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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Applied for an internship, got an email back to set up a phone interview. Poked around on the website, found this: "Applicants should be familiar with either handling a Redeemer in close quarters or proper tactical support operations while assaulting a Titan."
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Applied for an internship, got an email back to set up a phone interview. Poked around on the website, found this: "Applicants should be familiar with either handling a Redeemer in close quarters or proper tactical support operations while assaulting a Titan."

Pppht. What's the harm of handheld nuclear devices anyway? Those things nearly fly themselves.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

tales of xillia has been released, now waiting for my copy to arrived :)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Had an utterly geek moment. I'm chilling on Facebook and I suddenly get a message from my old boss at the bookstore.

"TELL ME YOU STILL HAVE YOUR RED CONTACTS. Cause apparently this thing is going to be supernatural related and I might need you to be a crossroads demon."

And my first reaction is not "What?" or "Why?" but "Yes. But I don't have a skimpy crossroad demon dress. Will a suit do and do we have to kiss to seal the deal?"

Just one of those moments that, like I said, made me realize that I fully embrace my geekness.

(And for the record, the answer to the kiss question was "LOLHellno." But I can wear my suit.)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

After doing overtime yesterday, I'm leaving an hour earlier today to even things out.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Grats, chibi! Hope you wind up liking it!

And another giddy is the +rep I got for my post about my contacts. It's going up in the appropriate thread, though.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

The hours are super flexible at this jerb and she pretty much told me that I can get a full time job elsewhere and still work for her when I want to. DUDE. This lady is super laid back. I love her
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

There is a open wifi line next to my sleeping arrangements for this specific event I'm stuck at with the parental units... this trip won't be as terribad as the last one!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

This made me laugh so hard and thought it needs to be shared because its to funny.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got one of today, along with two MLP keychains, ice cream, and massage oil all for under the original cost of the console thingie.

Employee appreciation days rock.

I also jumped in on kickstarter. RA Salvatore RPG. I know how well that worked with Kingdoms of Alumndar (yeah, sp(?) Not worried about it.) but I'm in it because the world seems good for an RPG, not to mention signed books! Woohoo!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I got an extreme compound bow for only 50 dollars. Time to get my Brave on.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I got an extreme compound bow for only 50 dollars. Time to get my Brave on.

Target practice in a safe, properly prepared area is an idea. After all, bows need good arm strength to use effectively. Think of it as a more manly form of weightlifting.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Target practice in a safe, properly prepared area is an idea. After all, bows need good arm strength to use effectively. Think of it as a more manly form of weightlifting.

I was planning on practicing at an open field that's really close to my place but then common sense struck me and then you seconded it.

It is pretty good using a bow as a form of weightlifting, but only if it's a longbow or a recurve-type, since the compound one I have uses polleys, making the drawing of the bow really easy. The problem with exercising using that method is the same one as masturbating; after some time one arm grows huge and the other one doesn't.

I used to do archery, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I ain't kidding.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I was planning on practicing at an open field that's really close to my place but then common sense struck me and then you seconded it.

It is pretty good using a bow as a form of weightlifting, but only if it's a longbow or a recurve-type, since the compound one I have uses polleys, making the drawing of the bow really easy. The problem with exercising using that method is the same one as masturbating; after some time one arm grows huge and the other one doesn't.

I used to do archery, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I ain't kidding.

Open field or not, I still suggest a backstop (not just of hay), depending on your arrows you probably want something for em to slam into before going too far for similar reasons of BB guns and other firearms.

And true, that is a bit of an issue using Compounds for training, instead of the classics. But even still, the constant motion of drawing and firing will still at least keep your tone up. And I'd not worry too much about the oversized arm part :p

...Bro do you even shoot forward?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I was planning on practicing at an open field that's really close to my place but then common sense struck me and then you seconded it.

It is pretty good using a bow as a form of weightlifting, but only if it's a longbow or a recurve-type, since the compound one I have uses polleys, making the drawing of the bow really easy. The problem with exercising using that method is the same one as masturbating; after some time one arm grows huge and the other one doesn't.

I used to do archery, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I ain't kidding.
You got married?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Open field or not, I still suggest a backstop

I'm gonna use a 10cm thick wooden block coated around with a thin layer of hay and cloth. It's gonna be leaned on a place where no one can accidentally walk in.

0:02 "Stop that shit bitch!"

...Bro do you even shoot forward?

You got married?

I should have added in the word 'literally'. Some stupid kid next to me in the archery place was playing with a bow and thought it was funny pointing it at people. And when the kid pointed at me, another kid pushed him making him accidentally shoot the arrow in my knee.
It's at moments like those that I'm glad that I don't have children.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

On entirely different subject. Finally home, my copy of Soulstorm is here and ready for modpacks, and I'm all set up and unpacked, so nice quiet amount of time to catch up on dem MMOs and other vidya games I've not been playing.

All the squee. ALL OF IT.