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Weird Dream Thread


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I was with my eldest brother, who got into a street fight. He got his hands on a pipe from a dilapidated building's exposed inner wall, and managed to beat down his opponent.

We returned home, where I accidentally stepped onto an overturned wheelbarrow. It was rusted, and broken all over, with sharp shards of metal exposed all around the center. As soon as my foot pressured it, it broke open, and I fell onto it, piercing myself with rusted shards of metal all over, and I started bleeding out, and crying.

I started to talk to my father and brother, and I was afraid for my life, it was extremely vivid, and I seemed to wake up at the moment I started contemplating religion. (I was certain I was going to die)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Alright, here's a short and very silly one I had this morning. I was following 'The Fellowship' up to the gates of Mordor.

"Well what are we waiting for!?" huffs Gimli.
"One does not simply walk into Mordor." Replies Aragorn.
"Right. How about this then?" Gimli says, pulling out a modern military mortar kit.

The dream concludes with the eye of Sauron being pelted with mortar shells and toppling from it's tower movie style, as the fellowship simply mortars into Mordor. Nuff said.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I just had a dream where I was visiting my grandparents who passed away a few years ago at the hospital. I kinda get why that might have happened because after they passed away I felt really bad about not going to visit them more. But if that wasn't weird enough, my mother was also alive and a character in my dream... After we said goodbye to my grandparents as they went for their treatment, my dream had a "flashback" from when before I was born told through the mind of my mother ( a la Dickens' Christmas Carol??) It was basically what she was thinking and feeling before and after the wedding with my father and the things they did with my grandparents. Something about the reception being smaller than they wanted and not getting a homemade apple pie but instead getting a cookie designed like a lake in Russia.

What the hell brain? I don't appreciate your shenanigans. I don't know what your trying to tell me but stop it. Seriously, stop it. Stop it stop it stop it.


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I'm not much of a dreamer because my brain is too stupid. But I had this one, somewhat disturbing dream where I was watching a female ape sucking on a male ape's wrinkly nipples which wiggled around around like noodles. Prior to this, I was watching Cannibal Holocaust.

What the fuck.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Had a twofer this night. In my first dream, I wanted to order a katana over amazon (not a replica, but an honest-to-god sword), but what I got instead looked more like Pyramid Head's knife-sword, only it was all wobbly like a sheet of tin. I was pretty mad and tried to get rid of it, but in the process I ran into a swordmaster that taught me to fight with it, even though it was supposed to be just a stepping stone to bigger, even heavier swords.

The second one was a strange mixture of Mass Effect and Dragon Age, in that a great evil fell from the sky into a fantasy world and proclaimed it wanted to conquer this galactic empire, only that there was no galactic empire yet. There was a very awkward moment, and then the great evil joined the good side to help them create a galactic empire that he could then conquer. Apparently, slaying The Dragon was somehow the key to achieving space flight. I woke up before I could find out what dragons and spaceships have to do with each other, though.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Why, clearly, it’s because dragons are spaceships' natural predators.


Sep 28, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Ever had any dreams where like your favorite anime characters step into your real life and interact with you?..

I had one like that last night, I was waking up (in my dream) and ichigo (from bleach) was sitting in my computer chair telling me that breakfast was ready.

Without saying a word I lumbered over to the kitchen still groggy and f*cking naruto was over at the stove cooking me some eggs, telling me how I need to stop eating so many sandwiches and get healthier..

But it was the japanese subbed naruto speaking, so I could hear him talking in japanese, but see the subtitles below him, which was creepy, because I kept wanting to reach out and see if I could touch the letters..

In the kitchen, with ichigo just kinda standing behind me, I turn to my right and see spike, and fey. (if that's how her name is spelled) (Characters from cowboy bebop)

They were both smoking, and they looked really grumpy and depressed about something (There was kind of a gray aura around them), but then spike started talking about someone who got away, and they got into an argument about who's fault it was that a bounty-head got away, and how they were tired of eating naruto's crappy food for free.

