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Vilana (Stasia)

Re: Vilana (Stasia)

The nearby buildings were the remnants of what she had known as Calvin's row, Calvin being the owner of the apartment complexes she was looking at. They looked as abandoned as the rest of the city did, But Rick had told her to be careful. There was also the market district of the city nearby, a ground level main street of commercial goods ranging mostly in clothing and electronics to the east, and another residential area to the north. Choices Choices.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana decided to play it safe for her first venture out, even if she was recently equipped. She decided to head into the apartment complexes, swinging the hatchet and catching the grip. She held it at the ready, and lowered her body slightly, beginning to creep through it. She gazed around, trying to find any doors that might appear promising.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Stealth 4+1 vs 16 .... Bad luck is bad

Vilana entered the first apartment building, creeping through the hallway and looking at the ground level doors. Many of them were broken down or locked, and the complete lack of artificial lighting set everything in that same red glow that was starting to get entirely too creepy. She was shaken from her search as a shadow stepped out from a door behind her and whistled. "Well~ What have we here..." It was a man like the ones she had seen guiding the other girl she had seen on the street, and judging from his posture, he certainly didn't mean her any good. Seeing the hatched, he lowered his grip past the large knife he wore on his belt, to a whip hooked behind him, the leather uncoiling slowly. "Easy way, or hard way~" He said in an annoying sing song manner, the whip sliding along the ground as he kept it moving.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana tensed up upon hearing the voice. She turned to face the man, and instantly her eyes began to search around her, trying to find something to help her out of the situation. She took a step back, then answered in a cutsy voice, "Depends on how much you're packing, stud..." She said in a teasing voice, as she tried to piece together her environment to use to her advantage.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Skulker 15
Vilana 19
Luck: 87 >.> Holy Shit

Vilana had pissed him off, that much was apparent as the whip suddenly lashed out. Ducking to the side, Vilana barely slipped out of the path as it cracked viciously. But someone had to be watching out for her as she saw two things on the ground. One was a small case, the other was a cracked, but still intact riot shield. Many people must not have wandered through here yet, and given the time frame that wasn't surprising. The only reason she had seen it at all was because of her dodging motion to her left. Seizing the shield, Vilana found it was almost as tall as she was, and light, but it stopped that whip cold on it's next strike, and now the man was looking nervous...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana was very thankful, but also knew how to roll with the blows. Drawing upon the basic teachings from her free-running friend, she rolled onto the shield and brought it up between her and her opponent. While She was protected, she was also locked down. She peered into the case quickly, and brought the hatchet up, hidden behind the riot shield. "Seems a little limp if you ask me dear." She retorted, even as in her head she began to panic. The case may save her life, or delay the inevitable...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

She had to put down the hatchet to open the case, but it was easy to do. In that time the man had throw his whip away and drawn his knife which made a cold shiver run up Vilana's spine. Inside the case was a small gun, well cared for, the word Storm stamped along the side of the slide. The chamber indicator said it was loaded already, and there were two spare magazines in the case, each holding 12 rounds. Snatching up the gun, Vilana was no great shakes with a gun, but it was better then a hatchet against a slowly advancing man who had hate in his eyes.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes widened with the sound of the knife drawing. She reached into the case, wincing a little at the idea of shooting another human being.


Steeling her nerve, she let the riot shield drop and swung the pistol up, aiming at the man's center. "I think there's a phrase for this situation..." And then proceeded to light the man up with the pistol.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

If this was a game, it certainly didn't feel like it... The small gun let loose a small flame and a sound like god throwing thunder as the rounds tore through and around the man, who gave a startled shout and a gurgle as two hit him square in the chest, and then another. Dropping in a pool of blood, Vilana had to let her eyes adjust, the light from the shots blinding her for a moment as her ears rang, but the man was done, and judging from the lack of reaction nearby to the gun shots, as far as she could tell anyway, that for the moment she was fine.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes widened as she felt the gun recoil, and forced herself to fire the other rounds. She watched the man become obliterated by the projectiles. She blinked through the blinding light, and stared at the remains of the man.

