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[WIP - Full] Virgin's Protection Magic Translation (v 0.82 released 23/07/2017)

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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

sorry for your hardship, habisain. hope you get on your feet again soon.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Go for the Patreon. Considering how much you've already done for the TL community you're pretty much a shoe-in for having Patreon money thrown at you.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Go for the Patreon. Considering how much you've already done for the TL community you're pretty much a shoe-in for having Patreon money thrown at you.

As I'm won't take money for my translations, I assume you mean a Patreon for RPGMaker Trans itself? At the very least, not yet. Doing a Patreon means that I would have obligations to my Patrons. . Until I can get the new version of RPGMaker Trans out and thus get that bug list under control, I would not be meeting those obligations, and thus I do not consider it an appropriate thing to do.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Sorry to hear about your situation, It's nice to see you have a good head on your shoulders at least.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Question though, what are the chances of you releasing what you have done up to now for VPM that way it will tie us over for a while as I assume a good bit has been translated since the previous release. I just want to get my grubby hands on it to be honest lol
But like I said it's up to you.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

I won't be releasing anything until it's gone through at least some form of QC. The translation as things stand is a mess, and will have spelling mistakes, line overflows, box overflows, partially translated scenes... the works, really. That being said, I am working in an "open-source" way, and so anyone can grab the latest unreleased patch. So, if you desperately want the latest patch:

1) Make an Assembla account, or grab a username/password from
2) Download a Mercurial client; on Windows it's probably best to get
3) Use the Mercurial client to clone the following URL:

Just be wary that it is not going to be in good shape, and I would strongly recommend everyone to wait for an actual release.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Oh if you feel it's best to wait I'll take your word for it as you're the one working on it. I'll wait. :) Keep up the great work and I hope all goes well with your employment mishaps.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

I won't be releasing anything until it's gone through at least some form of QC. The translation as things stand is a mess, and will have spelling mistakes, line overflows, box overflows, partially translated scenes... the works, really. That being said, I am working in an "open-source" way, and so anyone can grab the latest unreleased patch. So, if you desperately want the latest patch:

1) Make an Assembla account, or grab a username/password from
2) Download a Mercurial client; on Windows it's probably best to get
3) Use the Mercurial client to clone the following URL:

Just be wary that it is not going to be in good shape, and I would strongly recommend everyone to wait for an actual release.

I cant download from SVN , i cant login to assembla when i try to download your files. I tried to download by different accounts , same problem.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

I cant download from SVN , i cant login to assembla when i try to download your files. I tried to download by different accounts , same problem.

If you're trying to download from SVN, then I'm not surprised. It's a Mercurial repository, after all, and not SVN. In any case, there's no support for the Mercurial version. It's buggy and it will crash the game (now a verified fact). Stay away if possible.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Hey might have found a bug but not sure.. when I was applying the patch I clicked create patch and the game wouldn't start saying common events was missing.

I tried again without clicking that and it patched perfectly. Not sure if it was a one time thing or choosing to create a back-up patch makes the trans bug out.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Hey might have found a bug but not sure.. when I was applying the patch I clicked create patch and the game wouldn't start saying common events was missing.

I tried again without clicking that and it patched perfectly. Not sure if it was a one time thing or choosing to create a back-up patch makes the trans bug out.

You don't need to select anything from the boxes if you are just applying patches.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

noob question here then, i guess 1.1.3 patch wont work with 1.1.4 ? since said for me it was patched but all in japanese still :pPP
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

noob question here then, i guess 1.1.3 patch wont work with 1.1.4 ? since said for me it was patched but all in japanese still :pPP

It works. The only reason I can think of as to why the patching might have not worked (other than not using Habisain's translation tool) is that you've left the game folder with Japanese characters in it. Rename it to "VPM" or something like that, then patch the game.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

It works. The only reason I can think of as to why the patching might have not worked (other than not using Habisain's translation tool) is that you've left the game folder with Japanese characters in it. Rename it to "VPM" or something like that, then patch the game.

yah worked now :)
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

I've been messing around today trying to make English translation look nicely inside the UI. If you want to have this download this script file or do these changes inside your script editor.

This just changes position and space so English translation fits nicely, nothing else. I'll probably have to do the same for equipment window but I'll have to play a bit to get to the part where you're able to change equipment.

