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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)

Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 16/40, PP = 42, EP = 75/108, Status = Badly Injured, Assembled Swarm of Dolls

"Comin right up!" he said, taking five coins from Alice before departing, first leaving a mug of ale and a room key, and then coming back a minute or so later with a plate of bread and stew. He gestured toward the stairs and said, "You want to go to bed, your room's up there. The number's on the key. You need anything else, flag me down." With that he went back to serving his other customers, leaving Alice to eat at the bar or to take her plate and drink over to a table. The room, while hardly unoccupied, wasn't so crowded that she wasn't able to find a corner to herself. With her dolls still floating around herself, Alice found people getting out the way fairly quickly if she came too near.

There were a number of groups around the tavern common room conversing among one another in low tones, including a group of men in white leather armor in one corner that looked to be far too dark of skin to be local. Another group was composed of satyrs, some clearly highly corrupted by demons and some not so much just yet, who were all crouched around their table rather than sitting at the chairs. A squad of goblins was sitting at the bar, taking up most of it save for the very end, where a lone man in a dark cloak sat, sipping at a flagon of ale, his cloak pulled back to reveal his graying hair and sharp features, as well as the sword hanging from his hip. He was the only person in the room to ignore her completely. A trio of women in bright clothing also sat at the bar, though they were ignoring Alice for the moment, and another group of mostly women wearing dark leather armor sat in one of the booths. Everyone else seemed to be unremarkable as far as the dollmaster could tell.

The food wasn't particularly good, though it also wasn't bad either, and the ale was about the same. Alice was free to go to bed, go take a walk around Acheron in the dead of night, try and talk to someone in the tavern, get some more food or drink, or anything else that she might care to do.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice ate her meal in silence, it was definitely not as good as some of the things she had made while she was by herself, on the other hand, it was better than some of her more experimental creations, noticing that her dolls were driving people away, she carefully set them back into her bag, she figured that no one would be dumb enough to try to attack her at this point, not with so many witnesses in the bar, plus, it wasn't exactly like this was a lawless place... right? She pondered for a few moments whether or not to talk to one of the groups, she definitely could, and it would make her feel slightly less socially awkward, but she had spent so much time today already talking to people, and it was pretty tiring, still... she looked at the man in the cloak with the sword, he did stick out quite a bit, and from the looks of it, perhaps had been in the front lines fighting the war? And if not, well, what could be the harm? Finishing her ale, she walked over to the man, looking at him for a few moments before gulping and letting out a, "....Hi..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Releasing the magic from her dolls after packing them away, Alice felt that the wound in her shoulder had at least stopped bleeding, but it could probably use some attention of some sort if she didn't want to risk it becoming infected. Even if it had only been a graze, it still wasn't a risk worth taking unless necessary. Regardless of her thoughts on her wounds, the man in the cloak turned his head slowly to gaze at Alice in what was almost, but not quite a glare. "'Lo," he grunted in a low rumbling voice, "You lookin to have someone killed, or do ya need a bodyguard? From the look of them dolls earlier, I wouldn't imagine the latter."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked the man up and down, listening to him carefully before speaking, she had to make sure to choose the right words, after all, there was still a bit of awkwardness of the fact that she didn't want to instantly reveal that she was the one living in the forest, "Well, mostly just wanted to ask a few questions, I haven't been, as you would say, been keeping up with the times, hell, I had no idea this city was like this, nor that it's name had changed when I first arrived... just what the hell has been going on around here?" She paused, looking around, before facing the man again, "As in, what's been going on with the war, overall, not just this city."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Been hidden under a rock have yah?" the cloaked man replied dryly, "Well, lemme give you some free advice... Get back there and never come out again. Whole world's going to hell." The man sighed and swiveled on his stool towards her, "You want a quick version of whats been goin on in the world eh? Well, first, lets start with... "The War" as you called it.

"Better clear up which one you meant first though. If you were thinking of the Badarian invasion of the Northlands, that's over and done with since the Lich King got axed by the aliens. If you're talking about the war with the aliens against pretty much everyone everywhere, that's not a problem here thanks to our very own humble hosts, the demons!" He paused and raised his glass in a mocking toast, to which a few of the other nearby patrons actually responded by doing the same.

The sellsword continued after taking a healthy draw of his ale, "And the war with the demons is over because there are too many other wars to fight! It seems like everyone's at war now... The desert kittens are being exterminated by the invaders - I'll get to them in a minute - and slowly being pushed our way or turned. The refugees are turning bandit or slaver right quick, and with how ripe our countryside is without the royal army, I'm almost tempted to join 'em. A bunch of my friends have. The nobles, or whats left of 'em, divided up what wasn't taken by Acheron or controlled by the invaders that got left behind. When they're not busy kissing Xeon's perfect little ass or trying to fuck one another over, they're all talking about some big push to wipe out the invaders and reform the empire, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

"The jungle cities are gone. Not taken, mind. Just gone. Aliens took everyone and buggered off. I hear a bunch of demons a might less friendly than the ones around here took over Celesis and have been starting to expand our way. Not sure what'll happen with them.

