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Viridi (Fox and Frog)



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Apr 28, 2019
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25586 Violet giggled a little bit, nuzzling himself up to Ylva. "You where? What for?" His innocent smile betrayed that he guessed it might have been a treat for her good, obedient little fox female.
"But if you where an adventure then you'd leave me behind and I'd be bored again! No, you can't do that," Violet hugged his mistress tightly. That's right, Ylva wouldn't want to leave her cute little girly-fox alone...
Nuzzling up to Ylva's chest Violet offered, "Maybe there is something I can do to make money?"

A short time later, Ylva had taken the pot over to the blacksmith. The grizzled one-eyed man sat over his forge hammering away with the rhythmic 'clink clink clink, tssssssssh' of him working what seemed to be a set of nails. "Oy, who's there?" He thrust the nails in the cooling waters and tottered up, "Blasted boy," He grumbled stumbling to the counter. That's right, usually Kennith the assistant would have greeted Ylva, but he didn't seem to be anywhere around.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
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Jan 21, 2016
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"Could take you along, silly fox.. although we'd have to work on your stealthyness.. a lot."
She silenced her fox-pet with a firm slap on her bottom. Of course she wouldn't leave the nice thing. Had grown quite attached to it's cute-clingy ways.
"Don't worry about it, I'll just have to work harder.. and you can soothe me afterwards."
She determined, departing from her pet with a slight smile on her lips.

"Kennith sleeping on the job?"
She chuckled.. she didn't really want to chat much with the grumpy smith though..
"Anyway, got some repairs for you.." She nodded futily waving off some water-vapors hissing a bit too close to her face.


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Apr 28, 2019
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With a soft yip followed by a gentle moan, Violet seemed to accept the slap on the butt, "Yes mistress." He half giggled, if Ylva peeked around front she might glimpse the fox-sluts skirt rising just a bit under the trapped shaft.


"Blasted boy's run off," The smith roughly grabbed the pot from Ylva, giving it a good eye over, clinking it a few times with his knuckle. "Shouldn't take me but an afternoon," He sighed putting the pot down, "Your his friend right? That no good assistant, tell you what. You find him give him a good smack around for making an old man do the work of two... I wont charge ya..." He grinned slyly.

[I'm assuming you agree, if not then ignore the rest of this post :p]

"Wonderful!" He laughed heartily, "Last I saw of the little bastard he was stumbling off, drunk as a skunk! You're a tracker, found that little fox-girl, shouldn't be too hard to find a good for nothin' assistant." He waved Ylva off, wondering to the back, getting to work on her pot.

[Roll for tracking, and stealth if you want it.]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Hmn.. boy for a pot, feel like there's a joke here I'm not seeing.. but sounds like a good deal, I'll take a look.. just don't complain if I find him asleep under a tree or whatnot."
She shrugged and grinned. Was better than handing over furs!

Either way, Ylva nodded, following the smiths directions to... well it was a bit of troublesome work following drunk human footprints among others.. it'd be easier if he'd wandered off into the wildernis.

(rolled a d20, 8 to track, 9 for stealth so not too efficent..


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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Outside of the smiths hut the village was already bustling... well bustling for the small village at least. However, with the recent rains, the dirt path that made up the central street seemed to hold onto footprints nicely! Meaning Ylva was still able to follow the trail of footprints as they dumbly stumbled around, first jiving toward the town center but then heading backward, into the woods.
Once the tracks lead into the woods they seemed to be leading in a pretty consistent direction... if Ylva thought back she might realize this was the same direction that she had first found Violet in!
Drawing deeper into the pine forest she might notice a few things: first Kenneth's tail was getting more erratic, wandering all over the place; second things had grown.... oddly quiet.

Ahead Ylva could just make out two figures, what's more, they seemed to be standing right where Kenneth's tracks ended! The first was a human-looking girl, golden hair, big melons, and one of the skimpiest outfits Ylva had ever seen. She had a few purple markings on her exposed skin, her outfit almost drawing the eye to the marks.
The second was another were-creature, this one a cat... no, a rabbit... a cabbit? Whatever she was she wear very tight leather and had a whip at her waist.

