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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)

Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Asp smiled coyly as Alice asked what she would have to pay. "I'll point you in Giacomo's direction, but someone is expecting a delivery today. If you can make that for me, I'll tell you where he is and even pay you a little extra coin. Sound like a good deal?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

A delivery? For someone of her skill? That didn't seem like much of a challenge, on the other hand, she reasoned that likely the shopkeep was simply too busy to do this task and that was why she was receiving it, and she had little reason to be so paranoid about things. Her thoughts wandered back to her house in the forest, and how she was going to live there happily, and realized that with a little more money, she could guarantee that she would have enough money to buy food to live happily there and finish building her ultimate creation! She nodded eagerly as she smiled, "Just tell me what I need to do."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Awesome! Thanks hun, you're being a real doll by helping me out with this." Asp said, and then lifted a small parcel from beneath the counter. "Take this to 20 Excelsior Avenue. There will be a tavern called the Joyous Cleric. Ask for Draefus, or if he's not in ask for Priscilla. Give this to them, and don't feel bad about asking for a tip. They've already paid me, so you're free to keep any money that they give you." She continued, and only then did she seem to realize how she'd worded her previous statement.

The naga laughed at herself and said; "Sorry about that dear. You run off now! I'll tale you everything I know when you get back."
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Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

The girl blinked several times as the shopkeeper called her a doll, what? Sure, she loved dolls, and made dolls as a hobby, well, as the only other thing she did besides sleeping and eating, but to say that she was a doll was a little too much! Before she opened her mouth to protest, she paused, thinking to herself, remembering that the word had... different uses at times. Calming down slightly she blushed and nodded, trying to not allow her thoughts to go beyond the surface of her mind, "Of course... thank you for the opportunity!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"No problem dear! Always happy to help a cute little thing like you out." Asp replied as Alice left her shop. Grevan was still waiting for outside, and the stalker offered her a toothy smile as she came out of the Asps' Den. "Did your business go smoothly?" She said, but left the request for payment remain implicit for now.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Walking outside and taking a big sigh of relief, Alice looked around for Grevan, and gave a short nod as she noticed her, as she was reminded of the fee, she looked at the small pile of coin she had managed to get from selling the weapons, and began to count out the payment, pausing briefly before she smiled, "Asp asked me to do a delivery... since I don't really know this place, I could use a guide..." She holds up the payment, "I'd be willing to pay you more, if you continue to help guide me around, y'know, don't exactly want to accidentally fall for some trap..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Grevan smiled even more widely at the prospect of further payment and replied; "Of course. I think an additional 2 denarii should be acceptable, if you'd like me to make sure that you get back here safely as well." Assuming that Alice agreed, she then asked; "Where do ya need to take it?"

(I think I'll assume Alice answers correctly and just move on from there.)

Upon her answer, Grevan nodded and said; "I know where that is. It's not in the best neighborhood, but we should be there safely soon enough. Ready to go?"

Setting off once more through the streets of Acheron, Grevan continued to stick to the main roads, breaking off from the one she'd entered on to start down another one that wasn't quite as wide. As they walked, Grevan spoke; "This road leads into the heart of Acheron, where the civic buildings like the Queen's Palace and the Office of Census are. It also has the Fountain of Legends, which is where the portal between this world and Hell was during the invasion. It's quite a sight." They reached another road that branched off, this one much smaller and not as well kept. "The Joyous Cleric is down this way. Don't wander off, and stay close to me alright? This isn't really the best place for a human to be walking, especially one like you."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice nods as she accepts the price of her guide and explains where she needs to deliver the package to. The feeling of talking to someone, was, at best, still a little uncomfortable for her, especially since she wasn't in complete control of everything like when she spoke to her dolls. Nonetheless, it was still good for her to practice like this, learning how different, well, species spoke, their mannerisms, their responses, it was definitely something important and worth learning for her...

