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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Alice emerged from the trees of the forest and onto the road just as the sun was starting to set. The road to her left led off to a bend, more woods on either side of it as far as her eyes could see. The road to her right, however, was far more promising to her task.

Just a short ways down the road, a city sprawled out before her. She was higher in elevation than the city, and as such she could see a great deal of it, the setting sun framed behind it and allowing her to see most if not all of the structures within the city. White stone and iron mixed together formed many of the buildings, and lights spread throughout the place indicated that it was inhabited. By who, or what, Alice could only guess at, having not been this far from her cabin in a very long time. A quick check of the map she had acquired said that this place had once been the village of Artmirst.

If she wanted food so that she could finish her partner in peace, that was probably the closest settlement to her.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice checks the map a few times, looking around herself as she emerged at the road. She had checked herself in a pool of water just before she had left, and she was certain that she was good enough to get around without getting into trouble. Provided though that things had not changed much since her self-imposed exile from civilization, which she assumed was likely, as it couldn't have been THAT long. Plus, for the most part, the bodies she found in the forest often still wore the same style of clothing...

After realizing, however, that she had been standing at the road for several minutes, she began to walk towards the city, the one labeled Artmirst. She had brought along a few small things she had made, and some that she had gathered from the previous owners of the house, to trade. Although, to be honest, she wasn't exactly sure what the going price for a doll made entirely of dust bunnies would go for...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The walk to the city took longer than Alice thought it should have, and the sun had descended even further toward the horizon by the time its gates came into view. The shadows were long, making the quartet of figures standing around the open gateway into the city difficult for her to see. All she could see of them was that they were dressed in dark garments and had round objects held at their sides. The setting sun was behind those who patrolled along the wall as well. Funny.... She hadn't remembered any wall around the city being marked on the map. Regardless, it was the only way she was going to be getting any food, and she had probably already been spotted anyway.

As Alice got closer, she could make out more details about the people on the ground, though the ones on the wall were still obscured by the sun behind them. They wore dark armor of high quality, not that she was really an expert on armors, and had round shields on their arms and swords at their hips. Odd..... But not as odd as the horned helmets that they wore on their heads, largely concealing their features from view. They seemed totally at ease as she approached, as did those on top, whom she noticed didn't have the funny helmets. When she got closer, one of them, whom Alice realized was a woman given her general body shape and the sound of her voice, said to her; "Welcome to Acheron. Will you be staying the night?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice walks up to the guards briskly, reminded herself with each step to act natural. Act natural, and they won't question you. With less questions, that would mean less likely that she would have to give herself away... yes... that would be best. She would be... oh... what was that word again, it had been so long...

"A merchant! Just planning on trading some goods for coin in this city then I'll be on my way." She added quickly. As the guard asked if she was to stay the night, she shook her head, "No, No, much travel ahead of me, I'll only be here for a few hours at most." She quietly pondered if there was some tax to be paid if she stayed the day, she also checked the map slightly, "Hm...? Isn't this the city of Artmirst?". Curious, and more curious, was her map wrong? And why did this place seem to be completely untouched by the invasions...?
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The guard laughed at Alice's question, though it was not a scornful laugh by any means. "Artmirst? No, not anymore, at least. That was what the humans called it, back before we took control of it. It's Acheron now, for two years at least." They paused a moment, and her voice had an amused undertone as she continued; "What, have you been living in a cabin in the woods for the last four years or something?"

The other guards snickered at that, but the woman before her quickly cleared her throat, and continued in a more respectful voice; "If you're looking to trade in general goods, I'd recommend the Asp's Den. It's a shop that runs along the main road, not too far from the opposite gate. Even if the owner won't buy what you're selling, she'll be glad to point you in the right direction. You can sell anything in Acheron, if you find the right buyer."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice shifts slightly as she was asked if she had been in the woods for several years, specifically a cabin in the woods, did they know she came from there? And... no longer run by humans...? Then what was this place run by? Didn't seem to be elves, or any of the other races she was familiar with before before her seclusion. Still, it did not ease her much as she held onto her grimoire in one hand, and the buckler that lightly protected the other. She knew she had two weapons that she wasn't entirely sure how to operate, but in the end, even if she had to fight, she had her dolls to protect herself... and despite her lack of physical prowess, she was no pushover in the a fight.