"The Northlands, Crolia, are about the only place to have weathered the invasion well. They did a damn sight better than we did, I'll tell you that much, but they've got their own problems. The orcs invaded, woulda taken half the continent before turnin our way if it hadn't been for them mages at the Academy. Heh, lesser of two evils, eh? Might be a bunch of lunatic sorcerers doing who-knows-what, but they're better than them savages by a long shot. They know to stay away from where they're not wanted!

"I guess I oughta explain about the aliens now, else I'll have to talk about demons when I'm surrounded by 'em!" He snorted with laughter and took another sip of ale, and when his glass hit the table again his expression had gone from mirthful to utterly serious, "They came from the sky, two years ago. Don't know how, nobody does, so don't bother askin. Slimy, lumpy, grey monstrosities with tentacles, a whole army of 'em. Wiped out the Necropolis and a couple other major cities inside of an afternoon. Took almost everyone with 'em, left a few groups of their own behind in the capitol to try and take care of what was left, and then left for who-knows-where. Wiped out any sense of unity that we had, and took almost half of our fighting strength to boot. Lotta good people, lotta families."

He breathed in heavily, his expression distant for a moment before his eyes snapped back onto Alice and he smirked again. "And that leads us here, to Acheron!" Taking another swig of ale, he sighed before slamming his empty mug down onto the bar, which the barkeep immediately came over to fill. "City of limitless vice, where you can find anything or anyone, be who you want to be, and do whatever you want to do! A city where you can be paid to whore as easily as you can pay for a whore! Where you can gamble away a fortune and then win it back in an hour! All that it costs is a bit of your soul!" He paused one last time to sweep his gaze around the common room before taking a long draw from his freshly filled mug, "The beating heart and living soul of civilization after the invasion!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice listened to the man's telling of what happened while she was in hiding as she slowly drank her drink, it was a lot to absorb, and... to be honest, these new developments did frighten her slightly, of the Lich King's death, someone that everyone at her time had thought would continue to rule for centuries, and how instead of being united against one common enemy everyone was at war with pretty much each other, she put down her drink as she decided to ask a question, to see if people were avoiding her little house in the middle of the forest due to her traps, or simply because there was nothing, "I see, so.. um... have you heard anything about the nearby forest?" She gave some vague directions to the one she was talking about, "Any rumors about that place?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"The forest? People tend to avoid it these days. Something's in there that's been killing folk, or kidnapping them or something. The point is, people don't always come out if they go back in. That's nothing new though, plenty of wild places are dangerous. It's probably just a particularly unfriendly pack of wolves or something, and no one's bothered to hire anyone competent enough to clean 'em out yet," the man replied, and then eyed Alice for a moment. "Why do you ask?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"Huh? Oh, no reason, I mostly heard some rumors about it and you were the first that I figured I could talk about it with without sounding too weird." It did disturb her slightly that the reason she had survived was because no one cared to look, if an army were ever to storm her small hiding place, "Ah... thanks for talking to me, I mostly just wanted to know a bit about what's been going on around here, and where to head from here after I leave this place... don't want to get accidentally killed or anything!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Uh huh...." the man replied replied skeptically, though he then shrugged and said; "Well, you're welcome I suppose. What's your name girl? I'm Avenor. Statios Avenor. Sellsword, legendary womanizer, and recovering alcoholic!" He drained another mug of ale and placed it upon the bar where it was promptly refilled by the bartender, "Pleased to make your acquaintance!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice nodded and gave the man a smile, "Alice, and it was very informative talking to you." She gave a slight bow, before looking around, "If you're still around, then hopefully I will see you again!" With that, she headed towards her room, planning on getting some sleep.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The man nodded in return and said, "Sure, good night Alice." He turned back to his drink as Alice headed up the stairs, finding her bedroom fairly easily and unlocking the door in order to step inside. It was empty save for a low bed, a small square window, a rickety wooden chair, and a nightstand. Settling down to sleep, she would find that it wasn't particularly comfortable, but eventually drifted off.

In the morning, Alice would awaken to sunlight streaming in through the room's sole window, another day come for her to do as she wished with it.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Sitting in her bed, she yawned and looked at each doll she had taken out of her bed the previous night, stroking them lightly on the head before placing them back into her bag and cleaning herself up, and getting dressed. First things first, she was going to meet that man that Asp had directed her to, and hopefully, today would be a better day...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Stepping down into the tavern common room after seeing to her dolls, cleaning up, and getting dress, Alice was greeted to the sight of a number of people nursing hangovers, and several people slumped at the bar as though they'd slept there. One of them was the soldier that she'd spoken to the previous night, if that mattered, and the smell of something delicious cooking wafted over to Alice from the kitchens. The same demon came out, bearing a platter covered in plates, which his assorted patrons all took with mumbles of gratitude. Seeing her, he spoke in load voice while wearing an amused expression, likely sparked by the winces he caught from the people that he'd just served; "You want some breakfast too hon? Only two denarii for bacon, eggs, and the best hash in Acheron!"

