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Vilana (Stasia)

Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana managed to accomplish one of her goals with all of her thrashing... With every motion causing another bolt of pleasure to shoot up her spine, and the thing holding her refusing to give her a break as her wild thrashing became a uniform grinding and bucking as she swayed gently where she was from the light post, soon managing to twist and buck herself into a shuddering climax, and then another... The only way that Vilana could keep track of time as she was lewdly put on display for unseen eyes on the street, was by the slow burn in her own muscles as she pushed herself farther again, the heat building until.... At the height of her pleasure, just before she could reach her peak, it stopped, the threads pulling back and the sheet lowering her to the ground to release her, floating down the street without a care in the world.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes rolled upward, throwing herself into the sensations as she undulated upon the suspended sheet, letting her juices collect on the threads and fabric as she hung with attire askew on her slender frame. Her toes curled and stretched within her boots as she whine and panted, finally squealing out in intense climax. Her body was ready for more, and was obliged by the sheet, her thighs spreading more as her groans and sighs of pleasure became more vocal. The second orgasm came faster than the first, and left her body tightened up as her lips were open in silent scream. Relaxing, she hung limply in the air, panting to get back her breath, even as her nerves were set aflame, building her up again.

Ngh... h-how long will this go on?!

Her body flexed, slender abs tensing to swing her hips against the fabric, teasing every vulnerable space on her. Her nipples were sore from the squeezing of the threads, and her muscles ached from the acrobatic movement to get herself off, but it was paying off, forcing her pleasure to overtake her... Almost.

Unceremoniously dropped with clothes still pulled half way off, she blinked at the sheet, face reddened as she came to her senses. Struggling, she pulled her skirt and panties back up, and turned over onto her side and stood, peering around with panic in her gaze. Pulling her top back in place with one hand and searching for the pipe with the other, she took another look around, looking for the next goal, and keep her mind off of being short changed...
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

The pipe had landed nearby and was easily retrieved as the sheet left her there on the street in the torn city. It had become apparent that safety was fleeting if that was already abundantly clear, and now, to top everything off, she was recovering from a denied climax, and hungry... She could go anywhere in the city she wanted on foot, the entire area open to her, but the need for information was almost as powerful as the clawing in her stomach for something to eat and drink.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana winced at the sensation, holding her stomach. She knew the city kind of well, if it is modeled after the one that she was just occupying. She'd head to the nearest convenient store or supermarket that she knew of. Gripping the pipe tightly in hand, she began to walk carefully toward a store she knew of, keeping to the darker places and try to keep out of sight.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Keeping to the shadows turned out to be a wise move as she headed towards a supermarket, the obvious choice for food. Peering out from an alley as she noticed movement down the street, Vilana watched as 3 men, wearing a mix of rags and scrap metal plates, carrying an odd assortment of improvised weapons, ranging from lengths of chain to a sword that looked like it had been found in a pawn shop, skulked down the center of the street, thankfully passing her by, but with someone in tow. It was a girl, a tall, lithe redhead that Vilana had remembered seeing in the group of testers before, nude save for a thick metal collar that was padlocked in place, the smooth metal band shining like silver as she was pulled along by a length of chain that was also locked to the collar. There would be no getting her out without the key, but she held her head high regardless as the men just kept moving.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana's eyes widened as she watched the red head was pulled along by the men. She glared a little, pursing her lips. She wasn't equipped to save her, especially three versus one. She made note of which way they were going, and continued to the supermarket, more quickly. It seems it isn't just her survival she needs to worry about, but everyone else's. She power walked, trying to keep her foot falls silent as her only thought was to find food, then find a way to save the other woman.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

The men seemed to be heading to the EGG complex, and probably to that succubus who wouldn't be all that happy to see her. As she moved through the decimated city, she found it odd that what was hanging in the sky wasn't the moon, but the sun... Blood red, it had finally struck her as she walked into the street and into sight of the supermarket proper. It was almost midday. The supermarket was as bad off as everywhere else, but seemed to have people there, two guards standing at the doors and leering at her through facemasks and holding baseball bats. "Oi! What do you want?" One called out.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana blinked as she looked at the men.

Of course, everyone would be there...

She gazed around, seeing if they were the only two there. "Ah... Just wanted some food..." She said, unsure of what to exactly say, especially meeting beings that werent overtly violent or sexually enraged. "Hows this work, hnn?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side with a cutesy voice. It's worth a shot.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"How does what work? It's a store, we sell everything we can salvage, and buy the same, although most sell their salvage in exchange for a safe place to sleep. You knew here Kiddo?" The other man asked, pulling up his face mask, revealing a bald head with some rather severe scarring on the left side of his face. "Come on in before skulkers get you, or the demons." He said stepping aside and opening the door.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana regarded him warily, noticing the scar. She pursed her lips to the side, then nodded. "Alright, but the pipe comes with me." She retorted with some attitude, then darted into the place. She looked around quickly, to size up the situation.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana probably felt goofy and only a little embarrassed as she looked around the super market, and the collection of people there, ranging from the young to the elderly, all staring at her like she was insane, a small boy running up to tug at her skirt. "Do you have anything to eat big sis?" He asked, smiling.