She let out a breath of relief as the guards offered to open the door, and even suggested someone for her to meet, if the deal went down quickly and without problems, she would not have to worry about food for awhile.... hopefully.... "Ah... I see, it's more I haven't been around these parts in years. So this Asp, she'll help me? Good... good. Thank you for your help!" Alice bowed forward deeply before looking around, "I... am allowed to enter the city... right?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The guard noticed her tense shift, as did her compatriots behind her, and each of them shifted in a manner similar to Alice, as if preparing for violence. The tension was diffused quickly, and only a trace of it was present in the guard's laugh before she said; "Yes, yes of course!" the gates behind them wheeled open, shifting aside rather than inwards, and the guard concluded; "Welcome to Acheron, stranger!"

With that, Alice was allowed to pass without further molestation, and entered the city. Magical lights of all colors surrounded her, and a dozen stalls had been setting, selling everything from food and drink to weaponry. The area was highly crowded, given the fact that night was set to fall shortly, but with all of the lights around, Alice wasn't sure if the fall of the sun truly mattered here. And, likely to her surprise, not all of the denizens of this place were human. A half dozen people started toward her as she passed beyond the reach of the wall, as if she had just exited some sort of protection when she had left the shadow of the gates. The first to reach her was shorter than she by almost a foot, and had dark green skin and long pointed ears.

He wore a loose smattering of mismatched leather garments, and had a handgun similar to the one she had recovered from a corpse near her home hanging from his belt. He grinned widely, his teeth noticeably sharper than those of a human, but his voice was surprisingly smooth and pleasant, in utter contradiction with his appearance; "Evening miss! Is this your first time in Acheron? Tis a dangerous city for those not familiar with it, to be sure! I can help show you around.... For a price."

When she had been engaged by the goblin, the other five who had started toward Alice had halted, though they continued to watch her in case she repulsed her first would-be guide. Of the those others, only one was visibly human-looking, though the woman in the tight fitting but heavy violet dress could hardly be called normal looking. There was also a man with only the torso of a human being, his arms and bare, heavily muscled chest normal, while his head and his lower half looked like they had been taken from a goat. Another was a feminine figure with light grey skin, barely dressed in thin, white underwear, but was also possessed of blood-red eyes and sharp looking teeth and claws. Another of them was a male of the same species, though he wore full leather breaches and left his chest totally bare. The last was a figure garbed from head to toe in black leather, the only skin visible that around her eyes, for it was most definitely a she, the fact readily apparent courtesy of the skin tight nature of her clothing.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice enters the city and begins to walk around, holding onto her possessions tightly as she admired the lights of the city. She was glad that she had been able to get into the city without problem, after all, she wasn't exactly confident of her ability to take out the guards without preparation, sure, it was true she could likely make her way back to the forest, and let the traps take care of anything that followed her, but then, it would slightly defeat the purpose of her coming to this town in the first place. Grateful to be allowed in, she checked her weapons, and her dolls. Smiling at them slightly before suddenly snapping her bag shut as the... man, or whatever it was approached her.

She looked around quickly, and almost released one of her spirit attacks on the goblin, before she noticed it wasn't exactly hostile. And as she noticed the more different people gathering around her, she cursed herself slightly for looking so out of place. She took a step back as she held her heavy book, listening to the man's proposition, before she gave him a small smile, not an entirely sincere one, but at the same time, trying to show no hostilities, or her half fear and disgust at the thing, "That... that will be quite alright... I can probably find my way around here, I'm just looking for uh..." She thought to herself for a few moments before she continued, "Asp... I think? I'm just a passing merchant selling some goods. I don't really have any way to pay... I mean, it's partially the reason I'm here in the first place...!" She took an uneasy step away, partially towards the the white underwear, not that she intended to do so, but it was the direction she reflexively moved at.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Asp? Oh! You mean the Asp's Den! One of the guards pointed ya there, aye? Just follow along the main road, you won't have to make any turns or anything. There's a big sign on it, you can't miss it." The goblin replies, still grinning widely despite her refusal of its services. When she took a step away, however, he took a step as well, not blocking her path in any way, but also keeping pace with her. "Well, I don't have to be paid up front, you know. And I'll offer to a bit of advise, stranger... Don't pay for any service until after you've received it while in Acheron. Not all who do business here are as honorable as I!"