Script File for v1.1.4

Changes: Alchemy Window, Status Window, Magic Window, Combat Window, Map Name Window
Script Name: Scene_Alchemy
Line 262
Line 488
Line 671
def draw_target_item_name(item, x, y, enabled = true, width = 172+90)
Line 64 - ADD
@inventory_window.width = 270
Line 520 - ADD
r.width = 150

Script Name: Window_Base
Line 545
def draw_item_name(item, x, y, enabled = true, width = 172+70)

Script Name: Scene_Shop
Line 75
wx = @number_window.width + 40
Line 94 - ADD
@buy_window.width = 345

Script Name: Param_Extra
Line 801
SEXUALITY_DISPLAY_NAMES = [ "Lewdness", "Sex Experience", "Sexuality", "Sensuality" ]
Line 807
SEXUALITY_DISPLAY_UPDOWN_TEXT = [' increased by ',' decreased by ']

Script Name: Window_MapName
Line 22
return 240 + 120

Script Name: Window_ActorCommand
Line 21
return 128 + 45

Script Name: custom_battle
Line 221
move_info_viewport(128+45) if @party_command_window.active

Script Name: Window_SkillCommand
Line 23
return 160 + 40

Script Name: DoNothing
Line 22

Script Name: Scene_Skill
Line 41 - ADD
@status_window.width = 440
Script Name: Window_SkillStatus
Line 36
draw_actor_simple_status(@actor, 108-60, line_height / 2)

Script Name: custom_windows
Line 298
draw_text(x-25, y, 64+85, line_height, WCL::SEX_PARAM_NAMES[i+1])
Line 300
draw_text(x + 64+15, y, 72, line_height, @actor.send(sym), 2)
Line 314
draw_text(x-25, y, 64+85, line_height, WCL::SEX_PARAM_NAMES[0])
Line 316
draw_text(x + 64+15, y, 72, line_height, @actor.chastity_str, 2 )
Line 322
draw_text(x-25, y, 64+85, line_height, WCL::SEX_PARAM_NAMES[i+4])
Line 324
draw_text(x + 64+15, y, 72, line_height, @actor.send(sym), 2)
Line 335
draw_text(x-25, y, 336, line_height, WCL::Voc::Ointment_Bonus)
Line 344
draw_text(x-20, y, 336, line_height, text)

Script Name: common OPTIONAL
Line 146-154
SEX_PARAM_NAMES = [ "Chastity", # 0
"Lewdness", # 1
"Sex Experience", # 2
"Sexuality", # 3
"Hentai Lv", # 4(Read only)
"Sexual Limit", # 5(Read only)
"Sensuality", # 6]





If anyone is offended by me doing this, just say it and I'll remove the link.


Noticed a little mistake in text. Should be easily corrected using notepad.

"I need to every part of my body" should be "I need to wash every part of my body!".


Due to Habisain's request I removed the link.
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

@kR1pt0n1t3: I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a tricky situation here, because if I permit you to keep your modifications up, I'd have to forfeit my rights to ask others to take prepatched versions down (as the only tool I have to do this is the translations license, and rights under licenses are very much 'one size fits all' and 'use it or lose it'). So I fear that in order to preserve my rights for use on more egregious offenders, I have to request you take your modifications down, at least for now.

I am hoping to get RPGMaker Trans v5 released sooner or later; this will include script modification abilities, so if you agree it may be possible to incorporate the changes into the main patch (or some variation; I'm not fond of the battle edit because I think it shifts too far into Brigit's picture. Nor do I like "Observe" as a command, because observation is an active action, when the command doesn't actually do anything).

On a more positive note: Thanks on the dialogue catch!
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

@kR1pt0n1t3: I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a tricky situation here, because if I permit you to keep your modifications up, I'd have to forfeit my rights to ask others to take prepatched versions down (as the only tool I have to do this is the translations license, and rights under licenses are very much 'one size fits all' and 'use it or lose it'). So I fear that in order to preserve my rights for use on more egregious offenders, I have to request you take your modifications down, at least for now.

cant you simply make his modifications your own ?
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

cant you simply make his modifications your own ?

Technically, not yet (RPGMaker Trans doesn't support that kind of edit now). Legally, not without permission (because it would be very hypocritical of me to use licensing to enforce my rights without respecting kR1pt0n1t3's rights, as he hasn't stated his mods are public domain!).

Though to be honest, I'd lean towards a slightly more thorough redesign. kR1pt0n1t3's menus are a decent start, but still have a lot of wasted space, and as previously stated, I think the battle menu shifts too far to the right.
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

I did state multiple times that what I do and post on this forum is free for use by anyone to do whatever they want with it. I don't do partial or anything related to translation for popularity or anything of that sort. I do it so because I enjoy more playing a game I can understand. UI and basic stuff go a long way in making you understand the game better.

I removed the link for the changes.


This line is also untranslated:

な、何コレ!? 落とし穴? やだっ! お尻、すっぽりハマッちゃってるぅ~!
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Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

So I ran RPGMaker Trans, but when I started the game in the _Translated folder, it wasn't translated.

Any ideas why this might be?
Re: Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

So I ran RPGMaker Trans, but when I started the game in the _Translated folder, it wasn't translated.

Any ideas why this might be?

Without any useful info, I'm going to assume that you checked "Create patch" and started. If you did, then you shouldn't.
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