Oh God...What...did I...Well he...Oh, God...

Vilana shook uncontrollably as she peered down at the man, and swallowed through a tightly clenched throat.

Collect the stuff, and get back... Hide the pistol, go!

Her actions followed her thoughts as quickly as they came to her, collecting the case with the pistol in it and the riot shield. She tucked the pistol into the small of her back, pinned there by the waist of her skirt, then pushed the clips down the front of her tube top. She went over to the man, scouring his pockets for anything, taking the knife and whip as well.

Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Everything was so real, so terrifyingly real for Vilana as she looked down at the body of the man, his eyes still open, bleeding onto the floor. Taking the whip and the knife, She found a few more things in his pockets, a wad of crumpled up 5 dollar bills, and a roll of black electrical tape. She had to take her eyes away from the body, she just couldn't bring herself to look at him any more, not after looting his corpse...

The rest of the apartments were open for her to search now, and there didn't seem to be anything else living on the first floor, hopefully, but there were still two others to search. What she did next was up to her.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana took what she had and ran, ran back to the supermarket. She planned on making it a short trip, and kept it pretty brief. By the time she arrived she was already heaving for breath and looking for Rick with wide eyes. Awkwardly carrying the items, if she could find him, she gave him a look and proceeded to the back room.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Rick was still on guard duty at the door, and seeing her, he looked worried, pulling up his face mask and stopping her. "We heard gun shots! Are you alright!?" He asked, grabbing her shoulders and looking her over, making sure she wasn't hurt, because her hands had gotten stained in the blood a little. Seeing her panic, he ushered her inside and straight back to the area they'd been in before, sitting her down and getting her a glass of water.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's stomach churned as she sat there, eyes wide with her collected items, save for the pistol and clips, on the table. She took the water and nodded silently in thanks, before drinking it. She sat there in silence, trying to keep her heart from beating against her sternum.

"So... this is what I found. This is why I needed a backpack you know." She said, forcing a smile. Her hand was still shaking, causing tremors in the glass of water she held.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"that was you shooting wasn't it..." Rick said quietly, urging her to finish the water and slow her breathing as he picked things over. "I can't take the shield from you in good faith, it's too useful, but these things here..." He said picking over the whip and the knife, the cash, but especially the tape.

Scooping them up, he led her to the weapon cabinet, which held a lot more then just weapons. In the case was what little ammunition they had, hanging the knife and the whip on hooks in the battered metal case as he let Vilana look inside. Inside was a backpack in olive drab green, and several odds and ends. Handing her the pack, he gestured to a slight selection of blades and a fire axe that was hanging in the corner. "Pick one, your meal for the night and a place to stay are already well paid for for now."

He seemed loathe to part with anything, but a deal was a deal, and if he had guessed right that she now had a gun, he doubted she'd part with it, most never did.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana peered into the cabinet, face still grim and out of it. "Can... can I decide tomorrow?" She asked softly, taking the backpack and sliding an arm through a loop. "I'm... really tired."
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"Ya, of course, we'll just throw it up to credit for now, you can go sleep over there" He said pointing to a cot in the corner of the room. Not much for privacy, but Vilana doubted anyone had much of that here...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana nodded, and grabbing her items, headed to the cot. She stored them on the opposite side of her, away from everyone else, and rolled over. No sooner had she slid onto her side, she was fast asleep, curled up and recuperating from day one in this bizarre world with different laws. Laws of survival.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

The sleep passes quickly, and without dreams, as if her mind was protecting her from such recent and abrasive memories for now, but somewhere, in the pit of her stomach as she awoke, Vilana knew that yesterday would haunt her later. She wanted to wake up in bed, pretend it had all been a nightmare, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself staring at the concrete wall of the employees only area. She was still here, and it was all still real... "Chows up" A voice said from behind her, Rick noticing she had woken.
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Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes opened, and she blinked, turning over. "Ah... right." She yawned and stood up, moving toward the voice. "I need a shower... bad..." She mumbled, moving to where she thought there was breakfast.