The woman with grey skin approached after Alice took a step in her direction, and gave a grin filled with razor sharp teeth to the goblin as she stepped up beside Alice. "You harassing the newcomers again, Groak?" She said, and her voice was low and sibilant, though her tone was more teasing than threatening. "Nah! Of course not! Just offering to show her around so as to avoid sharks like you!" He retorted, and then gave a short bark of laughter. "I'll bet..." the woman replied, and then turned toward Alice with what might be the worst attempt at a kind smile that had ever been made. "Don't listen to this joker, stranger, he's been in the ale for the last six hours. Come, let me show you wherever you need to go! You're here for the Asp's Den, you say? A fine place to visit, to be sure... Come, right this way!"

She began backing away, and the others that had approached her all backed away, but Groak was not one to surrender so easily, apparently. "Now just wait a second there! I saw her first!" He said, and then turned to Alice and continued; "She'll lead you down an alley and have you ganked, she will! Best not trust the grey-skins, a slimy and scaly lot they are!" The woman hissed not unlike a snake, and all of the good humor was gone from her voice when she replied; "Slanderer! I ought to skin you for your lies!"

The goblin was quick to retort; "Hah! I'm sure you would, snake-face, but I'm afraid you'd make a much better coat than I! OR maybe a nice pair of boots!" The woman hissed again, but then smiled slyly, and turned back to Alice. "You'd best not trust this little cretin, newcomer. The last visitor to Acheron to do so trusted him a little too far. Once she recovered from whatever he slipped into her drinks, she left the city fat with his child."

"Lies and vile rumor!" Groak returned harshly. The two seemed quite likely to continue for a while longer unless Alice either went with one, or more firmly pushed them away.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice's eyes darted back and forth as she considered which one to take. While being slightly horrified at the prospect. On the one hand, if what the gray skin said was true, she wasn't exactly eager to test it out, on the other hand, if she were to lose what meager possessions she had, she would have a much larger problem than simply looking for food. Still, she couldn't stay here all night, she had to go back home as soon as she could and continue her work. And given how this city was like, she wasn't exactly sure she wanted to stay here for any longer than she had to. Especially with the folks that seem to be coming out to 'greet' her.

She considered her options, she could follow the goblin, the advantage here was likely even with how frail she was physically, she could easily overpower him given the chance. With the element of surprise, a short burst should be more than enough to quickly kill him and for her to move on to whatever she needed to do. Provided of course he lead her to Asp's place. On the other hand, was violence even allowed in this city? If she did, she would have to make sure it seemed like a murder. Or maybe just hide the body. Or maybe, put one of those mines on the body... would that even work? She hadn't really tried before, and wasn't exactly eager to try now.

She looked at the other... thing. She was fairly sure it was some kind of monster as well, she just wasn't so sure what it was. Was it a shark...? Or a snake of sorts? Not that it mattered much, she looked much stronger and deadlier than the goblin, after all, he carried a gun, and she seemed satisfied with being, for the most part, unarmed and naked. In the case of the goblin being right, she would have a much harder fight on her hands, but on the other hand, the consequences didn't seem... as bad. At least if her possessions were stolen. she herself would still be able, and it would simply be a matter of wandering through the forest again, looking for anything she could scrounge off the bodies to sell... but she had just checked recently, and there didn't seem to be anything new or useful... what to do... what to do...

Or maybe she could just walk to the place herself! It didn't seem too hard to find, with the guard's instructions, but walk into the wrong place and once again, she would be taking one step forward, and ten steps back...