Seems Ylva wasn't quite enough in her approach as the cabbit lady glances over in her direction. "Oh, have we found ourselves another little stray, my my what a cute one too!" She licked her lips, touching the whip at her side.
"She seems to be a warrior sister," The blond nodded in Ylva's direction, "I'm sure with a little, loving, she'll be willing to serve our master." She grinned.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Weird.. why'd he go so far into the woods.."
Ylva mused, to no one but herself. Briefly, she wondered if her buddy had been lured by a cute fox-boy himself.. if yes, she grinned inwardly at the potential.. suprise for him. She briefly imagined Violet in charge of him..

Kenneths trail was.. odd.. first straight, alright, he had a destination but now.. was he getting drunk on the way, perhaps?
Then, Ylva ran into two girls. Not too dissimilar to Violet, the foxgirl, actually. More of the masters servants, perchance?
An exposed, kind of slutty looking mostly human girl and a more dangerous, domineering looking .. cabbit. Well, Ylva would have to do some questioning, it seemed.

It also seemed she'd underestimated these two's hearing.
"Loving hmn.. are you perchance friends of Violet?"
She asked, subtly resting a hand on her axe again and glancing from one to the other. The slutty one seemed more reasonable, almost.
"No.. wait,.. the more important question is, where's Kenneth?"
She nodded, narrowing her eyes...


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Apr 28, 2019
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The slut had a dull amused look on her face, taking a few steps closer to Ylva. "Mmmmh, yes, good tender, mind-melting loving." She drew a little heart in the air and blew a kiss at Ylva.

"Wait, do you know where the runt ran off to?" The cabbit interrupted the conversation.

"Dear sister, it seems that she wants the boy we caught," the slut nudged the cabbit, using her whole body, making sure to slip the cabbit's leathery arm right between her breasts. "Would you like to meet him?" the slut softly giggled.

The cabbit turned her hand, grabbing the sluts pussy, causing the former to gasp and writhe under her grip. "If 'Kenneth' is that drunk we found, then ya, we got 'em. Question is, why would you bring up pretty little Violet? Master was real worried 'bout him running off like that."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Ylva tilted her head and listened to the two lewd gals.. and drew her axe. "You know, this is a good fit. wolves.. bears.. the things you can hunt in these woods are honestly not much of a challenge."
She nodded, raising her axe. "Which of you would you say Violet liked more? .. I'm asking because I feel I'll have to resolve this with one less of you alive and I wouldn't want her to get upset."
Seemed there was some things Violet hadn't told her. Had always blocked about the past.. by being very cute.

"I mean, you could also tell me what you started with Kenneth, right now if you don't want to get that started in your direction.."
She mused, giving a threatening grin to the two.. She'd propably leave the playful slutty one alive, smack down the whip-wielder, yeah.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25655 The duo looked to each other, letting a long moment hang in the air as they pondered what to make of the hunter with an ax. "Ok," the cabbit cheerfully intoned, "If you wanna play, they let's play." she cracked her whip against the ground, making a dull thud on the muddy ground.

"Mmmmh, well if you must know, I think Violet liked whoever indulged her the most..." the slutty one giggled as she hopped back, seemingly allowing Ylva and the Cabbit to duke it out.

"So cutie, you wanna play the hard way? I'll make sure to be really gentle when I start breaking that cute little rump in," The cabbit mused, drawing a finger up from her leather-covered crotch all the way up to her puffy lips, the whip hanging dully from one hand!

Currently, you're in a lightly wooded area! The cabbit dominatrix is about 7 meters away, the ground is a bit slippery, but nothing that would slow down Ylva too much.

[You'll need an attack roll]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Does sound like her.."
Although, Ylva felt like she'd had something special with the foxboy..

And then, Ylva charged forwards, growling, with an amused grin, lifting her axe high in an obvious strike.. only to stop right before she reached the cabbit. "Kidding"
She noted, reversing her grip and driving the shaft of her axe into the furry girls sternum. "Only gonna get worse from here, until I get some answers."
She declared, hefting her axe in a strong stance...


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25656 As Ylva dashed through the mud, the cabbit quickly lashed out a counter-attack with her whip rippling through the air, but snapping futilely in the air near Ylva! The cabbit was wide open, her eyes suddenly wide with terror as the ax came sailing towards her, she squeaked, before receiving the butt of the ax to gut.

The girl was driven back, slipping in the mud as she fell to the ground gasping for air. "Hmfk... Luckly... huff... shot..." The Cabbit stumbled to her feet, looking a bit defiant at Ylva. She coiled her whip, reading the second attack.

"Oh my," The slut softly giggled, "Sister, you'd better be ready for the next one!" She smiled.