As she walked through the streets and marveled at the change architecture, even before Grevan tells her to stay close, she stays barely a step away from her guide. This place was fairly interesting to her, and if she could, she would love to spend a few more days exploring before heading back, but alas, she knew she had her work to complete once she got home... and that was not something she wanted to put off for too long. Nodding, she replies to her guide's call for her to stay close, "O..Of course... I'm no fool, I won't randomly wander off in a city that I barely know. It would be days before I would be able to find out where to get this stupid package to if I somehow got lost. And what do you mean, a hman like me?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"I meant no offense, ma'am. Heh, not all humans I've met have been so prudent as you. A couple have gone and wandered off while I wasn't watching, and it's never ended well for 'em. Well, at least not for the ones that I've found again. I can't comment on the ones I never saw again now can I? But I digress...." Grevan paused, and then sighed at Alice's slightly defensive sounding question. "A spirit wielder. A human capable of manipulating their own souls, and using them as a tool as many demons can. There are a lot of different ways to do it, I hear, but I couldn't tell you much about any of them.

"What I can tell you is that it makes you a very appealing target for the Greater Demons, those who feed on the souls of mortals. Your spirit is larger and more powerful than the spirits of other mortals, so it makes you an attractive proposition for acquisition. More soul to eat I guess, or something of the sort. Anyway, it's readily apparent about you to any one of my kindred, so you'd best watch yourself. Anyone looking to make some quick coin will be happy to sell you off to a lord or lady looking for a new toy." Grevan explained coolly, and the grey skinned demoness certainly seemed to be on the lookout. It was as she finished that Alice noticed more than one pair of eyes settling on her from among the beings walking the streets.

Still, no one bothered them as they made their way down the more narrow streets, and they arrive at a wide, single story building after only a couple of minutes of walking. A crudely drawn picture of a man in robes sitting down while a shapely woman with wings and horns sat on his lap, a smile drawn into the man's face, was on a plaque hanging over the door, and the words; "The Joyous Cleric" were drawn beneath it. "This is the place. I can go in with you, if you like, but this place is usually pretty tame by Acheron standards." Grevan said, looking to Alice.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice maintained her proximity to Grevan as she listened to the woman talk, she nodded as she heard the tales of humans who ventured off from their guides, that seemed to be a silly prospect... after all, if you hired a damn guide to take you through the city, why would you even consider wandering off? She continued to listen as she gave a quick glance around, trying to match her footsteps with the guide. She was going to protest being lumped with humans, as she was an elf, and clearly NOT a human, but she decided for now against speaking out too loudly about it, after all, this was neither the place nor time. She was socially deprived, not retarded.

As she heard about other demons like Grevan that would gladly attack her and drag her off to do unspeakable things to her, including apparently try to take her spirit energy. She wanted to ask why Grevan herself wasn't someone that did such a thing, but she felt she was much better off not asking, as if one were to saved at the ocean by a shark, one would not ask the shark, 'Why have you not eaten me?'. Still, it felt nice that there was someone she could trust here... presumably anyway.

She looked at the place that Grevan had led her to, pausing as she was asked whether or not she needed someone to go in with her, stiffening slightly, she shook her head, "No, no, it should be fine, I will enter by myself if it's not as dangerous as you say. Although... I suppose if I do start screaming for help... I would be very appreciative if you did come for me...." She gave a small smile, before heading in.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Grevan laughed exuberantly at Alice's request for help should she start screaming, "Oh, if you start screaming while you're in there, I highly doubt that it would be because you need help. But I'll keep that in mind, I don't get paid if you get hurt after all. Now go on!"

The door into the Joyous Cleric didn't open by itself, but once she opened it and stepped in Alice found herself confronted by a titanic man with blue-grey skin, easily nine feet tall and with arms that reached all the way down to his knees, and ended in fists so large that the fingers of one hand could probably close around Alice's torso. The thing was naked except for a loincloth, and she could see its chest vibrating as it let out a thunderous growl. "He doesn't like you." A man's voice drew Alice's attention to her right, where a man who's only demonic features were a pair of small horns jutting from his brow and his deep red eyes.

"Let her in Brutus. She's too small to cause any trouble, and she won't be staying long. She's a courier by the looks of things." He said, motioning for the massive creature to stand down. It glared at her for another few seconds before returning to an alcove next to the door and sitting on down onto a tiny stool. She could see the rest of the bar now, a dingy, poorly lit room half filled with demons. There were twelve tables with polls stretching between the top of them and the ceiling, and each of them had a barely dressed woman gyrating on it, ranging from completely human (or elven as one case was) to fully demonic, including cloven hooves for feet, long curved horns on her head and massive bat-like wings. "Who're ya looking for, pointy ears? I doubt you'd come in here just for the view."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice paused slightly at Grevan's words, unsure of what to make of it, before shrugging and walking into the building, a small smile on her face, Grevan was right, she wouldn't be paid if she didn't come help her if she was in need... so there wasn't that to worry about, plus things had been going swimmingly so far, it didn't seem even the slightest bit possible that things could go any other way.