Finally weighing the positives and negatives of each choice as the two continued to squabble, Alice pointed her finger at the girl, "I suppose I will follow you. Hurry up and lead on then, so I can get to Asp's Den, sell my wares, and go home and be in peace!"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

The grey woman grinned widely, displaying her teeth, while the goblin scowled. He knew when he was beaten, however, and remained silent even after his opponent in business gloatingly said; "Well, come right this way then stranger. I'll see you there right away, and then we can talk about my fee. It won't be anything you'll miss, I assure you! the name's Grevan, by the way."

The strange woman led Alice through the initial crowd and down the street, and she found the rest of the city as boisterous and well lit as the initial area had been. That wasn't all that she found, however. Many of the denizens of Acheron were as inhuman as her guide, and those that were more like her in appearance were often barely decent, and some were even outright nude. Indeed, as she passed through a quieter section, she and Grevan passed by an alleyway in which she saw a woman kneeling in front of one of the goat-like men, her head bobbing back and forth rapidly. The man looked to be quite happy with the situation if his facial expression was to be believed, but with her more than natural senses Alice was able to see the energy of the satyr's soul being literally sucked out of him. Noticing that Alice was watching her perform, the woman pulled her mouth off of the satyr's rod with a loud pop, and turned to her and said; "See something you like?"

She was quickly dragged away from the scene by Graven, and the clawed woman said; "Succubi... Sorry about that, we usually try to keep that sort of stuff out of the streets... Or at least off of the main ones. Some people, eh? We'll be there shortly, don't you worry."

She was right. A few moments later that passed without further incident, Alice found her guide halting in front of a moderately sized building, a large plaque over the door depicting a glowing green serpent prepared to pounce, and with the words; "The Asps Den" in bright green curling script. "This is the place. You said you had wares to sell, and my fee's only two denarii, so it shouldn't bite into your profits too heavily." Grevan said, and indicated for Alice to enter the shop.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice walked behind the woman as she gaped at the... city around her. It wasn't like any city she had come across before in her travels, well, mostly her travels before the invasion. She had seen many graceful elven cities, and some human cities, but none like this before... with so much debauchery out in the open, in the human cities they at least had the decency to keep it in the brothels in the more discreet part of town! Here, they practiced out in the open, did they have no shame...? She quickly moved as she saw others that were closer to how she looked, were they human? Elven? She couldn't really tell as she hurried by. Not that she really cared, with the amount of things going on, she guessed she shouldn't have too much trouble selling the guns... selling dolls on the other hand, well, she wasn't so sure she could make any money on that. Still, that was what she was in this city for. To sell her goods, pick up some food, and then head back home.

As she saw the woman giving head to the goat man, she paused, blinking several times as she watched awkwardly, unsure of what to do, a display of indecency of this scale on a public street? Even the others were content with only being nude, as she watched the lewd act, she shivered slightly as she noticed that the man's soul was leaving his body, she started to say something, but paused, she probably shouldn't. After all, she wasn't sure what was going on here, and she wasn't exactly in the position to tell people what to do in their town, after all, she still wasn't sure if she trusted her guide completely, and with the unusual manner in how this town was being run, it would be better to just keep her trap shut as she continued to walk, pausing as the woman spoke to her.

Relief filled her as Grevan pulled her away from the scene, at least this meant she was out of the frying pan, for now anyway. She quickly moved after the gray woman, not willing to get too far from her as she stopped looking around as much, content for now to concentrate on the person in front of her. After all, she wasn't eager to run into another incident. And this seemed like the safest way. As they reached Asp's den, Alice let out a sigh, starting to walk in before Grevan mentioned her price. Blinking several times, Alice quickly searched her bag for any money, even a loose coin or two, before she sheepishly looked at Grevan, "Funny thing about that... see... I'm here selling things because I don't have any money... and I don't even have a single coin on me. If you're willing, I can pay you back after I sell my wares, or..." She took a deep breath as she looked around, she wasn't exactly an idiot, she had already started to piece together what had happened to the city, "Or would you accept other methods of payment?"
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"Oh don't worry about it love! I'll just wait out here for you to finish your business. You already said that you weren't in possession of any actual coin, so I figured I would have to wait a pinch." Her guide evenly replied, still smiling. When Alice asked if there was some other way that she might be able to pay off her debt, the grey-skinned woman laughed for a moment, and then replied; "Ahhh, I'm no succubus, stranger. And, as cute as you are, I'm afraid that you're not my type. I will offer a bit of advice though! I can sense the power inherent in you, as most demons can. If you're going to start selling yourself while you're here, you could charge a great deal more than 2 coins for a night, especially if you manage to get into a lord's good graces. That woman we passed, the one sucking off the satyr in the alley? It's almost as likely that he was the one who was selling himself to her as the other way around."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice let out a sigh of relief as the other form was payment was turned down, as well as learning that she didn't immediately have to make a payment to the strange woman. However, this still made her think for a bit at least, so at last even in this strange, strange city, there were some that could be called... decent? She wasn't sure if that was even the right word for it. Not that she didn't appreciate it, she just wasn't entirely sure how she thought about it. Well, if she had to put it one way, it was... nice.