This time the cabbit seemed to go on the offensive, her paws finding purchase in the mud as she bolted toward Ylva, her hands drawing back and snapping the whip suddenly in a low arc headed right for Ylva's feet!


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"You don't learn do you.. I could have cut you but didn't.. mainly because you fight fairly one on one and.. woah!"
She mieeped a little, half lifting her axe but not expecting a whipping around the feet, which did curl up good, unbalancing her! Stumbling, but unable to free herself she tried to grab at her lewd attacker...


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25664 "What was that, slut," The cabbit giggled, yanking on her whip. All the good it did was pull the two closer together, clearly she had expected Ylva to lose her footing as she had a concerned look on her face, watching the axe.
The slut stepped forward. "Hmmmm, I think that's enough dearest sister... Master always told you that whips are for instilling pleasure, not fighting."
If not harried by Ylva, the Cabbit would drop her whip, backing away. "Fine, you win," She sulked off.
"Now, if you'll forgive my rash little sister, maybe I can answer a few questions?" The slut smiled, "I'll start with the most obvious. Your cute little friend, Kenneth? We lured him out last night, master required a replacement for Violet after the troublesome cutie went missing. He is with master now."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Ylva growled.. but also planted her foot heavily.. "I'm not a fragile girl, you know.."
She nodded, lifting her axe..
"I see.. so what's your master doing with Kenneth.. and how come Violet appeared in this forest anyway.. ran off?

Anyway-anyway, Kenneth is a bit of a doofus but a friend. I'll need him back. .. oh and to be clear, I'm fully prepared to kick your masters butt, if I have to."

She clariefied.. she should have figured something like the cute fox-boy wouldn't come without a price. Of course trading one for the other was not an option, not unless Violet -really- wanted to go back, so she'd need to do some.. convincing. At least the scantily dressed one seemed decently reasonable.. so she lowered her axe, but kept it drawn as a clear gesture, exhaling a little.. she'd just gotten into the fun adrenaline of the fight and it was already over?

"By what I gathered, Violet didn't like sticking around with this master."
She hinted, carefully.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25669 "Clearly," The cabbit spat, as she ungraciously retreated.

Giving the bound girl a pat on the bottom the slut simply smiled. "Mmmmh, well I don't know exactly what master might be doing, but when you consider my dear sister and violet where once fleshy humans, well I think you can imagine... Violet, has always been a bit of a free spirit hmmm. Seems master gave her a bit to much freedom, and not enough to do, so yes she ran off... I am to assume that you'd like to keep Violet as well? Hmmmm, I don't know if that will work..." The slut raised a single finger to her lips letting out a long hmmmmm. "Maybe you'd like to take Kenneth's place! Master did want a stronger slave this time," She smiled.

"In any case, sister and I are returning to master now, we'd plan to get rid of the tracks, but it seems that might not be necessary any more. You may join us, willingly of course."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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'"So a strange wizard that likes dabbling in animal-human morphs.. You can't have Kenneth though."
Cute as Violet was. "I ain't taking no one's place. .. and I'm sure I can convince this master figure... with me axe if I have to."
She nodded, and flexed, hefting her axe upon her shoulder. Part of her thought that Violet ought to come with.. or at least explain a few things about this master, perhaps that was smarter.. but she was impulsive, and figured Violet didn't want to return either way..

"So you are this masters sex-slaves, huh?"
She inquired, before they were along far.


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Apr 28, 2019
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62250a1538e05964dd4bd82bcfefea21.jpg "Ahhh... yes, master dabbles in the arts," the slut decided with a docile grin. The trio started walking shortly after, the cabbit leading the way silently well the slut and Ylva were free to talk. "Sex slave," the slut looked almost hurt by the accusation, "I'm not sure what Violet's told you, but we're all quite willing. As for sex, it's only natural to enjoy your creations, isn't it?" She giggled. Her hand lightly running up Ylva's bottom. "Your form is... impressive," She smiled, "I'd quite enjoy getting to... know you a bit better." Ylva could feel a slight giddiness as the slut ran her hand along her body, a dull throbbing at best, but noticeable all the same.

