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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)

Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The old dollmaster grunted again, and turned around to enter into a side room of his shop. He was gone for several moments, but then came back out with a fairly dusty old outfit and said; "You'll be helping me around the shop. You won't be staying here, so make your own housing arrangements. Put that on in the back and then come out, so I can see how it fits you."

He gestured behind him, and if Alice followed his instructions, she would find that the outfit was fairly large on her, though a few moments with a needle and thread (or a quick use of the appropriate magics) could at least alleviate that. Whether she wanted to bother or not was up to her, but if she spent the extra time, she was free to alter the simple uniform, similar in style to a maid's outfit but a good deal more modest, however she liked.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Relieved that the old man had decided to teach her, she took the outfit and went to the back quickly to look it over. Being mostly a puppet maker, it wasn't as if she wasn't familiar with altering clothes, just, she wasn't too proficient with altering clothes for her own use. Taking a few dolls out of her bag, she commanded them like a small army, holding onto the dress, pinning, cutting, and sewing as she herself worked alongside with them, humming to herself, before finishing with what she considered to be good enough.

Putting on the dress, she walked back to where the old man was, careful to put the dolls away from speaking to him, and giving herself a glance over. If she was going to stay here for a few days, will, that wouldn't be too bad... she would want to go home and check up on it for now, but she was fairly sure the traps would keep most would'be trespassers away until she returned... she hoped.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The assistance of her dolls allowed Alice to finish quickly, and she had shortly donned the servant's outfit and stowed away her dolls in order to return to her teacher. He had resumed his position behind the shop's lone dusty counter while she had been in back, and gazed at Alice with an odd expression for a moment before gesturing towards a door behind the counter. "That's the storage cupboard," he grunted, "Get to cleaning."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice checked the dress a little more before nodding to her new teacher, heading straight to the area behind the counter, she stood at the door, looking at it for awhile before placing her hand on the doorknob, and turning, trying to open it, asking over her shoulder, "What do you want me to clean it with? Do you have a broom or something? Or should I just organize things?" Before waiting for an answer, she tried to open the door to get a good look inside.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Alice's mentor didn't bother to answer, as the closet door opened to reveal a plenty of dusty cleaning supplies. There was a broom in the corner, and it was that that Giacomo ordered her to take first, and he kept her working for the rest of the day, giving her a moment to step outside and speak to Grevan if Alice remembered that the demoness was outside. The dollmaster had only a few customers, many of them merely curious rather than interested in buying anything, as some demons apparently didn't know what dolls were. Giacomo seemed to have dealt with these sorts of questions quite often, as the sense of irritation coming from the old man whenever he had to answer these questions was quite apparent.

The dollmaster kept her busy cleaning all day, and by the end of it Alice was hungry and tired. After he closed up shop, Giacomo turned to Alice and said; "Hang your uniform up in the back. Be back here by dawn tomorrow. Your first lesson will begin then."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice would, of course, make sure to let Graven know that everything was alright, and that she would be spending the day at the puppeteer's shop. After that, she would simply do as she was told, wondering for the entirety of the day whether this was some sort of training that she was suppose to do in order to better become a puppeteer. She did consider at certain points using her dolls in order to clean some of the harder to clean places, but decided against it, she was there to learn, and she wasn't sure how he would take her using her dolls in such a manner.

Working the entire day, she eventually let out a sigh of relief as her shift came to an end. Finding out, though, that her training was to start the next day, it took every muscle and whim in her body to not attack the man right then and there, reminding herself constantly that she still needed him alive, for now. After work, she decided to look for Graven, she wasn't exactly sure how safe it was right now in the city following the attack last night, but she wasn't eager to run into more trouble alone...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

If Giacomo noticed Alice's desire to attack him, he didn't show it. He simply led Alice out of his shop and bid her goodnight, before shutting the door and locking it behind her. Alice found the street in front of the dollmaster's shop completely deserted, and with the sun having already set, it was quite dark. Grevan was nowhere in sight, having left to go to work after Alice had told her that she'd be spending the day at the shop, and as such the elven dollmaker was all on her own. She could try to locate another tavern or someplace to stay, but wandering about was her only option. Alternatively, she could attempt to find her own way back to the tavern she'd stayed at the night before.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked around for Graven, even staying awhile to see if she would show up. When the stalker failed to show up, she took one look at the place she had spent most of the day working, then started to head back towards the tavern, or at least try to head back there, walking, she used familiar landmarks, well, whatever familiar landmarks she could see in the dark, still, she tried her best to stay in places that were brightly lit, but even then, she wasn't sure if it was safe...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