The guard that had let her in shooed him away and gently touched Vilana on the shoulder. "This way" He said leading her towards the back of the store. The employees only area didn't even have doors anymore, and most of the food on the shelves was replaced with an odd assortment of canned goods, scrap metal, and other odds and ends. Sitting down at a table, the scarred man, gestured for her to sit across from him while he waved someone over, bringing mashed potatoes that were still hot, and tomato soup for both of them. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you have No idea what's going on her. I'm Rick" He said smiling.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana did indeed feel like the oddball, rushing in with animal instinct to react instantly. She spun the pipe onto her shoulder, craddling it with one hand as she looked down at the child. "Ah-" But before she could respond, the guard had guided the kid away. She looked around, pursing her lips as she felt a pang of guilt; she was so focused on her own survival, she didn't pause to consider there might be others who are trying to do the same.

Strolling along and forcing her usual cocky grin upon her lips, she followed the guard to the back of the room, her large flashy boots clomping with a little more presence than earlier. Thank goodness, her body was tight from trying to control the overly-large boots, and she could use a break. She tapped the pipe on her shoulder, nodding. "You got that right Rick... I'm Vilana... do you mind clueing me in? Last I remember this city was the complete opposite of all of this..." She gestures with a waggle of the pipe behind her.

If this is still a simulator, it's pretty damn convincing... I hope.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Rick sighed softly, eyeing her for a moment. "It's been 3 weeks. Something struck the moon, which is a shattered orbiting mess right now, and we all watched as other fragments of whatever it was rained down on most of one hemisphere of the planet. That's all interesting on it's own, but you probably want to know how you missed out. When the pieces struck the planet, they realised high altitude emp's like nuclear explosions and fried all of the electronics, which sealed you in your pod. You're not the first to get out of that building... Anyway, we went to look at the fragments and found red stones the size of our heads, spewing sulfur and carrying passengers, demons, and... something else, and everything slowly got worse. That's the short version, if you can get to the military outpost, which is in ruins in the center of the city, you might get lucky and find one of the original debriefs."

Rick stayed quiet after that, eating slowly and gauging her reaction, wondering and suspicious of her at the same time.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana blinked her eyes. "So... from what I got, something hit the moon, blew up our computers, and stole people... is that about right?" She was never the brightest crayon in the box, and her blank stare from the jargon seemed to confirm it. "I'm just here for some food... Is there anything you need help with in return?" She said plainly, tapping the pipe on her shoulder again.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

"Ya... That about covers it..." Rick said starting to chuckle. "As for what we need, we need salvage pretty badly, real weapons we have, but what most don't know, even here, is that we don't have fuck all in the way of ammunition. I know there's a lot of salvage to be had in the surrounding apartments, but there are hellhounds and other things lurking in those buildings. Bring us anything we can actually use, and we'll keep you fed with somewhere to stay and sleep." He said smiling before waving over another meal for Vilana. "This one's on the house. Welcome to New Moscow"
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana nodded as though concluding the story telling, then tapped on her shoulder a little with her current weapon. "Do you have something better than this?" She inquired, tilting her head to look at the pipe out of the corner of her eye. Of course, those eyes then turned to the meal presented, and grew wide. The clench of her stomach brought back the painful reminder of hunger, and she tried to keep herself from drooling at the sight.

She also tried to keep from fully scarfing down the meal. She wasn't one for manners, but looking like a barbarian wasn't high on her list. She half-succeeded, mostly from the inability to swallow the bites she had taken initially.

"Gear me up and I'll go on out!"
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Rick chuckled as Vilana destroyed her meal like someone who hadn't eaten in quite awhile, and if his story was to be believed, it had been. Nodding, he wandered to a locked cabinet, arguing with the guard near it for a moment about something she couldn't hear, before coming back. "This is what we can spare at the moment." He said laying a hatchet down next to her. O! And if you can find it, keep your eyes out for this." He said showing her a small piece of blue metal from his pocket, it was in the shape of a small coin.

"The first one you find is always yours, if you do find one, put it on the blade of that hatchet and watch. You're free to move around, just follow common sense and you should have no problems."
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana swallows the last bit of her meal, and seems lethargic, then peers down at the hatchet, then to the blue coin. She tosses the pipe aside and picks up the small axe, swallowing. "g-geez..." She was used to being on the wrong side of the law, but splitting heads with this? This is an extreme she's not used to. She swallows, then looks back to the coin. "What is that? and... can I get a backpack or something?" She asks, with a pleading look. "Can't bring much back if I'm carrying it by hand." She relaxes back, trying to turn on the charm. "And if you could spare a belt hook for this thing, and maybe some string, I'd be really happy..."
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Rick raised his eyebrows at the additional requests, but sighed and pulled some twine from a pouch on his own belt, cutting a strand long enough to let her carry the hatchet from her wrist if she had to. "The other things require trade, can't have a new asset just wandering off, Best of luck." He said wandering off to continue doing his job.
Re: Vilana (Stasia)

Vilana purses her lips, and gives a 'tch.' sucking her teeth. She narrowed her eyes. As much as she loathed the authority this guy had, he also had steady food and shelter, something she much needed. Tying the small axe to her wrist so it wouldn't be so easy to lose, she gets up and begins to head out. The hatchet proved lighter than the pipe as it dangled from her hand, and as she stepped outside of the supermarket, she began to size up the nearby buildings.

I still need to rescue that girl... I'll ask more about that building when I get back...