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[WIP - Full] Virgin's Protection Magic Translation (v 0.82 released 23/07/2017)

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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Not as much progress as I'd like to report, honestly. That can be largely blamed on Persona 5, which for those who haven't played it, is an excellent hybrid of visual novel, JRPG, an Arsene Lupin novel, Psychonauts and Pokemon. It's also big. I'm nearly 50 hours in and I'm probably just over the halfway mark.

Those darn videogames.
If this persona 5 is responsible for delaying our long awaited VPM update, then i am really going to hate it. I am filing a complaint to the developers. Or better start an angry mob with pitchforks and torches. Who's with me?
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Well, I'm in what I assume is the endgame of P5 now. I'm quite happy that I managed to grasp about 2/3rds of the major twist before it happened (which I won't go into here, because spoilers), but seriously, wow. The remaining 1/3rd that I didn't spot ahead of time was insidiously done. And the way it all comes together really is quite special. Some real masterful storytelling there.

Normal VPM service should resume next week, I guess. I should at least have an idea of how many corrections I need to make. As a very rough estimate, the next release will be late May if I can't get one of the Robotrans features to work, and mid May if I can (The feature in question is related to doing some autocorrections; not sure if I've got a plan to implement it or not).

(I probably will New Game+ P5 as well, but I won't spend as much time on it. It's definitely a game that deserves a New Game+, especially now that I know some of the later skills for the Confidants - Fortune and Temperance are especially potent for timesaving, which is always critical in Persona games.)
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Well, I'm in what I assume is the endgame of P5 now. I'm quite happy that I managed to grasp about 2/3rds of the major twist before it happened (which I won't go into here, because spoilers), but seriously, wow. The remaining 1/3rd that I didn't spot ahead of time was insidiously done. And the way it all comes together really is quite special. Some real masterful storytelling there.

Normal VPM service should resume next week, I guess. I should at least have an idea of how many corrections I need to make. As a very rough estimate, the next release will be late May if I can't get one of the Robotrans features to work, and mid May if I can (The feature in question is related to doing some autocorrections; not sure if I've got a plan to implement it or not).

(I probably will New Game+ P5 as well, but I won't spend as much time on it. It's definitely a game that deserves a New Game+, especially now that I know some of the later skills for the Confidants - Fortune and Temperance are especially potent for timesaving, which is always critical in Persona games.)

Normally i would say "hey wheres the patch?" but since your spending your time in such a great game theres nothing to blame ;) just enjoy it mate!
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Well, I'm in what I assume is the endgame of P5 now. I'm quite happy that I managed to grasp about 2/3rds of the major twist before it happened (which I won't go into here, because spoilers), but seriously, wow. The remaining 1/3rd that I didn't spot ahead of time was insidiously done. And the way it all comes together really is quite special. Some real masterful storytelling there.

Normal VPM service should resume next week, I guess. I should at least have an idea of how many corrections I need to make. As a very rough estimate, the next release will be late May if I can't get one of the Robotrans features to work, and mid May if I can (The feature in question is related to doing some autocorrections; not sure if I've got a plan to implement it or not).

(I probably will New Game+ P5 as well, but I won't spend as much time on it. It's definitely a game that deserves a New Game+, especially now that I know some of the later skills for the Confidants - Fortune and Temperance are especially potent for timesaving, which is always critical in Persona games.)

Plus, all your mental stats carry over in NG+, so you don't need to spend time training.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

OK, I completed Persona 5, so normal service will resume shortly. Plan is to get the tools working this week, and then do the quality check. For those who have come in late, the quality check is necessary to make sure that critical issues, such as potential crashes, line overflow, special characters not working correctly etc. are addressed. I should be able to get a more definite idea of how long the QC'ing will take once I've started it, so check back in a week.

Plus, all your mental stats carry over in NG+, so you don't need to spend time training.

While I probably shouldn't carry on the Persona 5 discussion, it's fun so why not. I was very relieved when I saw this on the things carried over list, because gameplay wise the lack of communication on mental stats is P5's biggest issue. As opposed to EXP/Levels, where there's a clear idea of where you should be at any given point in the game, and how much effort is needed to advance, the mental stats have none of it. Heck, unless you consult an FAQ, you won't even know what you're advancing towards: I remember being denied to talk to a character until I had "Dauntless Guts", but that doesn't tell me how many stat levels I need (i.e. do I need Level 3, 4, or 5 Guts), and I didn't see any way of seeing how close you are to the next mental stat level up.

Anyhow, other than that minor foible, and some possible translations issues due to multiple translators (Sojiro has a line "Everyone calls me Boss", but up until that point, no-one has called him that. Morgana used Chief a few times though...), P5 is an excellent game, with all the best things you could want in an RPG: Style, Charm, Excellent Storytelling, a Great Soundtrack and a neat little ending to tie up the story. I'd easily put it as the best RPG I've played in the last ten years - beyond that technical limitations make judging stuff difficult.

