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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)

Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

"You need to take off a portion of yourself, of your innermost soul, and bind it to an object. In this case, a doll. It's harder than it seems, as you normally only take off portions of the outer layer of your soul when using magic. The supply of energy can come from anything with sufficient power, but a few items serve well. A darkbrain, or a dragon's scale, or an angel's feather, for instance."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"Part of my inner soul...? Instead of the surface?" Alice scratched her head lightly, a little confused, but shrugged, "It can't be that hard, I mean, just gotta figure out... wait, those things that you're suggesting I go get sounds like it'll be pretty damn dangerous to get!" She paused slightly after her outburst, "I mean, it won't stop me from trying, but really... I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to find those kinds of things..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

"It's harder than it sounds," Giacomo said, his voice gentle but holding a tone of warning. "And we live in a civilized society! We don't have to go out and kill things for what we need, we can just buy one. We do live in Acheron, after all! Alternatively to the things I mentioned, feeding it other people's souls or using a collection of lesser magic items, or even using a sufficiently powerful enchanted item is also possible."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"What? I didn't say anything about killing them, just what I'm going to need to do to get them..." She listened to the man as she nodded, hearing her options, "Out of curiosity, not that I would do it, how will I be able to use other people's souls in order to create a puppet?" She fidgeted slightly as she talked, even if she wasn't able to find a suitable donor, she herself could always just put in a little at a time, "And how much would I need?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

"I know you didn't, it was more a figure of speech," Giacomo offered when Alice took offense to the idea of killing things, "You could always just ask an angel, a few of the fallen are in the city. You might also try the markets, you can allegedly find anything in the bazaar of Acheron." Her hypothetical question drew a frown from her would-be mentor, who quickly replied; "It'd involve ripping their soul in its entirety from their body, and then... Violating it, to make it what you want it to be." Her follow up question seemed to confuse him slightly, however, and he asked; "How much what? How much energy? Enough to keep a body without muscles mobile perpetually.... So, a lot."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"Violating? Doesn't sound like something I would do..." Internally though, Alice knew that this was something she could do if it was for the sake of her dolls, to get that amount though, she wouldn't even know where to start, "Well, talking to an angel sounds like something that's not too hard, I mean, I might even get lucky and just see one drop as I look for them~" She looked at the paltry amount of denarii she had, "Well, where do you suggest I start looking for an angel? Oh, and what work do you have for me today? I mean, technically you told me to work on my doll, but that is finish... and there is still time."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

"I dunno, it's not exactly something I keep up on. You'd have to go and look for one yourself!" Giacomo declared amicably, "Your work for today is finished. You've displayed your dedication, patience, and that you have the talent needed to be my student. Today, and tomorrow if you haven't succeeded by then, you are to go out and find a power source for your first eternal doll."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice nodded as she tried her best to carefully place her doll into her bag, "Alright, thank you teacher~! I'll make you proud!" With that, she quickly walked out of the shop, wondering where to go, she still wasn't familiar with the city, and wasn't too keen on meeting the creature from last night, well, she could... she could propose a business trade with it. She shook her head, feeling silly for a bit, she decided to wander around to where she had first met Graven, perhaps the stalker would know something...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

Having first met Graven near the entrance of the city, Alice had little idea on how to get there from here, being unable to see it from Giacomo's small shop. She didn't see anyone else around when she'd left, but after wandering without direction for a short while she came upon a large, canine beast that was nearly as large as a horse. The creature was simply lying down peacefully, and watched her with bright red eyes akin to those she'd seen on the demons of the city, and if Alice drew near it would sit there peacefully and stare at her unless she opted to bother it.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked frustrated as she walked up and down the streets, still not sure on how to find her guide, she was about to continue past the large house before she stopped. She thought to herself, "Maybe I can find some hints on where to find a power source here? They look well off, maybe they could lend me something..." She looked around the plot of land, trying to figure out if she should sneak in or just go straight for the front door. Seeing the large guard animal, however, persuaded her that maybe sneaking in wasn't that good of an idea.

Hesitantly, she moved towards the large creature, before extending one hand slowly, "G...Good doggy... I just want to talk to the people in this manor... please don't kill me..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The huge demonic beast sniffed at Alice's hand and tilted its head, before rearing back and rising up to its feet. It was taller at the shoulder than she was altogether, and tilted its head down at the tiny elf and gave a low, nonthreatening woof. It glanced back at the house to which she'd indicated and flicked its ears back, but then turned back to her and tilted its head again.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice tried to get as high as she could by standing on her tip toes, trying to scratch behind the ears of the demonic creature as she looked at the house again, "Y..Yeah... that house, is it okay if I go there?" She waited a few moments, unsure of what to do, before slowly walking towards the house, past the beast. If it were to make any threatening noises, she would stop, otherwise she would head straight for the front door.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