Whether or not Alice wanted to test that was up to her. If she went outside, she would find the street mostly deserted, but a few moments later Grevan would appear, somewhat bleary eyed. "Morning Alice... Where will it be today? First trip's on the house, though if you'll not be needing me I'd be happy to go my own way after that."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice smiled as she was offered food, but shook her head, she didn't eat that much, and for now, her resources were still relatively limited, she had to be careful how she spent her money. But still, she decided to eat some food before heading out, after all, there was that one time she forgot to eat for a few days and well... that ended quite poorly.

Tucking into her meal after paying, she checked her gear, making sure that she still had everything she had entered the hotel with, minus the money she paid of course. Heading out after her meal, she stood for awhile, looking up and down the street, wondering where everyone was, "Maybe they're not so active during the day...?" She mused. Seeing her guide, she quickly waved to her and walked over to her, "I'll see how it goes, who knows, guy might want me to run an errand for him within the city or something like that..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Okay, right this way!" Grevan said simply, and then led Alice through the streets of Acheron. More people were visible outdoors as they got closer to the main streets, but it became readily apparent that Acheron was a city for night owls, and the early morning hours were left to a select few who chose the day rather than the night in which to do their business. The vast majority of those that Alice passed were guards, and they paid her and her demonic guide little mind as they moved through the streets, armed and armored.

At long last, Alice's guide stopped in front of a small, dingy little shop buried well away from the main avenues of Acheron, where few of the tourists ever made it, and announced solemnly; "Well... Here you are. In all its glory."

Giacomo's Dollhouse was scribbled onto a wooden board hung over the door, and the windows were dimmed out, likely from the smoke of whatever fire was lit within given the puffs of it coming from the chimney. The sign in the window said open, though it was hardly the most welcoming storefront in Acheron. Grevan waited for Alice outside, allowing her to enter alone, and inside was an aging human man with grey hair and a similarly colored bushy mustache. He turned to Alice and glared, his eyes cold and empty, and he grunted; "Yes? Do you want something?" The inside of the shop, including the desk at which the man was seated, was covered in dolls. All shapes and all sizes, from the animalistic stuffed animals favored by children to life sized models of people, rendered in intricate detail and sculpted of porcelain, of the type that might be used in plays and the like.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice took the time to slowly walk around the store, admiring everything that was there, barely even registering initially that there was a man there as she took in the simple wonder of being in such a place, it made her feel... almost ecstatic, and comfortable, very comfortable, it was almost like being home again.... almost. Were it not for the fact that she had made a promise to return to her home, and her fear of an intruder managing to get to her home after all this time, she would gladly stay here for the rest of her life!

Clearing her throat, she looked at the man for the first time after a few moments of her admiration, her mind almost blank for several moments before she remembered what she had come here for! "I was told to come here and seek you out to learn how to make my dolls better..." She took her dolls out of her bag, quickly putting one that still had a bit of blood on it back into her pack, "Like... as in actually making able to move around on their own... and stuff like that."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The old man quirked an eyebrow at Alice as she drew out her dolls, and after a moment's pause he grunted; "And why would you want to do that? Are you like the last idiot that wanted to craft himself an army to conquer the world with, or like the one before that wanted to make himself a wife out of clay? What makes you think you've got the right to the power to create life?" He gazed at her coldly, his stare piercing, "I'm done teaching. I'm a failure at it."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked at the man, a little uncertain of what to say at first, listening to his rantings, about to say something about a person wanting to create a puppet as a wife, but deciding that it was probably against her better judgment to do so, "Take over the world? Nah, that's not something I'd do."

She looks at the man, then at her bag where she stored her dolls, before speaking, "I suppose your second is a bit... closer to why I wish to do this, companionship... and to better do what is probably the only thing I'm good at!" She frowns at him, "I'm not some greedy dumb idiot, and I'm sure it's not you that's a failure, it's your previous students!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The dollmaster grunted at Alice's admittance to her goals for learning to bring dolls to life, but he remained silent for a moment following her pleading. After a moment, he said; "What does a doll mean to you? Many have I taught my craft... Some I even gave the secret to granting life to their creations, even in the permanent sense. Each of them must answer that question before I will teach them a thing."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice grinned, this was an easy question, something she answered almost immediately, "A doll is an extension of me, they are my eyes, my ears, my hands..." She looks at one of the dolls in her bag, the one that had been grabbed and thrown, "As weird as it may sound... I felt pain when this one was caught by the enemy and thrown back at me. Once I acquire or create a doll, and move it around through the air with my abilities, I do sometimes truly feel everything that they experience!"