And I think that despite the social stats issue messing me around a bit, I did pretty well for a first run. I managed to max all but two of the Confidants, so I'm happy about that. Although a minor thing did occur to me after the ending and achievements... What's with the 0.3% of people who beat the final dungeon but didn't watch the ending?
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

OK, I completed Persona 5, so normal service will resume shortly. Plan is to get the tools working this week, and then do the quality check. For those who have come in late, the quality check is necessary to make sure that critical issues, such as potential crashes, line overflow, special characters not working correctly etc. are addressed. I should be able to get a more definite idea of how long the QC'ing will take once I've started it, so check back in a week.

While I probably shouldn't carry on the Persona 5 discussion, it's fun so why not. I was very relieved when I saw this on the things carried over list, because gameplay wise the lack of communication on mental stats is P5's biggest issue. As opposed to EXP/Levels, where there's a clear idea of where you should be at any given point in the game, and how much effort is needed to advance, the mental stats have none of it. Heck, unless you consult an FAQ, you won't even know what you're advancing towards: I remember being denied to talk to a character until I had "Dauntless Guts", but that doesn't tell me how many stat levels I need (i.e. do I need Level 3, 4, or 5 Guts), and I didn't see any way of seeing how close you are to the next mental stat level up.

Anyhow, other than that minor foible, and some possible translations issues due to multiple translators (Sojiro has a line "Everyone calls me Boss", but up until that point, no-one has called him that. Morgana used Chief a few times though...), P5 is an excellent game, with all the best things you could want in an RPG: Style, Charm, Excellent Storytelling, a Great Soundtrack and a neat little ending to tie up the story. I'd easily put it as the best RPG I've played in the last ten years - beyond that technical limitations make judging stuff difficult.

And I think that despite the social stats issue messing me around a bit, I did pretty well for a first run. I managed to max all but two of the Confidants, so I'm happy about that. Although a minor thing did occur to me after the ending and achievements... What's with the 0.3% of people who beat the final dungeon but didn't watch the ending?

Finally the day its getting closer :D im glad u enjoy persona 5 :) now let us enjoy ur translation :p
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

The most important question is: who did you make your girlfriend?
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

The Christmas cake is the only real answer.

Personally, I chose Sadayo on my first playthrough and Ichiko on my second. If I go for a third, I'm definitely going with Haru. I wasn't really expecting much from Haru, but she's actually become my favorite gal in the game.

So as to not make this comment completely off topic, glad to see things are progressing nicely and I wish you the best of luck.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Progress update: tools can now write patches which aren't modified too much. So some progress, but not enough. The slow progress comes from the fact I have no idea what I'm doing here, and detecting/writing modifications to the patch while preserving things which aren't modified turns out to be surprisingly difficult. It would be much easier to just rewrite the entire patch, but then this could obliterate some user content which doesn't follow some fairly precise rules, which I'd rather not do. I'm trying to do some SQL-fu to make this easier, but SQL is not my area of expertise.

The most important question is: who did you make your girlfriend?

Ann. There wasn't a huge amount of thought behind this mind, although the game does seem at times to push Ann as the "true" pairing (e.g. she has the most appearances in anime cutscenes, or the protagonist staring at her on multiple occasions), my choice basically came down the fact that lines such as the following

At the posh lunch buffet - probably slightly misremembered
Protagonist: "How are we doing for time?"
Ann: "Oh no! Just fifty minutes left! I need to eat my way through the entire desert menu!"

really cracked me up. Shooting down some of the other characters - notably Haru and Futaba - wasn't as fun though. I'll also mention that the other confidant that was very fun for me was Sojiro. A surprisingly heartwarming chain of events.

As Kawakami (Sadayo - her first name isn't used that much in the game; I had to look this up!) was mentioned though, I may as well add the following: I think the game could have gone without the Kawakami romance, or at least not in the form it's presented. Culture gaps aside, there's a whole lot in the Kawakami confidant stuff which isn't particularly comfortable. To me a lot of it came off as a somewhat exploitative teacher/student relationship, and while which party is the exploitative one is changed, it's uncomfortably close to the exploitative teacher/student relationships surrounding the first villain, Kamoshida. Of course, other people will have different opinions, and it's not an exact apples-to-apples comparison with regard to consent. But yeah, not exactly my cup of tea.
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

The most important question is: who did you make your girlfriend?

Damn, you guys are mentally strong, I caved, couldnt resist Ann, Clinic Chick, Teacher or Makoto. I heard it messes up some stuff if u do multi romance, so damn. I am still only at the place after hawai.

OT: I am looking forward to this, been holding off on this game for long =P
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Damn, you guys are mentally strong, I caved, couldnt resist Ann, Clinic Chick, Teacher or Makoto. I heard it messes up some stuff if u do multi romance, so damn. I am still only at the place after hawai.

OT: I am looking forward to this, been holding off on this game for long =P

There's only one real downside, well aside from any guilt you might feel anyway, and that is that instead of having a romantic Valentine's Day with one of them, they all show up at the same time and, realizing you were cheating on them, they beat you up.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

The last time i played this the translated part is till chapter 3 and still eager to finish the game.

