doing Kyle Hebert, whom I've gotten autographs from before when he was at our local con, so I'm kind of...preening? at that. Since he was at our local con, like, THREE TIMES before being at AB. Anyway...

Then there's Cristina Valenzuela, another one that doesn't do much for me, but she's in the newest Dynasty Warriors along with Kyle, so might get her to sign my instruction manual.

And then freaking Wendee Lee. Who does four of the iconic female characters in the Dynasty Warriors Series (the only ones she doesn't do are Sun Shang Xang and Yue Ying) but she does freaking Zhen Ji, the bitchqueen of Wei, not to mention the Qiao sisters. She does Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights. And a certain purple-haired bounty hunter chick. Goes by the name of Valentine or something. No big.

Suffice to say I am fangirling like *mad* over here and so freaking stoked to be going this year. I can't wait!!!!!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I don't have HBO... but today my copy of the third season of Game of Thrones arrived in the mail. Nerding out tonight in high-definition. :D
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Last night's Kult session was awesome, even though I ended up staying up way too late.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Some computer parts came in the mail. Read One-Punch Man for the first time, caught up, it's amazing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Lesse, reached level 30 as an Archer in FF14 and became a Bard..
Beat the Time Mage and Spell Fencer Asterix bosses in Bravely Default and unlocked the classes for my own use..
Managed to get my lazy ass up, and gave all the flooring in my house a thorough sweep and Swiffer, and now everything clean as a whistle.

A productive day for a nerd.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I saw a trailer for J-Stars Victory Vs. It had Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken facing off against Madara from Naruto.

Ken: Omae wa mo...shindeiru?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Latest "Misfile" page. Sometimes, doing the right thing is as easy as snapping your fingers.....

And in case that image doesn't work for whatever reason:
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I need to catch up on Misfile.

Early in the day, but what's made me giddy is spending the day going through my Illusion games collection and re-organizing it since some of it's a mess, re-installing some games to replay and check out mods for that I never tried like AG3 and Artificial Academy, working on my Illusion game mod collections, and checking some other 3D games out like Yumi, Custom Maid 3D, and TDCG Evolution. Oh, and of course grabbing newer Illusion games that I never did and checking those out to.

A collector never stops collecting, hehehe.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


For Valentine's, cuddlebuddy had a piece commissioned for me and it was finally sent, so I got to get a look at it. Going to take it to a local place and have it printed out and then framed and then I get to do minor construction and demolition in my house to tack up something to hang said frame on. If the artist puts it up, I will link to it. So far, though, still just exists on CB's laptop, but it is a very sweet and tender pic between two of my favorite characters (that aren't of our own creation *laughs*)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


And this.