Her thoughts instantly changed as she saw the monster of a humanoid standing in front of her. What should she do? What it going to kick her out...? Or maybe something worse? Could she fight it? Did she even have enough to fight it? Could this thing even BE fought...? As she was thinking these things, she was snapped back to reality as she heard the voice. Quietly, she waited to see if the thing would listen to the man, and let out a breath of relief as it did, when asked what she was here for, she blinked, then nodded, "Huh? Oh, ah, yes, I have a package for... Dreafus, from Asp."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Hah! Well, speak to the devil in question you do! I'm Draefus. Must be the package I was waiting for.... Now just go ahead and hand it over, and then be on your-" The man was interrupted suddenly as a woman came from within the building itself and shouted; "Oi! Kilvin! Stop harassing the customers!" Alice turned to find one of the dancers coming toward her, a demoness without a doubt given her appearance. Light blue skin, two rams horns curling up from her head, a long sinuous tail ending in a spade shaped tip and a pair of small bat-like wings on her back, complete with an hourglass figure and a pair of large rounded breasts hanging from her chest which bounced slightly with every step she took.

"Don't let these two louts try to con you or frighten you off, stranger. Welcome to the Joyous Cleric! 'Tis our holy duty to please you however we may, and that's a task we take great joy in! My name is Nisuka, what can we do for you?" The woman said, looking at Alice with a smile that was half welcoming and half suggestive, but she kept far enough away from Alice that she didn't invade her personal space. "She's here to deliver Draefus's medicine from Asp. I was just trying to get it from her so's I could give it to the old man when you butted in." The man replied, still smirking darkly, but the blue skinned woman shot him a scathing look and replied; "Oh, I'll bet you would Kilvin! After taking half and pawning it, and lacing what's left with something that might only make his condition worse."

She turned back to Alice, much more pleasant to her in both tone and expression as she continued; "I'm afraid that Draefus is indisposed at the moment. He is very ill, you see. Was there anyone else that Asp said you could leave it with?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice holds the package for awhile, almost handing it over to the demon before she turned to the sound of the woman's voice, she blinked several times as she listened to the conversation of the two, the demons here... seemed different than those from the beginning of the war, they were almost... well, like civilized people in terms of how they acted... well, the male was trying to decieve her, but still, they seemed to at least have some sense of right and wrong... and civility. She blinked several times as she was addressed, realizing that she had been standing there gawking for awhile, before clearing her throat and speaking, "Um.... I was told to give it to... uh... Priscilla if the man I was looking for wasn't available..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, I figured as much. The old man always did trust her to see to his things when he wasn't around." Nisuka said, and then turned away just as Kilvin gave a little snort of laughter. "Priscilla! Get over here!" She shouted, and the elven woman who'd been spinning about on one of the tables as a dozen goblins leered at her smoothly halted her motion and flipped off of the dancing table. She landed smoothly on her feet and stalked over, and as with Nisuka she showed no qualms about her nudity. "You called, Nis?" The elven woman said smoothly as she reached the group near the door, though her gaze rested solely on Alice.

"This girl has Draefus medicine, and she was instructed to give it to you." Nisuka explained, and Priscilla promptly made an 'o' face and said; "Kay! I'm Priscilla. I guess you knew that though! What's your name, stranger?" The others assembled around the door turned to Alice with some curiosity at that, even the ogre who had up until then remained seated on his little stool, his head resting in one massive hand.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice quietly looked around as the woman she was to give the package to approached her. She gulped deeply, unlike the others she had talked to, this one was like her, an elf. She wasn't exactly sure whether to be happy, or scared, that she was talking to one... especially one that seemed so willing to expose herself, she blushed deeply as she suddenly thrust the package forward with her hands, her voice trembling, "M.My name is Alice."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Nisuka and Priscilla both smirked at Alice as the girl blushed, the former putting a hand on her hip and shifting to the side while Pris puffed out her not unimpressive chest a little. "Well, Alice, thanks a bunch for this! And pass on our gratitude to Asp when you see her next!" He half turned away, but then stopped and turned back toward Alice with a slap on her forehead. "I'm sorry! Your tip! I almost forgot.... Hrm...."