Shaking her head a little at her thoughts, she continued to listen, nodding as she heard confirmation about her suspicions on the situation earlier, and also how she could likely charge them a fee to use her body... although the thought sent mental chills down her spine, she wasn't some kind of common whore! She was only willing to do it with this one because she actually owed them something... she would never even consider it if the situation were any different! Still... it was useful advice.

"Thanks for the advice... I guess. Once I make my sale I will come right to you and give you the payment I owe." Turning to face the building, Alice took a deep breath, and entered the building.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

"I'll be here when you get out." Grevan replied, smiling. Her tone had been conversational, but Alice couldn't help but detect a tiny hint of menace in the demon's undertone, the purpose of it rather clear. Alice would pay her due, or the grey skinned woman would force her to do so.

The door into the Asp's Den opened for her as Alice stepped up to it, though no one seemed to be standing behind it. Stepping inside, she found a wide room with many shelves along its walls and within its spacious opening. All manner of things covered those shelves, and in the small portion of the shop that she could see from the door Alice spotted a jar of eyeballs, a pair of leather boots who's laces were flailing about in an attempt to pry off the leather straps binding them to the shelf, a pipe in a jeweled case that was emitting smoke despite not being puffed on, a dozen different knives carved of crystal lined up next to one another, each a different color, and a small onyx figurine of a panther that had been carved so well that it looked like it could come alive to name but a few.

A rattling sound drew her attention to her right, where she found a tall woman leaning over a long counter constructed of dark wood. She had wavy green hair that fell well past her shoulders, and a welcoming smile on her face as she said; "Good evening~! You're new here, ain'tcha?" The woman giggled, not only displaying a long serpentine tongue from between her lips but causing her breasts, which looked to be at least twice the size of Alice's head judging by the amount of cleavage showing, to jiggle impressively. The way that she was leaning over the counter, which came up almost to Alice's chest, made it clear that her breasts weren't the only thing small about her, as she was also extremely tall.

"What's your name stranger? Mine is Aspliforici, but everyone calls me Asp, and this here is the Asp's Den! Are you looking to buy, sell or pawn? Feel free to browse for a while, or come and ask me any questions ya like! I'd be happy to help you.... In any way I can, hehe!" Asp continued, her ample chest jiggling some more as it rested against the counter. The source of the earlier rattling turned out to a rattle, like on a rattlesnake, complete with the snake part, which seemed to wind its way up to Asp's torso.
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Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice took a moment to take in the shark-like creature's grin, before turning uneasily and heading into the shop. She shook her head, there was nothing to worry about, for now anyways. She shook her head, too much to worry about, too much that she should not concern herself about. The weapons and the dolls should sell, despite how little resources she had, and with that, she would pay off her guide, and be on her merry way back to her place of solitude. Where she could do her work.

Stepping forward, she reached for the door, suprised as it opened without her input, she looked around curiously for awhile, trying to see if there was soemthing behind the door, or maybe if there was some fantastic mechanism that allowed it to be opened either from a distance or when someone stepped close enough, finding none, and being a little disappointed, yet reassuring herself that it was likely hidden somewhere, or perhaps, powered by forces that could be easily hidden. Satisfied, she began to wander around the store, looking at the things around the store, gently moving her hands near things that interested her, but still kept it far away enough that some of the more dangerous things could not come near her.