Not overly far from where they had started the cabbit stopped suddenly, pulling on a branch of a nearby tree. A simmering dissolving sheet fluttered in the air, filling it with the scent of ozone, as behind the sheet a humongous hollowed-out redwood tree now stood before them. "Well, come on in" the cabbit grunted hefting open the large front door. Inside was a well-furnished sitting room, with a set of stairs spiraling up the trunk to higher floors, and a small peek of stares going down. 79dc5734d8f7dfe58a3d973dc7ebe26d.jpeg

Probably the most noticeable feature of the room was the woman sitting on a stump of a stool. Her emerald eyes meeting Ylva's as soon as she entered the room. She had bronzed skin to match those eyes, with long black locks pulled into a ponytail. At first, the sizable breasts tucked under a tight-fitting cloth strip might make Ylva question why Violet, the slut, and cabbit referred to this woman as 'master'... but one glance between the woman's legs would put aside any questions there.

"Welcome," She woman smiled, "Kat, why don't you go downstairs, and keep our new friend company. Elayne, fetch us something to drink." She quickly barked to the cabbit and slut. The cabbit disappearing quickly downstairs, and the slut going up.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Ylva followed, with a vary eye on her new aqauintances. "If you are all that happy, then why do you need to abduct people and why would Violet run away?"
She contered... and then the lewd .. creation groped her bottom. She gave her a good glare, not sure if she should feel complimented or angry at the lewd thing.
"Hoi! Just what do you think you're doing..."
Although, despite the situation her anger couldn't really stick, she felt a little.. playful relaxed, almost.. must have been her imagination.. but she did sheathe her axe, carrying it around all the time got exhausting..

She blinked at the secret dissolving entrance-thing.. Magic. And guessing by the tree, a nature mage.. she was not that close to the village, but also not that far out either.. and she'd never noticed this...

And there was a woman.. was she the master...? Couldn't be.. or could it? "So you are this.. master hmn? I'll be taking Kenneth back home with me."
She stated calmly, crossing her arms and staring down the green-eyed mage with determination!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25773 The sluts smile grew thinner as Ylva questioned her, her eyes still wide and half asleep as she answered, "Just because you have to be convinced to do something, doesn't mean you aren't glad you've done it, no?" She reached out a hand and gently stroked Ylva's cheek, her smile regaining the soft dreamy qualities it had before. She was becoming increasingly more hands-y with Ylva, especially after the girl failed to back up her denial with any sort of physical threat. "Mmmh? you don't like it?" She stopped suddely, leaving Ylva with nothing but a dull empty tickle. Maybe a small ember of desire for the slut to touch her once more, but easily resisted.

A playful smirk flashed across the master's face, "Is that so? How do you suppose you'll do that?" She slouched back on the stump, pulling one knee up a little bit. "I'm rather fond of my newest pet, so I'm not so sure I'd want to just hand him over because you asked nicely."
By this time the slut, Elyane, had returned from the upstairs, carrying a small platter with one kettle and two cups. Deftly she poured the first cup, setting it before the master. She took a sip, "Quite fine, Eylane. You've improved."
With the tray in one hand, the kettle in the other, she poured the second cup. Offering it to Ylva with a soft wordless smile.
She'd find it to be a strong black tea, with hints of vanilla and lemon. No traces of the bitterness that came with overheating or overstepping it! After a few seconds, Ylva could feel a cool breeze spreading throughout her body, refreshing her, but also building up a strang presser right on her labia... she'd feel the strange burning desire to sate herself! [d20, DC 13 or for the rest of the scene Ylva is horny]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"I don't do philosophy. Too much thinking is bad for the brain. You only got so many thoughts and when you use them all up early.. you're in trouble."
She adviced the slutty one... she did hesitate ever so slightly with the slutty ones close-up touchyness.. but remained silent. She had a Keeneth to rescue, and a weird mistress to confront!

Talking about.
"Several ways. I could beat your shit up. Drinking contest. Arm wrestling. Although not gonna lie, Beating up's my favourite."
She scratched the back of her head.
"Bitch I don't ask nicely."
She nodded, pointed with her axe, demonstratively. "He's my friend, I need him for pot.
Seriously, how else am I gonna get my pot-fix from? Do you know how expensive that stuff is?"

She shrugged, then stared at, before sniffing on the tea.

"Doesn't smell like booze.. also..."
She put down the teacup, then lifted her axe, before slamming it down upon the table in the middle of the room.. getting it stuck proper and good before, with some effort, tugging it back out..
".. that was supposed to cut the thing in half, to intimidate you.. Anywhoo. Don't mistake this for a negotiation, just 'cause I haven't started knockin' heads or something yet. I'll be leaving with Kenneth, you'll not bother us, or you can ask her how fighting me went for your whip bunny."