Naruto got pissed off and was yelling at them, but there was no subtitles for what he said this time, and he flipped spike off. (wtf o.o)

I kinda walked forward past all of them and went to the fridge to get some orange juice, but kakashi poofed on the outside of the kitchen window and told naruto he had a mission, so naruto asked me to take over for the eggs and he poofed away too.. I just kinda glanced at ichigo and he was already
starting to walk towards the oven, so I smiled.

At this point I was thinking to myself "Hell yeah, I'ma order these bitches around."..

As I was turning around from the fridge approaching spike, jet (Forgot how to spell his name too) came out from the breezeway to the kitchen, telling spike and fey it was time to head back to the ship..

I got really sad because I wanted to go with them, but when I tried to follow they closed the door, and when I opened it they were just gone.

I looked at ichigo, and he was for some odd reason, trying to do bankai with the frying pan, and I could see him starting to glow and his classic DBZ-style scream was making my ears ring, but that's when I woke up.

I actually kinda record my dreams and write them on .txt files. Including this one, I've got 11 dreams recorded.. But I just wanted to share this one because it was the least-personal, and most-whacky.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Ever had any dreams where like your favorite anime characters step into your real life and interact with you?..
No, but I did have a sex dream about EDI from ME3 the other night.
Mar 12, 2012
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

well i had a nightmare once where i saw a ghost, literally died if fright and woke 7 hours later, so what i find weird is how a 20 second nightmare can last 7 hours.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dreamed i was a Malkavian.

Still a little rattled. Never again please ;_;


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

soyeah. I had a nightmare last night that we had to get scrubbed up for surgery and assist as our practical today and I did everything wrong

I think I'm going to go huddle in my room and knit until the anxiety goes away.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I was wondering. Does anyone have any signature powers or abilities that reappear in lots of dreams? I know when I was in college, I had a friend that told me about lucid dreams. He was practicing flying and tried to teach me. I'm pretty sure lucid dreaming never worked for me, and I only flew like once. I was especially trying because of my repressed lesbianism at the time (but that's another story).

But... I have been using telekinesis in dreams for like 10 years now. When I started using it, I wasn't that good and sometimes it wouldn't work. Now I'm really good and when I get in dangerous situations in dreams, that's always the move I go to. I don't even need to think about it - I just instinctively send something hurtling into the face of a monster. It's like my dream persona is a telekinesis master. There were a few other times I did things like fly or even stop time Hiro Nakamura style (That was SO cool) but its mostly just the telekinesis. And before you ask, I was doing this before I ever saw Heroes! lol.

Maybe it's because my dreams have been so scary and haunting for so long that I naturally developed this dream persona. Or maybe I just like to move things with my mind. I don't know, I guess it's pretty cool. Was just wondering if others have dream personas with unique abilities or characteristics.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I can always jump really high in my dreams, not fly but when I jump it usually feels like I'm flying. It's usually how I escape from anything though I don't know how super it is though. Once in a while I'll jump over something and it turns out there isn't any ground when I start coming back down which leads to a falling dream.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Nunu can levitatey fly. Also practices rudimentary mind control.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Does constantly ending up being chased by unseen monsters count? It's like I attract the goddamned things.

Other than that, I usually end up being the only one WITHOUT powers. Which is fairly annoying, but I spend enough time day-dreaming (and I get all the motherfuckin powers I want then, take that subconcious!) that it's not a big deal.

I should also mention that I've had night terrors since I was little, and I've trained myself not to remember most of my dreams because of it.
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Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

My dreams are much like some of the works of Anton Chekhov: rather anti-climactic. There's generally an overarching problem, whether it's having to perform in a play without any preparation or any line memorization, or maybe being attacked my some kind of alien. Then a solution presents itself. Then before I can implement the solution, either I wake up or the problem goes away on its own somehow.

Unnatural Kiwi

Sex Demon
May 6, 2011
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

If anything powerwise, it'd be "channel flipping". There's been times where I just bounce from one dream to the next or it "glitches" and merges dreams together that I've already went through, which can make for some interesting ones.

As for a recent dream, it appeared to be one of those boring dreams where it feels like a simple normal day in real life. However, as I went around town shopping and what not, there was one human like shape made of television static going about their business in every place I went interacting with others as if nothing is out of the ordinary. 'Course I never interacted with it myself in the dream. It made me wonder afterward what could have happened if I actually tried to talk to it or something.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a dream within a dream a few nights ago... Think there's a movie about that somewhere...