Her head turned as she heard someone speaking to her, she blinked several times as she looked at the woman that was much, much taller than her... and far more well endowed. She looked down at herself with a bit of jealously, before looking back up, taking into view how big the woman was... and well, the unusuality of her tail. Although, but this point, she guessed from walking around the street that someone of such a relatively... well known establishment wouldn't be normal.

After looking around nervously a little more, she presented the weapons, the shotgun and the other gun she had pilfered from the dead body, as well some of the dolls she had made, laying them down on the counter as she mumbled quietly, "My name is Alice... I... I want to sell these things. H...How much would you be willing to give me for them...?"
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Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Asp continued to smile down at Alice as she laid her things down onto the table. She took up both guns, examining each of them carefully one at a time and making sure that they worked properly. "These seem to be in working order. I'll pay you twenty five denarii each for them, plus whatever ammunition you might have for them." She said following her examination, and then turned her attentions to Alice's dolls, eying them carefully.

"Hrm.... Did you make these yourself? And do they do anything?" Asp asked, lifting one up and examining it carefully as she spoke.

(A description of the actual dolls would be good here.)
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice eagerly nodded as she was paid for the guns, she didn't exactly have much ammunition for them, giving that they had simply been looted off dead bodies, as she counted out her coin, she looked at the storekeep as she nodded when she was asked about the dolls, "Some of these are my earlier work... so... they lack the refinement of the others... These ones over here are made using wood for the basis, of the limbs, as well as the head. The hair, and clothes, are made from various cloths and in some cases, vegetation when I could not find something proper to do them with... the wood ones tend to be better for shows, since the mouths can be controlled like such..."

She starts to demonstrate the wooden ones, showing the range of mobility, as well showing off a small 'dance' with one using puppet strings. She pointed out some of different makes, "These ones are more focused on stuffing and fabrics for the body, and the clothes. They tend to be much softer, and in some cases, possibly more desirable... due to looking slightly closer to human, or elven, than the wooden ones... regardless though..." Alice closed her eyes as she concentrated, animating and causing one of the dolls to move around without her touching them, "They do make good tools for people that know how to use a little of their spiritual powers to move things around..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 108, Status = Fine

Asp listens intently to Alice's explanation about the dolls intently, leaning over the counter and mashing her humongous breasts against the wood as Alice made the puppets dance, first with the strings and then with magic. She clapped excitedly as one was animated, moving without Alice having to touch it. "That's a wonderful trick! But, I don't suppose they're permanently enchanted to do that? Now THAT would be impressive!" She said and then shifted slightly, her head tilting in thought. "They are very pretty, and well made... You must be an expert craftsmen! But... I can't pay you much for them. Maybe 3 denarii per doll, at most. Items like that tend to sit on my shelves for a long time, no matter how pretty they are I'm sorry to say."

She paused, letting that sink in, before she continued; "Buuuuut...... I know a man who would be able to pay you more for them.... And probably teach you a lot about the craft you share to boot! His name's Giacomo, and he's a doll crafter. He even learned to give his dolls permanent life! I don't know how exactly, but I can tell you where he is... If you'll do me a little favor first."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

The dollmaker was slightly disappointed at the low price, originally her spirits were lifted slightly from how impressed the shopkeep was with her goods, but if they were not worth much, then... was there any point really in selling them for food? After all, to sell her work for so little... and with the idea of them sitting on the shelf for a long time...

"No... No I cannot make it permanent... I wish I were able to make it permanent, it would be my life's dream to realize such a thing." She continued to nod as Asp continued, suddenly interested by the prospect of meeting another dollmaker, one that might be of assistance to her in completing her... goal...

"Really? There's someone like that...?" She looked outside briefly, seeing what time of the day it was, she had intended on being back home by nightfall, but she could easily afford a few extra days if it meant learning from someone with this knowledge... of course, she would have to check home every few days, after all, if someone were to wander across her abode... "What do you wish for me to do?"