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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Oh, I figured that you meant literally with the way that you ended the comment about the shot. And obviously someone should have been clocked for not knowing proper weapon safety. Can see how that'd be a turn off to going back, though.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So I just measured my between class walk routine, and it comes out to 1.8 miles (probably a bit more because I wasn't very detailed with the path). Doing that three times a week isn't that much, even for me, but it's what I have time for. What I suddenly realized though is that it's a big step up from 5 years ago at the end of high school when my tendons hurt after just 1/16 of a mile, as compared to not even really feeling the burn at all now. I've always wagered I'd been making some progress, but never actually measured it by any objective standard until now.

(For context, 11 years ago I had major surgery on both legs because of tendon issues which makes it hard to walk long distance and some other things. It isn't general "being out of shape" or anything.)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

congrats OAMP!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So I just measured my between class walk routine, and it comes out to 1.8 miles (probably a bit more because I wasn't very detailed with the path). Doing that three times a week isn't that much, even for me, but it's what I have time for. What I suddenly realized though is that it's a big step up from 5 years ago at the end of high school when my tendons hurt after just 1/16 of a mile, as compared to not even really feeling the burn at all now. I've always wagered I'd been making some progress, but never actually measured it by any objective standard until now.

(For context, 11 years ago I had major surgery on both legs because of tendon issues which makes it hard to walk long distance and some other things. It isn't general "being out of shape" or anything.)

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I got my 999 watch today! (uploading pictures in a minute)
it's not very practical, but I think it's very stylish
I excuse Aksys for the problems in the watch because they aren't a watchmaking company
the only problem I had with it was that one of the tubes came out of the main part of the watch almost immediately after opening. that's been fixed within a few hours by a bit of Gorilla Glue ☆

these were taken with my phone and turned out a lot larger than I wanted
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Almost belongs in the game discussion thread but...

Rented Saints Row IV last night and got into some of the weapon customization. They let you change the look of your pistol to look like Malcolm Reynolds, with the nice little subtext of "you aim to misbehave".

That's awesome.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Welcome to Night Vale.

Seriously. This is hilarious and I love it and asdfghjkl;
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


After a long, annoying search, I finally managed to get a new apartment. Although cheaper, it's almost twice as big as my current one. More importantly though, it comes with some privacy.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Sounds like a pretty good deal for you then. Grats!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Sounds great Obsy. It's always great to be settled somewhere.

Also, to the person that just plus repped my "Mallory and Me" story - you have all of my huggles!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So this was a few nights ago, I think... i seem to have lost a day somewhere...

But Copper wrote me a story and it was fabulous and wonderful and asdfghjkl;
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Sooo, stealthing a five-man instance- AND WINNING.

Lemme back up a bit here: Derping around on Firefall in an attempt to get my juices flowing again, and in the middle of a ARES mission I suddenly get a warning that I'm going into a match. Having not cue'd into a PVP run or in a squad, I am naturally wondering what the yahoo is going on here.

Turns out I was getting sucked into someone else's Blackwater Anomaly run... (PS: Blackwater is the game's first, to be blunt, raid dungeon available to the players.) And the crazy bugger had originally been planning to SOLO it before my somewhat subpar'd ass dropped in unannounced.

After sufficient amounts of wondering just what the hey is going on here, we team up and start taking on the first major hurdles. Shortly after that, the guy basically followed along to what he was planning to solo, with me hugging along his backside the entire trip. It was a bit surreal, instead of just blowing through everything it felt like an entirely different game, and the funny part is that there was some paths through the map he took that I swear the devs planned for this as a idea too. '_'

Wound up kicking the bucket on the last 'escape' part by flying into a tree near some of the non-murdered enemies though >,< beyond that, went better then expected, and it was a cool way to go through it.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

So I randomly came across a cartoon series called "SheZow" about, "The adventures of a boy bonded to a magic ring that turns him into a female superhero." Now I'm probably being a slowpoke as always, and not knowing whether or not this is old news or not, but it seems noteworthy. Also, whenever the protagonist's obligatory evil alter-ego "Shezap" is in boy form, he kinda looks like ToxicShock. What's even weirder is how SheZap uses toxic green goop as attacks...

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Lots of rule34 on that one
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I've got a job interview today, but I'm in the enviable position of already having a job. So in a very real sense I'm interviewing them. If I can determine that they're better than where I am now they pass and I sign on in two weeks probably. If not, meh, I'm still covered.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I probably should have mentioned this a while back, but my brother lives in Texas, so he got to go to the Gearbox Community Day. He had fun, and he grabbed a bag for me since I couldn't join him. In that bag were a couple posters (one of Zer0, one for Aliens: Colonial Marines), a miniature facehugger with posable legs (wish the tail was posable, too...), four Borderlands 2 pins (one for each DLC), a Pink Pandoracorn temporary tattoo (pet the pretty pony?), a Duke Nukem Forever coozie (meh...), and what I consider the best of the bunch, a pair of replica d20 that can be found sitting atop the dice chests in the Tiny Tina DLC.

My trip to Texas was worth it.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Mark Pellegrino singing "Big Balls" "Sweet Transvestite" and "Bohemian Rhapsody"

He's almost 50 he should not be allowed to make my body feel like thiiiiis. Hnngh. Supernatural actors, y u so attractive?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

A close internet friend I has known for quite a while- though I never really gave much of actual real-world knowledge about, thus he only knew me from a opposite-gender screen-name and what other little factors I let out- has finally essentially had a bit of a plot dump about who I am tonight. While I do feel terrible about having essentially lied to him so long about my real identity, I also feel like a huge burden has been lifted, as I can show him some of my creative ventures as well, and he's not even mad about it.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Fun when that happens, isn't it? I'm of the opinion that as long as there was no 'leading on in a romantic way for purposes of fucking with someone's life' the whole opposite gender thing isn't as horrible as people make it out to be.

Hells, I had one of my old sites convinced that I was a guy for odd-on two or three years before we had our first convention and I was meeting people in person. Of course, we were also all bound by the "What happens in NOLA stays in NOLA" so those that knew could have a lot more fun with it when we got back.