Navigating the darkened city of Acheron on her own proved a more difficult task than Alice might have imagined. She hadn't been paying too much attention to her surroundings when Grevan had led her here, and in the dark it was almost impossible to tell one building from another, particularly since this street lacked the bright lights that illuminated much of Acheron. Still, Alice couldn't stay there all night, so she soldiered on regardless, attempting to navigate her way back to the main road. It soon became apparent that she was lost, however, and Alice suddenly felt a chill run up her spine as a shadow darted across the street in front of her. The distinct impression that someone was watching her crept its way into her head and refused to leave, and as she traveled through the desolate, empty streets, Alice began to hear strange noises. Foot steps, laughter, and soft rustling noises would appear at random, but she could never determine their sources, not even if she stopped to try and listen. The area around her was, as near as she could tell, completely empty, houses and alleyways included, and there were no signs of life that she could hear beyond the odd, creepy noises that kept popping up around her.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice put some magic into her dolls as she started to walk a little faster, trying to get out of this place. She gritted her teeth as she berated herself for not asking the puppetmaker for directions earlier. And now she was lost, and possibly being pursued by some creature, maybe even one related to the group she had chased off the previous night, even as her footsteps and her breathing quickened from her moving, she still took time to carefully make sure that her dolls were ready to attack at any time...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

If you actually want to preanimate your dolls, I need an X value for the EP cost. Else you're still going to be spending a turn to animate them.

Perception: ???

Alice couldn't detect any sign of her mysterious stalker as she wandered through the streets. As her pace quickened, so too did the sense of something closing in upon her, something dangerous and hungry. Shadows seemed to dart out at her from every alley and street, leaving her unable to determine from which direction any attack might come, and the buildings on either side of her still seemed deserted.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked left and right, then starts to look for a building that maybe she could use to hide herself in, or at the very least use as a defensive point. Finishing putting her magic into her dolls, she moved quickly, darting around as her eyes continued to wander, looking for whatever it was that was chasing her (5 EP into assemble contraption)
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 101/108, Status = Fine,Grappled, Submission Hold, Animating Dolls

Alice animates her dolls with Assemble Contraption for X = 5, for a total of 7 EP! They could potentially have better stats if you'd chosen your Aptitudes, which you should have done when the rules changes were implemented if you wanted them.

Her dolls have 40 Body and 10 Mind.

Perception: Failure
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Grapple: Enemy wins, Alice has been placed into a Submission Hold.

Alice's dolls began to float around her as she scanned the street for a viable building to hide out in, and soon found one in the form of a small abandoned tavern. She saw no trace of whatever she could feel following her as it Stepping inside, she strode a few paces in, looking for cover, when the already dark area around her suddenly darkened dramatically. Turning back to the open doorway, Alice saw a figure shrouded in darkness, its form indistinct save for a pair of glowing red eyes. It was as she gazed at the shadowy figure that Alice suddenly felt herself grabbed from behind, tendrils circling around her and binding Alice's arms and legs, before lifting her off of the floor and holding her up while more of them circled around her. The elven outcast was bound to the point that she couldn't even move, and her arms were drain painfully behind her back as the tendrils began circling under her clothing. Pain and fear disrupted her concentration, keeping her from the use of her powers, but she still had her animated dolls, which circled around her awaiting her mental command.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice could only reply with a cry of surprise as the thing managed to get to her before she could even think of laying down any traps, her body twitched and trembled as she was held in such a way, shivering as she was molested. Concentrating all she had on her dolls,she let out a pained cry for help as she tried to attack whateve was holding her with her flying swarm of dolls!
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 101/108, Status = Fine,Grappled, Submission Hold, Animating Dolls

Her dolls have 40 Body and 10 Mind.

