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ACT [Vosmug] Prisonkage

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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

The thing is, I'm of course not jerking off to guro, but I still enjoy it and ryona as a game format and would love to play through this regardless. I'm not talking about just dropping the H, but the post before it on not having bosses. It wasn't what he did, to me, but how he dropped it and apparently how he picks up ideas for games. As hentai game followers, we've heard every excuse in the book, and often we end up trying to interpret the words and some of us may have to translate it to being "he's just being lazy." But that's us trying to say the author is lazy. He literally said he's lazy and just doesn't want to work on it. Then just don't make something, if that's the case. And then that "mental state" comment after it? That's absolute crap, I'm sorry. Don't do anyone favors if you can't already do one for yourself
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

I can except guro games under 2 conditions.

1. They appeal at least a LITTLE to other fetishes, if ya know what I mean. (If anyone has a taboo turn-on, that's okay, I don't necessarily disrespect other fetishes, but I get my "kick" outta other sources, ....If ya know what I mean.)

2. They aren't a glitchy/ lazy/ unfun mess.

I know for a fact that this game is not lazy at all in the graphical level, or at least what I've seen of it. However, seeing as how my first condition just got thrown out the window, I'm a little iffy about downloading this game. I mean, I played Demonophobia, and didn't like it. Same with Xenophobia. But then I played splatter school,(which contains guro and H-content) and it ROCKED.
I guess what I'm looking for is a balance. I mean, look what this guy had for concept! ("Things… going… and contest TIME!!!!" on his blog) I would've played it If he kept it, but when you go to his blog, and look to the right and click "Game Descriptions" under "Game Developers" It becomes obvious that this guy does not share interests with my "kick". And therefore, I have lost interest.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Honestly, there is absolutely no point to this game whatsoever anymore. The game isn't really that difficult...so that Demonophobia-esque "game" feel is out of the window. The H-scenes are gone so the reasoning of having a, like papa said, "somewhat" sexy character is completely pointless.

So...in essence, this game is now only a 'let's see how f'd up we can get in killing this "somewhat" sexy character'. Thus, turning this into the game version of M. Night Shamaloolaloo's The Happening. And that movie sucked ass. So this game will suck ass...with a straw.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Honestly, there is absolutely no point to this game whatsoever anymore. The game isn't really that difficult...so that Demonophobia-esque "game" feel is out of the window. The H-scenes are gone so the reasoning of having a, like papa said, "somewhat" sexy character is completely pointless.

So...in essence, this game is now only a 'let's see how f'd up we can get in killing this "somewhat" sexy character'. Thus, turning this into the game version of M. Night Shamaloolaloo's The Happening. And that movie sucked ass. So this game will suck ass...with a straw.

I 100% agree with you , i was kind of interested after playing the demo but the -no more H- news killed it for me. I already "smelled" something when he said -no more bosses-, but that was still ok with me (np remove that, and maybe add more H stuff?) but now...i have no interest in seeing which weird way he'll find to decapitate/disembowel/smash/whatever her.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

This just now a good game for the fan of guro game, I am sad that the author stop its contained H but Prisonkage is always a good game.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

If I ever made a game, I'd either be all gore or all hentai, I don't like the mixing. Gorey things is great for a horror game where you want to make a bad decision really hurt, hentai obviously good for hentai. When you mix the two though, it just seems like you alienate too many people.

Finding a sweet spot is basically impossible for all but the most depraved of people honestly haha. Everybody has different limits for what they can tolerate and different limits for what they want to uhh..fantasize about.

I'm actually more likely to play this game now if it'll be purely a horror game over the mix. Just sit down and think of it as horror and not hentai and you can enjoy it if you like scary things. But it doesn't really belong on these forums too much anymore eh?
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Well that's why I thank the fictional lord that none of you have any study in psychology.

Looks well-made
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Well i am really sad that he had to drop the hentai content...
I mean i am not fan of guro but with hentai content it will attract more people to play the game than having a girl which whenever touch an enemy split guts etc.

Personal i am kinda ok with guro but games like pure guro ryona etc doesnt attract me that much :(

I really hope he rethink hes work cause the sprites and what was released so far on the demo was kinda enjoyable.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

So,this guy just killed this game for 90% of people here....i do not know whatever that is a bold or a really stupid move...Probably the later one.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Someone mentioned this game no longer needing to be listed under hentai games.

So... can we get rid of it?
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

If the author changes his mind again, you never know :D.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Ok then can we just stop talking about it? If people who like this kind of game want updates they should just bookmark his page, but for now let's let this thread die.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Does anyone know how to pass the Ceiling Axe?
I found this game pretty interesting to play for the slight challenge. I say slight since it doesn't take much to memorize the dangers except for that Ceiling Axe, that thing is murder to figure out
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

In B4.

Have a tit-hugger latch onto her and toss it into the area just before the pendulum swings. Tit-hugger gets chopped, you survive.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

In B4.

Have a tit-hugger latch onto her and toss it into the area just before the pendulum swings. Tit-hugger gets chopped, you survive.

Dang it. I KNEW IT!! Thanks for telling me:)
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Man didnt expect this to come back and haunt me. Literally dove into my bookmarks and came across vosmug again. Tried out the demo and its pretty much an HD demonophobia but i still cant get past the first spike even when walking over it. At least i got to see the only h scenes but none the less imagination with gore is always good in my book.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

How long does it take for a post to be considered a necro? I thought the artist switched back to hentai-gore.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Naw apparantly he wants all guro this one and the next one all hentai since people wont stop telling him off. Hey its the maker and he has the final decision but man has the comments stopped and the ones before would reach 30 or so in a week.

*Update* Hes going to release an updated demo soon with all the changes he mentioned before(ala no hentai).
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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Apparently the new demo is up.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

I like this MUCH more than demonophobia (not just for the fact that it has sound AND music and the whole heart monitor thing), but also because its not lolicon (though the giant uterus/vagina boss in demonophobia that makes her rub and touch herself in an almost hypnotic/consenting lusty manner is to say, unforgettable) and the little tentacle guys that live in her cleavage :D
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