It glanced back at the house and flitted its ears back following her question, but it simply watched her and followed as she walked up to the house, which didn't have a door on the hinges or any intact windows. Glancing inside, the place looked like it was abandoned, and if she turned back to the hellhound she'd find that it had tilted its head at her again.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice decides to peer into the house, looking around before attempting to enter, looking back at the dog, "What's in this house anyway? Doesn't look like there's anyone here." She looked at the dog for awhile, as if expecting an answer, then shrugging, she walks into the house to being to search around, maybe she could find her answer in here, and worse come to worse, she could always see if the dog could provide a sufficient power source.. although she considered that option, the size of the thing and the idea of trying to take something from it, made her feel that she should be certain there was no other option before she went for it.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Lightly Injured

Perception: 32, failure. Alice takes 5 damage.

Perception: 40, success. Treasure!

The hellhound simply stared at Alice and flitted its ears back, though as she ventured deeper into the house it turned away and returned to its resting place outside the door. The place was an empty ruin, with nothing but rotted furniture and the scent of mildew in the air, at least as far as Alice could tell. There were a set of stairs along the left the led upwards and another room up ahead, but before she could decide whether she wanted to go in either of those directions the floor beneath her gave a sharp crack and then collapsed.

Alice fell down before she could try to move out of the way, her legs scraping against the shredded wood as she dropped into a dark hole. She just barely managed to catch herself using her arms, but by then more than half of her body had fallen into the hole, and she was left dangling over a hole. She was far too weak to lift herself on her own, but as she clung there desperately she spotted the gigantic dog coming back in through the doorway. It came to stand over her, its feet braced on the edge of the hole into which Alice had fallen, and came close enough that their noses were almost touching.

The beast growled at her, a low rumbling noise, and she got a noseful of its foul breath as it opened its jaws to display long rows of razor-sharp fangs. Then, it reached over and gripped her by the back of her armor before simply hoisting her out of the hole and setting her on her feet. It then released her and looked at her with its ears back, while within the hole she spotted a slight glint reflected from what little light made it down there. She couldn't tell what it was from up here, but there definitely seemed to be something in the house's basement.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Poking around the house, Alice called out a few times, getting no reply, she began to explore the house, looking around and poking at certain things, although being careful to keep away from anything too dangerous. Feeling confident, she stepped forward, adding a little more weight that she thought as she nearly fell through the floor.

She winced in pain as she felt the wood digging into her fragile skin, trying her best to climb up as she began to put concentration into her spirit powers, planning on using those to get herself out. She blinked as the dog came up to her, she knew she had methods of getting out, but she was also a little frightened at what the beast was up to. Closing her eyes, she prepared for the worst, only to have the dog lift her up. Blinking, she tried to thank the dog with a pet on the head, and the promise of food, before she noticed the shiny in the hole, "Huh? Something valuable? Maybe this trip wasn't pointless after all!"

She stared at the object for awhile, wondering how to get it, before slapping herself on the forehead, "Right, I'm a puppeteer..." Taking the scraps of one of the dolls that she had repaired slightly, she animated it, and tried to move it down into the basement to get the shiny... (Assemble Contraption, 4 EP)
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 102/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Alice uses Assemble Contraption X = 4, for a total of 6 EP.

The doll falls about twenty feet, takes 4 points of damage. Also, it cannot fly unless you explicitly give it that power when animating it, so it's stuck down there unless you do something to get it back.

The massive beast flitted its ears back and glanced back outside after Alice patted it on the head and promised to feed it, but then stood waiting by her as she looked down into the pit she'd made by falling through the floor. Animating one of her dolls, Alice dropped it into the pit, where it crashed against the stone floor with a soft flopping noise. Such an impact wasn't strong enough to break the animated doll, however, and nothing came forth to harass her puppet as it moved over to the shiny thing, which it quickly dug out of some rubble. Her doll revealed a large copper crest with an intricate design engraved upon it, one that she couldn't quite make out from down here. Now, however, her doll was stuck down there with its treasure, where she couldn't get to it or the treasure that it had found.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

She tried to crane her neck as she looked at what the doll had found. As she looked at it, and it looked back at her, she felt a little silly, if nothing had reacted either to her half falling through the floor or her doll moving around down there, then likely it was somewhat safe. Walking up to the hole, she looked at the hellhound with a small smile, "Don't worry about me this time, alright? I'm going to fall down on purpose!"

With that, she raised one foot into the air, and began to fly, slowly lowering herself down the hole to pick up her doll. (Use spirit power, Fly!)
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Alice actives Flight and flies down to the floor.

The hellhound simply watched as Alice floated down to the floor and retrieved her doll, finding that the crest's design was of a holly wreath around what looked like a black bear.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"What is this?" She asked to no one in particular before trying to pick it up, looking around as she tried to see if there was anything else of interest in the basement that she had just entered, "I should probably be getting out of here soon anyway, place is a goddamned deathtrap!"