She adopted a mischievous grin, and then said; "Well, I could just give you a little change.... Or Nisuka and I could give you a freebie. What do ya say? It's not often I see another elf around here." Nisuka looked surprised by Priscilla's offer, and Kilvin gave a snort of laughter. The demoness turned to glance at him with a blank look, but then grinned and turned back to Alice. "Yes, I suppose that I wouldn't mind that much at all."

Kilvin's laugh became a surprised choking sound, and he gaped at the two women in amazement for a moment before turning to Alice and saying in an extremely serious tone; "Take the offer."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked at the demoness and the elf as they spoke to her, nodding as she awaited the tip, as Priscillia was about to turn away without paying her the tip, she was about to object when the other elf spoke of it. Eagerly, she nodded, with the extra little coin in her pocket, she could afford not only to pay her guide, but maybe get enough food to never have to come here again! But then she paused, a freebie? Like food? Or a drink....?

A deep flush came across her face as she realized exactly what kind of freebie the elf was talking about, she glanced furtively around, unsure of what to do, should she accept? That would mean less money... but at the same time, to do so would mean that she would learn to become more experienced... and probably get a little bit of the stress she was going through down a little... still, was it a good idea? At Kilvin's approval, she blinked, then nodded slowly, speaking in almost a whisper, "I... I suppose the freebie would be... good...?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Both Priscilla and Nisuka both giggled happily as Alice accepted their offer, and the naked elf half turned away as she said; "Don't worry dear, we'll treat you nice and have you back on your feet in no time.... Though I can't promise you'll be able to walk straight!" They both giggled again, and Kilvin cleared his throat audibly, which only made giggle all the more. "Nis, why don't you take her to a private room and get her started? I'll go and administer this to Draefus and then come and join you~!" Priscilla said, turning fully and walking away with a noticeable sway in every step.

"Come on dear, lets go and get you comfortable, hrm?" Nisuka said, and then turned and led Alice across the crowded tavern floor. The demoness earned a lot of stares along the way from the patrons, and one particularly bold individual smacked her on the ass as she walked by, causing her soft flesh to jiggle pleasantly from the light blow.

Alice was led to a small room in the back of the tavern, much of which was dominated by furniture. A large comfortable looking bed, a wide cushioned chair and a high table with light padding on the top took up much of the empty space. Nisuka closed the door once Alice had entered and smiled warmly to her. "So, before we begin.... Do you have any particular fantasies you'd like Pris and I to help you fulfill? I can do almost anything you can imagine... And probably a few things that you can't~! How about any kinks we need to worry about avoiding?" She tilted her head and gave Alice a knowing look, "You've never done this before, have you Alice? It's quite alright, nothing to be ashamed of." The demoness began walking slowly and carefully toward Alice as she spoke, her tail slowly shaking behind her shapely bottom and her wings spread wide behind her back, until she stood directly in front of the puppetmaster. "Hrm?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

The girl blushed deeply as she was taken by the demoness towards the back room, it was probably too late by this point to back out, and even if she could, it would seem quite... rude. And despite her not caring too much about this city, anything that she had in mind that may tarnish her reputation in the city could wait until she was out of here, and back in her little hideaway in the woods. Plus, this was one of the few chances she would have to do such an... act, without too much repercussion, or so she assumed at least.

She looked around the back room, a small amount of blush on her face, despite her skills at cleaning her home and making sure everything was right, she wasn't exactly the best at making furniture, so compared to her home, this place was fairly lavish. She blushed harder as she was addressed, and asked about the things that she liked, and didn't want, she wasn't exactly sure what to say, she was fairly open, and she hadn't really done much of this before, well, more precisely, she hadn't done this before. She had fooled around a little in the pre war days, but she had never gotten far... "A..Anything's okay, really... um... I guess I want you to surprise me...?" She was hesitant, but at the same time, she didn't want to sound too much like a country bumpkin entering the big city... although she didn't doubt that was already pretty much how she sounded.