Keep up the good work.,
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

As Kawakami (Sadayo - her first name isn't used that much in the game; I had to look this up!) was mentioned though, I may as well add the following: I think the game could have gone without the Kawakami romance, or at least not in the form it's presented. Culture gaps aside, there's a whole lot in the Kawakami confidant stuff which isn't particularly comfortable. To me a lot of it came off as a somewhat exploitative teacher/student relationship, and while which party is the exploitative one is changed, it's uncomfortably close to the exploitative teacher/student relationships surrounding the first villain, Kamoshida. .

Mild spoilers here, but apparently she decides to put things on hold until after you graduate, if you go for her.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Since this has devolved into P5 thread ... does it get any better? I watched the first 30 min of a lets play and quit, cause the intro bit was super stupid lol
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Since this has devolved into P5 thread ... does it get any better? I watched the first 30 min of a lets play and quit, cause the intro bit was super stupid lol

Personally, I found the game amazing, certainly not perfect, but amazing. The game is mostly a blend of JRPG, Visual Novel, and Life Sim style gameplay. If that doesn't sound like something you'd enjoy, it may just not be a game for you, then. To each their own.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Well i enjoyed 3/4 alot, but the start of 5 with its major crime plot seemed so far from 3/4 that it was like ... eeh wtf am i watching? how is this a persona game? Lol ... but i guess i can skip forward a few videos and see if i like it :p
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Since this has devolved into P5 thread ... does it get any better? I watched the first 30 min of a lets play and quit, cause the intro bit was super stupid lol

It will get better but its really long game and the prologue take you for like more than 3 hours or so. It will be boring to watch if you don't know anything about the game. And I think its better to play it too than just watch lets play.

If you can't play p5 try p3 or p4 first because they are both are in ps2 and you can use emulator (except p3p in psp and p4g in vita).

p1 and p2 got different style than those 3 games and more like traditional dungeon crawling without the visual novel+life sim.

if you still don't like the game after trying it then maybe its just not your cup of tea. Or maybe p1/p2 and SMT are more of yourstyle.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

OK, I think I'm going to have to step in and ask that this thread doesn't become a general purpose Persona 5 thread. There's better places to ask questions about the game than here. That being said, there is something I'd like to point out here which is an interesting aside on consent, consequence, and character/player reactions, which is one of the things that does come up from time-to-time in H-games (in fact, it's one of the things that I do actively dislike in H-games, including to a degree, VPM).

Mild spoilers here, but apparently she decides to put things on hold until after you graduate, if you go for her.

The major issue with the Kawakami relationship stuff isn't the student/teacher dynamic, but the implied exploitative elements, as well as how the protagonist reacts to these situations. Minor spoilers past this sentence: it's alluded to that the Maid work that Kawakami normally involves a sexual component. It's also pointed out that Kawakami is only working as a maid because she is being extorted.

In short, the situation that Kawakami is in has a lot of parallels to the one that Ann found herself at the beginning of the game. They're both in situations where they are having to put up with an unwanted sexual situation for some kind of perceived pay off. However, the protagonist goes out of their way to help Ann immediately, but not so for Kawakami - even after learning her situation. There are some mitigating circumstances, but overall it felt like a very odd choice in such a moral game. I would like to believe that there are more reasons to this choice than Ann being presented as a naive young girl who got in over her head and Kawakami the older woman who made bad choices, but the presentation of the situation in the game doesn't appear to give any other reason for the protagonists choices.
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

The major issue with the Kawakami relationship stuff isn't the student/teacher dynamic, but the implied exploitative elements, as well as how the protagonist reacts to these situations. Minor spoilers past this sentence: it's alluded to that the Maid work that Kawakami normally involves a sexual component. It's also pointed out that Kawakami is only working as a maid because she is being extorted.

In short, the situation that Kawakami is in has a lot of parallels to the one that Ann found herself at the beginning of the game. They're both in situations where they are having to put up with an unwanted sexual situation for some kind of perceived pay off. However, the protagonist goes out of their way to help Ann immediately, but not so for Kawakami - even after learning her situation. There are some mitigating circumstances, but overall it felt like a very odd choice in such a moral game. I would like to believe that there are more reasons to this choice than Ann being presented as a naive young girl who got in over her head and Kawakami the older woman who made bad choices, but the presentation of the situation in the game doesn't appear to give any other reason for the protagonists choices.

I think it's more how the game is structured, especially with non-story confidants. With Ann, saving her is part of the story and you're not given as much free reign as the player, therefore making it more in line with what Akira (the main character's name in the P5 manga) would do naturally. With non-story confidants like Sadayo Kawakami, your forced into a 10 rank/event structure that can only be completed around game mechanics and is up to the player to choose what's a more valuable use of their limited time. Akira can't help Sadayo any faster than the game mechanics let you, the player, do it and it is not required for the game to tell the story it's trying to tell, where as you have to save Ann to continue the narrative.
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