As for powers, when I was going to community college, I was having frequent dreams so vivid that when I think back, I'm not sure they were dreams at all... but, you can't really hover about a foot off the floor... can you?

Edit to keep from double posting: Just had a dream wherin there were carrots wearing karate uniforms and would hit people over the head whenever they (the people they're hitting) said anything stupid. We eventually enlisted their help to fight against a tyrannical government. I have no idea where that came from...
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Good grief, where do I start? It was one of those dreams you have after you fall back asleep and I only remember bits and pieces of it, but whatever the hell I was on, I'm not sure I want more of, heh.

I remember looking for this...orb or some sort of treasure, but the way we were going after it was strange. I was in this apartment and using this video game-like setup to dive the characters underwater to shoot at these fish that were circling around them. Had to shoot enough of the fish to find which one had the orb, I think. At the same time, you had to watch their oxygen level and pop up, which ran you the risk of losing the fish (as did hitting the wrong button and letting them chill on the surface in inner tubes and on the beach. Whoops.) And then I used different sort of lures to bring out this...goblin-imp thing that actually had the orb, only the apartment and the underwater scene were sort of juxtaposed, so I was using fish in the apartment. I catch the goblin, get the orb, and apparently also locked up in the apartment is this...abomination and it's keyed to a certain phrase. It's something bizarre, but the goblin thinks it's something else, so it tries to summon it out but it doesn't work. I also happen to know that it's especially keyed to my neighbor's daugther's voice and so I'm pleading with her to "Just stop talking" until I can figure out how to fight this thing. In the meantime, I head out of the apartment where my parents and the owner of the building are gutting the stuff out of another of the apartments and pretty much putting it out for a yard sale. The other apartment belonging to the mastermind behind all of this nastiness, mind you. So I go out to try to explain to my father what's going on, what we're dealing with and he's at this pedestal and someone's prompting him and all of sudden he starts quoting the phrase that'll turn the monster loose (all the while *ignoring* me) So I run back to the house, clear my friends out and then go back to bitch my father out for, basically, being a traitor. And we're talking full on bitch-out with table-flipping rage. I tumble everything off of the thing, including this guitar, which gets smashed underneath it and get yelled at for that and it turns into one of those "I don't care. What you just did is way worse" etc etc and so I'm storming back to the apartment (which I now somehow know belongs to me, so they can't do anything to it) and I'm walking along the sidewalk and there's phrases printed on it, one of which is the definition of "You're dead to me."

(Fun fact, for those that don't know: Copper's father is, in fact, deceased, and for him to show up in my dreams is bizarre enough. For him to not be an ally, so to speak, is even stranger. And add in the words and well...)

So I get back to the apartment and things are calm. Not exactly what I'm expecting for having a raging hell-beast-abomination running loose. So I finish clearing my friends out when this ape-like thing comes bounding down the stairs and rushes at me. I dodge, try and get a hand on it and go "Jacob! Jacob, it's okay!" and it's less hell-beastish and more just...deformed human. But that seems to get through to him and I get to see his origin story, which plays out like a f'ed up slasher movie. He thinks the bad guy is going to do something good for him and ends up chaining him into this bathtub full of chemical soup-type stuff AND operating on him at the same time until he turns into the abomination. Meantime, I suddenly realize that he and I are now flying and as he concludes his story, he thanks me for believing him and giving him a chance to do what he needed to do. I look over and written in the clouds is "Mistake" and he twists around and one of the wings he didn't have before is stitched over and he just plummets to the ground. I try to catch him, ease him down, and we're sort of having this 'not a monster' conversation.

Shortly after that, I woke up and went wtf? Bear in mind, too, there was also a side snippet with the X-men in it (Cyclops and Beast, I think. And I got to juxtapose with Rogue. Hence why I could fly after Jacob.) and a touch of the Utopia storyline from the comics (should mutants be confined to the island away from the humans.) I just remember the comment coming up that "Uh, these people know some of us can fly, right?"

So, yeah. The retelling isn't quite as coherent, but I really want to know what the hell my brain was thinking. Any takers? LOL