Alice's dolls attack!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 20 - 15 = 17 damage.

The enemy flails tentacles at the attacking dolls!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 5 + 15 = 24 damage on her dolls.

Alice tries to break free.
Grapple: Enemy wins.

Alice's floating dolls descended upon the creature binding her, and as they attacked Alice heard a pained cry from her assailant. The voice was surprisingly feminine, and the distraction caused by her dolls allowed Alice an opportunity to slip free, though she found that she didn't make much headway in her struggles. The writhing tentacles lashed out at her dolls, striking one and turning it into little more than a pile of shredded cloth and fluff.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice felt herself wince as she saw one of the dolls get destroyed, they were her life and blood, and if this creature... felt that it was compelled to destroy her beloved creations, it had another thing coming! Struggling her best, she let out a cry as she instructed her dolls to continue their assault, to avenge their fallen brethren!
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 101/108, Status = Fine, Grappled, Submission Hold

Her dolls have 40 Body and 10 Mind.

Alice's dolls attack!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 + 20 - 15 = 14 damage.

The enemy flails tentacles at the attacking dolls!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 5 + 15 = 28 damage on her dolls, to a total of 52 damage. Alice's animated dolls are destroyed.

Alice tries to break free.
Grapple: Enemy wins.

Alice's dolls descended once more upon the shadowy being that held her, clawing and tearing, but whatever it was, it was resilient enough to withstand the assault. Tentacles lashed out, shattering first one doll, and then another, until Alice's animated horde had been destroyed, their pieces scattered throughout the room before her very eyes. With her defenses seemingly exhausted, Alice felt the probing tendrils under her clothes slowly sliding deeper, and a harsh voice whispered into her ear; "Now, elf... Your soul is mine..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice let out a cry of agony as she saw her dolls being destroyed, her lack of physical prowess preventing her from the most part from escaping, her body shuddering as she heard the voice whispering to her, gritting her teeth, trying to not give the creature the pleasure of hearing her moans as she tried to yank one of her arms free to attempt to use her powers, "I... I didn't make it this far... to fall to the likes of you!" She screamed as she struggled hard.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Alice tries to break free.
Grapple: Enemy wins.
Alice's clothes are destroyed.

And then, rape happens, cuz she can't actually win these checks.

Her struggles completely in vain, the harsh voice behind her merely laughed into Alice's ear as it tore her clothes from her body. "Weakling.... Without your dolls you are helpless~" it said, and indeed such seemed to be quite true, as her body was lifted and her legs spread. Tendrils pierced suddenly into both of her lower holes at once, a spike of joined pain and pleasure shooting up her spine. The tendrils had some strange oily substance secreting from their tips, allowing them to slip into her without any significant resistance and leaving the pain as only minor compared to the pleasure that suddenly assaulted her body.

The tentacles seemed to know exactly where to touch her as they violated Alice's body, plunging around within both of her holes as her spirit was leached for all it was worth. They were relentless and merciless, pistoning into her and drawing climax after climax from her until, after what felt like hours, Alice passed out.

The sun was shining when she awoke, lying face down in the same nondescript building that she'd been raped in. Her head was pounding, and both her clothes and her dolls had been destroyed, but she was alive.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice could only scream in a mixture of pain and to her horror, pleasure, as the tentacles invaded her her voice screaming, unable to make out cries for help amidst her moans, although whether there was even anyone that was interested, or much less present, was questionable. Her initial defiant cries now becoming ones begging the mysterious creature for mercy, even as she felt parts of her soul slipping away to feed whatever was holding her. Eventually, through the bliss and the shock, she passed out.

Waking up, Alice let out a grunt as she pressed a hand against the ground. her other hand checking her own body for anything unusual. Groggily, she turned her head slowly, looking for any trace of her attacker. Moving into a sitting position, she looked grimly at her destroyed dolls and her clothing. She held the few scraps that she had, looking around quickly she bit her lower lip, she didn't know exactly what time it was, but she figured that she had to get back to her job soon... and she was currently naked. She tried to look for her bag, she knew she had some clothes and armor from the bandits she had killed the night before, even if they weren't her size, she could possibly do something with them, provided they were still there.