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ACT [Vosmug] Prisonkage

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Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Theres an update and bad news its now a gore only game.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Theres an update and bad news its now a gore only game.

Damn. I really had hopes for this one, too. Oh well, another game I can stop following.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Yeah...consider my interest in this game pretty well dead. :rolleyes::(
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I am alive - and I'm abandoning this game as well. LAAAAAAAAAAAAME... I'm going to start making some sprites as a side hobby when I'm not playing around on Kong, working, trying to balance my unstable budget, or playing KotOR. Maybe someone who knows how to program will see this, become interested, and some months/years down the road we'll have a big enough collection of sprites alone to bomb the f*** out of this shit.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Whilst I appreciate his reasons, I wonder if he actually expects the change to acheive anything much. It's not like by losing the overt H-Material the game is going to suddenly pick up mass-market appeal, or be of any worth on his CV or anything.

Mostly it sounds like he's not in a good place right now. Sounds like it would probably be a lot healthier to put the game to one side entirely, to be honest.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Shame... he's a good artist with fluid animations. He mentioned the vague possibility of a pure-hentai game in the future. Not getting my hopes up much but I do hope to see it someday down the line. I think he'd make a great H game.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

I can completely understand him, its a bit weird to get turned on by something right before getting your body sawed in two, for instance. Plus its more difficult to plan any story for a game if you have to explain why stuff "fucks" the heroine, and others just straight up kill her.

Either way, I hope hes finally firm in his decision.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Am disappoint.

I feel this was a poor post but i really don't have much to say, i liked the animation, and i may play a pirated version of this, but most likely wont, a pure gore e just doesn't have much appeal to me. I think splatter school mixed the two just fine.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Now it really IS Demonophobia without lolis.

I can respect the creator deciding to stay true to his vision and not bowing to pressure. Maybe if he sees enough support for his idea of a pure hentai game, he'll decide to go forward with that in the future.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

is a shame but another dead project for ppl who likes H i saw a lot of future in this one. oh well
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Mostly it sounds like he's not in a good place right now. Sounds like it would probably be a lot healthier to put the game to one side entirely, to be honest.

Couldn't agree more...sounds like his mental state is in tatters for whatever reason. Or at very least he's extremely indecisive.

I can completely understand him, its a bit weird to get turned on by something right before getting your body sawed in two, for instance. Plus its more difficult to plan any story for a game if you have to explain why stuff "fucks" the heroine, and others just straight up kill her.

Either way, I hope hes finally firm in his decision.

I personally don't understand it a bit...it's easy to explain it...some things like killing some things like fucking.:rolleyes: Either way, he's substantially lowering his potential player base by getting rid of the hentai but I guess you do what you what to do in the end.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Oh well, skipping this then.

It's a damn shame.

Kinda dumb to have a demo with hentai in it to then change the game.

Whatever. I'm mad.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Yeah hiiii, I'd like to cancel a service on my club membership....

...the reason?

Choppy bits instead of seeing tits....

Seriously, I am disappointed....
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

I personally don't understand it a bit...it's easy to explain it...some things like killing some things like fucking.:rolleyes: Either way, he's substantially lowering his potential player base by getting rid of the hentai but I guess you do what you what to do in the end.

Probably just the thrill of an enemy being completely fatal murder scene or a sexy H scene treat or even both <3. Just adds to the tension of the unknown.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Never make a game all alone if one is not motivated. This is what happens without motivation. But it's still a good gore game really better than demonophobia.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

NO hentai?....

none whatsoever....?

..................................NONE AT ALL?

Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

NO hentai?....

none whatsoever....?

..................................NONE AT ALL?


No friend, cockCHOPPED!
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Sorry, I'm gonna join the minority here with I don't understand him and disagree with the reasons. Sounds really lazy to me, and doesn't seem like he's really going to get finished with this game, unless it's something he just settles on by cutting more corners in the future, so that hentai game that he "may" do after this is finished? I don't know.. call me when that's out? Which probably won't be ever or important enough for me to care anymore, both in quality, and because I'll probably so old, my dick won't work anymore.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

Gonna have to join the crowd that's droppin' this game due to the no-H factor. I'm not into guro. Never have been. I took this game as a case of 'avoid the guro stuff, try to get to the good bits' as a kind of 'rewarding GOR' aspect of sorts. Buuut if it's gonna be gore-only, then I see little point in me playing a game that frustrates me with gory body explosions and tricky gameplay that has no reward for the efforts save for a 'well, at least I got through it'.
Re: Vosmug: Demonophobia WITHOUT lolis

The intense kill me vs rape me setting that games like this should create is no longer there.

What is the point of having a (somewhat) sexy character with a very voluptuous body trotting around this "PrisonKage" and the only thing that could happen to her is die?

I'm not a guro fan, but I would have played this for the hentai. The animations were looking solid, the sound was good, and I liked the tearing of clothes.

Lazy? Definitely. I doubt this game is going to be finished and even if it does, it won't be as much of a hit. Hentai games in general kick but don't start.

The good ones are way too far between and everything else mixed in the middle is in some way or the other, just not up to par.

Personally, I hope this game falls flat on it's ugly face.

If I remember correctly, the demo ends in an area where there is another girl trapped or something? I'd love to see what they do from that point forward and keep the game interesting. May as well dress her up and possibly make her younger. This game lost all it's spark.

Something Extra: Some may say, "Well... what the fuck Papanomics? You don't pay for this? You're bitching about free shit!" Well while I didn't plan on paying for "PrisonKage" itself, I do purchase games to show some support to the developers when I can afford it. I don't want to single any people out in specific, but obviously Kurovadis I was more than happy to purchase, as well as some Cherry Point games, Monster Girl Quest and even Roninsong's Ai-Subeki and Eddy Bear games. Just to name a few; Shit... I even gave Toonpimp money once.
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